May 2001 - September 2001

Hey Chris. Now that's summer is over, I'm working SO much to save money for school. And I know I am not coming here as often as I used to. I still do my best to stop by every day. I just want you to know that I still think of you every single day. I was talking today about my aunt who has cancer. She's getting really bad. They say maybe another 2 months for her. I keep thinking that as sad as it is, at least we all have time so somewhat prepare. When we lost you, no one got to say goodbye. Please watch over my aunt, and help her, so that when her time comes, she can go peacfully. I love you Chris...God bless,
Tracy <>

Today's art, (9/6/01) is a picture of the bicycle still life Chris did in 1999 that was thrown away. I'm glad we have the picture. The photo was taken on the first day of Fourth grade 1993.

Last night was our Compassionate Friends meeting. There was a man there who had lost a younger brother at 19 when he was 21. This same man then lost a son two years ago at 18. He said he said to his only remaining child, another son, that he'd been there, he could relate. He said he knew what it was like to lose a brother. He said his son replied that he DID NOT know how he was feeling because he had had other siblings....he said his son said I am now alone. He also said you only have maybe thirty years to live without him....I have about sixty. My heart broke again for Adam. The same circumstances apply. My hope is he will find a girl from a BIG family and they will make him part of it.

A very common saying among parents of dead children is, "I don't get it, I'll never get it, it makes no sense." I can't tell you how many times I heard that last night.....I've said it myself many, many makes NO sense.
Fran Kempa

Today's art, (9/5/01), is a picture Chris took of Jen Gosset in 1999, early Sophomore year. He was taking a photo class at the time. As you can see, his talents weren't limited to drawing, he was VERY talented behind the camera, be it still or video.....he was VERY VISUAL. This is my favorite of all the pictures he took for that class.

The picture was taken during the same time period.....early 1999. That's him in the Art room. As you can see there is a wheel of a bike in the back ground. Chris did a BEAUTIFUL pencil on paper drawing of part of that bike. MOST UNFORTUNATLY, Mr. Rheault had that drawing along with many other students in a tube in the Art room awaiting an Art show. There was a new maintainance man on duty at the time, he thought the tube was GARBAGE and THREW IT OUT!! At the time, when Mr. Rheault gently broke the news to us I thought, "Oh well, he can just draw it again." Never dreaming he'd be long gone by now. LUCKILY we do have a photo of that drawing which Adam will put up tomorrow.
Fran Kempa

When I saw this, I thought it fit well.

How Could You Do This?

by Michelle Cohen

This poem was inspired by the death of my beloved son, Dave Jr., who only lived to be three and half years old. I have a lot of questions for the man who killed him, but I am not allowed to speak to him right now due to the courts.

I think back to that dreaded night
I wonder how could You make such a deadly mistake.
Do you know what you stole From our Family?
A Child that had not reached His full potential.
You stole a child That was Loved by All.
You broke the Hearts Of all who knew him.
You took an innocent Child And stole him from
His parents, sisters, aunts, uncles,
Cousins, grandparents, great grandparents,
Great aunts and uncles, and friends.
You took an innocent Child Away from his mama.
You took a father’s son.
You took a brother's brother.
You took a grandparent’s grandchild.
You took an Aunt and Uncle’s nephew.
You took a cousin’s cousin.
You took a friend’s friend.
Do you live with this everyday?
Do you think about the pain You have created?
When you are awake
Do you think about what you Took from Us?
As you lay asleep
Do you dream
About the Tragic Death
Of My Beloved Son?

A Friend <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

....And thou art dead, as young and fair as aught of mortal birth and form so soft, and charms so rare. Too soon returned to earth.....
Lord Byron 1824

I picked my year book up from Franklin today. I picked up Dawn's too. I was very happy to see they had included his picture among the Juniors as well as the Memorial page. I don't know why, but I thought they wouldn't......he wasn't a Junior very long. I saw Lisa Gibson and Andrew Schinsky in the Art class I barged in on. Chris Masters was very kind and talked to me for a long time. I talked to Mr. Rheault for a while. It was good to see him again and to be in the Art room. I did so miss seeing Chris.

After I left Franklin I went to the cemetary, sat under the willow and looked at the year book.....kind of like looking at it together. Today is play try outs! Chris would have been there! I don't think he would have tried out though, just hung out with everyone and rooted them on. He would still do camera crew.....he'd be waiting for this spring and GREASE! His FAVORITE musical.

I can't help feeling there is SO MUCH I'm missing out on because I am. I say I'm missing out on because I truly HOPE Chris doesn't miss any of this at all! I hope he's happy NOT to be a Senior. I just hope he's so happy.......
Fran Kempa

Nice work Adam on the lego moasic...It's amazing....And it looks great...Maybe Chris guided you through it..I'm sure he helped more then we could imagine..Great job once again....

I still have the pictures you drew;
pictures we took of you,
even the life we had together.

Things changed like the weather, so cold...
Why did you leave?
I'll never understand.

Our life together was not a waste,
I still remember so much.
The good and the bad both, I can't forget.....
We loved each other so much.
I remember we said we would ALWAYS be together.

What went wrong?
I won't know...
I will remember you today,
tomorrow and forever.


That IS!!!!! the face of an ANGEL!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <oooooooooooooo>

Today's art (9/4/01), wasn't done by Chris but by Adam. It's the lego mosaic he made in January, in loving memory of Chris. No one knows quite how he did it.....not even Adam! Today's picture was taken on May 5,1993, end of third grade. The class went to Greenmead Historical Village in Livonia for one day.....The one room school house. They had to dress in clothing that resembled the way kids would dress in 1893. It is the picture Adam used to make the Lego mosaic. It was taken by his teacher Ms. Copeland.......Tell me that isn't the face of an angel!!

This writing was done on that day, May 5, 1993. I guess the kids were asked to sum up their day.


Well it all started when it was munday. I thout I would never get drity but jerry was it and he was chasing me he triped and fell on me. I get drit on his shrit and panes I'll never play tag a gen in the mud. I thout they did not have lights but they had them in the one room house. Yes, I would have liked to live in the 1800s. because there was no palushin and if you had a older frend in a difert grade and your in the same room.
Fran Kempa

It took a while. For me to write. Tonight is the first night I've been on the guest book sence I wrote you last. I still look at the art work, and the memorys taken by a camera. I'm missing you very much now. This are getting lonely, and stressfull. I bet you'd know what to do. I know you're watching out for me, and I bet you know whats been on my mind. I know you would help if you were hear. Chris, you were always a good listener. I have to write a short story in creative writeing class. I don't know of what yet, but this class has made me think about you non stop. You would like it. I know you would. You were laways creative when is came to writeing. It always made me think. Your wounderful. thanks,
Scott Allen

Tears fall from my eyes
As softly the memories flow
With tears, salty on my tongue.
I miss you so.

Tomorrow is frightening
except for the thought
Of seeing you again,
Another time, another place.

I hear your voice,
In my dreams you come.
We talk and laugh
About silly, important things.

Each day without you is less;
Less bright, less full....less.
I feel your love with me,
Yet I want you to hold.

Faith in God eases the pain
For moments, sometimes days.
Still I cry, but not for you,
For the loss I feel in me.


Today's art (9/3/01)....Adam forgot to change the date....I don't know much about. I'm not sure when or why he did it but it's obviously a self portrait. The picture was taken in the Franklin art room. He's working on his Mirrors portrait 1999, so late Freshman or early Sophomore year. This was his favorite self portrait....the one from time to time he would ask if we could get it framed and I'd say "someday" or "soon." It's the portrait we had framed AFTER he was killed. It now hangs on a wall between the dining room and kitchen. I hope he's happy we finally had it framed. I think he is!
Fran Kempa

i remember that neclace he keppt it on with a paperclip!! just like chris. school just ISNT the same i miss his smile and our talks and lunches in the art room....which isnt the same either! he was the spark
M.D. <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>

Hi chris, so much crazy-ness has been going on. Both of my sisters are pregnent. I am worried for both of them because it's both there first child and my other sister had a one die earlier this year. Everything is happening so fast. In a few weeks it will be mybirthday which then I was going to take you to the Renn festival for the weekend (if you could go) I'll keep you in my thoughts while I'm there. It still seems it didn't happen like I'm in college now and your still out at franklin drawing and snapping away at photos and pictures. Take care and I miss you. Laura

Today's art (9/2/01) is another of my many favorites. It is marker on paper and was done in 1999, late Freshman, or early Sophomore year. It is now framed and on our mantle along with many other Chris things.

Today's picture was taken exactly one year ago today. It was taken at the luncheon following Grandma Kempa's funeral. The boys had already changed out of their dress clothes and were just about ready to leave for a solo trip back to Detroit. They had come together in Adam's car in order to leave one day before us. They had a WEEZER concert to go to! After they left, I worried the whole time. I couldn't relax until we heard from them that evening. I never worried for one minute the morning of 11/20/00 about Chris walking to school.

As you can see in the photo, Chris has on the necklace Ginny made for him in July when he went to Casey's cottage. He never took it off. Same with the bracelet. He was wearing them on 11/20/00, they cut them off in the ER for us. Adam has the necklace and Dad has the bracelet. We'd all much rather have him. I can't begin to explain how much I miss him and all that could have been.
Fran Kempa

Adam worked all day today (9/1/01) then had band practice. I told him to just change the date for today.

The ladybugs are starting to come in the house again this year. Last year at this time and well into the fall, the house was full of ladybugs. At first Chris was not too pleased with having so many inside. I told him, "Oh Chris, that's a good thing. Having ladybugs in your house is a sign of good luck!" He didn't mind after that, he even talked to them. "Do you really bring good luck?" I heard him say to one about a month before he was killed......I don't believe in ladybugs or luck any more.

Special thanks to Chris Masters for linking this page to the Franklin Players page.( THANK YOU Chris!!

Tomorrow I'm having Adam put up a picture that was taken one year ago. It became the last picture EVER taken of the four of us. The last picture as a complete family.
Fran Kempa

Hi Chris: I just wanted to ask you to watch over Dana Palumbo who is in heaven with you now. She is a 17 year old from our town in Clarence, New York. She died on Wednesday, in a horrible car accident. I hope she is with you and all the other young people that God called to Heaven so early in their life. I hope you are happy Chris, and watching over your family. We love you! Uncle Bill, Aunt JoAnne and cousin Billy.
JoAnne <>

This was printed in our Compassionate Friends newsletter this month. When I saw todays's picture I thought the two would go perfectly together!


On the beach, cool breezes blow across the water, but the sun's rays feel warm upon my face. The ocean laps gently at the shore. One golden haired lad I spy with shovel and pail filling the moat around his lovingly constructed sand castle.

I remember another golden haired boy of years long past, in his bright red swim suit, busy at his task and oblivious to all around him. Carefully, patiently he fills and empties his pail again and again - molding and shaping the sand until he has it just right, until his perfect castle is completed. He runs to me, eyes aglow with pride, his dimpled smile stretched from ear to ear. He dances around me. "Mommy, come see - it's finished - it's perfect." We stand and admire it together - one bucket of sand turned down, a tiny trench encircling it. To us, it is a perfect castle.

But then it happens. A wave much bigger than the rest, washes away his labor of love. His green eyes fill, his lip quivers momentarily and then he squares his shoulders and announces, "Oh well, I'll begin again tomorrow."

And now, recalling that other sunny day, my own eyes brimming with tears, my own lip quivers until I remember that I too, can square my shoulders and begin again tomorrow.
Betty Stevens <TCF, Baltimore, Md.>

Causing Harm Results In Sorrow Thank you for the bumper stickers and pin. Let's get that important message out everywhere!!!!!!
Cathie Vyse <wysetalk@aol>

Today's art (8/31/01) was done in spring of 1993, third grade. I know it's from third grade because you can see the #11 in the upper right third grade he was #11, in fourth grade he was #18...strange system but I guess it worked. The photo was taken in late August 1997, one of the last moments on the beach together. I still have MANY more beach pictures but I think for September I'll have Adam put up school pictures.
Fran Kempa

Hey Chris, thanks for helping me out yesterday, I was having a bad day, and I took a walk and saw not one but two butterflies following me the whole time! It made me feel not so alone, and it made me feel like you wern't so alone! I can only wonder who you were flying with... much love...
A Friend <*~~*>

Hey Chris. Well another year of school. It's just not the same without. It's weird because this semester I have Drama during 5th hour with one of our friends, Chris Master, and all i could do is think about how much FUN Radio & Tv was last year when you were here...but when you left us the fun just stoped...for me. You and i did so many assignments together cause we both knew that no matter how good or crapy our script was, we always had fun. Every time i walk into room 508 i always have a flash back to 5th hour Radio & Tv, the good and the bad. I don't know how i'm going to make it through my senior year without you. We've always had a class together and even if we didn't you would always walk into my class and talk to me for a cupple of minutes(that's when you weren't busy in your other class). For everybody that knew you, this year will never be the same. Every time we walk into FHS we always take in a piece of you and remember the great times that we've had. I still try to hold back the tears, but sometimes i just have to let my emotions out...and that helps. I miss you so much Chris, I will never forget you. I love you kiddo! Love, Katie
Kate B.

Today's art (8/30/01) is again taken from the California report from 1994. Chris drew this to introduce the LANDFORMS portion of the report. The picture was taken in late August 1992. That's Adam and Chris in downtown Lexington. This writing is dated 2/93. It's very short but very me, Chris never quite got Math!


Multiplication is times. I don't really know what it is times.

Today at work EVERY non-work related conversation among my co workers was about back to school as it should have been. YOU have NO IDEA how BADLY I wanted to join in and say, "Well, you know Chris and Adam are both Seniors this year, one in High school, the other in College...." As a result of 11/20/00 neither one of them is. At least Adam will be one day.
Fran Kempa

Just wanted to say that the memorial page in the year book is a sad yet beatuiful reminder of such a young,tallented person who was taken way too soon..Hang in their Mrs Kempa and Chris keep watching out for her and the rest of your family. With school starting again their having a hard time.
Someone who cares

Hi Mom, I've been sitting here awhile reading through everbody's notes on the site. I just wanted to tell you that as rough as it will be to go get that yearbook, go and know that I (and I'm sure so many others)are with you, not in person but in spirit and we are holding on very tight to you! I am sure that Chris is too! I agree with you, that writing on this site stinks! I want Chris to still be that nice young man who always asks if I want paper or plastic. I want to bump into him at Entertainment Tonite. I want to laugh when he says he hates the bands my daughter likes or they like the same ones. I wish I never had to know that this website existed! I want to not HAVE to visit this site every day and wish that God didn't need Chris up with Him so bad that he took him this young. After reading more of his thoughts, I want him to be there still laughing at the Blue Jays practicing in the park, silly football players! I want God to say He made a mistake and rewind us to last November 20. I think it hurts so much now because school's back in and it's getting so close to the one year anniversary. I LOVE that someday though I will get to meet Chris in heaven. Take care, Mom and remember my heart is always with you wherever you are and you never hurt alone!
Cathie Vyse <wysetalk@aol>

Chris, I think of you often and still try to find the reason why you were taken form us, all of us. I know you are living it up in heaven, painting the sky with all your glory. We were never close but the times I did spend with you back when and when I did see you after that I knew that you cared, I knew that you had a heart of gold and always will. Dealing with the death of Chris gets a little easier every day, but he will never be forgotten. I don't live in livonia, but when I do drive through and go by the memorial, I always stop and say a prayer and look in amazement at all the people who love you and all you acomplished in you life.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* <*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*>

It was weird to see this year that I knew the kid in the memorial page in the yearbook, I hope this year there will not have to be one...I miss ya kid! School just isn't the same.
Janine <>

Today's picture was taken in late August 1996. That's Chris, Brad Sandulowich, and Adam.

This writing is dated 3/3/93, third grade. It's titled, DON'T SMOKE!.

If you smoke a lot your fingers and were teeth turn yelow and smoking makes your lugs turn all black. It can kill you! DON'T SMOKE!

Yesterday Chris received two pieces of mail from CCS. It is now called Collrge for Creative Studies. I didn't know that since we've had no reason to go there this year. I couldn't bring myself to go to Franklin today. Part of me wants to see the year book very badly and another part of me does not. I was told there would be a memorial page and I don't know if I'm ready to see that. I'd much rather see pictures of an alive, beautiful Chris in the art room, working on his latest piece like in last year's book. I'm on vacation next week......maybe I'll pick it up then.
Fran Kempa

I know it's been a while since I said anything, but I do still think of you each and every day. I still miss you SO much, Chris. all my love,
Tracy <>

Today's art (8/28/01) is again taken from the CALIFORNIA HERE WE COME report from 1994. This was the picture Chris drew to introduce the CLIMATE portion of the report. The photo was taken in late August 1993. Even rainy days were fun at the beach!

I haven't put a writing here in a while. This is dated 10/8/92, early third grade.

yesterday we oberved (Observed) earthworms. This is what I saw.....but I was not there I had to go to the dantst (dentist) and then I want (went) home and wacks (watched) TV and then I had a good time that day!

When I got home from work today there was a message for me telling me the Franklin 2001 year book is ready to be picked up. I can pick MINE up tomorrow at 1:30. How I WISH I was going to pick up Chris'.
Fran Kempa

i got tears today sitting in the art room. i miss you chris.
. <.>

Today's art is taken from a report Chris did at the end of fourth grade (1994). Each student was assigned a state. Chris was assigned California. He titled his report, CALIFORNIA HERE WE COME. The report had to contain information on landforms, bodies of water, climate, natural resources etc. The drawing is from the section about history, he depicted the Gold Rush. The photo was taken in late August 1997. That's Chris, Charlie and me.

