To the parents of Chris: I was surfing the Net trying to locate a Precious Moments figurine made by the artist in memory of his 27-year-old son who was killed in an accident. I happened upon your site. My 22-year-old son was also killed in a car accident in 1999. I still miss him very much, but God's grace has been sufficient to see me through. If you've never read the book, "Roses in December" by Marilyn Heavlin, it is very helpful in dealing with the loss of a child. That title is the name of the Precious Moments figurine, also. May God give you strength from day to day. C. Shelton, Indiana
Carolyn Shelton <>
- Thursday, January 01, 2004 at 23:34:16 (MST)
1/1/04!!....The art is the bumper sticker we designed and had made for distribution at the first Chris Fest in June of 2001. Many people have commented it should read, "Keep your EYE on the Road" but at the time it was made we didn't realize we were dealing with a blind driver. The photo is of the sign post at that horrible corner... where the white crossing signal is STILL malfunctioning and has been for more than a month now. Adam has reported it the Livonia police but still no action has been taken!When my sister and her family visited a few days ago they gave me a small calander as one of my Christmas gifts. It's called Angel Reflections, Daily thoughts and Inspirations. I thought I'd put them here on the web page. Some of them REALLY hit home. Today's reads as follows: Angels have heard more New Year promises, plans, and resolutions than anyone on earth could comprehend.Greet this new year with a passion for living true, reaching goals and keeping promises.
Fran Kempa
- Thursday, January 01, 2004 at 12:20:51 (MST)
12/31/03....The art is once again a drawing with an altered left eye. Note it's much smaller therefore, less effective than the right. The photo was taken 12/31/99, Chris' last New Year's eve and first and last New Year's eve kid party. He has his sparkling grape juice. Jones Soda was always his beverage of choice but for special events, sparkling grape juice always won out...he loved the bottle.Chris was so looking forward to 2001...he thought it would be so cool..I wonder how he would have felt about 2004, the year he should have turned 20! We'll spend a quiet night with friends for dinner and welcome in the New Year with heavy hearts. After the last three years, I have NO expections for the new year. I have truly learned to live one day at a time...there are no guarantees.
Fran Kempa
- Wednesday, December 31, 2003 at 14:18:52 (MST)
This year is coming to an end Please lend an ear to my thoughts, my friend. May I really tell you how I feel About another year with which I'll deal?I won't always ask that you understand, And when you don't, just hold my hand. If I look ahead with a sense of dread, Help me look again with hope instead. If on New Year's I shed a tear For a precious child no longer near, Just know I need a little time To blink back tears then I'll be fine. This hurt will last my whole life through, But I can manage with God and you And I know again my child will shine, Because he's in your heart and mine.
A NEW YEAR <Nan Gurski TCF, Houston, Tx.>
- Wednesday, December 31, 2003 at 14:07:29 (MST)
We now go into the new year with renewed hope that our loved ones that have gone before us are at peace and are happy. Much love to you all and may you continue to receive signs from Christopher...Signs that give you hope and comfort.
Love Jo and Bill
xxx <>
- Wednesday, December 31, 2003 at 09:05:04 (MST)
12/30/03...The art is the same LIGHT work as yesterday that reminds me of a certain person. The photo was taken Christmas time 1988. Chris wearing his Mickey Mouse slippers and hugging his Cabbage Patch Kid...a little boy doll he named Charlie Mike...I know we still have Charlie Mike somewhere, I just have no idea where right now. I do hope some day we rediscover him.I decided to go through a drawer full of cook books I NEVER consult in the kitchen. I was looking for something different to possibly make for New Year's eve. I thumbed through several and was uninspired. I was getting toward the end of them and picked up this small one called Culinary Classics. It's from Century 21....I got it in 1991/1992 when Auburndale was for sale! I obviously hadn't been through it in years. I opened the first page and written inside the cover in Chris' young hand writing was, "Moms." I then started thumbing through. Chris apparently had gone through the cookbook at the time and circled the recipes he thought sounded good. He circled, Bob Hope's Lemon Pie, Favorite Chili, Best Chili Yet, Beer Chili, Lemon Bread, Pretzels, Poppy Seed Muffins, Doughnuts, Blueberry Fruit Salad, Tasty Peas, Lettuce and Vegetable Melange, Pizza Loaf to Barbecue, Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Desert, Baked Apple Meringues, Cherry Cake, Yankee Doodle Dandy Pie, Country Apple Pie and Cowboy Cookies. It really made me SMILE and I consider it my New Year's "Hello from Heaven!" On the 6:00 news tonight there was a story about the Lynch Funeral Home in Milford that provides drivers on New Year's eve for people who feel they've had too much to drink. They were interviewing the funeral director, Mr. Lynch. He stated how a death in the family is so sad but when it's AVOIDABLE, that makes it so much more sad. While the circumstances in Chris' death were different...blind and claimed brain damage vs. drunk, I will go to my grave KNOWING it was avoidable.....both to me are driving while impaired. As I've said SO many times in the past, had that one man not been on the road that morning, Chris would still be with us today. My sister and her family are safely back home in North Carolina! Adam and Sarah should be home from Chicago some time tonight....the house has been VERY quiet for a few days now!
Fran Kempa
- Tuesday, December 30, 2003 at 16:39:11 (MST)
Miss you always...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
- Tuesday, December 30, 2003 at 13:55:38 (MST)
12/29/03...We call the art LIGHT. I'm not sure the year Chris did it but I know it was during the last three years of his life. During the depositions in the law suit filed in Chris' case one of the people to be deposed arrived at his second deposition with the most filthy finger nails I'd ever seen...It made me think of this work for some reason. For such an important event, you'd think you'd try to clean's little things like that that tell you a lot about people. The photo was taken Christmas morning 1989, Chris and his new pup Charlie. I know they had a wonderful Christmas this year up in Heaven. Someone reminded me that they were most likely joined by our first two cats Rusty and Dusty... both went to Heaven in 1992.We had a very short but very nice visit with my sister and her family...Arrived Saturday about 4:30 PM, left Sunday about 11:oo AM. The cemetary was very sad....Lots of Christmas pictures for the January web page.
Fran Kempa
- Monday, December 29, 2003 at 21:54:44 (MST)
12/27/03...The art is one of Chris' computer generated sayings. Shortly before he was killed he was in to poetry very strongly. The end of October 2000, we attended a meeting with Chris and his guidance counselor to discuss what classes he would take second semester, Junior year. Two of the classes were poetry classes...he was very excited and looking very forward to them. The photo was taken Christmas morning, 1996. Charlie and Chris' Santa hat. This was Charlie's first Christmas in Heaven. ...I know he and Chris had a good one.My sister and her family from North Carolina are coming to visit today. I haven't seen them since November 2000. We'll go to the cemetary and the memorial. How I wish Chris could be here to visit with his cousins. They had grown apart over the years and the distance. Joan and Chris had revived their friendship in August of 2000 when we were all in Buffalo for my parent's 50th Anniversary party. They continued to keep in touch on line for the remaining three months of his life.....Things like that are still very sad to me.
Fran Kempa
- Saturday, December 27, 2003 at 13:17:21 (MST)
keep off i dey hereooooo
- Saturday, December 27, 2003 at 09:44:42 (MST)
12/26/03...Yesterday's and today's art is a drawing Chris did for Travis Messenger in Junior High I believe. Travis said his Mom was driving them some where and Chris kept drawing and drawing...Travis saved this one and was kind enough to loan it to us two years ago to copy...we still have it. Yesterday's photo was taken on Christmas morning, 1995...Chris and his Santa hat. Many people have guessed that the art is another self portrait but I'm not sure. Today's photo was taken during Christmas time, 1996 while Christmas tree shopping....Chris always wore the Santa hat.Another Christmas survived with a broken can be done but it's so not the same...and never will be.
Fran Kempa
- Thursday, December 25, 2003 at 23:15:54 (MST)
Merry Christmas Chris,
Where ever you are.
Miss you always...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
- Thursday, December 25, 2003 at 14:27:56 (MST)
Happy Holidays to all of you. May you remember the beautiful times spent with Christopher and believe in the fact that he is at peace and very happy. Rest in peace Chris..and make sure my Mom is enjoying her first Christmas in that glorious place. love always, JoAnne
xxoo <>
- Thursday, December 25, 2003 at 03:27:02 (MST)
JR wanted fairness for his Nephew? Fairness he got from LPD, County Prosecutor and the Observer.
Where was fairness for Chris all that time? It had to be long fought hard for when really the answer was there all the time.
Merry Christmas Chris and Kempa Family! A blue Christmas for sure, but one with a bit more of Peace and a whole lot of Truth! Blessings to all of You in the New Year.
MCS <>
- Wednesday, December 24, 2003 at 14:48:15 (MST)
12/24/03...The art is the last piece Chris ever worked on, the same work as yesterday. The photo was taken during our parish Christmas party in 1986. This is one of very few pictures I have of Chris crying. For some reason he didn't like that Santa. He was so good with the ones in the malls. He had had his first hair cut shortly before this picture was taken, October, 1986.This entry will end the deposition excerpts from JR Schniers: ...Q. What are you taking it from then? A. From the police reporting in the newspaper. ...Q. Would you agree that of your own independant knowledge you don't know whether, how far Chris was from the sidewalk when he was hit? A. I have not the faintest idea. ...Q. What did you hope to accomplish by your actions in these postings and E-mails to the Kempas? A. I think I would have liked to have seen a more even--actually I would have liked to not have seen any depiction--I would have liked to have seen the web site been strictly used as a memorial to their son, to bring honor to their son. I felt from the very beginning, involving anything to do with the accident took away from it. I wanted FAIRNESS for my nephew. After that little commentary, Adam piped up and said, "They killed our son." and was quickly admonished by the insurance company attorney. Q. As to the issue of fairness, isn't it fair to say that you have no independant knowledge of how this collision took place, correct? A. Correct. Q. Wouldn't it be fair to say that you never made an attempt to find out what the facts of this collision were by looking at police reports or talking to witnesses or hiring your own experts; isn't that true? A. Correct. Q. Wouldn't it be fair to say that you were operating on assumptions without any factual data? A. Correct.... Shortly after Chris was killed...only about one week, a neighbor told me he came to her in a dream and told her to tell me he was OK but "TO KEEP SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH." At first I thought she was nuts but the more information that unfolded with the independant investigation into this matter the more I believed and believe what she told me. We found the truth Chris, I know you're happy it's finally out. It's obvious who lied and why they had to. You can rest now....sleep in Heavenly peace sweet-heart. I love and miss you more than most people can imagine. It will be another blue Christmas.