I would give ANYTHING to be sitting here talking to Chris about how his day went. He'd have a feel for his classes and teachers and would definatly be talking to me about everything! Instead, I'm sitting here typing and talking to a few of his friends about how their day went. I miss him MORE EVERY day! This web page has been theuraputic. I feel like I'm telling (and showing) the story of his MUCH TOO SHORT, but mostly WONDERFUL life! Doing this has jarred some BEAUTIFUL memories!
Fran Kempa

There was one Franklin Senior sadly missing today......
A Franklin Junior

How I WISH I was steering Chris toward sleep right now....He'd be the one on the computer IMing all his friends and SO EXCITED to be a Senior! He would have asked my advice on his 1st day back to school outfit and we would be making sure everything was in order. He LOVED school once he got to Franklin. He absolutly thrived there! Instead we got his memorial ready for back to school...certainly not quite the same.
Fran Kempa

I would like to say thankyou to the kempa.s for the drawing. It means alot to me. Also I'm really exited because for my first college project I have to use a portrait of someone and make it with my features then write about the person who drew it. I was happy and my first thought was to do it on chris because it would let me have a chance to creativly look at his artwork deeper. And otherwise. I can say that my drawing/painting will not be as good as yours chris. I miss you and keep smiling because it makes others smile too.. or think your crazy.
Laura <Laura916@aol., Laura153@msn.>

WOW!! seeing the pictures today just makes me miss him MORE he was SO cute! love the memorial!
Me <~`~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

Today's pictures, (8/26/01) were taken just ONE YEAR AGO today at my parent's 50th wedding anniversary party. He was SO FULL OF LIFE!!.....with less than 3 months to live. The first picture is of me and my wonderful sons. I was SO PROUD of them that day. I received MANY compliments about what GREAT young men they had become and I very proudly agreed. The second picture is Chris dancing with Aunt Molly. No one was eager to dance....the men in the family aren't avid dancers...but Molly wanted to badly and Chris was the one who agreed....that was Chris! The third picture is Adam, Chris, Cousin Billy and Aunt Kathy's grandson / Cousin Kelly's son Bradley from North Carolina. It had been YEARS since ALL the cousins had been together at one time....and now they never can be again. The tie Chris is wearing was his favorite. He wore it to every special occassion including all three Homecomings. We thought it should be the one he was buried in and he was.
Fran Kempa

[Oops, sorry that previous message looks so jumbled. Looks like none of the paragraph breaks worked.]
Krissy <>

Hello, all - my name is Krissy. I came here via the link on my friend Sara's site, located at After paging through the archives of this guestbook here, I thought I would share my experience with all of the students who knew Chris. In one year, at my high school, 8 people died. EIGHT high school kids. Several of them were in my class ['98], and 4 of them were personal friends of mine. It's so hard to go to classes you knew that they enjoyed [for me, it was band and choir], and even going by their old locker will choke you up sometimes. I know exactly how you're feeling. I'm sure Chris would have had a call his senior year - however, it appears that God had a different plan in store. You know how it is - you think that the person you're dating is "the one", then you break up and someone even better comes along? Well, this earth was great, but God's up and swept him up to an even better place, with no pain, tears, or sorrow. Just pure bliss and peace. I don't know about you, but I can't WAIT to go. And maybe I'll get to meet Chris, this wonderful boy I never got to meet. I want to share with you a poem that a father wrote after his son died. He was my neighbor, and he would have graduated in 1999. "My plan as time moves on is to be with you as the class of '99 passes on. For if you feel as I draw near, you can begin to recieve what I held dear. I will give in every way, to help meet your challenges in a Spiritual way. You must believe as I do still, that it is the spirit that motivates and drives the will. And when you glance at friends on graduation day, may you be comforted to know that I've helped. And remember that I'm here and plan to stay, to carry out God's will every day." --In Memory of Jim Dorman 3/26/81 - 1/3/97 If there is anything I can do, please e-mail me. Again, I've been there.
Krissy <>

It took nine months and four days but it finally happened. One of the moments I'd been dreading since Nov. 20th, 2000. I worked a double Friday and part way into a triple. They found someone to relieve me. She was a nurse from another facility whom I'd never met. After I gave report she started to make small talk and asked, "So, do you have any children?" My heart sank, I was caught off guard, I had been working for 18 hours, I was tired and I lost it. I told her through tears I have two boys, My oldest is 21 and a student at Wayne State, My youngest is 17 and an angel in heaven, killed at 16, 9 months ago. She knew exactly what I meant. She said she lost her favorite sister in a car accident 23 years ago. She said it's a wound that never heals and you'll never get over it. She said she'll never forget her mother's reaction to the news in the hospital ER. I said I'd never get over seeing my youngest son dead on a gurney and his big brother's reaction to the news in the ER. NO Mother should ever have to see that.
Fran Kempa

I will be thinking of you today with tiny tear drops and remembering smiles.... miss u kempa...

Today's art (8/24/01) is from a book Chris wrote and illustrated in third grade, 1993. The name of the book is FRECKLE POX and it is 16 pages long! It is all very carefully hand printed but it is too long to put here.

The photo was taken in late August 1992. Chris had found a praying mantis on the beach and decided to build it a "habitat."
Fran Kempa

i apologize for the recent problems with the server. There shouldn't be any more problems. Ill email adam with a phone number to reach me at in case he runs into problems.

Due to another server problem we were unable to change the art or photo for today, 8/23/01. We HOPE everything will be working tomorrow.
Fran Kempa

Just want to say thank you to Jason Woodward for the Chris Sticker for my car and thank you to the Kempas for making them.....I know the stickers were made at a horrible expence but maybe just maybe the message of them will come through......Thanks Jason and GodBless you Mr and Mrs Kempa and Adam keep trying to smile..
Christina <>

The mention of my child's name
may bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring music to my ears.
If you really are my friend,
Let me hear the beautiful music
Of his name
It soothes my broken heart
And sings to my soul.


To the living, I am gone.
To the sorrowful, I will never return.
To the angry, I was cheated.
But to the happy, I am at peace.
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I can not speak, but I can listen.
I can not be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon the shore
Gazing at the beautiful sea,
Remember me.
As you look in awe at the mighty forest
And it's grand majesty
Remember me.
Remember me in your hearts
In your thoughts,
And in the memories of the times we loved.
The times we cried
And the times we laughed.
For if you always think of me,
I will have never gone.


Today's art (8/22/01) is part of a packet from preschool at Jackson Center. The packet is called, "ALL ABOUT ME." The drawing is labeled "SELF PORTRAIT" and is dated Sept. 1987. The characters are labeled from left to right, Chris, Mom, and Gramma. The picture was taken in late August, 1991.

The writing is from the ALL ABOUT ME packet. There were questions asked of the children and the teachers wrote the answers.

My birthday is:6/10/84
I weigh 44 pounds.
I am 3 feet, 7 1/2 inches tall.
My eyes are blue.
My hair is blonde and brown.
My favorite color is : purple
My favorite food is: Macaroni, meatloaf and sandwiches.
My favorite toy is: Race cars
My favorite animal is: Blow up dolphin, Russell and Dusty my kittys.
My favorite song is: Fat song ,Pepsi song (I'm Bad) Michael Jackson
My favorite story is: Raffi Baby Beluga Book
The color of my bedroom is: White walls, rainbow wallpaper, bed, green and brown
I have 1 brother.

Fran Kempa

chris-i miss you so much.....i cant believe that me and you would have been seniors together in the career center, do you remember when you used to say that you would drive us there for our senior year? i know i will get a ride from someone but i just wish it was you. i still ask god why and still sometimes say that i am going to call you or that i cant wait to show you something new that i just got,.........and then i sit back,........and realize that you arent here to share the joy with me. and i hate it so much. why cant i just face the fact that youre gone? its like i still dont believe it after so long. i cant get the message of your not being here to my head. mrs kempa? will we still get together? i was going to call you the other day but i just some how didnt feel good about it, like........i had the phone in my hand but i just couldnt bring myself to dial the numbers. we WILL get together some day. soon! i love you both: chris, and mrs. kempa!! you both mean so much to me!! love.......moriah
punk rocker <nixon>

Today's art (8/21/01) was signed as you can see. I even dated it. In pencil I wrote, "1st day of Kindergarten Sept. 7, 1989. I can't believe how much stuff I saved over the years.....almost like I knew....but I knew he'd be a famous artist some day and I saved it all to tease him as a grown up and to show my grand children some of their Dad's early works....that's why I saved it. The picture was taken in late August 1991.

This writing was done in third grade I believe but it's not dated so '93,'94. It's a piece they had to do to best describe themselves.


Tall Nice
Drawing Running Playing
Loves to draw pictures

Fran Kempa

Today is one of those "Chris Should be" days that I can't pull myself out of.....right now, he should be savoring the moment....his first day as an official Senior! He COULDN'T wait for Senior year. We should be sitting around the kitchen counter, looking at his schedule ,and talking about his hopes and goals for this most important of the first of many in his life.

Instead, I continue to type memories on a computer screen nine months from the day he was killed. I will ALWAYS hate that.
Fran Kempa

I missed you at school today chris~~~~I almost looked for you! We'd be seniors today! you thought that would be so cool and it would have been. I miss you~~~~I love you~~~~~I'll NEVER forget you!
You Know Who <****************>

it's hard to believe that only nine months have past since Chris died. It feels like an eternity. For some reason, I feel so much older now, than I did before. I feel like I'm understanding a little better, and living a little more than i used to...Only nine months, and it seems like I've lived years. It's so hard to believe that, that much time has past because, I can still remember every word of every conversation that I had that day. And I relive the emotions that I felt, and I can still feel them running through me all the time. They say that you remember better when the memory was emotional for you, and they're right. I seem to remember the most unusual things from that day. I can still see what I saw that day in my mind, even simple things, like opening doors, and sitting in chairs..I remember it all, and I'll never forget it.
~*~ <~*~>

I found this poem on line. It reminded me of the Memorial.

Candles flame in darkness,
flicker, steadily glow,
bringing light from shadows,
and help to soothe me so.

My daughter like the candles,
gave my life true light.
I use the candles beacon
to connect us in the night.

As I light the candles,
my wish and my request
Is that she'll see my signal,
and know my love's expressed.

As her light joins my lights,
our worlds touch and flame.
As I snuff out the candles,
I softly say her name.