Fran Kempa
- Wednesday, December 24, 2003 at 12:45:18 (MST)
12/23/03...The art is the last piece Chris ever worked on. We never saw it until after he was killed...he never finished it but even unfinished it's so beautiful. I think you can tell how gentle he was from this water color. It became our Christmas card for 2001...that was the last year I sent cards out. The photo was taken Christmas morning, 1991. Adam and Chris with their Pirate Legos. We were dealing with two house payments that Christmas so Pirate Legos were the big joint gift that year....but as you can tell by their faces, they were thrilled! Who would have ever dreamed those Legos would one day be incorporated into a Lego mosaic of Chris lovingly made by his brother shortly after he was killed.Speck has been VERY BAD lately! He broke into his presents yesterday and had taken two out of the bag but I was able to get them away from him before he destroyed them! I told Adam and Adam I think he's just very anxious for Christmas and can't wait any longer for his gifts!...One of which is a sweater! When I was buying it a few weeks ago the cashier at the pet store asked, "What breed of dog are you buying this for?" I told him, "A beagle." He replied, "Good luck! your receipt because you'll be returning it the day after Christmas...he'll never wear it!" That's what Adam W. said about the jingle bell collar I bought him...he LOVES it! He's now the jingle dog...the BAD jingle dog.. but he keeps me going! The following are almost the last of the JR Schniers deposition excerpts: ....Q. Did you author that? A. Yes, I did. Q. Is this what would be called a posting? What would you describe this as? A. A posting, I believe. Q. What you wrote is the following. "This is a free and open forum and until it isn't, you will just have to live with it. The lies this cult has spread must be addressed, and I can't think of a better spot to do it. Given the gestapo tactics of this cult, I would advise anyone who disagrees with the teachings of Kempa to use caution." What lies are you referring to? A. I believe the story that was circulating around. Q. What story? A. The story of how the accident took place. Where was this story put out? ....A. I don't know the date. Q. Well, do you know when the story that was circulating that you referred to was put out? A. I believe this was spring but I can't be certain. Q. Are we talking 2001 or 2002? A. I would say 2002. Q. What was the story? A. How Chris was actually killed. Q. What is the story? A. That he was half a step from the curb. Q. Do you in fact know how many steps he was from the curb? A. I have not the faintest idea. Q. How do you know it's a lie then? A. I am just taking it from the police....from the police. Q. From the police report? A. No. I never saw a police report.
Fran Kempa
- Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 21:38:37 (MST)
Chris your
"batman" ornament is on the tree.
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
- Tuesday, December 23,
2003 at 11:33:00 (MST)
Congratulations Fran on a good CT scan.
We pray the chemo goes well for you. Thinking of you all today...and
always! love JoAnne
xxx <>
Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 03:29:30
12/22/03...Yesterday's and today's art we call SMOKE 2.
Once again, notice the deformed left eye...and I never asked Chris
why....why do you often draw men with altered left eyes?? I wonder if he
could have even told me. The photo was taken Christmas morning, 1994.
Adam and Chris opening their gifts and enjoying the time together!I
drove today! After getting the OK from Physical Therapy last Friday I
practiced. First in a parking lot, then on the road. After my PT
appointment this AM, which Adam drove me to, I drove myself to visit my
former co workers, to a Dr. appointment and then to the cemetary and
did fine. It was so nice to see all my old friends! As I told them, I
don't miss the work so much....working with Seniors can be VERY hard at
times but I do miss all of them...I was lucky enough to work with a
great bunch of people...I miss the socialization. I hadn't been to the
cemetary alone since September...sometimes you just have to go
alone. Our Christmas tree this year is beautiful! Adam W. reminded me
last night that I didn't quite get the one I planned when he said,
" were going to get a small one.." It's only about 6' tall
but it's VERY wide..I like to call it "full." I know Chris would have
liked it. It accommodates the biege K Mart angel he picked out
perfectly! I thank God and Chris for a negative CT scan!!. Now it's
six more months of chemo and I pray I'll be home free!....I'll finish up
JR's deposition tomorrow I think.
Fran Kempa
- Monday,
December 22, 2003 at 21:45:22 (MST)
CmK, it's winter time
again...remember the all night IMing during the horible snow storm that
kept us locked in our houses? :) that was fun... and the late-night
trips to Ram's Horn. Remember that faux- camp fire we made with the
flashing Hard Rock Cafe' pins on the bus home from Toronto? I do. It's
always in the winter when I'm reminded of all the fun times and also the
time that I miss you the most...but, I can smile just knowing that I
have these memories and smile just because we were friends.
USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 at 19:16:04
Christmas is coming, Oh, Lord let me hide. I don't
want to be happy My child has died.Everyone is laughing, So
full of good cheer. Can't they see my sad eyes? I've lost
something so dear. I hear them all singing, They're having such
fun. How can I survive this? I lost my son. Then almost like
magic, A small voice in my ear... "Can't wait till you put the
tree up Mom, I'll be your angel this year."
My Christmas
Angel <Carolyn
- Sunday, December 21, 2003 at 21:48:01
You remember the days you've saved, not the ones you've
The District <12/20/03>
- Saturday, December 20,
2003 at 21:47:25 (MST)
12/20/03...The art for yesterday and
today we call SMOKE. Note the altered left eye. This is one of the many
eye drawings from Chris that turned out to haunt me. Yesterday's photo
was taken during Christmas time, 1993 while Christmas tree shopping.
Today's photo was taken Christmas morning, 1995. Felix, Chris and Adam.
Chris always wore the Santa hat...I miss Chris EVERY day, but as I've
said before and many people know, this time of year is much more
intense. I miss his energy and humor. Chris had a personality to match
the hustle and bustle of the season....the house would be much more
lively...but then that's the 16 year old Chris I'm talking about. At 19
and a half, I know he would have matured but I doubt he would have lost
those qualities...that zest for life.. Once again, yesterday's CT scan
itself is not what I was's the results. Hope to hear
something by Tuesday. In the mean time I AM sweating it out. I keep
meaning to mention this here... The day I came home from the hospital
this most recent time, Oct. 17th, there was a wrapped package on the
porch...among others. This one was from Lauren Rossi. Inside the package
was a little boy angel with wire wings holding a puppy. The card simply
said she hoped it would make me feel better. I was so touched...all I
could think of was Chris and Charlie reunited up in Heaven and it made
me feel SO good! He is called the Angel of Comfort. A few weeks later,
Sarah brought me a package from her parents. Inside the package was a
lady angel with wire wings with her arms the same
artist. She is called the Angel of Courage. They are so beautiful I
displayed them on the mantle and have incorporated them into our
Christmas decorations. More excerpts from the October 8, 2002
deposition of JR Schniers. Q. Is number 6 a posting? A. It
would appear it's to the Detroit News. I don't know if it's a posting or
if it's a letter. Comments to the editor. I'm not certain to tell you
the truth. Q. It starts off, "I have to point out that this young
man was killed due to his own recklessness and not by a speeding truck."
Where did you get this information from. A. The newspaper. Q.
"I know the real victim in this accident is the driver of the truck.
This poor man had no chance to see Chris and the police report makes
that clear." Where did you get that information from? A. The
newspaper. Q. But this refers to the police report. A. I never
saw a police report. It would be assumption on my part because there
were no charges filed. Q. So you're just kind of making this
up? A...No. I'm deciphering this from the newspaper report. Q.
My question is, it says the police report makes that clear, and I
believe you have acknowledged you've never seen the police report? A.
Correct. Q. So if you haven't seen the police report, but you
make reference to the police report in this sentence, then you're just
making that up, correct? A. I'm assuming-- I wonder why Mr.
Schniers neglected to add to his little posting to the Detroit News the
reason this man had no chance to see Chris was because he's blind in his
left eye as the result of brain surgery...and that's the side Chris was
crossing from.
Fran Kempa
- Saturday, December 20, 2003 at
18:12:16 (MST)
Miss you always...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
- Saturday, December
20, 2003 at 11:07:33 (MST)
Number9 Number9
Friday, December 19, 2003 at 14:09:12 (MST)
I haven't signed the
guestbook in a really long long time but I read it as much as possible.
Tonight, I sat down though and read all the way through to October. Even
after all of these years, I still cry for Chris. I see him though as
much as possible because my mother is buried in the same cemetary. I
always visit him when I go to see her. I just moved back home with my
parents from wixom and now I am happier because I get to see them more
than just once a week. I am sorry for everything that has been said from
the whole Schniers family. It's obvious that they can't to this day deal
with the reality. Everytime I go by Chris's memorial on the corner, I
can't help but think that if I had gotten a ride from my usual ride that
day, we would have picked him up the second we saw him. I still get mad
that my ride didn't come to get me that day due to her illness. I still
visit the memorial as much as I can and espacially his grave. Which by
the way looks beautiful. It looks like Chris's life. I hope that all of
the Kempa family is doing okay during these holidays, and Mrs. Kempa I
still say prayers to you to get better. I know you can beat this. Chris
will help. Anyway, love and prayers to all.