Good point...I've often wonderd that myself.
me <=>

~~~~~~He can run, but he can't hide~~~~~And if he has nothing to hide~~~~why's he running???
Proud To Be A Member Of <"The Cult">

Oh man! Grant! I remember those days! I'm a grade behind Chris and I always knew who he was and looked up to him. I never thought I would get to be friends with him though. I'm glad that I had that for a short time. I miss you Chris. I hope to see you again one day. Love Always
a friend

Today's art (8/19/01), was done as the cover for a report on articles in the newspapers about different levels of government....federal, state, city etc. It was done in Oct. 1993, early fourth grade. Dispite the wonderful picture of the White House, Mr. Backiel was unimpressed....he gave him a D+ on the report! Good old Grant Elementry!....but that's a whole other story....

The picture was taken in late Auguat 1994. That's Chris eating his Wimpy's burger before we went home and back to reality.

This writing is from the OWL JOURNAL and is dated 1/20/93, third grade. It even has a title.


Bill Clinton is or president of United states of America. He going to live in the withe house. And he plays The sacsapone and he left hand.
Fran Kempa

......he would have been the best president...he couldve done ANYTHING he wanted to That's how wonderful he was.

Hey Chris Just sayin hi. I hope you can help me with something big,I really need your help.Due to my dad's broken foot he hasn't worked in 3 weeks their for he hasn't gotten a check in that long atleast,so the money situation here is really bad. I need you to somehow find a way to help us. Were not doing so good right now.Please help us Chris thanks kid.........

Chris, I just want to thank you for being you. I thank God everyday for the time I was able to spend with you, short though it was. You really did change my life, even before you died. I miss you.

Today's art (8/18/01) was drawn in November, 1992 during election time. They were to draw a magazine cover featuring them as the new president, and on the back they were to tell what they'd do for the country, what changes they'd make and what laws they'd pass. This is what Chris wrote.

I would save the rainforist if they cut down threes (trees) they will be behind bras (bars) we have to save the wetlands. and this will be the law can't cut threes down in the rainforest. and peple can't take Drugs just if there sik. and I will help the peer (poor) than they will have a lot of mony.

The picture was taken in 1997 at the cottage. We have many pictures from 1990 and many from 1997 but not many from the years in between.
Fran Kempa

Today's art (8/17/01) is from the cover of a report Chris did on the Creek Indians. It was done in 1995, fifth grade. The picture was taken in late August 1991 on the beach.

This writing is from the OWL JOURNAL and was written in January 1993.


I saw the bills game and that day they wun it I was happy that they one it. I went to the mall in Bufflo and I get a bills pillow also a bills short (shirt)I saw a lot of relatives and had a good time in Bufflo.
Fran Kempa <>


I was driving on an errand one day,and as always, especially when I drive, thoughts and memories of Ryan ran through my mind. When I reached my destination, it hit me just how many different emotions I have been bombarded with in that short distance. I thought to myself that a bereaved parent is like a juggler, only we mentally juggle emotions rather than objects....anger, guilt, frustration, hope, ...all mixed in with flashbacks and memories. As each emotion hits us, we have to make a conscious dcision concerning how we deal with it, as we try to keep everything "balanced" in the air.

While we strive to present ourselves to the rest of the world as "normal," this juggling....this tornado of emotions is roaring through us. And then there are the times for each of us when the juggling is too much and we fall in an exhausted heap, emotions raining down around us. It is so tempting to stay down. But somehow, some way,.....whether it is the memory of our child, or surving children, our faith,....something makes us struggle to slowly stand again and begin another day without our children.

This is an ongoing process, a forever process. Grieving is such hard work!

Due to a server problem ,the Guestbook was out of order in one way or another for about 24 hrs. Everything is fine now!

Today's art (8/16/01) as well as yesterday's, is taken from a report on Sharks dated 10/23/92 ,early third grade. I remember the day he came home from school after handing it in. He was VERY upset. His classmates had accused him of lying about drawing the pictures. "They think I TRACED them Mom." He said .....the ultimate insult for an artist! I said, "Chris, why not SHOW them....tomorrow ,DRAW for them." When he came home from school the next day I said, "Now do they believe you?" And he very proudly said, "YES!" He continued to wow his classmates from that day on with his art ability! He was STILL wowing them (and us) when he was killed.

Today's picture was taken in August 1990. That's Grandma Joan, Aunt Molly, me, Adam and Chris.

This writing is taken from THE OWL JOURNAL and is dated 11/7/92, two weeks after the Shark project. His art ability was advanced but his writing ability at the time was average or below and that remained pretty consistant through out his school career until he discovered poetry!

If I were in charge of the world there wud not be a school There wud nverbe (never be) know home work. Then they wud not have parits (parents) gave them some chors. That's what I wud do oh and we wud have TVS houk (hook) on to our a beds.
Fran Kempa

Hi Mom, Just wanted to let you know that I'm a mom too and I think about your son every time I pass by his memorial. I still remember the day he died, my mom called me and told me to use a different route to work because there had been and accident and they thought somebody had been hit. I remember coming home and seeing people standing around and the memorial was started. Then I saw Chris's picture and he looked so much like my daughter! They both liked art and had that silly little smile and glasses. I still think about him often and hope your family is doing okay. I know nothing will ever be "okay" now but you are in my prayers. I hope that you will spread the word on pedestrian safety always because it's needed. I am so sorry it took such a tragedy in our city to bring this to everyone's attention. I hope everyone is aware that a driver's license means that you owe everyone common courtesy and is a big responsibility.Please never give up on this message because as long as people walk and people drive, we need it. I'm always on the lookout for the butterflies and they are always there to remind me that Chris is still here.
Cathie Vyse <wysetalk@aol>

support <>
anywhere, MI US -

XOXO <~~~~~~~>

Today's art,(8/14/01) isn't the most flattering but it's a picture Chris drew that I cherished even before he was killed. It was drawn in late August 1990. It was our first summer at the cottage and that's where he drew it. He was only 6 years old. I remember it so many things. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, he came in and said, "let me draw you Mom." I put my chin on my hand and he drew away! I was making hamburgers. That's the fridge behind me, there are two hamburger rolls on the counter, a ketchup bottle and relish jar. It doesn't show up well in the photo but he labeled each, "Vlasic Dill Relish" and "Heinz Tomato Ketchup." He did a lot of that that year, went up to people and asked if he could draw them. I've kept it all these years....not because I knew he'd be gone but because I thought it was so wonderful! Something I could show his kids in the future.

The photo was also taken in August 1990. That's Adam and Chris with Aunt Molly in Port Huron.

This writing is taken from an "OWL JOURNAL" and is dated 4/93. He was 9 years old and in third grade.



If you love yourself other frends will like you. I'm nice to my self and I take care of my self.that is how I love my self.
Fran Kempa


I thought I saw you today
he looked just like you,
for a moment I pray
but no.....
as he turned around
it wasn' you ,I found
I felt like I was losing my mind

He had the same build, he had the same hair.
I hope no one noticed, when I looked over his way,
the tears I cried, the confusion I felt
while I continued to stand there and stare.

Judy Prather <TCF ATLANTA, GA.>

I cannot feel the pain you bear,
Nor the emptiness that comes with losing someone dear,
I do not know how many times you've wept,
How many dreamless nights you've slept,
I see though that you are in mourning,
Of a cherished soul that left before his day's dawning.
My dear heart, I weep too,
In my prayers I place you.
He hasn't fully passed away,
Believe me, he's with you every day.
As long as he's your treasured stone,
His love will comfort you when in pain you groan.
He takes every step you take,
Though his reflectiom may not appear on the face of a lake.
Don't worry, he doesn't sleep alone,
The angels are there to guard their own.
That is why you should smile,
With your fate you should reconcile.
Maybe his departure is a sign,
Maybe he is your passing angel, your future vine.
Bleed no more, you will be blessed,
You will be seen through this difficult test.


Today's art (8/13/01) didn't show up very well. If you look closely it's a beautiful white duck swimming among the reeds. It's colored pencil on paper and Chris drew it in Oct. 1992 ,early 3rd grade. The writing was done in Sept. 1993, early 4th grade. The photo was taken in August 1990 in Port Huron. That's me, Bill, Grandma Joan, Adam and Chris. Adam is making devil horns on Chris!



Summer is my favorite vacation because there are so many things to do. I like to have my friends over to swim in my pool. Some summers we visit my cousins in North Carolina or my Grandmas in Buffalo. Some days my friends and I play street hockey. Our team is called the Mighty Ducks. Every summer we rent a cottage near Port Huron. We spend a whole week on the beach! The only bad thing about summer is it doesn't last long enough.
Fran Kempa

Thank you, Chris for the beautiful butterfly. Kevin told me "that butterfly keeps going over by you" and I told him "that's because it's from Chris"...thank you. It meant a lot to me. All my love,
Tracy <>

Adam discovered a treasure trove of Chris items today in the attic! In hopes of getting our construction project back on line after being derailed for almost one year......even though our hearts are NOT in it....he went up there today to clean and organize. He found THE box! It contains photos, art and journals of and by Chris from preschool through 5th grade. For a while now, the art and writings will be from this time period, the pictures will still be from the beach.....many of them encompass the same time period. On August 26th however, we will put up three wonderful pictures taken of Chris on August 26th 2000 at my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary party.

He was STILL HERE just one year ago! I can STILL SEE HIM! One year ago at this time we were preparing for the party. Each family was given a certain responsibility. Fittingly, our family was in charge of music and video taping the event. At this time last year we were researching music from the late 40's to 1950, getting CDs from the library and the Nursing Home where I work and burning them. Adam then had them all very organized to the point he could have taken requests. Unfortunatly some of the elderly guests weren't very appreciative of the music! The people seated near the sound system complained it was TOO LOUD and the people seated away from it complained it wasn't loud enough! It did get straightened out but left the boys VERY frustrated! Chris did the video tape!

That was the last time we gathered as an extended family for a celebration. The next and last trip Chris made to Buffalo was Aug. 31st for Grandma Kempa's wake and funeral. We will never be able to gather together as a complete family again!
Fran Kempa

Today's picture (8/12/01) was taken in August 1997. Even thoughh we rented a cottage, he still slept over at Caleb's grandma's cottage at least one night. The picture was taken in her sun porch over looking the lake.

This writing was done as part of a journal packet I would guess for an English class. It's dated 9/21/98.



Well, I have special talents like drawing. I usually draw cartoon characters or comic characters but the way I like to draw is realistic, which I am good doing. One more of my talents is I can do computer graphic cartoons on my computer. I make short cartoons that are ten minutes long or sometimes only five minutes. Well, I can say I'm just good at it. Also, I like to skateboard. Not on ramps, only street skating. That's where you jump over things, rail slide on rails or just doing hard tricks. That's what I do. And the last but not least talent I can do is I play guitar and write songs.
Fran Kempa

Hey!I was introduced Chris' page while reading a Ben Folds Five website, and I just wanted to say that he was a great artist, and I will return to this site often to just admire his work. His beautiful pictures have moved me, and also inspired me to draw. I too, am an artist, and enjoyed looking at his work; though I am extremely sorry for your loss, I am happy that you got to experience such a wonderful and gifted person. Thanks for letting me be a part of this site. Best wishes! ~Kate Munice
Kate <>

Hey!I was introduced Chris' page while reading a Ben Folds Five website, and I just wanted to say that he was a great artist, and I will return to this site often to just admire his work. His beautiful pictures have moved me, and also inspired me to draw. I too, am an artist, and enjoyed looking at his work; though I am extremely sorry for your loss, I am happy that you got to experience such a wonderful and gifted person. Thanks for letting me be a part of this site. Best wishes! ~Alyssa
Alyssa <>

Hey!I was introduced Chris'page while reading a Ben Folds Five website, and I just wanted to say that he was a great artist, and I will return to this site often to just admire his work. His beautiful pictures have moved me, and also inspired me to draw. I too, am an artist, and enjoyed looking at his work; though I am extremely sorry for your loss, I am happy that you got to experience such a wonderful and gifted person. Thanks for letting me be a part of this site. Best wishes! ~Alyssa
Alyssa <>

THe other day when I was working my co-worker and I where looking through our back packs that we just got in stock and one had a place or your cd player and a extra cd holder that was attacted to the inside which had a whole on the side so you could run your head phones through it. I was like I bet chris would like this. It has room for all his photo and drawing stuff too.
Laura <>

Invisible words hang in the air
A silence loud and lingering.
Unrealized dreams and shades of despair
Overshadow material things.
Promises now, which cannot be kept
Of forever and ever with you>
Feeling with sadness the change in our lives
And not knowing what to do.
Invisible words in invisible worlds
Streaming through my mind.
All of the things I might have said
Innocence left behind.
Past is the vision behind the glass
So near but unable to reach
A seperate lifetime, just a moment ago,
Silently I scream.


Today's picture (8/11/01) was taken in August 1997 our last summer at the cottage. Some days he just couldn't wait to get in the water so he'd go in in his jeans. He LOVED the water both in the pool and the lake....we called him our fish.

This writing is again written on school paper but I don't know if it was written for school or himself.

Well, when I'm really, really, really bored, I pick up my video camera and run around with my friends and film almost anything. People, us doing stupid things, animals and so on....after having a fun time filming things we get refreshments at a local 7-11, have some fun in the store, then drive back to my house and watch how stupid we are!!
Fran Kempa

I bet you'd love Osmosis Jones! Right along with your interests and loves!

Today's picture (8/10/01) was taken in August 1994. We were in downtown Lexington outside Wimpy's Place. That's Wimpy, Chris and Adam!

This writing was found in Chris' room. It's not dated but it's on school type paper. I don't know if he did it for school or was just writing to himself as he often did.

Getting criticized when I deserve it, I would tell my boss or my friend or who ever is criticizing me, I would say.....Sorry, it won't happen again, I know I deserve it and I won't let it happen again.

If I was getting criticized for something I didn't do I would handle it like this. I would ask whoever is criticizing if they are sure they have the right person.....and if they don't they shouldn't be yelling at me for something I didn't do.I would do it in a nice level of talking.

I E mailed Chris' good friend and fellow artist Moriah Nixon last night to see if she knew the story behind this painting. She was in the Visual Communication program with Chris. Unfortunatly I got her E mail address wrong and the mail was returned. I'm going to re mail her now.
Fran Kempa

Dear Chris,

Today was our 26th Wedding Anniversary. Not that it has ever been a big deal but I missed you today. I missed you coming up to me, wrinkling your nose and saying," Have you guys REALLY been married THAT LONG?!!" Like you did last year for our 25th remember? I just miss you every day.

I never cried much before you were killed. I don't know why....I guess I felt I didn't have anything to cry about. I cry every day now without fail. I hate this so much.

They say the last two stages of grief are ANGER and ACCEPTANCE. I am having much difficulty with both. I find myself becoming more angry with every piece of the puzzle that has filled in so far...not less. Intellectually I have accepted your loss but I don't think I'll EVER accept it emotionally.

Many people have asked me if I'm mad at God as a result of your death. I can HONESTLY say I'm not. I have questioned Him yes, but I am not angry with Him. I don't blame Him. God wanted you back for the same reasons I do.

The Coney on the corner is FINALLY going to open soon! You were so excited about that this time last year.....big plans as usual! If you were still here you'd have applied the first day you saw the sign.....or who might have already moved on to bigger and better ideas by now....we'll never know.

The hardest times are still first thing in the morning when I first wake up and I'm hit with the knowledge that you are GONE. And the last thing at night when I'm trying to sleep but all I can do is think of you. There's no getting away from it then. During the day I can distract myself but it's impossible at these times.

I WISH we were thinking about Senior pictures, colleges,back to school and everything else your friends and my friends are doing now. I miss you so much....I miss sharing your life with you! I love you!

I just love today's's so beautiful, just as every other painting of Chris's is. Maybe he was able to finish it up in hevan. God bless,
Tracy <>

I love the tree and xmas card ideas!! i know chris would too!!
Someone who cares

I wish I knew the story behind this painting. I never saw it or heard about it until it arrived at the Funeral Home. I was told it was the piece he was working on when he was killed. He was in the Visual Communication program at the Career Center. He never had the chance to finish it.

I intend to make it into our Christmas card this year. One more way to keep his memory and spirit alive!
Fran Kempa

Today's unfinished toddler painting is one of my favorites. I feel it is a self portrait.....Thanks for sending me the's in my office AND ADMIRED by all.

Today's picture (8/9/01) was taken in August 1992. That's Chris and Scott Allen building one of their intricate castles. The shorts Chris is wearing were his "fish pants" That's what he called them. They were bright orange with many little black and white fish on them. Chris LOVED them. He wore them to swim in, play in and many nights sleep in. I'd ask if he wanted to put on his swim suit or pajamas but he'd say, "No Mom, I have my fish pants." When he went to the beach all he needed to pack were his fish pants, a towel and a sweat shirt....he was set!

This is titled and dated 6/2/99.



When I got to an age of liking music I started off listening to whatever my parents played which was when I was like five. Then I started listening to Old School Rap like RUN-DMC, The Beastie Boys and MC hammer.I was age 9 when I stopped that. Then I began finding popular bands from other countries like Canada and England. Some of my favorites of these bands were and still are, SLOAN LOCAL RABITS and THE INBREEDS. These bands were from Canada. The only bands I found from England were Portis Head and The Smiths. These bands are the style rock. Now, at age 14 I still listen to all the bands listed above but I dislike Rap now. I also listen to music now called EMO. The bands I like from this kind of music are, Hot Water Music, The Promise Ring, The Get Up Kids , Jimmy Eat World , Ranier Maria, Pedro The Lion and Sunny Day Real Estate.....that's what I'm listening to now!
Fran Kempa

The artwork today is so precious (as of course, is all of Chris' artwork and the family photographs)...Did Chris paint this as a self-portrait (of himself as a little boy)?
A Neighbor

I received a call this afternoon from Richard Kent, one of the board members of Old Rosedale Gardens Homeowners Association. I am very happy to report a tree will be planted in Mies Park this fall in memory of Chris. They wanted a red oak but were unable to get one due to high demand. It will be a red maple which is a very beautiful tree. He will let me know when the nursery will plant it.

Shari Hall a reporter from The Detroit News told me about a memorial marker for trees called The Tree Hugger. They are made of stainless steel and are nontoxic. They attach to the trunk with a tension spring so as not to harm the tree. I plan to check them out.
Fran Kempa

Today's picture (8/8/01) was taken in August 1990. That's Adam and Chris. As you can see in the lower right of the picture, Chris not only gave the bird a proper burial but made him a beautiful grave. I asked Adam last night if he remembered the whole bird story and he said he did. I said I remembered it too....vividly.

This writing is dated 9/11/98 and is titled.



When I was in Kindergarten we didn't have a dog. I kept asking my Mom for one but it seemed she wouldn't get one. We had cats, but they didn't like me too much. The cats were around before I was born so they weren't used to me.

Finally, in first grade I think, the begging kicked in. So then on Christmas Day, when my whole family was sick, we finally got a dog. When I opened that box, out jumped a brown furred Cocker Spaniel. For some reason Charlie, our dog had trouble getting up steps.

When Charlie got older he got used to climbing the stairs. We found out he could kind of play the piano and do lots of tricks. He slept in a cage in my room. Almost every day when he was outside, he would dig a path under our neighbor's fence and go in their yard! When Charlie was three years old one of our cats was hit by a car and killed. I remember saying, "I thought cats had nine lives!" The other cat had to be put to sleep because he was so old. Charlie was our only pet now.

Two years went by and we had no cats. I kind of wanted a new cat. I begged my Mom and finally I got one! I named him Felix even though he is orange. Charlie was starting to get fat as in over weight. Charlie also started chasing squirrels. Then Charlie started a bad habit of drinking out of the toilet! Felix started meeting new cats and started to become friends with them. My family and I started to find birds that Felix attacked.

I'm real glad I have a dog because he's friendly. He keeps you company when you're bored or alone. Also, he's real playful when he wants to be. He's real cute and cuddly. I'm proud to have a dog like Charlie and a cat like Felix.
Fran Kempa

Today's picture is soo adorable. Look how cute they are!!!
Colleen Marie

Hey Chris. I was @ the Recital show last night, and i was talking with Rob and Chris O, and all of a sudden a butterfly latched on to Chris O's leg.
Joe.Cwik <>

hey chris, its been a while since i wrote something, i drive bye your memoral on merriman all the time now, almost every day in the process to get where im going, i turn of the loud "evil" music and share a moment of silence, i urge everyone to do the same, and just remember you, because your memories are all i got left of you, i still remember all the time we spent drawing next to eachother in art class. you were my insparation, and my very good friend. it sucks i no longer have a friend i can share my understanding of art and creation with. you were so great at art, i wanted to be just like you, you were my hero, people could instantly like you. its a shame you died, i wish you had more time, i wish my hero was invincible
Jay Champlin <>

I LOVE that Brenda Penepent poem......even though it made me doesn't take much these days. The poem is BEAUTIFUL. Thank you to whom ever entered it.
Fran Kempa

Todays picture was taken in August 1990, our first summer at the beach! That's Chris and Caleb Deady......aren't they beautiful! Inside the Cool Whip container Chris is holding was a dead bird he found on the lawn. He INSISTED ,as you'll see in tomorrow's picture, that we give it a proper burial.....complete with headstone made by Chris!

This poem is one of two that Chris wrote in Laura Evan's journal. She was kind enough to share it with us and let us copy it. It is not dated.



I feel myself in the middle of hell or nowhere.
I prefer nowhere cause hell would be
a little 2 retro realistic.

Fran Kempa

Go now, my child the time has come
All tasks today are done.
there are others waiting there for you,
And songs yet to be sung.
Go quietly, go softly,
Leave all pain and fear behind
Today has left a part of you
In our hearts, our souls and minds.
I'll remember you my dear one,
as I lay down to sleep
I'll remember that you made me smile,
Although it makes me weep>
As you go to face your future,
As you go to touch the sky
Know that God makes all things possible,
Angles never die.
Go now, my child, the time has come
All worldly tasks are done
There are others waiting there for you ,
And songs yet to be sung.


I came here via a link on the Jones Soda page. I am so sorry!! After looking at the site and the guestbook FOR HOURS I have to say he lived way too short a life but it sounds like a wonderful one while it lasted. A loving boy with a loving family and friends. I am so sorry. And to Chris' Mom you made me feel just a fraction of your pain. I'm too young to have kids now (20) but when I do I know I will cherish them as much as you do. And if God ever feels the need to call one home I hope I can pay tribute to them like you have Chris.
Sara <Washington State>

Today's pictue (8/6/01) was taken in August 1991 during one of our beach fires. That's Adam playing guitar, Bill Deady's arms and legs, Chris, Grandma Joan and Adam William.

This another example of a list poem from The POEMZ FROM THE MIND packet. It's dated 6/2/99.



I swing on the swings
slide down the slide
go across the monkey bars
sit on the benches
lay on the grass and look at the sky
say hello to people I don't know
meet new people and talk to them
talk with friends
chase squirrels
make fun of football players
run away from football players....
....keep running
hide in the big tree
get out and swing on the swings some more
jump off when I'm really high
land on the grass real hard
then notice my leg hurts
lay on the ground until leg feels better
get up
and then go home

Fran Kempa

Hello Chris. I miss ya kid! The other day on my way to work, I go down West Chicago, Someone almost didn't stop at the red light and almost hit a kid on a bike...luckily the kid swirved. I just couldn't help thinking it could have happened again! That is a dangerous road! Drivers need to be more carefull there! I luv ya kid. Your in my prays always!
Janine <>

Hey Chris,Thank you so much for the beatuiful butterfly today.It was a bad day from me. I kept thinking about how if you were still alive.I'm sure I would have had the pleasure of meeting you more then once due to mutual friends.I also kept thinking about my friend Chris it was such a beatuifulday today and I was sitting in the swing thinking how beatuiful it was and how you and my Chris wern't here to be with all the people that love you all so very much. Well it's funny cause right as I was about to cry something told me to look up and sure enough there it was the most beatuiful Orange butterfly I have ever seen. I really think that was the two of you giving me a sign. On days like today I needed that very much.I also just started thinking about my Chris again on the way home from Brads I heard a song Called be like that I wonder if that was another sign.Thank you so much guys for the signs today I really needed them today. I miss you my Chris and Chris K all your friends miss you I know cause they tell me. Keep watchin out for all of us Love you Guys~Christina
Christina <>

Chris!! My friend from work, Sherri came over today. She brought pictures from Homecoming. I was looking at one, and I don't even remember who it was SUPPOSED to be of, because I looked and there you were in the backround! It was just so small, and almost blurry. You were dancing with someone, and it was a side but it was you!! I had to look twice to make sure and I said "Look look!! It's Chris! That's my friend Chris!" and she said "that's Chris Kempa?" and I almost started crying. I couldn't believe it. It made my day to see you.
Tracy <>

They're replaying the Who Wants To Be A Millionare tonight that was broadcast November 19th 2000. I can't watch it. It's the last show Adam, Chris and I watched together. How I WISH 37 weeks later ,I could replay that night. For real this time......not just in my mind.
Fran Kempa

Today's picture (8/5/01) was taken in August 1996 in downtown Lexington. It always reminded me of a smaller version of downtown Northville. That's the General Store where they still have penny candy. Next to that is Wimpy's Place, a hamburger place. It was our tradition to go to Wimpy's after leaving the cottage before we returned home.

This is dated 6/2/99 and is a poem of address.



Sometimes when I wake up there's drool on me
I hate having a head on me all night
I hate it when I'm fluffed
I hate it when kids use me as a weapon
I hate it when I lose my feathers.

Fran Kempa

"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work."
Emile Zola

This evening we went to ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT VIDEO. It's only the second time I've been in there since 11/20/00. The first was two weeks ago......I STILL can't go to FOODLAND....We picked out a video and waited in line. Jason Knopsnider was working. I knew who he was but I didn't think he knew us. As it worked out, even though there were three people working the counter, we were in his line. We didn't have our ENTERTAINMENT card so I told my husband to use his license. Jason said, "That's OK, I know who you guys are." and rang us up. I said, "I bet you miss Chris coming in and bugging you!" He said "Believe me, it wasn't bugging, I enjoyed EVERY MINUTE of it!" Then I said, "Well I can say one thing, we haven't had a big over due ENTERTAINMENT bill.....I was going to say since November but I couldn't...I said, "In a long time." Chris would beg me to take him to ENTERTAINMENT every time I picked him up from work. He'd say, "I'll only be a minute Mom, I know just what I want." And I always did. After waiting for 15 minutes I'd go in to collect him. There he'd be at the counter talking movies with Jason. I can't tell you how many times this happened! Then whatever he rented would sit in the basement until it was long over due! Adam would always find them and say, "Chris rented this about a week ago." Needless to say he worked at FOODLAND to pay his ENTERTAINMENT bill!

On the way home WINGS BENEATH MY FEET came on the radio. Chris LOVED the movie BEACHES. It was one of his favorites. The sound track was one I HAD to play in the car often. Even though he knew her real name, he called Bette Midler "CC Blum" until the day he was killed! He loved her.

Tonight when we were at the Memorial Kevin and some other friends of Chris came and asked for bumper stickers. We had them follow us home and happily gave them as many as they wanted! Like Cyndi, I want to see them all over the place too!

In a weird sort of way.....I guess this was a good Chris day.
Fran Kempa

Hi Chris...I was talking to this random person on IM today. Somehow we started talking about God, and having faith. He was saying how things were so rough for him and he didn't think that God was around. I tried to tell him about bad things happening to good people. I told him about what happened to you, and he just didn't understand. I don't think he has lost someone close to him. I told him losing you gave me more faith in God because I believed that someday I was going to see you again. He just didn't understand. I wish there was a way to explain it to people. I know that God took you for His own reasons. I know that I am not supposed to understand or know why it happened either. I just KNOW that there was a good reason and that you are so happy up there. I just wish that others could realize that without having to lose someone.
Tracy <>

Today's picture (8/4/01) was taken in August 1992. That's Adam, Aunt Joanne, Cousin Billy, Chris and Uncle Bill. It was taken right before they returned to Buffalo.

This poem is ANOTHER from POEMZ FROM THE MIND. It is an example of a poem of likenesses. It's dated 6/4/99.



When my dog barks he sounds like a ferocious kitten
My brother's feet smell like a rotten bag of garbage
I'm sweating as if I just got out of the shower
Her eyes were as blue as the sky
The amp was so loud my brain was going to explode
Her red dress was red as a rose
His shirt was as black as night
HE was as lazy as a sloth
The building was as big as Godzilla!!!
His drawings are so realistic they're like a photo

Fran Kempa

Dear Chris, Not to overload you with favors, but while watching out for Adam and friends on their road trips, could you please also keep an eye on my kid too as she went off on her very first road trip to New York for the Warped Tour Concert. If this one doesn't have me scared silly enough, she is doing another one at the end of August in Toronto! In a different aspect, but like your Mom, I am really missing those Mothering Days! Got to let them grow up, got to let them go and hope you've taught them your best, which I'm pretty sure I have, but it's the rest of the people out there on the roads and in the world that I fear the most who weren't taught respect for others.
MCS <>

Dear Chris

Today was a day I was glad to have to be to work at 6:30 A.M. This morning Adam, Rob, Ryan B., Erik, Chris O. and Scott left for Toronto to see RadioHead. I know if I'd been home at 8:00 all I would be able to think is, "Chris SHOULD be here!" I called Adam at 7:30 to tell him goodbye and give him my Mother's " BE CAREFUL!!" speech. They've gotten a little longer since you were killed.

For a LONG TIME after you were killed many well meaning people would tell me to take comfort in the knowledge that you of all people were in heaven. All I could think then was "I DON'T WANT HIM IN HEAVEN.....I WANT HIM HERE!!!" That's what I thought but to them I just said, "thank you." Now, I must admit, that thought gives me great comfort.

Now when I have a "Chris SHOULD be here" day I try to turn that around too. Instead of dwelling on the thought of all you're missing out on, I turn my thoughts to all the things I hope and pray YOU'RE DOING!! Things we can't imagine. I hope they pale in comparisson to anything we do on earth.

So tonight as Adam and friends along with your friends enjoy RadioHead in Toronto I'm picturing you in heaven enjoying the company of John Lennon, Buddy Holley, ....even Elvis and any other musical great up there. I have many coping mechanisms and most often they work. I still have some HORRIBLE Chris days where NOTHING can pull me out. I know I'll have them for the rest of my life.

Keep Adam and friends and all of your friends safe. I miss you SO much.......I wish you were going back to school....all of this BACK TO SCHOOL advertising is REALLY getting to me! I hope you're happy you're NOT going back to school! Even though you loved it you loved the social aspects and Art the most! I'm sure you can have your fill of both in Heaven! I love you so much!!

I am going to Lake Huron tomorrow morning to see Caleb. I haven't seen the Deady's since they left for vacation a week and a half ago. I know Caleb enjoys my presense but not as much as he enjoyed Chris'.

Today's picture was taken in August 1991. That's Katrina and Caleb Deady with Adam and Chris. The picture doesn't show it well but we truly had Lake Huron to ourselves!

I tried to explain to another Mother at Compassionate Friends Wed. night the strange feeling I get as I'm leaving work everyday. There's no one home who needs me. I have NO KIDS! I am still the Mother of a beautiful ,living ,cherished son but he doesn't need the attention Chris did. Adam is an independant young adult as he should be at 21. Chris still needed a lot of Mothering at 16.I can't tell you how empty I feel.

This is another from POEMZ FROM THE MIND. It is also dated 6/2/99. It is an example of a letter poem.



Dear pencil, you were broken
So I decided to sharpen you
I stuck you in the sharpener
and sharpened you
I pulled you out
but you were still broken???????
I kept sharpening you
but every time
I got the same results
I kept trying to sharpen you
until you were
a little stub....

Fran Kempa

The North Carolina relatives (Kathy, Mike, Kelly, & Joan) always wanted to visit the Lake Huron summerplace, but our schools always resume in mid August; therefore, it never worked out. We always said we'd try to go the summer before Joan starts college, which is right now.....and it's been hitting me like a ton of bricks this week as I look at these pictures and read about this marvelous time. Saying I'm sad and saying I'm sorry just doesn't express the extent of my feelings.In my mind's eye, I keep replaying my memories of visits we had with Chris over the 16 years of his short life. I remember being so shocked when we saw him last summer at the 50th anniversary party. I just remember saying over and over how grown-up he was. Chris and Adam went out of their way to make the musical arrangements very special. It impressed me so much at how gifted they were, and it disappointed me so much for Chris and Adam that some of the elderly guests didn't appreciate having music interrupting their conversations.....when all the music was so specially planned around what was popular in 1950. I have the bumper sticker on the back of my van, and my 3 year old grandbaby,Bradley proudly tells everyone that we see that "This is my cousin, Chris who is up in heaven now" If he's riding with me, he always walks around to the back of the van to show anyone he can show. Often people will ask me about the story behind the bumper sticker. Several strangers have written down the web site. All of our friends, coworkers, and neighbors here have visited the webpage at least 1x. I personally visit at least 2-3x per day. GOD BLESS
Kathy Putnam

Chris-I went to the Goldfinger outdoor fest thingy tonight. It was too hot to wear my dark blue shirt, so I put your sticker on a tank top and wore that.(not only is it free advertising, but it gets awearness of Chris' story out too.) Alot of people asked about it. Most either knew of your story, or recognized your icon from random places in Michigan(most of them no where near Livonia).I thought that was pretty cool.However, for as much out-reach that is already there, I'd love to see more CK icons out there. More stickers, more flyers, more shirts, in more places than just Michigan too! I'm sure you're getting a kick out of all of this. Thanks for all the help down here. I know we all enjoy the signs. Miss ya lots! <3
Cyndi! <>

The cottage pictures bring back many good memories, the sun the water and the tons of kids and adults who shared these times.

I had hoped to repeat these times with old friends and my kid's kids.

It seems like even good memories can turn on you like a knife. What you expected to be is


Never to happen...

Replaced by never ending sadness,

silence, and grief.

Miss you always

Dad <<<<<<<<<0>>>>>>>>>

The cottage pictures bring back many good memories, the sun the water and the tons of kids and adults who shared these times.

I had hoped to repeat these times with old friends and my kid's kids.

It seems like even good memories can turn on you like a knife. What you expected to be is


Never to happen...

Replaced by never ending sadness,

silence, and grief.

Miss you always

Dad <<<<<<<<<0>>>>>>>>>

Today's picture (8/2/01) was taken in August '92. We had a SUNKIST boat, an IVORY SOAP boat and a few other plain old boats. Before "cottage time" as Chris called it he had fun with them in the pool.

Last night was our Compassionate Friends meeting. We talked a little about a lot of things. We talked about grave stones and markers for our children. (Fun Huh?) Some people were saying they were having trouble selecting the color or the wording etc. We said we know EXACTLY what we want to have on it and what we want it to's just a matter of doing admitting it's final even though we KNOW it is.

This is an example of a list poem that was contained in the POEMZ FROM THE MIND packet. It is dated 6/2/99 also.



Go to the park and swing on swings with friends
Then go to Summit and buy a pop
Then walk down Plymouth
Cross the road ALWAYS at the stop light
Go into Taco Bell
Hang out, when or if really hungary go buy some food
Sit back down
Count your change
Put it back in your pocket
Leave and walk down each street of Old Rosedale
Go home, play 21 the basketball game in my yard
If sweaty jump in the pool
Dry off and watch some movies
Come up with your own idea for a movie
Make one
If you don't have an idea just go around pretending you're doing a survey on a really stupid topic
Go up to people and have them answer some of your questions
When done have them say or do something stupid
When done go home and watch it
Laugh at all the people
And go to bed

Fran Kempa

Everynight I drive past your corner where everynight it's lit up as a beautiful reminder or the wonderful person you are. My mother says it's deepressing but then again what isn't in this world. I find it as a nice place to go and talk to you and everything it's glowing like a shrine shining and smile for you. Reminding you all of those who love you and miss you. In the next few weeks I'm going to have to alter everything in my life, hopefully without hurting anyone in the prosess to be in a different place. I hope that throught that you will be ther for me. I miss you everyday. The other night while I was driving home from Rob's some guy in a truck throught he could make it befor I got there to turn left infront of my. I was so close to hitting him the guy driving to the right of me actually hit him. I thought so badly that if I hadn't braked I would have hit him head on. I am looking at everything now in a different perspective. and not to just talk about things but to do what I know must be done. I realized all the things and people I would miss out on then. I went to your corner then and sat ther for about an hour befor I went home. thankyou I know you where watching out of me and all the others. You always did befor. I miss you. Laura

Looking at the picture today of the boats at the lake rekindles fond memories of our visits to the cottage. Our son Bill always was so excited to go and play in the sand, boat, go to the general store for penny candy, and have the best campfires on the beach. The time spent with his cousins was a lot of fun. There was always a big group of kids around...That is when Bill met the Deady and Allen children. Chris used to draw pictures of his Uncle Bill and numerous other pieces of artwork. I remember spending time with the Deady's and Allens...remember the games we would play at night? How much fun we had!!! Great memories to last a lifetime. Thanks for the wonderful pictures!!
JoAnne <>

don't know what to say don't know what to do just sittin here confused goin out of my mind can't stand the pain this empty feeling inside just wish you were alive
--- <--->

This writing is dated 10/7/98, early Freshman year.


Every summer a week before school starts my family and I rent a cottage that is right on Lake Huron. We have a section of the beach all to ourselves. I think about three years ago we were up there and it was so hot we had to put lots of sun screen on. One day I went swimming and forgot to put sun screen on. After I went swimming I had a bad sun burn. A few days later my skin was peeling into sheets almost the size of paper! It was like I was shedding my skin like a snake or lizzard does!

Fran Kempa

Today's picture (8/1/01) was taken in late August '92. One of the first things we did upon arrival at the cottage was blow up the boats.....the boys couldn't wait to get in the water! That's me using a foot pump and Chris looking on anxiously! We smartened up quickly and got an electric pump!

Adam William left for Chicago today to see Radiohead. On Friday he leaves for see Radiohead. If Chris was still here I KNOW he'd be going to Toronto with him. It would have been their first extended trip together with friends. Neither one of them should have been deprived of that experience. It's missing out on all of these special events.....but mostly just activities of daily living that make me miss him SO MUCH. God, I MISS HIM!