- Friday,
December 19, 2003 at 00:56:02 (MST)
12/18/03...The art is the
same eye drawing as yesterday. The photo was taken Christmas morning
1996. That's Felix and Charlie waiting for Adam and Chris to come down
stairs. They wore matching Christmas kerchiefs that year! Adam F. had a
Christmas morning house presents were opened until everyone
was down stairs and there was a roaring fire in the fireplace.Someone
was kind enough to bring us a program from the Wayne State commencement
12/11. We discovered Adam not only received a degree in Electrical
Engeneering but graduated Cum Laude!...He never mentioned that. I was
VERY proud but not surprised. Adam has always been VERY smart. He had
developed a vast vocabulary and knew ALL of his shapes by two and was
reading at three.....Chris on the other hand had a five word vocabulary
at, dad, ball, Yayi for Adam W. and tete for kitty. He really
didn't read until second grade.....but by two he was drawing and already
beginning to amaze people. Even at that young age many commented on his
use of color and DETAIL! He continued to amaze until the day he was
killed. Adam W. and I continued a tradition last night, we went
Christmas shopping together. Until 1999, Adam, Chris and I always picked
a day and made an afternoon of it. We'd go to lunch and then go
shopping. When they were in elementry and high school, I'd pick them up
at noon and let them miss a half day. Due to schedule conflicts in 1999,
the three of us couldn't get together so Adam and I went one day then
Chris and I went a few days later....we had NO clue this was our last
Christmas together. The last store Chris and I went to was Media
Play...and he still hadn't found his brother's gift. I was off by myself
looking at something and Chris came up to me. He told me he'd found the
"perfect" gift for Adam and started to explain....Adam had just gotten a
DVD player and LOVED the movie Good Will Hunting...he pulled the Good
Will Hunting DVD from behind his back. He went on to explain he didn't
have enough money to pay for it. I was impressed with the thought he'd
put into the gift and told him I'd make up the difference. That was the
last Christmas present Adam ever got from his brother...I hope he keeps
it in a very safe place! Last night we went to Kohl's, the parking lot
was VERY crowded. As we drove through, a space three from the door
opened up. Adam was looking at some nice Dockers dress pants. They had
the color he wanted but not his size. While he was in the fitting room
trying on other things, I was leaning on a rack of Lee Khakis. I looked
down and there laid across the rack underneath my arm was a pair of the
pants Adam wanted...exact color and right size! We bought them. The last
gift we needed was special. We found the one we wanted but the sheen was
gone and the packaging was damaged. We started to look for others. We
returned to where the damaged one was and a little above it to the left
was another one of the same....sheen and packaging
intact!....Coincidences? Maybe....but I think Chris came shopping with
us last night! Tomorrow I have to have a CT scan to check for
"recurrence of cancer" before my chemo starts in January...I am very
nervous to say the least. The following are more excerpts from the
deposition of JR Schniers. Q. Next sentence is, "The driver was not
at fault and I have the legal system and the truth on my side." Where
did you get that information from? A. Probably from the newspaper
where, the newspaper,where they said in the newspaper that said they
were not going to file any charges. Q. Do you know if the driver
Michael has any disabilities? A. Yes, I believe he does. Q.
What's that disability? A. I believe he's either blind or has poor
eyesight in one of his eyes. Q. Which eye is it? A. I don't
know. Q. Where did you get that information from? A. I was at
the hospital at the time of his brain surgery. Q. Have you ever
spoken to Michael after he's had this surgery? A. Yes. Q. Have
you talked to him about his visual impairment? A. No. Q. How
many times a month would you see Michael...from January 2000 to
date? A. Christmas, Easter. Q. Any more than that? A.
Thanksgiving. Holidays is the only time. Q. Have you seen him since
this collision with Chris Kempa? A. Yes. Q. Have you ever
asked him what happened? A. No. Q. Have you ever inquired from
him about his visual impairment, how he's doing with it? A. No. I
sat through all of the depositions but one, the second deposition of Amy
Wilhelm. The insurance company attorney refused to let me sit in on that
one because I was not a named party in the law suit. I wanted to see
these people...I wanted to look them in the eye and I wanted them to
look me in the eye...some of them couldn't!
Fran Kempa
Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 11:07:35 (MST)
Incredible depos!
If you sat through all of the depos in person, I have no clue how you
survived them all. So much garbage and stupidity. Just reading them is
enough to make a person ill.
MCS <>
Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 13:06:15 (MST)
art is a drawing of one of the many eyes Chris drew...he seemed so
interested in drawing ironic. The photo was taken during
Christmas time 1996, Chris, Adam and Charlie. Notice the nutcrackers and
Lego figures still adorned the mantle then.The following are more
excerpts from the October 8, 2002 deposition of JR Schniers. ....Q.
How many E mails do you think you sent to the Kempas? A. Directly
to the Kempas, I believe just this one that I'm aware of. ...Mr.
Schniers, would you tell me what the difference between E mails and
postings are? A. E mails are actually direct contact. Posting on a
bulletin board is just a public to the best of my knowledge. Q. And
you believe you only sent one E mail to the Kempas? A. I believe
so. Q. Would you possibly have sent E mails to different web sites
that the Kempas have? A. Not E mails. Q. How many postings did
you leave for the Kempas? A. I have no idea. Q. Are we talking
one, ten? A. I would have to be guessing. I don't know. Q.
Could you give me some range? A. I'd have to guess again. I really
don't know. .....Q. Would it be your feeling that if you didn't
send it, it could be your daughter or your son? A. No. In fact,
under the circumstances, I'll take responsibility for all the E
mails. Q. Okay. Number 4, exhibit number 4 indicates, "What do you
think the final police report said?" Did you have an opportunity to read
the final police report? A. No. Q. The next sentence is, "The
report placed 100 percent of the fault on Chris, not the driver." Where
did you get that information? A. Any information I received would
have been from my sister or from the news media. Q. Next one is,
"Guess who paid the deductible to repair the damage Chris caused to the
truck?" Where did you get that information from? A. I would have
to, again, say my sister or the news media. Q. You keep saying my
sister, not sisters. Is there one sister that's more attuned? A.
No. You can assume it's plural. Q. It says "T hats right, the
Kempa's insurance company." What does that mean? A. I would guess
it was a typo. Q. That's right the Kempa's insurance company. The
next one is, "Get the facts before you shoot off your mouth. It's the
Kempas that should be saying the apologies." Where did you get your
facts? A. I'm not certain that they are facts. Any information I
received I had gotten from the news media or my sisters. Q. Could
you please take a look at deposition number 5? Did you have a chance to
review that? A. Yes, I have. Q. Is that an E mail that you
sent? ...A. I'll take responsibility for it. Q. Let's talk
about the one that has Subject: His Actions, and the date is the 27th of
January, 2001. That's from you to Mary S., correct? A. Yes. Q.
The first you have, answer the questions, then you have number one. "Why
didn't the police ticket the driver? They have three witnesses who
collaborated the driver story." Who did you get that information
from? A. I would have gotten it from my sisters. Q. Did you
ask your sisters where they got the information from? A. No, I did
not. Q. Two, "Why did the Wayne County Prosecuter find the driver
completely not at fault?" Where did you get that information from? A.
Again, it would be my sisters. Q. And who did your sisters speak
to to get that information from? A. I have no idea. Q. Did you
ever ask your sisters where are you getting all this inside information
from? A. I'm not certain. ...Q. Did you ever say to your
sisters where did you get this information that you're providing me
with? A. No Q. You weren't interested? A. No. Q.
Well, you certainly were interested enough to put it on the E mail on a
web site ? ...But you didn't attempt to find out if it was valid or
not? A. No. Q. Okay. Then the next paragraph is, "The chain of
events from the parents has no validity except in the mind of people who
can't believe the truth. Just for the record, when Chris left this
world, he left it in the arms of the driver." Where did you get that
information from? A. I got that information from my sister, the
specific sister is my sister Annie. Q. I'm sorry, where does Annie
reside? A. Northville. Q. Where did Annie get that information
from? A. I have no idea. Q. How do you know it was, precisely
it's from Annie? A. I do remember our conversation. Q. Would
Annie be the person that you got most of your information from because
she lives in the area? A. Not necessarily Q. Has Annie been
speaking to the driver who you call Michael? ...A. I have no
idea... Seems JR Schniers should have gotten his facts straight
before he shot his mouth off. And as for Annie...I guess I have to add
her to the list of people who may have initiated that evil lie about
Chris leaving this world in the arms of that man.
- Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 11:43:50 (MST)
Adam...It is so true about everyone going back to their lives. The loss
my family and I suffered with the sudden death of my beautiful Mother a
few months ago was a shock to many...but they have continued with their
lives and we are left to pick up the pieces. It is NEVER the same, and
of course the death of a child is so much more intense and tragic. One's
purpose in life and daily living is so different once a loved one leaves
this world. It is so hard to describe...the only way I can put it simply
is "sad and empty". My heart goes out to you all every day and my wish
for you is that you continue to find happiness and peace in the
beautiful memories of Christopher now and every day for the rest of your
lives. much love always...
JoAnne <>
Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 04:46:01 (MST)
This time of the
year we miss them but that is only partly true. We miss them each night
at dinner, our eyes rest on his empty chair before we are through.
That is why I write "Miss you always" it is true morning day and
night. Everyone else gets to go back to their lives, except us.
Ours has a large hole in it, that seems to grow larger with
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
- Tuesday, December 16,
2003 at 23:53:11 (MST)
best wishes from frida !!! what a nice
page ! i really enjoyed surfing by !
kredit <kredit>
- Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at
18:06:52 (MST)
Horribly and tragically I think many based their
opinions on what happened that fateful day possibly by what was written
in the original article in the Observer about the accident. So where
did the Observer get their info from? A Police Report that wasn't
handily ready for the Family in a reasonable amount of time, but info
was available for a storyline? The story was pretty much biased against
Chris in my opinion, like many stories before his. There are accidents
and there are accidents. Some avoidable and some not. Amazes me how
many teen pedestrians get the short end of the stick against an
injurious and deadly vehicle. It is assumed they are not using their
brains and that the drivers on the road have perfect driving skills. Not
all teen pedestrians are in the wrong when sharing space on or off the
MCS <>
Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 16:41:50 (MST)
When somebody dies,
a cloud turns into an angel and flies up to tell God to put
another flower on a pillow. A bird gives the message back to the
world, and sings a silent prayer that makes the rain cry. People
disappear, but they never really go away. The spirits up there put
the sun to bed, wake up the grass and spin the earth in dizzy
circles.Sometimes you can see them dancing in a cloud during the
day time when they're supposed to be sleeping. They paint
rainbows and also the sunsets and make waves splash and tug at the
tide. They toss shooting stars and listen to wishes. And when
they sing wind songs they whisper to us, "Don't miss me too much.
The view is nice and I'm doing fine."
- Tuesday,
December 16, 2003 at 12:51:01 (MST)
12/16/03...The art is the
same whimsical self portrait done for Cori as yesterday. The photo was
taken Christmas morning 1997, Chris and Adam. Chris thought his Miami
Beach T shirt with a shark on the back was very festive because it was
red!The following are more excerpts from the deposition of John R.
Schniers taken October 8, 2002. ...Q. Have you had any other
discussions with any family members about how this collision took
place? A. I've discussed it with my sisters. Q. Who are your
sisters? A. There's Frances, there's Margaret, there's Theresa,
there's Patricia, and there's Ann Elizabeth. ...Q. And what did you
discuss with them regarding this collision? A. Basically they sat
there and went through what they felt was, what took place, how it was
proceeding. Q. Okay, where did they get their information? A.
I have no idea. Q. In your discussions with them, did you ever ask
them what the basis for their opinion was? A. No. Q. And did
they have a collective opinion on what transpired? A. I would
believe so, yes. Q. What's the collective opinion? A. I
believe they believe what took place was that Christopher was caught in
the middle of the street and that he stepped out or walked out in front
of the vehicle, was hit tragically. Q. Where did they get this
information? A. I have no idea. Perhaps newspapers. Q. Do you
know if they discussed the case with the driver of the vehicle, your
nephew Michael? A. No. How wrong Aunt Fran, Aunt Marge and the
rest were in their collective opinion. I wonder where they DID get their
Fran Kempa
- Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at
12:11:19 (MST)
12/15/03...The art is a whimsical self portrait
Chris drew for Cori on November 16, 2000...just 4 days before he was
killed. He had loaned her his Kentucky Elliott sweatshirt and wanted it
back. He made himself say in the drawing, "I miss my hooded sweatshirt
cuz I'm cold." Thank God she kept that sweatshirt until the evening of
November 20th when she brought it over to the house and gave it to Adam
W. If he had had it that morning, he WOULD have worn it and it would
have been cut to ribbons by the EMS like all of his other clothes were.
I'm so thankful Cori preserved it for us...although none of us knew
that's what was happening...we're so happy to still have was
such a part of Chris! The photo was taken Christmas afternoon 1990. It
was obviously a green Christmas that year and Chris couldn't wait to
ride his bike! The training wheels didn't stay on long! Because his feet
could touch the ground, he was riding the two wheeler quickly!The
following are excerpts from the deposition of John R. Schniers taken on
October 8, 2002. Out of respect for Angie Schniers, I'm not going to put
all the excerpts here. They are all public record and can easily be
checked. ....Q. Would you agree that Michael was the driver of the
vehicle that struck Christopher kempa? A. I believe so. Q.
Have you reviewed any documents relative to how this collision took
place? A. Define documents. Q. Police reports, witness
statements. A. No. Q. Have you spoken to any of the witnesses
who saw this collision? A. No. Q. Did you speak to the police
officers? A. No. Q. Do you know any of the police
officers? A. No. Q. Do you know any of the witnesses? A.
No. Q. How did you become aware that the Kempas had a web
site? A. My niece informed me of it......
Fran Kempa
- Monday, December 15, 2003 at 10:29:27 (MST)
Hello webmaster !
i like your nice page ! Have fun surfin the web ! cu, Pete
kredit darlehen <kredit
- Sunday, December 14, 2003 at 23:40:26
12/14/03...The art is the same TEDDI as yesterday. The
photo is another taken during Christmas time, 1992... Chris, Adam and
Charlie. Chris' nutcrackers are prominently displayed on the mantle
along with the Lego angels and Santas. During our neighborhood Christmas
walk Fri. night we couldn't help notice one of the homes had nutcrackers
about two feet tall on either side of their mantle. I said to Adam,
"Chris would have LOVED those!" We haven't used the nutcrackers or the
Legos on the mantle since he was killed.I'm sorry to report the
crossing light at West Chicago and Merriman is STILL not
functionong...two weeks now! The county has more than enough trucks to
tend to the Christmas light display in Hines Park...but no truck to send
to the corner.
Fran Kempa
- Sunday, December 14, 2003 at
21:32:43 (MST)
Don't worry Mrs. Kempa, I've heard God keeps
accurate records.
A Friend
- Sunday, December 14, 2003 at
13:25:58 (MST)
12/13/03...I forgot...Today's art is the cute
drawing we call TEDDI. It's also the work three of Chris' GOOD friends
chose to have made in to tattoos. The photo was taken Christmas evening
1992...our first Christmas in our new and loved home. That's Chris, Adam
and Adam about to enjoy our traditional Christmas desert...Adam F.'s
birthday cake!
Fran Kempa
- Saturday, December 13, 2003 at
12:01:42 (MST)
12/13/03...Yesterday's art was the same beautiful
TIGER work as Thursday. Yesterday's photo was of Charlie, the best
present opening dog in the world! I can't believe I neglected to mention
him with my losses over the last three years. This will be our first
Christmas without both Chris and Charlie. Speck will have to learn how
to open presents this year...Charlie opened his for him last
year!There was an interesting article in the Thursday Livonia
Observer. The title was, : Counselor says grief "trashes our health." I
said to Adam, "I'd say I'm living proof of that!" In the article it
stated one study found that eight out of ten people in the
hospital...besides women there to deliver a baby or people in for
elective surgery...had lost someone within six months. The counselor,
Wes Baldwin spoke at the Neely-Turowski Funeral Home in Livonia. This
is the first holiday season in 29 years I haven't had to work one or
more of the major holidays! Last night we attended our annual
neighborhood Christmas Walk with two other couples. There were only four
homes this year and we drove! By the time we were finished my legs were
killing me but I was so happy I went. I told Adam since this may be my
last Christmas I'm going to enjoy it! It was nice to see current and old
neighbors and even hear one family is moving back to the neighborhood
after living in Ann Arbor for three years...they missed it that much!
That's what Chris loved about it...the closeness, he knew and visited
with MANY more people than we did! Before I put excerpts from JR's
deposition in, I want to place one last thing from entry he
made here in the guestbook shortly after Adam started putting in his,
"The truth will come outs" He didn't sign it with his name but signed
it, The truth and put one of his E mail
And once again, his trademark gave him away! It reads as follows: I
would ask anyone who can bring anything about this tragic loss. I hear
much calling for the truth and some one must have seen this accident
other then the three witnesses who gave the police their MISTAKEN
testimoney.The Livonia Police and the Prosecuter must be made aware of
the truth. The truth has come out and we don't like it. Just one or two
people who know what really happened to come forward will make a
difference. We waited three years to make it known. I wanted to hear
from the experts and others during deposition before we revealed
anything...THE TRUTH. I'd known exactly what happened since that
horrible day after Adam spoke to the unfortunate woman who had a front
row seat to Chris' tragic death. But I waited...I wanted to get my facts
straight rather than reveal MISTAKEN facts and out and out lies like
some people did. Entries like the last one make this web page so worth
Fran Kempa
- Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 11:52:58
Dear Mr., Mrs., and Adam Kempa, I'm sorry if this message
doesn't make a lot of sense, it's very difficult for me to write.. but
I'd really like to leave a comment with your family. You have created an
absolutely beautiful site. I never met Chris, but I wish I had. From
what I've heard from friends, and from what I've seen on this site, he
seems like an amazing person. What you've done in his memory is
incredible. On September 26th of 2000, my best friend of 10 years,
Dianna Bastien, was hit and killed by a truck in front of Thurston High
School (in Redford, on Schoolcraft Rd) when we were running cross
country practice after school. We had always run and danced on
competitive teams, and she lived just three houses down from me, it was
such a shock. Dianna's parents divorced immediately after her death, and
very little has been done in her memory. There is an athletic
scholarship (through THS) and dance scholarship (through our dance
studio) set up in her memory, but in rememberance of her actual
personality, her spirit, her incredibly selfless nature, nothing has
been done. The hardest thing to deal with now, is growing up. This
August, I'll be 19, but Dianna will always be the same age. When I'm
older, get married, have children, whatever, she'll still be that
teenage girl I left behind. The strength your family has to stay
together, support each other, and to keep Chris' memory alive is more
inspiring than you know. Your site has touched me very deeply. Everyone
that has participated in keeping Chris' memory alive, friends, family,
teachers, the whole community.. you are all amazing people. Sorry if I'm
going on and on! Your site has had quite an effect on me! I hope you all
have a wonderful holiday, and thanks again for everything you've done.
We're nothing today if we can't remember our past. Take care,
Leah Diehl P.S. I hate to be morbid now, but I forgot
to mention that Dianna's bithday is November 20th. Crazy,
Leah Diehl <>
- Friday,
December 12, 2003 at 10:28:01 (MST)
I'm so happy the truth is
finally comming out...My thoughts and prayers are with you this season
and always...I know your bruises may fade but the pain will remain
forever...Keep speaking the TRUTH Kempa's ..My best wishes are with
Best Wishes Kempas <>
USA - Friday, December 12, 2003 at 04:03:46 (MST)
art is the beautiful TIGER drawing Chris did in Oct. 2000 as a project
for the Visual Communications program at the Career Center. This is the
work we were shown at parent teacher confrence that month. The photo was
taken during Christmas time 1984 after seeing Santa.Congratulations
to Adam William!...We are VERY proud of him...always have been. I was
blessed with two wonderful sons. On 6/24/01 at 11:20:32 I received
the following E mail from one of Chris' friends..the sweet young girl I
referred to yesterday. It reads as follows: Mrs. Kempa, This was in my
inbox today. Honestly, I started to cry. I almost didn't open it because
I didn't know who it was from , but the name sounded SO familliar...I
just didn't know what it was , and at first I thought that someone got
the wrong E mail address. When I read it farther I realized what it
was...the driver. I really...I feel so sick to my stomach. Why would
anyone say anything so hurtful? Now I understand what you meant. I
really wanted to say something back , but I remembered you wanted the
messages forwarded to you. I just wish that I could tell him so's taking everything inside me not to. I am just so upset,
shaking and crying. I can't believe it at all. It just makes me sick to
know that he would cause even more pain. Is there anything I can do with
this letter? I don't want to ignore it. The letter she refers to is
from John Schniers and the subject is: He didn't. It reads as
follows: What do you think the final police report said? The report
placed 100 percent of the fault on Chris not the driver. Guess who paid
the deductible to repair the damage Chris caused to the truck? Thats
right the Kempa's insurance company. Get the facts before you shoot off
your mouth it's the Kempa's that should be saying apologies I told
Chris' friend her mail wasn't from the driver but from his uncle. I also
told her as hard as it was to IGNORE him. I believe she did. Two
interesting points: The story about our insurance company paying the
deductible is another complete and total FABRICATION. And once again, it
makes you wonder which Schniers initiated the lie. Was it William
Michael, William Leo or John Rudolph? The other interesting fact is that
during JR's sworn deposition in Oct. 2002 he denied several times under
oath that he'd ever seen or discussed the police report with anybody. He
sure pretended to know quite a bit about it didn't he???
- Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 16:08:49 (MST)
congrats, your parents should be proud of you!
- Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 09:32:15 (MST)
Fran, Just wondering how you are doing. Hope that you're recouperating.
Janice Martin <>
Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 05:15:47 (MST)
Congrats Adam on
your Graduation from Wayne State!!
MCS <>
Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 02:57:17 (MST)
12/10/03...The art
is the same work title and signature as yesterday. The photo was taken
Christmas morning, 1984. Chris has on his SANTA'S HELPER bib and Adam is
engrossed in one of his gifts.We started decorating for Christmas
tonight...a little more than last year but no where near what we did
when Chris was alive. When we were finished and sat down to take it all
in, the conversation turned to Chris and sadness followed. Speck
graduated from his MANNERS FOR LIFE class tonight! Adam W. enrolled him
in the class several weeks ago and has taken him faithfully! He had his
picture taken in a cap and gown...CUTE! Tomorrow is the day Adam W.
officially graduates from Wayne State....but he chose not to walk. His
dad is rather disappointed but I feel he's an adult and it's his
decision. I simply asked him if it was something he'd look back on in
years to come and regret... he assured me it isn't. In my mind in a way
it's a relief. One event we can miss the glaring absence of Chris. I
know it would have been Adam's event but how could you keep from missing
Chris?....His absence shadows everything. Adam W. received another E
mail from JR Schniers on 2/28/01. This one at 10:08:05 PM.It reads as
follows: Your brother is in the public domain and I have every right
to express my option. I am not in the public eye but a private citizen
and you don't have the right to use my name. To tell you the truth the
slander of my name adds much to your site. It draws attention to the
facts about your brother and the people who love him. On second thought
keep it in. During his sworn deposition on 10/8/02 Mr. JR Schniers
stated he didn't know who he was sending these E mails to....but notice
he refers to "your site" and "your brother."...I guess he knew who he
was sending this one to. Excerpts of his deposition to follow after one
last E mail. This one to another one of Chris' friends...another sweet
young girl he upset very much.
Fran Kempa
- Wednesday,
December 10, 2003 at 21:28:52 (MST)
I sure hope the media that
tried to blame Chris for his unnecessary death will read this and
report the HONEST TRUTH ..hopefully it will help to change the state's
laws that want to protect the impaired drivers over the safety of its
Evan Szczepanski
Evan <>
Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 20:32:32 (MST)
What a freakin
Idiot for JR to give threat for referencing his name! He asked for it!
I doubt anyone gave him permission to post his garbage talk on this site
and the Newspaper forum, not to mention his threatening emails!
MCS <>
Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 13:37:17 (MST)
12/9/03...The art
is an example of the way Chris signed some of his works. This one he
titled, signed, initialed, and smiley faced...but didn't date! He was
very lax in dating them. It was never a problem when he was alive...I
never even really noticed it. But since he's been gone I'd LOVE to know
when certain works were done. It's a guess at best. The photo was taken
Christmas evening, 1987. You can see in this picture, they truly loved
each other. Chris idolized Adam until the day he was killed.Adam W.
received his second E mail from JR Schniers on 2/28/01 at 5:22:32 PM. It
reads as follows: You have 24 hours to remove any reference to my name
or face many more messages from many more people. I did not give
permission to use my name in this public site. It's signed John R.
Schniers. I told Adam to keep his name in. And shortly after, I
believe he made good on his threat. We received many hateful messages in
the guestbook. One from High School Buddy Joe who stated Chris was gay
and used graphic examples. Another written to me implying Chris walked
in front of the truck and comitted suicide because he was gay....and on
and on. I just had Adam delete them as they came but they were copied
and saved. JR was deposed in this case on 10/8/02, excerpts will
follow. When asked about these entries during the deposition, he didn't
deny writing them he simply replied he did "not recall" writing
them.....But once again, I believe the poor spelling and grammar gave
him away.
Fran Kempa
- Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at
12:09:11 (MST) go girl!!! We always knew the truth,
but now it is revealed. Rest in peace Christopher!!!
Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 09:14:49 (MST)
I certainly have
two words for JR should he still be monitoring this website ~ THE TRUTH
has arrived!
MCS <>
Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 06:37:16 (MST)
Amen to
- Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 06:01:13
It is good to see the truth come out... This is still
too sad
As Fran has said, they gambled and we lost.
We miss you Chris...Always...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
- Tuesday, December 09,
2003 at 02:01:43 (MST)
12/8/03...The art is the same frame from
one of Chris' computer animations as yesterday. The photo was taken
Christmas morning, 1990. The boys always left cookies and milk for Santa
and carrots and water for the reindeer. One of the first things they
checked on Christmas morning...after making sure there were presents
under the tree was how much Santa and the reindeer ate and drank!We
went to the cemetary yesterday and found an I AM LOVED button attached
to the ribbon on Chris' Christmas tree. It makes me feel SO good to know
some of his friends do go really means a lot! That last entry
did make me feel very good...Thank You! A phone call I received today
made me feel even better and will definatly help get the story
out. After JR's posting in the News survey and his various E mails,
people began to talk about him here in the guestbook and mention his
name. He didn't like that very much. As a result, his next E mail victim
was Adam William. He received the first in a series of three on 2/27/01
at 12:07:21 PM. It was not signed but contains one of the same E mail
addresses as all the rest...and then there's that spelling and grammar.
It reads as follows: Hay buddy thanks for the english lesson. I think
you know what I wanted to say but just in case it's still a problem I'm
thinking of two words and it's not happy birthday. Amen Mary Saia of
Westland. I couldn't have said it better myself!
Fran Kempa
- Monday, December 08, 2003 at 18:33:03 (MST)
I just wanted to
let you know that the message is getting across all of Michigan. I am a
student @ Western Mich Univ and here in Kalamazoo today I saw 2 seperate
cars at 2 different times that had the bumper sticker for Chris. Maybe
thats a sign? I thought I would let you know, maybe it will brighten
your day or bring a smile to your face that the message is all across
Michigan. My thoughts are with all of you.
-- <-->
- Monday, December 08, 2003 at 17:56:39
I have been visiting this web page since the beginning. I
remember all of the nasty JR Schniers incidents. After reading for the
last month, I would have to say Mr. Schniers has his facts backwards in
this last E mail to Chris' friend. It was William Michael Schniers who
didn't look to see if pedestrians were coming. When you're 26, blind and
brain damaged and in control of a potentially lethal device you do dumb
things. William Michael just didn't think about what he was doing when
he drove through a school zone crosswalk at 35 to 40 miles an hour when
he admitted he couldn't see what was to his left or ahead of the van in
front of him. I think it's JR who needs to get his facts straight.
Mary Saia <Westland>
Monday, December 08, 2003 at 12:42:02 (MST)
12/7/03...The art is
a frame from one of Chris' many computer animations. I remember the day
he completed it vividly. I was upstairs doing some household chores and
he called from the computer room, "Mom come here, you HAVE to see this
one!" I went back there as I did so often and he played it from the
beginning and we LAUGHED!! God how I miss him and all the calls to see
yet another example of his amazing talent and humor! The photo was taken
Christmas time 1984, Chris' first meeting with Santa and was he ever
happy! I agree with everything Cathie said in the last entry. As far
as I'm concerned the driver and his parents have gambled one time too
many and as a result, we lost our most precious son and brother. If he
is still driving...last I heard he is, in my opinion he is still a
ticking time bomb... and it's not just the general public he endangers
every day...don't they realize he's a threat to his own safety and
theirs if they ride with him? As I said in an earlier entry....everytime
I hear about another pedestrian being hit I wonder... After receiving
my chemo therapy over dose and becoming comatose, I've been seeing a new
Oncologist at the Karmanos Cancer Institute. My next round of chemo
begins in January. I am very nervous to say the least but it's a
different drug and will be administered IV instead of orally. I'm still
no where near 100% and I know this will knock me down again but I pray
after 6 more months of chemo I'll be totally back!.... That is my hope
and then my real work can begin! I have not driven since mid
September. I had just begun to drive again after my surgery and then I
fell into the coma. No Doctor or other medical professional told me I
couldn't drive...COMMON SENSE and a sense of RESPONSIBILITY to the
public told me I shouldn't drive. I happened to mention not driving to
my Physical Therapist the other day and she said, "I'm not telling you
you can't drive, it's really up to you...but your balance is still off
and your legs are still weak so it probably wouldn't be a good idea." I
assured her I wouldn't think of driving at this point...and I can see
fine. I would never chance my balance and coordination. I have no idea
when I'll drive again but I won't let selfishness decide. Mr. JR
Schniers next target for an E mail was one of Chris' friends. A very
nice young girl of 16. Luckily I had warned many of his friends not to
be surprised if they heard from him. I instructed them to show their
parents and then forward the E mail to us which she did. It was still
very upsetting despite the warning. This E mail was sent 2/26/01 and
forwarded to me at 11:36 P.M. It reads as follows: Chris was crossing
the street against the light. He didn't look to see if traffic was
coming and finally he was in a dark clothes. When your 16 you do dumb
things and Chris just didn't think about what he was doing. I stand by
my words the victim is the driver he will have to live with the memory
holding Chris and feeling his life slip away. I wish more than anyone
that this didn't happen but it did and now it's time to move
on......It's signed John Schniers. He continued to perpetuate that
same lie about the driver holding Chris as he died. I wonder how many
other people he and they told??