Fran Kempa

hey chris. how you doing buddy. i miss you so much. i finally turned 17 a few days ago and its not that big of a change from 16 but finally i can stay out past 12! ive been thinking about you alot tonight and as it come closer to the start of school im gonna miss so much the little hi's in the hallways and running into you everywhere from at st mikes to foodland. somebody asked me yesterday what that pin was on my hat and its kinda hard to say this is my friend chris that died in november i know how tracey feels. what makes me feel good is just about everytime i step into my car and go drive somewhere i see one of your bumperstickers if not more. it shows all the friends u had and loved and all those who loved you. i still cant believe were seniors. its weird looking back at wheni first moved in on auburndale and you were the first real friend i had. that was in 6th grade now im a year away from graduating. its going too fast and it needs to slow down. i think i am joining the army with another friend of yours but i dont know if he has the guts. but it seems like life is going bye way too fast. i still cant believe you are gone. we miss you so much. seeing your screenname pop up on my buddy list is sorta hard because i want to im you so bad but i know you wont be there. football starts tommorrow wait no today actually since its 3 am. its gonna be a good season. i cant wait to see you again someday and we can chill like the days of old. i miss you bro. take care of luther up there hes my boy. well im gonna go now. i love you buddy. cya again sometime in the future. later love woody
jason <>

hey chris. how you doing buddy. i miss you so much. i finally turned 17 a few days ago and its not that big of a change from 16 but finally i can stay out past 12! ive been thinking about you alot tonight and as it come closer to the start of school im gonna miss so much the little hi's in the hallways and running into you everywhere from at st mikes to foodland. somebody asked me yesterday what that pin was on my hat and its kinda hard to say this is my friend chris that died in november i know how tracey feels. what makes me feel good is just about everytime i step into my car and go drive somewhere i see one of your bumperstickers if not more. it shows all the friends u had and loved and all those who loved you. i still cant believe were seniors. its weird looking back at wheni first moved in on auburndale and you were the first real friend i had. that was in 6th grade now im a year away from graduating. its going too fast and it needs to slow down. i think i am joining the army with another friend of yours but i dont know if he has the guts. but it seems like life is going bye way too fast. i still cant believe you are gone. we miss you so much. seeing your screenname pop up on my buddy list is sorta hard because i want to im you so bad but i know you wont be there. football starts tommorrow wait no today actually since its 3 am. its gonna be a good season. i cant wait to see you again someday and we can chill like the days of old. i miss you bro. take care of luther up there hes my boy. well im gonna go now. i love you buddy. cya again sometime in the future. later love woody
jason <>

hey buddy...I am still thinking of you every day. I don't even know what to say to people any more. I saw one of your bumper stickers on my way to work. I was trying to explain what it meant, and that it was one of your stickers to my dad. He didn't get it. I got so frustrated with him. I had to say "Dad my friend Chris! The one who died!" I hate how I have to refer to you as that!! I HATE IT!! I wish that when people walked into my bedroom and asked who painted the painting hanging on my wall I didn't have to say "My friend Chris, who died this past November" It just doesn't seem fair. I feel like I didn't have enough time to get to know you like I should have. I only knew you for my senior year. And when I first joined you for lunch you were the only one who accepted me. At first I was treated like I didn't belong but you were so sweet to me, and you were so nice. We talked about music all the time. I miss that Chris. I miss your telling me how horrible Blink 182 was! I used to get so mad! But I never stayed mad. I still have every email you sent me too. They were mostly poems, but I have

If the driver's family is responsible for the continual trashing of the Memorial and have no respect for the dead, then it proves that there was no respect given for a living, breathing, walking human being. And if, the driver's driving record is what has been stated here, then this person has no respect for the road or anyone using it. There are many a bad driver out there and I cannot and absolutely will not believe that every Franklin student who has been hit was to blame, but yet the blame has always been placed on the pedestrian. And then you read a statement by an Official from an accident long before Chris' that says, "They're used to the video games where the cars and the monsters are coming at you but they never hit you." Give me a break. These are teens who know how to cross a road, not toddlers. Drivers need to be more aware of their surroundings. Pedestrians always lose. I can't begin to tell you how many times I was almost run down just trying to cross Ann Arbor Trail and Merriman to go to Church. Everyone in a hurry to turn right even though the pedestrian has the right of way. Crossing any street these days even with the walk light is threatening. Don't even get me started about red light runners! This whole issue, is a very sore subject for me and wells up much anger, so I guess I should leave it at that.
MCS <>

To made one error in your entry......anyone who can repeatedly desecrate a memorial to a dead boy has no conscience. The correct term is SOCIOPATH.
Joe Saltini <BEYOYA>

The only thing that comes to mind is this question: What kind of dispicable person would tear down and destroy a memorial for a dead teenager? I feel sorry for you, and I hope theguilt you must be feeling is weighing you down. It's heartbreaking to think that all of this could have been avoided. And it's also sad to think that this person has no consideration whatsoever. What if he had been the one killed? by doing this, he is saying that he wouldn't have minded if his family was continuously disrespected, and hurt, and hassled by one person, who never even knew who him. That's sad to think.
*friend* <***>

Please, please....don't be upset about the Memorial. Yes, it is true ,someone has trashed it three times since Memorial weekend but it's not a big deal. Unlike Chris...every thing they take from there CAN be replaced! I didn't want to say any thing about it here because I didn't want to give them the satisfaction! Every time it's rebuilt it just gets BETTER!!
Fran Kempa <>

Mr. Schniers and your despicable followers: Do you realize that every act of desecration in which you've all participated has been watched and witnessed ? The case against you continues to build all the time, and you foolish people have no idea what you're in for or who knows exactly who you are and what you've done. As Mr. Goldstien warned, you don't know the hour or the day, but be is coming for you all.
Michael Arch

God this makes me mad to hear that the memorial has been destroyed again by somebody that has nothing else better today with their life and has to do someting like this to think that were going to take down the memorial, well it's not going to happen. No matter what happens to that memorial we will always re-build it and we will NEVER take it down because some angry citizen doesn't like us doing something in memory of a great and wounderful friend and to let people know that they should be careful while driving through that intersection. But if i do see somebody messing with that memoial, i will pull over and let that person have a peice of my mind and maybe more if needed.
a friend of chris

No way is the Memorial going to stay down. We'll make sure it goes back up time and time again. Let me know what is missing and what is needed!!
MCS <>

once again, the memorial has been destroyed. oh gee... i wonder how that happend?!? I'd just like to say, if you happen to be reading this your attempts to make us say, "Oh gee, lets just take the memorial down" Are NOT going to happen. We're just gonna keep fixing and rebuilding it. Your efforts are pointless. Please find something else to do with your time.
me again <=w=>


Katie called me today! I was so happy to hear from her......we talked for an hour then she had to go to work. I think next week we'll go out to lunch.....I'd enjoy that very much. Moriah is on her missionary trip now. I pray for her every day as she asked me to and I KNOW you're looking after her. I told her you'd never let anything happen to one of your favorite fellow artists!

I have to go help Adam clean the garage now......I bet you don't have to do that in heaven! I love you! Love,
Mom <>

Today's picture (6/27/01) was taken 9/10/84 ,his 3 month birthday. Notice how BIG he was already smiling......READY to greet the world and all it had to offer!!!
Fran Kempa <>

My Beautiful Memory Chris,

Your state income tax refund came in today's mail.(6/26/01) It was addressed to: The Estate of Christopher Michael Kempa....a little more tactful than the Federal but still VERY HARD to see and deal with......there's something every day that is just crushing.

By now you'd have more than enough for that new video camera you wanted SO BADLY. Dad said you would have gotten it for Christmas. I would GIVE ANYTHING to see what you'd be creating now....I have to believe you are STILL creating.....only on a dirrerent level.

I know you are watching over ALL your friends and family who love you and MISS you SO MUCH! My butterfly was with me the whole time I vacumed the pool today! I just say to the dogs now......"Chris is back!" It may sound foolish to some but it helps ME.

You know how much I miss you.....others can't begin to imagine and I hope, even they, never HAVE to. I love you,
Mom <>

Whatever happened to peace....
I miss you Chris <->

Angie is just a kid caught in the middle. She was a good friend of Chris'. We can choose our friends but not our relatives. It's not her concern. The best thing to do the next time JR has an angry outburst is to ignore him. He's getting his excitement at the expense of the loving memories we have for Chris. Somewhere along the line, JR missed the boat and now craves the attention he once missed out on.
Joe Saltini <BEYOYA>

Today's picture (6/26/01) was taken on June 10th 1995, Chris'11th birthday. Notice he's counting those candles.....making sure ther's one to grow on!
Fran Kempa <>

While Angie Schniers does have a point, she should remember that complete silence only gives John Schniers a tacit signal that what he's doing is "OK," and any person with half an ounce of decency within them knows he's wrong !! I agree with Chris' Aunt ...... you are pitiful, Mr. Schniers, and SHAME on you for exploiting Chris' memorial into your mouthpiece of nastiness. Angie - if it's so important to you that only nice things are said here, then why don't you tell John to put a muzzle on the low depths to which he stoops ? Maybe you can reason with him, Angie -or- is he so deep into the depths of darkness that he's beyond reach ?
Haylee O'Shaughanessey <>

Mr. Schniers - How do you sleep at night ? How do you look yourself in the mirror ? Oh, I almost forgot, evil cannot see its reflection in mirrors, so I guess you can't look at youself, now can you ? You do not know the hour or the day, Mr. Schniers, but trust me, whoa to you ..... it is coming.
Jeff Goldstein <>

Someone who knows him: Please, please then go talk to him about it personally. Even if you have before, go do it again. Posting here would probably embarrass him more, not to mention further draw attention to those in his family, such as his niece who befriended Chris and who misses him very much, along with her very dear cousin Johnny; me. Why stoop to John Schniers' level by bad mouthing him on this website, when he very well could have decided not to visit it any more. Anything is possible. Please though. This site is for people to leave peaceful messages about Chris. Not to bad mouth matter if they bad mouth Chris. Chris' other friends know as well as I know that it isn't right. Please stop carrying on this feud for the sake of the Kempa family and our fellow friends...and for me. Another note: Please always remember the love and things that Chris taught all who knew him. And hold his memories close to your heart.
Angie Schniers

if you think that what you are doing is going to make us stop everything that we do in this webpage then you are just wasting your time mr schiners. i just wanted to say that i can not believe somebody would actually be tpying something like that on CHRIS'S webpage. that is so wrong. you wouldn't like it to much if somebody did the same stuff to you if this happened to you. well in second thought you probably wouldn't care because you seem to have a heart of ice.
jenny <>

This posting is for your attention, Mr. Schniers. Although it is unfortunate to have to use Chris’ memorial Web Page as my communication vehicle to you, the intensity of my desire to respond to you outweighs my hesitancy. I am Christopher’s Aunt Molly, and I have left my e-mail address free and clear for you to view because I have no fear of any response you may make to what I have to say to you. While I admit, Mr. Schniers, my initial, human feeling toward you is profound anger since I connect you with the horrific loss of my nephew, and I have viewed how cold and cruel you can appear !! On the other hand, however, I feel very sorry for you. Over and over your commentaries demonstrate that, deep down, you really do comprehend how truly terrible the events were that caused Chris’ death. Such a comprehension obviously has, indeed, resulted in much dismay within you. Therefore, it’s quite clear that as a result, you have implemented a coping mechanism in the form of lashing out at Chris, our family, and his army of friends and loved ones. How sad for you that at your age, you have to employ such tactics. How sad for you that at your age, the kindest thing someone can say about you is that you’re pitied. Go ahead Mr. Schniers……say whatever you'd like. It matters not because negativity, lies, and darkness will never win over what my nephew was, and is, all about: positive energy, gentleness, and kindness. While it sometimes takes longer than some of us would like, Mr. Schniers, the truth will surface……it always does because goodness ALWAYS prevails over evil.
Molly Vaughan <>

I am so in agreement with Joe Saltini's remarks.
MCS <>

Joe: I don't know about these psychological issues, but I do have one question for JR. Who PEED in your cornflakes? WH and Barb
WH & Barb

Chris, I just want you to know that no matter what anyone says to me, or how many heartless emails I get, I will never ever stop coming here, and I won't be afraid to leave my email address either. See, if I wouldn't have left it the first time, I wouldn't have gotten to know some of the people here who have emailed me with things in remembrance of you. So I'll leave it once more, and Mr Schniders, you are more then welcome to send me hate mail, and question my opinions about what happened, because I can handle you. But don't hurt Mr and Mrs Kempa any more. If you want someone to pick on, then go ahead and use me. They don't need to go through any more pain.
Tracy <>

Very informative post "me". Hoping that the facts are true and accurate or Mr. Schniers will try to sue you for slander and I believe that is his only reason for being on this site. He loves to create flame wars.
MCS <>

The person that continues to harass this grief-stricken family must have some deep- seeded personal issues that need to be dealt with. He purposely choses to target the victim, his parents, family, and friends. I hate to say this but his agenda is not with the Kempa Family, but a way of coping with some major disappointment in his life.I am a psychologist and have seen this misplaced anger many times. Something hurtful happens to you and it's left untended to ...sooner or later it comes out one way or the other. In the case of this harassment it could possibly be with unresolved issues between himself and a male teenaged family member. An irrational person for sure.
Joe Saltini <BEYOYA>

Schnires....Schnires, that name is you have kids who go to Franklin?

To JR Schniers, uncle of the driver,

Not to worry, Mr. Schniers, all the facts WILL be made public when all the facts are in...They're still learning a lot about your nephew. Chris is my nephew, so I know about family loyalty.
Kathy Putnam <>

Brad could not have said it more eloquently...we agree with you wholeheartedly.
Bill and JoAnne Vaughan

I have never written in the guest book although I read it every day. And I tried to resist sending this note but your insensitive and ridiculous comments have me at my boiling point. Yeah, I’m talking to you Mr. Schiner. I’m writing even though I understand that your entire point is to get people upset … and by me writing (and the others that will follow) we will only fuel the fire of your bizzar effort to piss us off. I guess you have your reasons … but enough is enough. I’ve known the Kempas for 15 years and spent countless hours with Fan, Adam, and their boys. I can honestly say the Kempa boys are two of the most intelligent, creative, caring, and just plain old nice kids you would ever want to meet. I’ve always considered both Adam Jr and Chris my friends as well as my kids’ friends … and I love them both very much. And the really great thing about these two boys is that they have always surrounded themselves with friends who are a lot like them … nice, caring and truly wonderfully unique people. It is by no coincidence that these kids and their families have rallied around their friend and neighbor … Good people draw more good people to their inner circle … Chris’s circle was just a little bigger than most. Our support is simply based on the genuine love and respect we all have for Chris and his family with no hidden agendas ... And you have the audacity to call that kind of support a cult? You align us with the Gestapo and Nazis? You ought to be absolutely ashamed of yourself. That sort of insult cannot go unchallenged … so back off. You obviously have no idea of the potential this young man had … but we all do. And we’ll spend the rest of our lives wondering what kinds of amazing/unique/funny/interesting/wonderful contributions Chris might have made to the worlds of music, film and art as well as our community at large. It’s a free country and I guess you can write what you want but I’m asking you to rethink your strategy. The driver of the vehicle will have his day to explain what happened …
Brad Allen <>

Mr. John Rudolph Schniers please see expand your narrow sight into seeing the truth. THE TRUTH. Chris was hit that day. Many factors effected the was an ACCIDENT. Nobody ever, EVER intended it to happen how it did. If Chris knew what was going to happen to him, I am sure he would not have crossed as he did. The TRUTH is that he did not run into traffic. If you want to see the report, go ask someone you know closer, such as a family member. Because there is no way in hell that anyone outside of that circle of yours pays any more attention to you than they are forced to. You are not benefiting the people who come here at all. You are only antagonizing them and making things much worse. I loved my dear friend Christopher, and miss him very much. He comes from an extremely loving and caring family. Please don't make it worse for them than it already is. What is going on between the Schniers family and the Kempa family tears me apart and I don't need you caring it on how you are. Please stop...everybody hates the fighting.
Chris knows who

Hey one that visits this site is listneing to you anyway!!! They visit it and write their comments because they believe in the Kempa family and friends and know the truth!! You are wasting your time..Get a life!!

Mr. Schniers, You just gave me the greatest laugh of the day. Cult?? Gestapo Tactics?? Sir, you are truly embarassing yourself here. You really do need a forum of your own so you can get past whatever it is that is really bothering you. There are no lies here considering that it has been mentioned more than once that the Truth is being searched for. You don't speak well on behalf of your family and your harassment of teens or anyone on this site is way out of line. If you don't like what you are reading, then turn it off. Nothing that you say here will change our opinions, nor will I try to change your opinion.
MCS <>

I stop in to this site often to read the nice coments and look at the pictures of a great person I never got to know. And never have I been so disgusted as I am today. The coment made on this page from a Mr Schnier (sorry if spelled wrong) have made me sick. Dont you have ne thing better to do then harass a family who lost a child? That sickens me that their are people like you who co exist with the rest of the world. This web site is about the memory of a son a brother and a friend. It is not to point the finger of blame at anyone. It is to share in the memories of a friend who died way to young and way to soon. I suggest Mr Schnier find another hobby because this one is a poor choice..
Christina <>

This is a free and open forum and until it isn't you will just have to live with it. The lies this cult has spread must be addresed and I can't think of a better spot to do it. Given the gestapo tactics of this cult I would advise anyone who disagrees with the the teachings of Kempa to use caution.
JR Schniers

It is a shame that Mr. Schniers is so insensitive to this memorial tribute to a fine young human being. If you MUST comment on things, do it in your own space...not here. You are NOT welcome to leave anything here..this is reserved for loving memories of our family member and friend.

I see the harassment from Mr. Schniers continues. What a shame. Still looking to make a buck or do you just like harassing teens? Please feel free to start your own website to tell your story and you can even post the Police Report on it. If there is one thing I've learned and know for a fact~ is that Police Reports are not always infallible. No one here should be afraid to post their email addresses. Ignore any insensitive emails you may receive.
MCS <>

Today's picture (6/25/01)was taken during Chris' 10th birthday party, June 1994. I honestly don't remember if it was on the 10th or not. It was a pool party......we opened the pool this weekend Chris but there was no one to use it......because you're gone!!
Fran Kempa <>

It's interesting to me that Mr. Schniers says Chris ran into traffic. That would mean Chris was able to clear 5 lanes of traffic before the driver could react? Hm. No, no I don't think so. Kindly leave us alone.