Fran Kempa
- Sunday,
December 07, 2003 at 20:22:39 (MST)
I had a very interesting
talk with one of my patients yesterday. Due to complications after a
minor surgery she suffered brain damage and loss of mobility. She's now
in "rehabilitative driver's education." She told me her first TWO HOURS
were spent testing her EYESIGHT to determine how she would have to
compensate while driving. Her instructor also told her how even with one
eye not seeing or seeing as well, the other eye is involved. Her second
TWO HOUR session focused on her mobility or lack of. She's still doing
this on a one on one basis until she's comfortable driving again. I
told her about Chris and THAT DRIVER. I told her what a good idea it is
to re-educate herself to keep herself safe on the road. "Cathie, my
daughter could be on the road when I'm driving. I need to be able to
respond to any situation while driving." Her instructor did point out to
her that MOST of their students err in too much speed at any given
moment. My patient is the opposite and is going too slow while she's
relearning. So, if THAT DRIVER or his relatives are still reading this,
there is still time to get re-educated. You are still a HAZARD on the
road. You have been lucky with your driving record. You gamble EVERY
time you're on the road. What are the probabilities that at some point
your luck will run out? I would say be a man and get some help but I
honestly think you should be a human being and get some driver's
Cathie Vyse <>
- Sunday,
December 07, 2003 at 15:10:45 (MST)
12/6/03...The "art" is the
same Chris T shirt as yesterday. The photo was taken during Christmas
time 1989 in Buffalo. That's Adam, cousin Billy and Chris holding his
new furry brother Charlie....Chris looks so happy and he was! The boys
and I had wanted a dog for a long time and what a GREAT dog he turned
out to be! I'd never be without one now.In February of 2001, the city
of Livonia ordered the Memorial constructed at the corner where Chris
was killed be removed based upon one complaint. We complied with their
order and removed it. During this emotional time, the Detroit News did a
story. They also conducted a survey on their web page, for roadside
memorials or against. People could write in and express their views. The
following was contained among the postings: Posted: Sat.Feb.24, 2001
at 10:14A.M. From: John R. Schniers City: Holly, Mi. Subject:
Roadside Memorial Comments: I have to point out that this young man
was killed due to his own recklessness and not by a speeding truck. I
know the real victom in this accident is the driver of the truck. This
poor man had no chance to see Chris and the police report makes that
clear. We do have public memorials to people and events. We don't place
them on street corners. City parks and cemeteries, are the proper place.
I think the Kempas want this to be public because of the lawsuit they
have started,I know "it's not about the money." The question remains is
the city of Livonia ruled by laws or mobs? Some other postings
contained the same poor spelling and punctuation but different made me wonder just how busy JR was during this period of
time....As I said, they became his trade mark.
Fran Kempa
- Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 20:24:29 (MST)
If and when my
health improves Tracy, ALL these questions WILL be answered. I am NOT
finished with might say, I'm finally just beginning. I owe it
to Chris and his memory.
Fran Kempa
- Saturday, December
06, 2003 at 12:14:21 (MST)
I was reading the entry a few down
from MCS about LPD information not always being correct, and I couldn't
agree more. I was involved in a hit and run car accident over the
summer, by a very obvious drunk driver. It took the LPD 45 minutes to
get to the scene, as we sat in the middle of Plymouth road with a
smashed car and minor injures. Once they got there they were very rude
to us. Even though my friends in the car behind us chased the other car
long enough to get the license plate, the officers made no attempt to
find the car. 2 months later I went to the station and found out that
the car had been reported stolen 2 days after the accident (seems so
convenient) and when I asked the officer, he told me that there had been
no investigation to find out if the person who reported the car was the
person who hit us. We gave descriptions of the driver and everything. It
seems to me that the LPD really doesn't take things seriously. The
police report was written wrong (didn't even say hit and run on it and
it listed my male friend driver as a female and didn't say I was
injured). I makes me so upset to see them do that with something so
minor, and it makes me even more upset that they wouldn't be thorough
with a fatality. Has anyone approached the Livonia city council and
asked why the police have been so lacking?
Tracy <>
- Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 11:49:25 (MST)
Why didn't
the Police ticket the driver? Because they were too busy pinning the
blame on the unsuspecting pedestrian. Why did the Wayne County
Prosecutor find the driver not completely at fault? Because the blame
was pinned on the pedestrian as the driver was not thoroughly
investigated as should have been especially in a fatality case! The
chain of events from the Parents had MUCH validity and truth because no
one, but no one, knows the victim and their habits better than the
Parents! Chris did everything right that day and the driver did
everything wrong even before that fateful day with his Family as
coverup. There is no covering up the real Truth. It comes out sooner
or later. For shame that it has to come so much later
MCS <>
Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 06:28:36 (MST)
AMEN to Jo
- Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 06:27:03
I find it difficult to believe that the uncle is an adult.
His spelling and entire attitude is so elementary. That is a
frightening thought when you do think about it...How scarey that he is
supposedly a responsible contributing person to society. Fran, Adam, and
Adam...we DO know the truth now...and we DO believe we always
have!! All of his chatter is nonsense. When it comes down to it..only
one being will judge him...and that will be all that matters!! Rest in
peace Christopher
Jo <xxx>
Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 05:59:22 (MST)
Miss you
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
- Saturday, December
06, 2003 at 00:00:48 (MST)
Mrs Kempa,
Its been a while since I've posted anything in here. I just want to let
you know I still think of you and your family often, and of course of
Chris. My prayers are still with you.
Tracy <>
- Friday, December 05, 2003 at 21:34:53 (MST)
"art" is the T shirt Adam W. designed for the second annual CHRISFEST
held in 2001. The original T shirt was navy blue. I was SO touched when
I saw the Franklin 2002 year book. In the panoramic photo taken of the
senior class, Matt Comben wore his Chris T shirt! I felt like he was
included with his class. The photo was taken Christmas morning, 1997.
Chris playing with Felix and Charlie and their Christmas presents..we
had such fun!Mr. John R. Schniers chose his targets for his nasty E
mails after reading the guestbook here on the web page....that's how he
got their E mail addresses. As a result, to this day, people are
reluctant to give their E mail address. They don't want to hear from
this type of person. His second E mail was sent to the same woman he
sent yesterday's to. It was sent the same day, Sat. 27 Jan. 2001 ai
17:09:31 and is from John Schniers. It reads as follows: answer the
questions 1 why didn't the police ticket the driver?They have three
witnesses who collaborated the driver story. 2 why did the Wayne
County Prosecutor find the driver completely not at fault? The chan
of events from the parents has no validity except in the mind of people
who can't believe the truth. Just for the record when Chris left this
world he left it in the arms of the driver. The guy was trying his best
to care and comfort the young man. The driver was not at fault and I
have the legal system and the truth on my side. To this day, I would
like those first two questions of his answered. Perhaps hidden facts
were a reason. I hope to have them answered in the media some day. I
think it's quite apparent now just where the truth lies. His last
statement about the driver holding Chris as he died is a COMPLETE
fabrication! What kind of person would lie about a child's last few
moments on this earth? Then you have to wonder which one of them
initiated that lie. Was it the driver himself, William Michael Schniers
because he thought it made his story sound good or was it initiated by
John Rudolph Schniers because he thought it made his story sound
good....I have a guess, but I wonder. Please refer to my guestbook
entry of 11/22/03, excerpts from the deposition of William Michael
Schniers about half way down....the TRUTH, from his own mouth: Q.
What did you do after you made the cell phone call? A. By the time
I got off the cell phone call, the police had arrived. I called my wife
and spoke to the police. Q. Did you ever go back to Chris
Kempa? A. I tried but by then there was a lot of people, a lot of
cops asking me questions, trying to keep people away. Q. Would it
be fair to say after you made the telephone call, you never went back
where Chris Kempa was? A. I never got back there, yes. We knew
this was a lie as soon as we saw the E mail. We had already spoken to
the witness, the woman who did actually hold Chris as he died after
seeing him mowed down by Mr. W. M. Schniers.
Fran Kempa
- Friday, December 05, 2003 at 21:17:06 (MST)
nonetheless, that
crazy JR is a major jerk
- Friday, December 05, 2003 at
20:34:32 (MST)
The guestbook spam we get here is just spam from
various people looking to get more clicks to their sites. I've taken
the IP addresses from several spam messages and they are sporatic
worldwide, mostly outside of the U.S.
This Uncle is a very sick man to have tormented Chris's family and
friends by sending emails like that. It's good to know he's completely
wrong, and these depositions prove it.
joe.cwik <[-o-]>
- Friday, December 05, 2003 at
11:37:15 (MST)
How clueless JR Schniers was and trying to cover
up a tragic crime. Unfortunately he was going on LPD info which as we
know is NOT always accurate. Wonder how he feels about the REAL Truth
MCS <>
Friday, December 05, 2003 at 07:33:12 (MST)
Is that the same
pervert that keeps leaving PORNO AND SPAM ?
The Pedestrian's
- Thursday, December 04, 2003 at 21:59:10
12/4/03...The "art" is the 1" buttons Adam W. redesigned
for the second annual CHRISFEST in June of 2002. The design remains the
same today. The photo was taken Christmas morning, 1985. Chris was 18
months old...what a doll he was! He's eating one of the baby carrots
left over by the reindeer...and as you can see, he demonstrated an early
interest in the keyboard! That is the same toy piano our dog Charlie
loved to play! He would stand on the keys with his front paws and
dig!....He LOVED it.Just about two months after Chris was killed,
people, including our family, began to receive nasty E mail from John R.
Schniers, uncle of the driver, William Michael Schniers and brother of
William Leo Schniers. He didn't know us, he didn't know them, but that
didn't stop him from inflicting pain and hurt on grieving
strangers...including two of Chris' friends, literally children! The
first of the rash of E mails was sent to a friend we met on the internet
who was unfortunate enough to have had her daughter struck by a car but
most fortunate enough that she lived!..another Franklin parent. The
first E mail was sent Sat. 27 Jan. 2001 at 13:15:57 and is from "john r
schniers". It reads as follows: Hay ass, hole the driver is the victim
and this bull shit has gone to far. The kid ran out in front of him and
he hit him that's the end if the story like it or not Chris was the one
at fault. The legal end is simple keep it up and you will need your own
lawyer for slander. The driver has many friends and a vast supply of
resources......It's signed, The Drivers Friend. Please note, the poor
spelling, grammar and punctuation are Mr. Schniers', not mine. They kind
of became his trade mark.