common sense <.>

Normally I don't write in the guestbook. I read every single entry - sometimes I laugh, sometimes I am close to tears. Usually, if I talk to Chris, I do so in the car on my way to places. When I pray, I ask God to make sure that Chris is doing well up there, and I ask Chris to watch over us. However, the one thing I absolutely hate to read about is people bringing up police reports and act like members of the guestbook and of the inner circle are throwing around blame. Mr. Schneirs (sorry if I spelled it wrong), I am not trying to start a war, but how dare you come on this website and talk "police report" to any of us? This website is dedicated to the memory of a smart, wonderful human being who lived a good, albeit short, life. You, obviously by your comments, have no desire to keep the memory alive - only to taunt and attempt to hurt the ones who do care about person who unfortunately passed. I implore, and beg you even, please stay away from this site and stop harassing any of the people who visit it. I am literally shaking from your insensitive comment. Please stay away. For all of us. Kempas - you are the strongest family I will ever have the privilege of ever knowing. I stand behind you - however you may ever need me.
Rob <I don't feel like getting hassled =)>

Chris, I just wanted to say that I love you SO much. That email I got today made me sick to my stomach (I know you know the one I am talking about) but I just want you to know that no matter what anyone says to me, I still LOVE you, and I still think what happened to you was wrong. Some people make mistakes, and I am not the one to offer forgivness. That is God's job. And the truth will come out Chris. You just have to help us. All my love,
Tracy <>

The ones who should be saying they are sorry are you who place the blame on the driver. The facts are in and it was Chris who didn't watch the lights and ran into traffic. The Police report makes it very clear and if you can't face the truth that your problem. Why not post the report?
JR Schniers

Enjoy the fireworks tonight Chris. I know you'll be there with everyone!!
MCS <>

Today's picture (6/24) was taken 6/10/87 Chris' 3rd birthday. Tonight marks the end of the Livonia Spree, complete with fireworks. For years we went to the fire works as a family. Then later, as the kids got older, we went with other families and sat on the lawn of North West Blue Print to avoid the traffic. The last few years Chris went alone with friends. We still go to North West Blue have his art copied for people because he is gone.
Fran Kempa

Double Grief

The death of my grandchild and the grief of my son, Pull on my heart strings and I am undone.

In secret I mourn beyond relief, for I have been given a double grief. God, help me to deal with the pain and the sorrow, of living without the hope of tomorrow.
Aythor Unknown

Dear Chris,

Today I went on The Greenmead Garden Walk with Mrs. Allen as I have for so many years. Last year when we went we talked about our favorite topic.....our kids. We'd been out of touch for a few months. We were both working more and even you kids had grown apart to a certain degree. Different interests at different times.We spent the whole time last year catching up on each other and our kids. I remember telling her about the courses you and Adam were taking at CCS in the summer. Adam ,web page design and you, computer animation.Never in a million billion years did I believe during the next gagden walk we'd be discussing your death and all that goes along with it....but we did.

The walk takes you all over Livonia. At one point we were driving down Five Mile toward Farmington past Parkview Cemetary.I said,"There's Chris" Mrs. Allen asked if I wanted to go in.I said if she did ,knowing she hadn't been there yet. We turned in and I directed her to your grave. I think she really felt the horrible impact. That's a very hard thing to do the first time....and it doesn't get any easier the 50th time.But to actually see for the first time you are in the ground makes you realize very starkly, you are indeed GONE! We were both very emotional, then all of a sudden Mrs. Allen said,"Look Fran, there's a butterfly!" I looked and sure enough, there was my monarch butterfly! I do believe that was another sign from you! We were SO close on earth I still feel a strong connection to you and I believe you're helping me now with many things.

After the walk we weny out to lunch. We continued to talk about many things but the conversation kept going back to you. I told her since Nov. 20th I have questioned every thing I've ever thought and believed in....but I have no answers.....only more questions. I told her how your death took away a huge part of my past, present and future. When people say "a part of me died that day" it's SO true. I told her I will feel cheated for the rest of my life....and I will. But I believe in the signs.....please keep them coming......there's about fifty buds on one of the hydrangias!

I still think about you almost every minute of every day. I miss you more than I can express. I love you,

Today's picture (6/23/01) was taken in mid October 1997. We were in Orlando, Florida and Chris was without his skateboard! This game in the hotel arcade made him not miss it so much!
Fran Kempa

That picture is too cute.
Cyndi! <>

Today's picture (6/22/01), was taken 6/10/85. It shows Chris checking out his first birthday party preparations!!
Fran Kempa

Today's picture (6/22/01) makes

me smile, such a litle elf!!

It is still hard to believe that he is gone forever.

We miss you Chris
Dad <x!!!!!!!x>

hi chris. its been a little more than seven months now and boy has the time flone bye. god that was such a horrible day and it just seems like yesterday was that tragic monday. tonight is a real bad night chris. i dont know why tonight is so bad but its alot worse than some of the other nights. we miss you so much chris. i talked about you tonight with one of my friends that did not know you but has heard alot about you. we drove bye your house and i was like thats where someone great once lived. its been so long but yet we still cant believe youre not here with us. i miss you chris and you are always in my heart. cant wait till the day we can all hangout in heaven together like the old days. maybe there ill have some skating talent. i dont know god does work miracles so anything is possible. goodnight chris. god bless your family. love woody
jason <>

Life hurts so bad

I don't want you sad

Just look back to

Good times we had

I'd give my soul for you I know

But I want to hold you before you go

Before you go

I need you to know

You're still alive in me

I guess it's your time to go

I'll stay up late

My heart will break

You'll see what's unseen

Live fast, die young I guess

You're part of me

(It's your time now)

I'm still holding on

(It's your time now)

I can't believe that you're gone

(It's your time now)

I need you to know

Before you go

You're still alive in me
Missing You :(

Seven months.....and one day. Some days it's still so hard to believe.....then other today....the magnitude of the loss hits me. But then I don't think we'll EVER realize the full impact.
Fran Kempa

The two simplest words in the world, "I'm Sorry", are also two of the most powerful words in the world.
MCS <>

It saddens me to think that the entry made by Anne feels like the friends and love ones who knew Chris need a lesson on the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. Yes the Bible does teach us forgiveness but how can we forgive someone who never had the courage to say they were sorry. Accident or not that is the first thing that should have been said on the morning of November 20th.
A Very Close Friend <Livonia, Michigan>

xxx <xxxx>

Today's picture (6/20/01), was taken 6/10/86, Chris' 2nd birthday......note the extra to grow on.
Fran Kempa

I just love them Cows today!
MCS <>

Mrs. Kempa, would you do me a favor and if you have any more of those stickers that were at the show last Sunday, could we maybe arrange a time where I could pick some up for my car too? I would love that. Also, I am really really sorry that I wasn't able to go to the show. The weekends aren't really good for me due to work. Anyway, its been awhile since we talked. I hope to hear from you soon. Chris, I love you and miss you too much.
Katy <>

I love all of the daily photos that are shared here on this site. One thing I noticed is how well dressed both Adam and Chris were as children. Coolest clothes ever :) Love the stripes.
NLS <>

The benefit show Sunday was made me feel so good to see all of Chris's friends show up to support his memory and his family. Never forget Chris...I know that it would be very hard to. And I hope to be seeing Chris stickers on everyone's cars around the area so that everyone else won't forget him either.
Michele <>

Today's picture (6/18/01) was taken AUGUST 10TH 1984 2mths. old. Thank you Mary S.....once again, you said it SO much better than I could have!
Fran Kempa

Chris, The show last night was AWESOME! i'm so glad i went and I know you are too...I LOVE YOU....

Anne, I can tell you've never had to experience the loss of a child and I pray you keep that teenager you refer to for your life time. But I guarentee you this, if you should lose him one day, be it from illness or by someone elses hand you WILL experience anger. I don't care how God fearing you are.
Sally Giacomino <From Someone Who Knows TCF N.J.>

There is MUCH praying going on here. The fundraisers and memorials are also a way of bringing healing and strength. There is not a day when I drive past Chris' Memorial that I don't pray for the healing and strength of all the family and friends affected by this tragedy. There are accidents and there always will be accidents, but so many accidents can be avoided. I so often question why these accidents didn't occur when I was a kid. Why so many Franklin kids in particular have been hit? It wells up some great anger in me and I'll leave it at that because I know you wouldn't want to hear my sermon. I never knew Paul McCartney wrote such a song, never heard it. I was a bit shocked when I first read it, but the more I read it, I realized that this is what we hear and read in the news every single day. These are accidents that CAN be avoided and the "Jerk of all Jerks" are the ones who need to be reminded of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
MCS <>

I guess Anne didn't read much of the guestbook. There's refrence to God in almost every entry especially chris's mom's. And did she read ALL the poems or just one she could start trouble with?
Erin P <likethewind@Juno>

I read what Ann said and I just felt like I needed to say something back. I go to church, I pray every night, however I think it is simply human nature to place blame on someone, when it is so obvious that his mistake cost so much. We all make mistakes in life, and yes the bible teaches us to forgive and forget, but we will never forget Chris, or what happened to him, and we can't forgive someone who doesn't think that they did anything wrong.
Tracy <>

It's truly sad not only the loss of a child but the anger and the need to blame someone. These young adults are learning so early that someone must be blamed for a tragedy, that accidents can't simply be accidents. What are we teaching our children? As a parent, I will teach my teenager that he must be extremely cautious in life but also he must trust in God and remember, always remember the teachings of Jesus Christ. The young person who entered "Jerk of all Jerks" needs some guidance and obviously needs to be taught the word of God. How many of these young adults are going to church and praying for strength. We are encouraging them to attend fundraisers and memorials but no word of going to Church and praying for healing and strength.
Anne <>

I forgot to thank all the fathers for allowing their kids to attend on Father's Day. Your kids helped a good cause tonight and you should all be so greatful you still have all of your kids with you......God I envy you!
Fran Kempa

Tonight's Benefit Show was a GREAT SUCCESS. The proceeds form tonight added to the proceeds from last week's Mr. Mugs show total almost another $1,500 for the scholarship fund! Thank you to all who attended, all the bands and all the people who made donations. Not to mention all the people who helped one way or another. SPECIAL THANKS to Cyndi Lareau who made it all happen!! Formal thank you notes will follow. I know Chris is happy and proud of all of us tonight!! Thank you all again. Next year's will be bigger and better!
Fran Kempa

the show was wonderful tonight. it at least put me it better spirits for part of the night. i hate to ask you a favor since i never knew you extremely well. truthfully, i unfortunately hardly knew you at all -- only talking to you a few short times. but chris, please, will you watch over my loved ones that are in need right now? i couldnt bare to loose them. even though i never had the chance to be close to you, i was very impacted by your death. it challenged me mentally and emotionally, and today i am a stronger person because of it. i for the first time actually had to face death, and being at the age i am it is very hard to see it through eyes of my own. especially having to see one of your peers brings it to new heights. god works in mysterious ways. you had so much potential; you were your own work of art. but obviously god had other things in store for you. i pray that your family and close friends can cope through these rough times. watch over them chris, watch over all of us. your in a better place now. thank you.

Good luck to all with the fundraiser tonight (6/17/01). We are there with you even though we can not be there in person. Much success! Love always,
JoAnne <>

Dear Chris, Hey, I miss you so much I wish I could have told you this in person, I know you would have been the perfect person to go to about this. My Grandma's dieing! I mean dieing. She's suffering but there's nothing we can do for that until she passes away. I miss her so much I won't see her until tommorrow night my dad and I are driving down to Kansas to see her but I don't know what to think, I want her to pass on because I don't want her to suffer anymore but I want actually want to see her before she dies! Well anyway if you could do me a really big favor and watch out for her when she comes to heaven I would really appriciate it! Thanx Chris! I love you and miss you so much!-Ginny

Today's picture (6/17/01) was taken on Father's Day 1985. Chris had just turned 1 year old.
Fran Kempa

Happy Father's Day Mr. Kempa!! Hoping that the special butterfly crosses your path today! I'm sure Chris will be watching over you and celebrating this Day in your honor with his Heavenly Fathers and Sons.
MCS <>

Mr. Kempa, I thought you would like this poem for Father's Day.

I'm sorry that it fits your situation. It makes me think of the dirver.

"Jerk of All Jerks"

Paul McCartney

I'm a motorist that quite

Likes a drink when he drives

Who causes the loss

Of innocent lives

I'm the guy with the pistol

Who kills your best friend

You can't really blame me

'Cos I'm round the bend

Hello—how are you?

I'm jerk of all jerks

I'm here to undo

All your charitable works

I do it quite simply by

Making mistakes

And one little boo-boo

Is all that it takes

And you're at the mercy of

Jerk of all jerks.

I'm the man that disposes

Of nuclear waste.

There's no need to worry

It's perfectly safe

In fact there is now

Every reason to hope

That if anything happens

I'll easily cope

Hello—how are you?

I'm jerk of all jerks...

I'm the leader who says

As he wages his war

That the children are not

Ones that he's aiming for


How are you?

I'm jerk of all jerks...


Happy Father's day mr. kempa!! i hope that your fathers day goes good. Chris, i know, is up in heaven painting you a picture for father's day or doing something arty. hope it goes good. your thoughts are always in my heart. i love you guys. love, jenny
jenny gervasi <>

My Love For My Son

From the day he was born, the love for my son,has been a deep and quiet, unspoken one.I very seldom said what i felt inside, but my son always knew I was filled with pride. I wanted my son to think that I was always tough, but deep inside I had hoped no one would call my bluff.But since my son's death came so cruel and so quick, I have lost all my toughness now, I'm only heart sick. So I put on my mask and strive to raise my chin, for I cry hard and often, but mostly from within.
Ron Brnic <TCF Pittsburgh, Pa.>

Happy Father's Day Mr Kempa, even though you had a funny way of showing it some times I know you loved Chris and miss him very much
A Good Friend

Hi Chris. I miss you so much kid. I got tickets to the Radiohead concert. I know you would have gotten them too. I'll be thinking of you while i'm there. Of course you'll have a front row seat from the best place, heaven. I'll be looking for you at the benift show tomarrow! Love ya forever!
Janine <>

He was such a beautiful specimen and person!!

Today's picture (6/15/01) was taken by Chris himself with a Polaroid camera in October 2000 I believe. We found a whole roll he shot of himself. Pretty weird.... again alomst like he knew and was leaving us some memories behind ....but he didn't know.
Fran Kempa

Another season with out Chris.

Summer was always a favorite time for me.

The bringing out of the lawn furniture and Mom's garden stuff. The opening of the pool and planting of the gardens. The last day of school and the start of a summer vacation. A happy time.

Now the very same stuff, the activities and things bring only sad reminders of a life that has past. Not only of Chris, but for the whole family and the time once spent with Chris.

We all miss him.

We all want him back.
Dad <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Sunday June 17th

Red Shirt Brigade The Recital The Amplitude Gabriel Good Luck Evergreen

Wilson Barn in Livonia (at Middlebelt & W. Chicago) 6:00 PM, $5 cover

All proceeds go to the Chris Kempa Memorial Art Scholarship Fund
Dad <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Precious Son

God, I know you gave your precious son to give us life with you. But I didn't want my son to leave because he was precious too. We all are precious in your eyes and all to you return. I know my son will not come back, and I still have much to learn. Our time on earth is for learning, and when our lessons are through, our spirit chooses the time we leave, and we come back to you. My precious son is with you, and there will be a day, that I too will leave this earthly place, and you will light my way. I know your arms will be open, and I will have a smile, to see my God and precious son, I then become your child.
Joy Curnett


I do not understand

why Godzilla movies are so bad

why cars breakdown

why I have such a bad internet connection

but most of all, I don't understand

why people get killed,(my friend was hit by a truck and killed. He never did anything to deserve that)

What I understand most is hockey

all the rules are easy to learn

and skating is really fun.
By Matt Kahkonen

Today's picture (6/14/01) was taken May 28th 1998 at Franklin Honors Night. Adam received many awards that night. While Chris knew he wouldn't be honored for academics he KNEW he'd be honored for his artistic talent and he was so looking forward to that! His name will still be read aloud next year at Honors Night during the Art Department presentation but most unfortunatly NOT for the same reason.
Fran Kempa

hey, Chris. I was looking up information on the Comerica Tastefest today to see if Sloan was possibly playing another free show this summer. I remember last summer you asked if you could catch a ride there with me, and I had do say no because the people we were going with didn't have anymore room in the car. I wish I could go back and FORCE them to make room. They weren't my friends, just friends of a friend, otherwise I would have made the room. I regret now that you weren't there, and I wish that I could go back and spent more time with you and talking to you after graduation. I didn't think I would get so busy! I guess it has showed me not to take having people around for granted. But those last weeks of your life we started talking again. I don't know what made me sing onto my old SN that day, but almost as soon as I did, you started talking to me like we had never stopped. And for those last few weeks we talked a lot. You mostly wanted to talk about girls! I felt so honered that you came to me for advice. I thank God that I was able to speak to you before the day you died. We even talked about hanging out when I came home for break, and you wanted me to buy you're solo album. You always told me I would be one of the first to get it! I miss you Chris, I miss your smile, and the way you always made me smile. Love always,
Tracy <>

Melissa <Stephensm@>

Hey Chris, I am really sorry that I didn't stay that long with you at your grave. I couldn't bear to stay much longer or I would have cried my eyes out. I have had a lot of trouble lately. I don't know whats going on with me but I am sure that sooner or later, I will figure it out. Laura Savage and I wanted to stop by you to say hi and I wanted to change some things for my mother. I miss both of you so much. I can't really feel right now and I can't explain why but I don't like it. I really wish that I could just talk to you right now. I know that you would have made me feel better. I couldn't bear the fact that you were under dirt in the ground. It's so weird and nothing like I have ever had to experience with one of my family members. But you were one of my closest friends. I can't understand why I feel like that this is all a dream that I can't wake up from. I don't like it one bit. I really want your help right this minute. I can't focus on anything and I feel like there is something really wrong with someone close to me . And I know exactly who it is. Except I can't do anything about it because he is in India. Don't ask. Anyway, back to you. I have never had that horrible feeling that I got with you when I went to visit mom. EVER. I just wanted to cry my eyes out right then and there. I remebered that Luther is buried where your buried at too. So Laura and I went to go find him. The lady who showed us how to get to him was such a roach! I am sure that you would have just laughed at me with the way that I got so angry at her then tried to calm me down with one of your silly faces. I always loved your faces. Anyway, Laura and I were looking for Luther and I stopped trying to find him for awhile and I found a tiny little plaque with teething rings on it. It was a baby's I just lost it after that. I don't understand why, I am usually okay when I go to the cemetary.I don't know what was wrong with me but alls I know is that I sure could use your help right now cause I am very confused. Anyway, I am gonna try to get some sleep. I LOVE YOU CHRIS! This summer won't be the same without you. Paul has already come over a few times. Each time I looked for you out of habit. Anyway, I love you always and forever.