Fran Kempa
- Thursday, December
04, 2003 at 20:56:48 (MST)
Hello webmaster ! i like your nice
page ! Have fun surfin the web ! cu, Pete !
kredit darlehen
<kredit darlehen>
Thursday, December 04, 2003 at 12:10:14 (MST)
"art" is the one inch button Adam W. designed and made in loving memory
of his brother. The photo was taken over Christmas, 1984 in Buffalo.
Chris was 6 months old. That's Chris and cousin Billy who is one year
younger than Adam. The bib Chris is wearing says, SANTA'S HELPER. I
still have it somewhere.I am sorry to report the crossing light at
the corner, northbound crosswalk is STILL malfunctioning...FOUR days
now! The following excerpts will finish the deposition of March 7, 02
of William Michael Schniers: ....Q. Did any Dr. ever give you a
prognosis as to your medical condition relative to your vision or the
tumor? His attorney interjects; Do you know what a prognosis
is? A. I'm not sure exactly what he's asking. His attorney
again; That's a prediction, what the future holds. A. No. ....Q.
Had you ever driven through that intersection of West Chicago and
Merriman at night? A. Yes. Q. And how many times would you say
you had done that before November 20th of 2000? A. I don't know how
many times I've driven through there at night. Q. Could you give me
a range? I mean, are we talking like, 500 times? More or less? A. I
really don't know. Q. You lived in that neighborhood on Alabama for
about five years before this incident? A. Correct. Q. So that
gives us somewhere around 1,700 days before the incident. Would you say
out of those 1,700 days, you would have driven through there half the
time at night going to or coming from work or going places? A. I
don't know. Q. Would you say more than 100 times? A. Probably,
yeah. I don't really know, I didn't really count them. Q. We can
agree it was more than once? A. Yes. Q. We can agree it was
more than 50 times? A. Probably. Q. We can agree it was more
than 100 times? A. Probably. Q. We can agree that it was more
than 250 times? A. It's possible. ......Q. Would you agree
that you do not turn your head more to the left to compensate for the
loss of vision in your left eye to pick somebody up, such as another
car, pedestrian or anything of that nature? A. No, I wouldn't agree
with that. Q. So the statement you gave to me on page 18 of your
deposition in June of 2001, and I'm looking at line 12--- My question
was: I mean do you have to compensate for the loss of vision in your
left eye by turning your head more to the left so that your right eye
can pick up somebody, another car or pedestrian or anything of that
nature? And your answer was: Not that I can say dramatically, no. That's
the statement you made in June of 2001, correct? A. Yes. Q.
And now you're telling me you do in fact, turn your head to the left to
compensate for the lack of vision in your left eye? A....I turn my
head further to check for blind spots, for cars in the blind spot that
can't be picked up by the mirrors. Q. But that's not what you told
me when I asked you that question in June of 2001. The question was: I
mean, do you have to compensate for the loss of vision in your left eye
by turning your head more to the left so that your right eye can pick up
somebody, another car or pedestrian or anything of that nature? And your
answer was: Not that I can say dramatically, no. Is that correct?.....A.
Yes. Q. Okay, I don't have any further questions. A few people
have commented that Mr. Schniers was well prepared for his depositions
by the insurance company attorney who represented them, Witold Sztykiel.
They based this opinion on the number of, "I don't knows" given by Mr.
Schniers. I wonder... Could it be evidence of the claimed additional
brain damage in his law suit against his Dr.? In my opinion poor memory,
poor judgement and POOR reasoning skills are all evidence of brain
damage. I wonder.... I am happy to say I've received permission from
all the recipients of JR's E mails to put them here in the guestbook.
Fran Kempa
- Wednesday, December 03, 2003 at 20:41:10
What a cute picture today. Our son Billy just loved
Chris. As you can see, he is patting him on the head. Gosh, I remember
that day like it was yesterday. The kids always got along so well.
Billy would always cry when we would have to part company. Such
wonderful memories to hold on to. Thanks for the great picture of the
kids today Adam!!!
JoAnne and Bill <>
Wednesday, December 03, 2003 at 12:16:53 (MST)
After reading the
depos, another fitting slogan would be "If You Don't Know, Then Slow
MCS <>
Wednesday, December 03, 2003 at 06:06:07 (MST)
"art" is the bumper sticker we designed and had made for distribution at
the first annual CHRISFEST in 2001. We got the idea from friends and
thought of the slogan after speaking to the witness who said Mr.
Schniers couldn't possibly have been looking at the road 11/20/00...he
literally mowed Chris down. Neither she nor we knew of the blindness or
claimed additional brain damage at the time. As it turned out, it was a
halfway fitting slogan. The photo was taken in December 2000, shortly
after the Memorial at the corner was constructed by family and
friends....loved ones. I honestly believe some people thought it was
there for their benefit rather than ours. I believe these same people
began stealing individual items at first, then went on to totally trash
it and desecrate it three seperate times. I'm not sure who these people
are...but they know and God knows and that's good enough for me! It was
also very interesting to note the trashings ended right after certain
people moved away. I am happy and proud to say the Memorial still exists
today and will continue to exist for years to long as I live
or as long as I live here...which ever may come first....these days I'm
uncertain.I am sorry to report the crossing light at the corner was
STILL malfunctioning tonight! Three days so far and who knows how long
it was out before we noticed it?!
Fran Kempa
- Tuesday,
December 02, 2003 at 21:25:35 (MST)
best wishes from frida !!!
what a nice page ! i really enjoyed surfing by !
kredit <kredit>
- Tuesday, December 02, 2003 at
15:38:43 (MST)
12/1/03...The art and photo will be random for a
couple of days until Adam can do the page for December. The art is the
skateboard bed we found recently that Chris made. The photo was taken in
late August 2000 just about three months before he was killed.The
signal at Merriman and West Chicago is still malfunctioning today. It
will be interesting to see how long it takes them to fix it this
time. The following may be the remainder of excerpts from William
Michael Schniers deposition of 3/7/02...if not today, tomorrow for sure.
Then I move on to Uncle JR. Q. And wouldn't you agree that if you
would have slowed down, you could have seen Chris Kempa and you would
have stopped in time to avoid this collision? A. No. Q. Why do
you say that? A. It happened too fast. Q. Well, if you would
have slowed down and reduced your speed, you would have had more time to
perceive or see somebody crossing from west to eastbound in the
northbound lane of traffic, Correct? ....A. I don't know. I really
don't. I don't know. I don't know. Q. Well, isn't it fair to say
that when you impacted with Chris Kempa, it was on the right-hand side
of your vehicle, correct? A. Correct. Q. And if you would have
slowed down, Chris Kempa might have been on the sidewalk at that point,
correct? A. Might have been. Q. Right. And if you would have
slowed down, you would have had more time to brake, correct? A.
Possibly. Q. And if you would have slowed down and braked, Chris
Kempa would have been on the sidewalk and would not have been hit by the
right side of your vehicle, correct? A. I don't know that. Q.
Why do you say that? A. I don't know. I don't know when I saw him.
I don't know how much extra time---I can't tell you how fast I'm going
to brake at a certain miles per hour. I just don't know. Q. Well,
would you agree that he was on your right-hand side when you hit
him? A. Yes. Q. And if you would have slowed down, he would
have been farther to your right, correct? A. Possibly. Q. And
if you would have braked in addition to slowing down, he would have been
even farther to your right, correct? A. Possibly. Q. And he
would have been on the sidewalk and you would have missed him,
correct? A. Possibly. Q. Isn't it common sense that if you
slow down and you have more time to brake, he's going to be farther to
your right, correct? ....A. Yes. Q. Do you agree that if there
is a pedestrian in the crosswalk when the light turns from red to green,
that the driver, in this case you, has to yield to that
pedestrian? ...A. Yes. Q. Do you agree that you're supposed to
stop for a pedestrian when you see him? A. Yes. ...Q. Do you
agree that you're supposed to slow down when you're approaching an
intersection when the light turns from red to green to make an
observation that there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk? ...A. I
don't know. I've never seen anything written that says I have to. Q.
Do you agree that you're supposed to make a proper observation that
there's nobody in the intersection including a pedestrian , when the
light turns from red to green before you proceed through that
intersection? A. Yes. Q. Do you agree that if you're not able
to make a proper observation of the intersection to make sure that
there's no pedestrians in the intersection when the light turns from red
to green, you should slow down so that you can stop in enough time to
avoid any pedestrians in the crosswalk? ...A. I don't know. Again,
I've never seen anything that says I have to. Q. Would you agree
that you're supposed to be able to stop your car in an assured, clear
distance? ...A. Yes. Q. And if you can't stop in an assured
clear distance when there may be a pedestrian in the crosswalk, when you
can't make a proper observation, then you should slow down, that you would be able to come to a complete stop to
avoid that pedestrian, correct? ...A. Correct. Q. And would
you agree that you should never enter an intersection if you can't make
a proper observation of what's going on in that intersection when the
light turns from red to green? A....Yes. Q. And do you agree
that you're supposed to slow down when you're approaching an
intersection when the light turns from red to green so that you can make
an observation to make sure that there are no pedestrians are in the
crosswalk? ...A. Yes....
Fran Kempa
- Monday, December
01, 2003 at 17:37:05 (MST)
Miss you always...
- Monday,
December 01, 2003 at 01:02:51 (MST)
11/30/03...The art is
another self portrait. Chris did this one in Sophomore year, 1999-2000.
It was exhibited at the Civic Center Library spring art show in April,
2000. He and we were very proud. The photo was taken in mid August 2000
at Lake Superior while visiting Casey's cottage in Munising. That's
Chris and Casey's cousin Ginny. Ginny really liked Chris.We went to
the Memorial earlier this evening to clean away the pumpkins and the
fall decorations. I couldn't help noticing the signal at that corner is
once again malfunctioning. We only visit the site about once a week now,
not every day like before. But it really makes me wonder how often this
really happens....all too often I would say. We heard on the 11:00
news last night about a Westland man who was hit and killed on was a hit and run. Judging by the debris left at the
scene, the police determined the vehicle was a late 1990's Ford pick up
truck which sustained right front end damage...sounded familier and made
me wonder....