Katy <>

hey chris, how are you doing tonight? im alright. its the first day of summer and im sitting here at 12:30 listening to U2. what a loser. anyway im listening to the song "one" and it makes me think of you alot. i just wanted to come by and say hi and how much i miss you and love you and wish you were here with us. i cant wait to see you again soon. i love you buddy cya later

Today's picture (6/13/01) was taken June 10th 1998. Chris' 14th Birthday and Adam's High School graduation!
Fran Kempa

The first day of summer vacation Chris!!! I bet you'd still be asleep now just like Adam even though it's almost noon! You'd be recovering from last night's excitement...celebrating the last day of school and temporary freedom. I'm sure you would have attended many graduation parties...many of your friends were Seniors and now you would be!! You thought that would be so cool! You faced a summer full of skateboarding, movie making, animating, music and by now who knows....maybe much more....who knows what you might have accomplished or become interested in in the almost seven months since you were killed. We'll never know but what ever you would have been doing you would have done it with the same zest and love of life as you always did.

The boys next door have just discovered skateboards! I KNOW you would have been over there showing them some tricks and showing off!....Maybe just a little! We'd be reminding ourselves to get going on those Senior pictures. You'd have worn the suit I got you for the Coming Home Dance in the picture.....and for the casual picture I bet that Kentucky Elliot hoody! God you wore that a lot! Adam has it now and cherishes it. I know you'd have seen the movie Shrek by now ,"Just to check out the animation Mom." And we'd still be anxiously awaiting Camp Portfolio! I don't know if you'd still be at Larry's but I suspect so. That Coney at the corner you and Ron wanted to work at still hasn't opened! We'd still be working on that driving! I bet you would have had us convinced by now it would make much more sense to let you have a car in September rather than waiting until March! I think you only drove once with Drivers Ed. I'm so glad I let you drive almost every night you worked last summer. Remember, I would pick you up and we'd go to the Grant School parking lot. You'd drive around and around, practice stopping , parking and backing up. You were getting GOOD! We even went to Franklin and St. Mike's a few times but you preferred Grant's lot. You said it was more like driving on a real road.

The possibitities were endless with you ! That's why I can imagine some things you'd be doing but not all. You had SO MANY interests and talents! I just wish I wasn't sitting here trying to IMAGINE what you'd be doing.....I wish so much I was experiencing it!...That WE were experiencing it! I will live the rest of my life taking part of evey day and thinking.......What would he be doing now??.....And I'll never know for sure ....but I can IMAGINE!! I love you and miss you so much! It truly hurts!

Beautiful painting today.

Happy belated Birthday Chris! Sorry I'm a little late.
Justin <>

Mrs. Kempa, I have not forgoten you. I will be getting you copies of the negative of Chris's picture; its just that I have been very busy and unable to do it. sorry it has taken so long!
Justin <>

Today's art (6/12/01), is a water color done of Chris by someone we've never met. His name is Jon McDonald and he is an Instructer at Kendall College of Art and Design. Cyndi Lareau did a presentation on Chris and his art in one of Mr. McDonald's classes shortly after he was killed. She said Mr. McDonald was so impressed with Chris' work he wanted to do a painting of him for us. She brought it over last weekend. The digital photo doesn't do it justice. It actually looks like a photograph in person. What a wonderful gift from a stranger!

Today's picture was taken of Chris on the last day of school last year 2000! It is the picture one of his friends brought over unexpectedly in March when I was having an EXTREMELY BAD Chris day. At the time I didn't get his name. His Mom Emailed me the next day. So THANK YOU Justin Kreimes for this great picture! Again, the digital picture doesn't do it justice. The actual picture shows his beautiful eyes so well...So big and so blue! I saved it for today ...the last day of school 2001. As much as Chris LOVED school since he got to Franklin, he still loved the last day!!
Fran Kempa

It is now the last day of school (12:22AM) and you won't be there to celebrte with me or us . i / we miss you so much. hope you got my balloon and message.I /we love you.
I miss you to

i miss you chris. we love you and will forever remember your smile and spirit. have fun and ill cya sometime in the future buddy.
i miss you

Tomorrow is the last day of school Chris! We had such fun last year remember? We'd go to lunch or over to your house or something......and we'd be SENIORS!! I still will be I'm so sorry you won't. We were so looking forward to it and next year just won't be the same without you as this yeas wasn't i always felt like something was missing....and you were! I LOVE YOU!and miss you more every day!
You know Who

As Adam mentioned on the opening page ....A great THANK YOU! to Danny Sperry for organizing Saturday's Benefit show. As a result of his efforts another generous donation will be made to The Chris Kempa Memorial Art Scholarship fund. Danny, I know Chris is happy and proud of you too! I would also like to thank ALL the bands for donating their time and talent...Pop Project, Atrium, Nashua, Grey Eyes Beside The Seine, Enkphalin, The Pedestrians, Good Luck Evergreen, The Garbage Boys Of America, Scott Allen, and The Recital! You are helping to keep Chris' spirit and memory alive and that means so much to me. Thank you all again so much!

I would also like to thank all of our dear friends who helped with the balloon launch last night, with special thanks to....Bill and Kathy, Michael, Caleb and Katrina Deady. Brad, Claudia, Ryan and Scott Allen. Nancy, Donna, Jill and Brad. And to all of Chris' dear friends for taking the time to come and remember him on his Birthday. Some how I know he was with us!

I hope next week's benefit show, Sunday the 17th 6:00 at Wilson Barn will be a great success also. I hope you all know how much you are appreciated!!
Fran Kempa

the show was great. i thought of you the entire time. i miss you so much, as i sat outside today and felt the sun on my face, i knew it was you smiling down upon me. i love you
- <->
mi USA -

if memory serves me correctly, i do believe that on one such birthday, christopher, you recieved a butterfly net, in which, obviously, butterflies were to be caught in... with all of the faith that has now been put in one particular butterfly, it's interesting to note the significance of said gift... hopefully, you can avoid all nets from now on, and continue to fly free, making those precious visits to your mom, which i know she holds very dear to her heart... i know in my heart, that you saw those balloons that were sent to the skies in your honor, and who knows... you might have been sailing along with them, reading every note as you floated by... happy birthday chris... you are truely missed.
ryan a. <>

Hey Chris, I know I'm a little late I'm not a day late yet though it's about 11:55pm right now I didn't want to miss saying happy Birthday to you I figured it was just as important for me to say this to you today than it is for me to say this to you! I miss you Chris I wish you were still here to experience so many treasured moments! Once again I'll wish you a happy Birthday and say goodnight! I hope your birthday in Heaven was really a delight. I hope everyday is really a blast, but remember never forget your past! I love you Chris! Happy 17th Birthday! Oh, and look I'm not even late! Ginny
Virginia <->

happy birthday chris. you would be 17 today. its weird to think back to about 6th grade and think of how much fun we had and now youre gone. it seems like just yesterday that you were taken so sadly from us. i went to the balloon launch today. it was nice to have everybody there talking together about memories and just life-except you were not there. your face was everywhere: on pins, stickers. and we know your spirit was there with us on that field, but you as a whole is what we miss so much. its just not the same anymore. i know our balloons reached you in heaven and i hope you didnt get in trouble for having so much "mail" you were so loved and its such a shame. but we have to wait to see you again sometime in a place where its all smiles no tears. i cant wait for that day and i will miss you each and everyday till then. until we meet again, i miss you and i love you buddy. keep smilin. goodnight chris. love woody
jason <>

DId you get the balloons Chris?.....And all of our messages? The turn out was amazing! So many people who miss you so much. I Hope you didn't mind that we didn't sing Happy Birthday to you. Dad and I just felt we wouldn't be able to get through it with out breaking down. That's why we said, "Happy Birthday Chris" as we let our balloons go....over 100 it was an awesome sight! I hope you know. That was funny when a dozen took off on their own and landed in the tree. It was the very thing that happened at your 3rd birthday party in the back yard....remember? After the launch we had cake and pop. Larry's made the cake and it was beautiful!

After we got home Dad and I went up to the Memorial a little after 10:00 and lit 17 candles! I didn't do my traditional one extra as I would have if you were here.....we always said that was "one to grow on" But unfortunatly you won't be growing any more. You were already 6'1" according to your autopsy.....I know you would have grown more. Adam grew several inches between 16 and 18. You were hoping to surpass his 6'3".....And I bet you would have ...but now we'll never know.

I hope ever day is a party for you....I check the Hydrangias every day....if they bloom this year I will be CONVINCED you're ok. I still worry about you every day.....If they don't bloom I don't know what I'll think. I must close now, have to get up at 5:30..good night my sweet 17 year old angel son Chris. I love you, and miss you more.

Happy Birthday Chris!! I went to the balloon launch and i loved the sight when i saw the balloons being let go and fly through the night sky...but the party wasn't the same,we were missing the one person that this party was I miss you and love you kido. Love Always, Katie
Katie B, <>

happy birthday chris.

You were all in my thoughts today. I am sorry that I had to miss the balloon launch, I am sure that it was a beautiful sight and Chris was most definately there...watching over the people who love him and continue to keep his memory alive. Happy Birthday are missed and loved every single day.
Ms. Hillman

What a beautiful sight those balloons were. Thank you to the Kempa family for inviting us. We were happy and sad to share this time with you. Thanks Chris for pulling some strings and keeping the rain away for awhile. Hope you are having a wonderful celebration with your heavenly family and friends. Happy Birthday!!
MCS <>

Happy Birthday Chris! i hope you are happy! i miss you sooooooo much. nothing is the same without you not school not work not the internet no more IMs from you!Like your mom said there's a hole in lots of peoples worlds now. I LOVE YOU!!! Love,

hey Chris, Happy 17th Birthday!! i hope that you are having a good one up in heaven. party hard but leave the best part of the party for later on tonight. when we all are letting those balloons go, give us a sign that you are there. we all believe and i hope that you do. i remember the first day i became friends with you. it was at larry's and you were bagging for me. we started talking and we got along so well. then i saw you at school. always down the art hallway, right before fourth hour. i had photo and you had lunch. you would always say hi and when you would always ask when i was going to call you. and i was going to call you but i lost the number. about a week after you died i found your number and just sat in my room and cried. i can't even image what your mom is going through. i miss you so much. i love you Chris and i hope that i see you tonight. P.S. happy birthday again.
jenny gervasi <>

We will be there rain or shine!! It's raining now and hopefully it will be done and over before tonight. Come on Chris pull some strings for us here!! Happy Birthday!!
MCS <>

! <!>

They are predicting storms for later this evening. The Balloon Launch WILL be held rain or shine.
Fran Kempa

Dear Chris: Happy 17th birthday. Uncle Bill and I are in Raleigh. N.C. at Aunt Kathy's. We will also have a balloon launch for your 17th birthday. Your cousin Billy is also launching a balloon for you tonight in Buffalo, New York. We love you Chris! You are not forgotten....ever!!
JoAnne <>

To My Sweet Memory Of A Son,

Happy Birthday Sweetheart! I hope you are having the most wonderful day! One that we can't even begin to imagine...and you know what?....I can't. I can't begin to imagine what it's like but the thought that it must be so wonderful is all that keeps me goimg! It's so hard to believe that's all you are to me now... a wonderful memory. Videos, photos, art, poems, and songs....It's even more difficult to accept. I do so wish this had never happened and it could have been so EASILY AVOIDED!!

I remember the day you were born as vividly as the day you were killed.....the C-section was scheduled for June 20th, well before your due date of July 2nd. But as usual, you were in a hurry! I was dreaming, and then I woke to the most teriffic kick I had felt through out this water broke... you wanted out and it was 5:00am. on June 10th. I was scheduled to work 7-3 that morning. After I woke Dad up I called in....not sick...just unable to come in....better things to do! Then I called the Doctor. I had never called in on a weekend or holiday before and never have since, but this was such an EXCITING baby's Birthday! We woke Adam up and took him next door to Shannon and Frank's house. Just the day before, Adam and I were at Alexis' Birthday party. Shannon had said if there was anything she could do when the day arrived just let her know......I had no idea it would be so soon. Just as you fooled me in death, you fooled me in birth! We hadn't decided on a boy's name. Adam Wm. was CONVINCED you'd be a girl and didn't want to hear any talk of a brother! You were to be Elizabeth Anne. On the way to St. Mary's I said to Dad we'd better think of a boy's name.....just in case. We had been toying with the idea of Christopher Michael and decided on the way to the hospital that would be the boy's nane.....I knew all along you were a boy! The surgery itself was unremarkable, and when they pulled you out and said, "It's a boy!!" I said "I know!" They showed you to me and all I could say was "He's so cute!" That phrase stayed with you until the day you were killed. To think you were born at St. Mary's and were DOA at St. Mary's.....That evening after I came around I called Adam...I said, "Did Daddy tell you the good news?" he said "what?" I said, "You have a new brother!!!" He said, "I wanted a girl." and banged the phone in my ear!! He came around fast after he first saw you and the two of you were close until the day you were killed.

Someone said to me the other day, "Well, your family was given the ultimate test and you all passed." I was so shocked all I could say was, "I beg your pardon?" They replied, "You all survived." Was that meant to make me feel better?.....If this was a test I'd much rather fail! I would much rather say,"God, I give up, I can't live without my son, give him back and let me fail." The part they did get right is the survivor part. We are doing just that still....surviving.......Not living. Forever changed, forever saddened, forever sentenced to a life with a hole in our hearts and a huge void in our lives that will NEVER go away! Many people have said, and continue to say, "You are SO STRONG!" I am NOT strong. They should see me when I'm home alone, curled in a fetal position, crying my eyes out still.....I am not strong. I only put on the face every day people expect to see. At this point most people don't want to hear about it...even worse deal with it. We will have to deal with it for the rest of our lives.

As a result of your death, I'm making new friends.....friends I never dreamed I'd have.....other Mother's of dead children. I've formed some bonds through Compassionate Friends and since you were killed I try to reach out to any Mother I hear about on the News who has lost a child. Some times it's difficult to find the address but when I do I make sure I send them a card.

Shortly after you were killed you appeared to one of our neighbors in a dream, remember? You told her to tell me you WERE alright but I should "SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH" That hit me so hard and has stuck with all of us....that is what we decided to do.... and continue to do. The truth is starting to come out and it's not a pretty sight. With every thing new we learn it only gets WORSE. You NEVER should have been killed that day. But most unfortunatly, you were and none of us will ever be the same. So many lives were impacted as a result, not just the three of have much more family and numerous friends. We all still love you so much and miss you so much it hurts. There is a hole in the world now....not just in our hearts.

I know you will be with us tonight, if there's any way, please give us a sign. I love you so much. I will keep your spirit alive as long as I live and we ALL will continue to search for the truth......You are a beautiful memory! Love,

A correction from my entry...Kentucky Elliot...not elliot smith..oops!

Holidays were always a weird time for us. We always wanted to get eachother a better present than we would be recieving. I think that your idea was fantastic for my birthday...and maybe started months before my birthday. You went to Chicago, on the art trip, and bought, maybe 7 items, (so you said). You then told me, that for the next two months, you would give me one present a week, until my birthday. So, for the following weeks, I got...the detroit rock city DVD, Figure 8 by Elliot Smith, Red Letter Day-by the get up kids, some fun pics that you got taken of yourself in Chicago...and more. You never lived until my birthday. I thought about you a lot December 15 (my birthday), dana created a sweet 16 scavanger hunt, that ended me up at the bean. and all I could think while I was there is that, you would have attended...and what you would have had in store for me. We didn't stay at the bean for long that night, we never do anymore, it isn't the same, but as we were walking out, I got the best present ever, a sign. I turned to dana as we were leaving and said "i wish Chris was here" at at that second a man walked in wearing your identical Elliot Smith hoody...and I knew that you were watching me. I don't think I could have gotten a better present. That's all I wanted, from anyone, was a sign that you remembered. I'm not sure what to get you now. I have been thinking, and there isn't anything that I can think of that will top what I got for my birthday. None the less, Happy birthday Chris, know that you are the one that I will be thinking about all day. I'm hoping that you will be with me at 8:00 tomorrow night, when I let your balloon go, and with that, another part of myself. Happy Birthday, I miss you, I love you.
Cori Smith <>

hey bud...just wanted to wish you an early happy birthday. I hope you are having a great party up there, and I will see you tomorrow at the balloon ya bunches, and miss ya tons!
Tracy <>

Dear Chris,

I bet we'd be out right now getting your Birthday present. (6/9 3:23PM) It would most likely have been the latest hand held video game......remember last year it was Neo Geo. Then I'd be asking you what you want for dinner tomorrow night....the Birthday boys always get to chose the dinner. You may have had a party, I don't know ....maybe a pool would have been open by now if you were here but it's reason to one to use it.

Today is Chris Kempa Benefit Show 3. Danny Sperry has worked so hard to make it happen! I want to thank him and I know you thank him too. You had such wonderful friends. All just like you, kind and talented. They all still miss you so much. One of your friends decorated the side walks near the Memorial in very colorful chalk. They look very pretty. That's part of your Birthday present. Thank you to whom ever did it. And to the people irritated by the Memorial....I hope that irritates you even more!

Tomorrow we'll go to the Cemetary for a while....still not my favorite thing to do and it never will be. Then tomorrow evening we'll have your party! So many people are coming, I just wish there could be one more...the guest of honor in the flesh, not in spirit. I will write again tomorrow, I miss you more than ANYONE can inagine. I love you......the Prayer plant bloomed!! I have had Prayer plants on and off for 25 years. I have NEVER known one to bloom.....I didn't even know they did. We have four large plants from the Funeral home around the tub, under the sky light in the upstairs bathroom. They have been flourishing but this morning I noticed the prayer plant. Two very beautiful, delicate purple flowers. ANOTHER SIGN!!

Be sure to check out CKBS3 is listed as a Metro Times Pick! WOO HOO! Theres also an ad in this weeks Metro Times so grab one and check it out! See you all at the show tonight. Be sure to tell Danny Sperry what a great job he's done on this show!
Cyndi! <>

Look for a Happy 17th Birthday, Chris balloon launch from NC also on 6-10-01 at 8PM. WE LOVE YOU.
Kathy Putnam <MsKateP>

Dear Chris, I stopped by the memorial sight for the first time yesterday, June7, it was very early in the monrning, I had just dropped my car off at the dealership. I coulden't see the plaque, I looked real hard in between the notes and the votive candles. I didn't ask your mom exactly where the plaque was resting. As I was looking, my friend Donna said,"look Nancy, there is Chris sitting in the grass." I looked and to my DELIGHT there you were, sporting the wings of a beautiful Monarch butterfly. Tears started to gently stream down my face. You know how much I believe that you ARE that butterfly. I feel so privledged that you would give Donna and I a wonderful and unexpected appearance, I thought you would be reserving these visits for realy special people, like your mom. You know I do believe with all my heart that heaven is right here on the same plane as earth, and that you walk (or fly), with us every day. Thanks for being there. We will all be with you on Sunday. I know you will love the balloon launch and I know you will be the one with the wings, rising with the balloons and all the love that will be sent your way. Fly high Christopher, this will be your day. Happy birthday. Love, Nancy


Suddenly you're gone . I'm still here. Why? How can this be? Someone tell me the answer . How can I fill the void, the space once so full of life? What will I do? How will I be strong for others when the sting of pain is so real, so near? Though everyone seems calm, my soul screams at the in -justice , the unfairness of losing you. I miss you. I think of you every day and feel you in my heart always. Whatever the reason for your leaving, I know your living had a reason. Despite the brevity of your life, you lived a lifetimes's worth. You blessed us with your presence , your specialness. I have only to thimk of you to feel the joy you've left as a legacy. You shaped the purpose of my life. I can see the world through your eyes. I love you.
Robin Holmon <TCF Tuscalousa Alabama>


I heard quite often " men don't cry " though no one ever told me why. So when I fell and skinned a knee no one came by to comfort me.

And when some bully boy at school would pull a prank so mean and cruel I'd quickly learn to turn and quip " It doesn't hurt " and bite my lip.

So as I grew to reasoned years I learned to stifle any tears. Though " Be a big boy" it began Quite soon I learned to " Be a man "

And I could play that stoic role while storm and tempest wrecked my soul. No pain nor set back could there be Could wrest one single tear from me.

Then one long night I stood nearby and helplessly watched my son die. And quickly found to my surprise That all that tearless talk was lies.

And still I cry and have no shame I cannot play that " Big Boy " game. And openly without remorse I let my sorrow take it's course.

So those of you who can't abide A man you've seen who's often cried Reach out to him with all your heart As one whose life has been torn apart.

For men do cry when they can see Their loss of immortality. And tears will come in endless streams When mindless fate destroys their dreams.
Ken Falk <TCF Northwestern CT.>

This is my first time writing in the guestbook, one because I have never really been able to express my deepest feelings about why Chris has left us, and two because what I do feel is to hard for me to put into words. I remember walking down the hall to jazz band, third hour, that Monday morning, and I would always meet Chris and walk with him to class. But that day he was not there, and I knew that my day would not be complete without him. I will never forget the feeling I had when I heard the news on the PA system at school. It was like my stomach had lept out of my body, and the earth was just standing still. I remember looking at Caleb, and seeing him throw the bongos half way across the band room. I was so mortified, how could they take Chris away. And later I stopped thinking about myself, and I reminded myself of how many other people were hurting just like me. We were all touched by Chris's heart, each in our own way. I tried to think of how Chris would handle this situation. He would put his family and friends first and save himself for last. Since this past November, I have seen a few more people whom I love leave this world, but I have also found many more by just knowing Chris. He has lead me into a whole new world of people and activities. But most importantly into a broader way of life. Though fifth hour radio and tv was never the same without you, I had a blast while it lasted. I thank you Chris, for giving me your friendship and wisdom while you were here on earth, and while you are still and always will be here in my heart and prayers. I love you my dear friend! Love always, Sara A. Knopsnider
Sara Knopsnider <>

Dear Chris,

What a party we're going to have Sunday! I've already ordered six dozen balloons but have to call tomorrow and order two dozen more. Everyone is looking forward to it but we are so sad and sorry you'll only be there in spirit. I know you'll be with us in spirit.

Looking back on your life there are three days I wish we could live over. The first, last June 10th, your 16th birthday. We were toying with the idea of going to Buffalo. I hadn't seen Aunt Kathy in about 5 years and I'd never seen her grandson. She and Bradley were going to be in Buffalo that weekend. But it was your birthday, some what of a land mark birthday, and I didn't know if we should go. You encouraged me to go. I kept saying," Are you sure you don't mind?" And you kept saying," You go Mom but I'm not going" I felt bad but we went. We called you that night and you seemed fine. When we got home I got a cake and candles and set them on top of the microwave waiting for a night we'd all be together. With all of our various schedules that didn't happen. I guess you got tired of waiting and cut the cake one afternoon....we never did sing Happy Birthday to you. I just figured we'd make up for it this year. As it turned out, Adam told me you had quite a party for your self!...One that I never would have approved of but now I'm oh SO GLAD you did!

The other two days I wish even more we could live over are Sun. Nov.19th....I NEVER would have asked you to walk to school in the morning and the last and worst, Mon. Nov. 20th.....I would have driven you to school. I think you know how sorry I am and will be for the rest of my life.

I felt your presence strongly today. Thank you for your strength. I miss you so much I wish some days I would die. The pup is a distraction but I'm afraid that's all he is. Be watching Sunday, I bet it will be quite a sight from your perspective. I love you so much.

today the new Radiohead CD came out and I am reminded of the weeks before their last CD, Kid A came out. You raved to me for weeks about how fantastic it was going to be, and that you had some of the songs already, and that I was going to HAVE to buy it. We were going to Stratford, Ontario the day it was realeased, October 3, so we spent much of the day wandering the city looking for a store where you could buy it. We never found a store, but that didn't matter because before I knew it, you had the CD. I also remember that we got into an argument that day because you had been raving to me for weeks about the CD, then the day it came out you said to me "you won't like it, don't get it." So we got into this big argument about how you always tried to tell me what I would, and wouldn't like. So, needless to say, I bought it just in spite of you. And I loved it..then after that you would say to me stuff like "I told you that you would love it!" and I would just laugh.
Cori <curcusenvy@aol>

Hey Chris.... It's your cousin Billy.. I just wanted to write and say hey. I have been thinking about you a lot these past few days. I've just been thinking about lots of stuff and I have to say that I am living with a lot of regret these days. Basically because we lost touch for many years. You are my cousin and I barely knew anything about you the last few years. I'm just sorry that had to happen. I really don't know what else to say bud. I'm just sorry about that. But know that I am always thinking about you, and you are forever in my heart. Love ya pal. Billy
Bill Vaughan <>

Reminder: As most of you know, Sunday, June 10th would have Chris' 17th Birthday. Long before the Benefit Show was planned for the 17th, I planned to have a balloon launch for his Birthday. I still intend to do it on a much less grand scale. I realize both events are on back to back Sundays. I know weekends are cherished family time for most. If it comes to making a choice between events, I would much prefer you chose the Benefit Show. Ideally, I would love everyone to attend both! The balloon launch is planned for Sunday, June 10th at 8:00PM in Mies Park.(on West Chicago near Grant Elementry) I ask all those who would like to attend to please E mail me at by Wednesday June,6th. so I know how many balloons to supply. Please give your name as well as your screen name. Fran Kempa -
Fran Kempa <xxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Chris: Your cousin Bill is home from college for the summer and in his room right now playing Magic by Ben Folds Five and crying his eyes out. The song made me very sad also, and I asked him why. He reminded me it was the song on the beautiful video of your life. He regrets not having a chance to really get to know you after you guys grew up, but has beautiful memories of you when you kids were little and spending time at the beach in Michigan. How he used to cry when we would have to leave to go back to Buffalo!! We hope you are at peace and looking down on all of us honey. Peace always. We love you.
JoAnne <>

Chris, i missed you at prom. i had thought that there was a good chance you would have been there and we would have had such a good time. i'm a really disappointed that i can't attend your benefit concerts or the balloon launch because i will be in europe with my sister. i really want to go but i will be there in spirit as will you. i will take lots of pictures for you in italy and greece! i love you and miss you. you are forever in my thoughts.
Dana <>

In the chapter of memories today was a day I know Chris loved. Today is Chris neighborhoods annual garage sale day and it would not be unusual seeing Chris cruise by on scateboard hunting for the perfect find. If he wasn't looking for comic books and superheros he was looking for something musically or unusual. Whatever he bought was surely a treasure. I will always tresure Chris in my heart and kep his memory alive. Today among many I really miss seeing you Chris Love Mrs. Allen
Claudia <CLU455>

Dear Sibling,

How can I possibly tell you how much I miss you? But of course you probably already know since you knew me better than anyone.No matter how much time passes, I still wish you were here to share our lives. And the future I expected us to have together.

Even though we fought and at times neglected each other, I just assumed you would always be there. That we'd grow old together and remember stories of growing up and laugh at each other as we looked and acted more like our parents. That we'd share our joys and set backs, and adore each other's children.

Your death has rocked me harder than I could have imagined I'd survive. And at times I didn't want a future that didn't include you. Ultimately, there are no answers to my questions. There is no replacing you and there is no solace for my grief.

There is only the simple choice I make every day to live on in the honor of your memory and the love we shared. To strive to carry on the best of who you were. To cherish the brief time we have with others. To celebrate the opportunity to be alive. To have compassion for the pain of others as well as my own. To have the courage to love fully as I have loved you and to remember that you would want me to go on and find joy again.

You gave me so many gifts while you were alive and I continue to discover the gifts in the loss. I am so thankful you were born my sibling. I would not have traded our time together for anything. You are always with me because you are a part of me.
Melanie Lamoureace <TCF Marin County, CA.>

Cyndi! <>

CHRIS KEMPA BENEFIT SHOW 4! At the Wilson Barn in Livonia on JUNE 17th. doors @6pm. $5 cover. BANDS- RED SHIRT BRIGADE, THE RECITAL, THE AMPLITUDE, GABRIEL, GOOD LUCK EVERGREEN. ART from Chris and area artists will be on display. 100%of proceeds will go the Scholarship. The barn is located on the corner of Middlebelt and W.Chicago. It's a big can't miss it. questions email me or Adam
Cyndi! <>

CHRIS KEMPA BENEFIT SHOW 4! At the Wilson Barn in Livonia on JUNE 17th. doors @6pm. $5 cover. BANDS- RED SHIRT BRIGADE THE RECITAL THE AMPLITUDE GABRIEL GOOD LUCK EVERGREEN ART from Chris and area artists will be on display. 100%of proceeds will go the Scholarship. The barn is located on the corner of Middlebelt and W.Chicago. It's a big can't miss it. questions email me or Adam
Cyndi! <>

It has been over six months now, but I can still hear your voice, and see your smile. I miss having you around. You are a great friend and an even better artist.

The Sounds Of Silence

The sounds of silence are is the silent pain of the loss of our son Andy. It is the silence of our home because one of our children is gone, and it is the silence of the sudden quiet that comes over people when we mention Andy.

We have become both better and worse in the six years since Andy died of cancer at the age of 22. We are better because we are able to get on with our lives and even enjoy ourselves occasionally. We have gotten worse because as the years go by we feel his loss more deeply.

We feel his loss every time we participate in in a celebration marking some milestone of our friends or relatives children. We feel his loss because in any celebrations of our own , one person will ALWAYS be absent and not there to celebrate with us or to enjoy his own milestones. The pain of his absence is always present at these events.

When Andy died the pain of his loss was a sharp, acute screaming pain that tore a hole inside of us. Now the pain is a silent, steady pain...the hole is now covered by a scar,but it is still there. It doesn't scream out loud anymore, but instead just remains as a steady, never ending ache and sadness....a silent pain.

The silence of our home is a different kind of quiet. By now,if Andy would have lived, he would have been out on his own. We would have been "empty nesters" anyway. But when a home becomes empty because of the death of a child, it is a different kind of empty nest. Our daughter Lesley is married and lives on her own, the way it should be. But Andy is gone for a different reason. So the silence of our empty nest is not the silence of knowing we raised two children who are both leading therir own lives. Instead it is the silence of a home that is empty because one child is gone forever...of having to deal with the reality that phone calls come for only one child, that only one child stops by for a visit, not two. There is a silence in our home that often seems to prevade every space. it is a sad silence, not the temporary quiet of a happy home.

And then there is the silence of the relatives and friends when we talk about Andy. Not his death, but the things he did while alive. It is as if Andy has become a forbidden topic because he died, as if death wiped out the 22 years he did live. It occurs when a relative whispers that our son died when someone asks how old he his life was a big secret. It occurs when people suddenly get a funny look on their faces and don't know what to say next when you mention something about Andy. It occurs when you get the feeling that people want to avoid you because you remind them of a horror that could happen to anyone. It is a silence that reminds you that your emotions and feelings are different from those of others, and that you will ALWAYS have to live with the sound of silence resulting from your son's death.
Mel Wiener, TCF Penn-Md. Line <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


The grass is just starting to come up on your grave with many large bare spots.

Last weekend I went to your grave with a rake and three pounds of grass seed. As we used to do when you were little, I spread a layer of seed and raked it in. I did this with two types of grass seed three times. Then, as my habit,I took a couple of handfuls of seed and threw it on top,"for the birdies".

I remembered when you were three or four when you helped me with some bare spots in our back lawn. You "helped" with the "feed the birdies" part. You would get two little handfuls of seed, crouch down and jump into the air throwing grass seed shouting "feed the birdies" each time.

You were a little blond haired tornado running and jumping through the yard screaming "feed the birdies" and hurling grass seed. The birds were very well fed.

Its funny I hadn't recalled this in years. I never thought that I would be "feeding the birdies" after seeding your grave.

Miss you always. DAD
Dad <xxxxxxxx>

Dear Chris,

As you know, Dad and I attended Honors Night at Franklin last night. We saw many of your friends there. They and their families should all be so proud and I know they are. You had such good friends....great kids. The hardest part for me wasn't when The Christopher Kempa Memorial Art Scholarships were given. I was very happy when they were presented. The hardest part was in the very beginning when all the kids marched in carrying their flowers. I couldn't help crying knowing you will never be recognized next year for your work....only your memory. I KNOW you would have received an Art award next year. Congratulations again to Jaclyn and Marty. Both girls will be attending Center for Creative Studies, the school you learned to love over the last few summers and dreamed of going to. You said you'd already know your way around campus after taking so many summer classes there. This year would have been the BIG one, Camp Portfolio. I know you'd be counting down the days right now. I can hear you in my mind saying,"How many more days Mom?"

Tonight is Prom night. A few people have told me they know you would have been there tonight. I guess there were a few girls who wanted to ask you.You would have loved it! You would also have loved the fact that you went to the SENIOR PROM in your JUNIOR year. I can just hear all the comments you would have made to Adam. But again I hear them only in my mind. I so wish you were there tonight.

My butterfly was back in the garden today! He landed on one of the deck chairs right next to me. When I put my finger out he crawled on to it! I carried him around for a good minute before he flew off...but not away. Thank you! That has NEVER happened to me before in my life. I think it was once again your way of letting me know you ARE still around. Lots of replys for your Birthday already! I know you'll love it! I miss you so much it hurts. I love you.

I knew Chris from when we both worked at Foodland and we also skated together occasionally. He was a real cool guy and I only wish that we had more time together.
Scott Witte

Hey Chris, Wow it's been a while since I've left a message I really do miss you so much I have so much to say but with such little time to say it! I'm still writing poems, everyday for you, My Art teacher says I'm a natural even though I know I'm terrible. I wish you were still around to see some of my masterpieces there pretty funny looking! Ms. Kempa I had a couple questions to ask I won't waste guest book space to ask them but I'll email you when I get a chance! Um, also I've been reading some of the messages left in the guest book here on the site and maybe it's none of my buisness in that case don't bother answering me but what is this all about a launch?? just wondered! I Love you Chris and miss you so much! I'll write again soon! Ginny!

Although I cannot attend the balloon launch on the 10th due to family obligations, you and your family will remain in my prayers.
b j welsh

Mrs. Kempa, I will also definitly be at the balloon launch okay? I will probably call you later for the times and the right dates for some other things too. Love always,
Katy <kitten5384>

Fran and Adam, thanks so much for reproducing and mailing two of my favorites among Christopher's art. They will both be displayed in very special places.

oh yeah....Ps.....I miss you
punk <rocker>

I'll see you at your baloon launch chris! I love you and will always remember you...... .....always! later
punk <rocker>

I found these two poems on line the other night. They were written by Chris’s good friend Katie Bishop. They were both written the day he was killed, Monday, November 20th 2000. I asked her permission to put them in the guestbook and She said she’d be honored.

On November 20,2000 Monday morning You woke up to get ready for another day fo school But you didn't know that it would be your last morning on this earth

You walked actross the intersection of West Chicago and Merriman Rd. When a white Ford pick-up truck hit you and your life

Your friends and family morn the loss of your life And cryed into the cold, dark and lonely winter night

Your memorial is on the corner of your final minutes on earth We pleaced teddy bears, flowers and balloons in memory of your spirit

It's hard for people to realize that your gone for good It's hard to realize that your gone from your loved ones

So we take the time to think of you We love you Christopher Kempa And we'll all miss you.


A Wonderful Person

The sun rises The sun sets On that Monday morning You took you last breath You walked across the street to school Without even knowing God would take you from this world

The angels took you that Monday morning Leaving us behind with the memories of your smile and self-portraits

Now all we have are pictures and tapes During those times was so great Holding on to what we have now We never thought you would leave us so fast

We knew you would make it in life We knew you would be big in life But in our hearts Chris you were BIG in life

Now you are tied up on a kite And now you can float with the night Leaving us with memories of your smile We honor you Christopher Michael Kempa in our hearts and minds you'll stay

Christoper Kempa... You are and will always be A wonderful person

Fran Kempa <xxxxxxxxx>

Speck and especially Charlie, wouldn't miss it for the world. Charlie loved Chris and Chris loved Charlie! I do believe he and Felix still sense his absence as we all do. Felix will NOT attend the launch!
Mrs. Kempa

Will Speck and Charlie be in attendance at the balloon launch? :)
NLS <>

My butterfly was back in the garden today, checking out the new pup! (5/28/01)
Fran Kempa

oops! Correction.... Chris Kempa Benefit show 3 is on June 9th...CKBS4 is on June 17th
Cyndi <->

Alot of you have asked what you can do to help with the benefit shows. While there isn't much to do right now, there's still a few things to do. visit
Cyndi <>

YES! Chris Kempa Benefit Show 4 is on JUNE 9th...
Cyndi! <>

i read in a churchill school paper that there would be a benefit concert on june 9th as well, is this still happening? i believe it said it would be at Mr. Mugs.

As most of you know, Sunday, June 10th would have Chris' 17th Birthday. Long before the Benefit Show was planned for the 17th, I planned to have a balloon launch for his Birthday. I still intend to do it on a much less grand scale. I realize both events are on back to back Sundays. I know weekends are cherished family time for most. If it comes to making a choice between events, I would much prefer you chose the Benefit Show. Ideally, I would love everyone to attend both!

The balloon launch is planned for Sunday, June 10th at 8:00PM in Mies Park.(on West Chicago near Grant Elementry) I ask all those who would like to attend to please E mail me at by Wednesday June,6th. so I know how many balloons to supply. Please give your name as well as your screen name.
Fran Kempa <>