Fran Kempa
- Sunday, November 30, 2003 at
21:26:46 (MST)
well designed,interesting and informative website
! best wishes, Dori
kredit finanzierung vergleich <kredit finanzierung
- Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 08:11:20
11/29/03...The art is the same MIRRORS self portrait as
yesterday. The photo is another taken on November 9, 2000 in Chicago. In
the portrait Chris is wearing his navy blue WEEZER hoodie and in the
photo he's wearing his navy blue KENTUCKY ELLIOTT hoodie. He LOVED his
hoodies, wore them winter, spring, summer and fall!Today we went to
the cemetary to put down Chris' grave blanket. We got one shaped like a
Christmas tree this year. It's decorated with a bead garland just like
the trees we decorated at home. As we were pulling up, there was a young
lady at his grave. Unfortunatly she left before we could speak. She was
driving a white SUV...Thank you for caring, I wish I knew who you
were. The following is more from the 3/7/02 deposition of william
Michael Schniers: A. I may have. Q. You just told me that you
continued at a constant rate of 35 to 40 miles an hour and you didn't
slow down even though there was an unknown, correct? A. I said
that, yes. Q. And if there's an unknown, wouldn't you agree when
you don't slow down, that's unsafe driving? A. Maybe, I don't
know. Q. Let me ask you this, how far were you from the
intersection when the light turned from red to green? A. I don't
know. Q. Were you two feet? A. I don't know. Q. Five
feet? A. I don't know. Q. Fifteen feet? A. I still don't
know. Q. Twenty feet? A. Still don't know. Q. A hundred
feet? A. I really can't put a number on it. Q. Two hundred
feet? A. I really don't know. I'm not going to speculate on
it. Q. Five hundred feet? A. I'm not going to speculate on
it...... Q. How long was the van stopped in the left lane for the
traffic light going northbound before you entered the
intersection? A. I don't know. Q. Would you agree that when
you entered the intersection, the van in the left lane hadn't moved yet,
isn't that true? A. Yes. Q. Would you agree when you can't see
around the van that's in front of you and what's to the west of the van
as you're entering the intersection going 35 to 40 miles an hour, you
haven't made a proper observation? A. I don't know that. I just
don't know. Q. When you say you don't know, what do you mean by
that? A. I've never seen anything that told me I have to and I have
never seen anything that told me I don't. I just don't know. Q.
You've never been told or learned anything that says if you can't make a
proper observation of what's in the intersection because your view is
being blocked by a vehicle that's stopped for a traffic light, that it's
okay to proceed through that intersection and maintain a speed of 35 to
40 miles an hour? A. I don't recall ever being taught anything in
regards to that. Q. You don't believe common sense would tell you
that if you can't make a proper observation when there's a vehicle
stopped in the left lane and you can't see what's in front of it or to
the left of it, that it's okay to continue at 35 to 40 miles an hour in
the right lane? A. It's possible. Q. What do you mean when you
say it's possible? A. I don't know. Does common sense come into
effect? I don't know. Q. Do you agree that you're supposed to use
common sense when you're driving? A. Yes. Q. And would you
agree that common sense says if you can't see what's to the left of
me--if a car is sitting there at the traffic light and it hasn't moved
and you can't see what's in front of it or what's to the left of it,
would you agree that common sense would tell you, hey, maybe I should
slow down to make sure there's nobody in the intersection? ....A.
Yeah, it could tell you that. Common sense could tell you
that. ....Q. Well, let me ask you this. Let's not beat around the
bush, okay? Does common sense tell you that or doesn't it, yes or
no? A. Yes. Q. And if common sense tells you that you should
slow down, you didn't do that, correct? A. The way you're saying
it, yes. Q. And if common sense tells you to slow down and you
didn't, that would not be safe driving would it? .....A.
Fran Kempa
- Saturday, November 29, 2003 at
16:06:14 (MST)
11/28/03...The art is Chris' favorite self
portrait he called MIRRORS. We had it framed and displayed for his
wake...he asked several times to have it framed sooner...I always
thought we had time and put it off, I'm happy we did it for him in the
end. The photo was taken November 9, 2000 during the Chicago trip. As
you can see by the two, he truly captured himself in the
Fran Kempa
- Friday, November 28, 2003 at
20:46:51 (MST)
I like your nice designed website ! Have fun
surfin ! best wishes, Sue
kredit finanzierung <kredit finanzierung>
Friday, November 28, 2003 at 10:18:03 (MST)
We went up to the
corner memorial last night. There were there candles burning... thank
you. After three years this is still a very hard holiday... We
miss you Chris, Happy Thanksgiving where every you are...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
Friday, November 28, 2003 at 00:44:39 (MST)
11/27/03...The art
is the same POP as yesterday. The photo is another taken 1/1/00...Chris
and one of his many cameras!I can't believe this has been our fourth
Thanksgiving without Chris. We were both thinking it was the third, we
forgot about 2000. Thanksgiving is still for me the day we took Charlie
to the funeral home for Chris to say goodbye to his furry brother. It's
still the day I sat by my baby's coffin in an empty funeral home except
for the four of us while other people cooked my dinner....I wonder if
that will ever change? I must say even though I've experienced
terrible loss over the last three years...loss of my child, loss of my
health and loss of consciousness, I still have a lot to be thankful for
this year....I am SO thankful to be alive after being given a 5% chance
of recovery. I am thankful for our family and friends who supported us
when Chris was killed and were right back there for us when I became so
ill. They continue to offer us love and support. I am SO thankful for
Adam William who gave me a reason to go on living three years ago when I
thought I wanted to die. I am SO thankful for Sarah who gave Adam
William a reason to go on living and helped him find happiness again. I
am thankful for my husband who has allowed me to grieve my way for as
long as I need and has supported me through my illness in a way that
surprised me. I am thankful to God for allowing such a wonderful person
as Chris to grace us all with his love and peace, talents and presence
even if it wasn't long enough. I wouldn't trade those 16 years for
anything in the world. I am thankful for Speck the beagle who injected
life back into our household and made us laugh through our tears and
continues to do so. I am even thankful for those few people who tell me
to "get on with it, get over it." I have news for them, I am getting on
with it...but I'm taking Chris along with me every step of the way.
There will never be a day that goes by that I won't think about him and
talk about him....and if they don't like it they can just get over it.
Fran Kempa
- Thursday, November 27, 2003 at 22:05:07
I am thakkful for a sound mind To be able To recall
all those wonderful mrmories. I am thankful I live in a country
where, I am able to express my right to be thankful. I am
thankful for each and every one of you out there Who help
strengthen me and help me to go on. And I am thankful for the
pain... for you see without the pain there would have been no
love... And for that love, I am eternally Thankful. I wish for
you all a warm peace filled Holiday. AS the tears fall and mingle
with the smiles, Know that as long as we have each other, we
will make it.
Shelia Simmons <Dallas, GA.>
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 22:48:06
11/26/03...The art is another one of my favorites. We call
it POP. It now graces the mantle in our new familyroom along with
Man/hand.....and every day I look at them I wonder where he'd be with
his art at 19 if he was producing such works at 16! The photo was taken
1/1/00 just after midnight at the first and last kid New Year's Eve
party Chris ever attended. He was SO excited about the year 2000! As
Dana said in her entry the other day, EVERYTHING came together for him
that year, it was the best year he'd ever had until he met Mr. Schniers
11/20/00...then it became everyone's worst year.So sorry to hear
about another senseless death. We know exactly what my brother and
sister in law's friends are experiencing right now. Losing a child is
the most horrible thing and this time of year just amplifies the
tragedy. I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Even Adam W.
commented the other day this is the fastest year he can ever recall. Due
to my ill health, we didn't even do our pseudo Thanksgiving this year.
We'll spend a very quiet day and observe some traditions. More
excerpts from the March 7, 2002 deposition of William M.
Schniers: ...Q. Did you ever change your speed from 35 to 40 as you
proceeded in the right hand lane? A. I don't believe so. Q. As
you approached the intersection, how many cars were stopped for the
light in the left lane? A. I know of one that I can recall. Q.
And what sort of vehicle was that? A. A van. Q. And what color
was that van? A. I don't remember what color it was...... Q.
As you approached the traffic light in the right hand lane, were you
able to make an observation whether there were any individuals crossing
the street in the northbound crosswalk going from west to east? A.
I don't know. ....Q. Can you tell me as you were proceeding in the
right hand lane, what attempts you made to make an observation whether
there was somebody in the northbound crosswalk going from west to
east? A. I looked forward. Q. You looked forward? A. I
looked forward. I would have tried to have turned my head earlier to see
anything and then continued through. Q. When you said you looked
forward, are you saying in your lane, the right lane of traffic you were
looking forward? A. Yes. Q. Would your vision have been
blocked to your left by the blue van? A. I don't know. I don't
remember the color of the van. Q. Well, would your vision have been
blocked to your left by the van? A. At some point yes. Q. At
what point? A. I don't know...... Q. Let me ask you this. How
can you make a proper observation when there is a van in the left
northbound through lane and you're in the right lane and you can't see
what's in front of the van and you continue at 35 to 40 miles an
hour? A. I don't know if you can do that or not. Q. Well,
wouldn't you agree that you can't make a proper observation at that
point because you can't see around the van or through the van while
you're driving 35 to 40 miles an hour? A. Yeah, I guess so,
Yeah. Q. And even though you can't make a proper observation, you
did not reduce your speed from 35 to 40 miles an hour before you entered
the intersection, correct? A. Correct. Q. Would you agree that
continuing at the same speed when you can't make a proper observation is
not safe driving? ....A. I don't know, I don't know. Q. Why do
you say you don't know? A. I just---I don't know. Part of me says
no. Part of me says yes. I just don't know. Q. How can it be safe
driving when you can't make a proper observation of what's in front of
the van that's to your left or west of the van and you don't reduce your
speed from 35 to 40 miles an hour? A. I don't know. I don't know
how it could be considered that. Q. Wouldn't you agree it's not
safe driving? A. No, I won't agree with that. Q. So it's your
position that even though you can't see what's in front of the van
that's stopped for the traffic light, what's in front of the van or to
the left of it, I'm just going to continue to drive 35 to 40 miles an
hour through that intersection when you know there's a pedestrian
crosswalk on the north side? How can that be safe driving? A. I
don't know. It's just something---it's something that happens on a
regular basis. The unknown is the unknown. Q. What do you mean the
unknown is the unknown? A. If you knew, you would change it. If you
don't know, you don't know. Q. And if you don't know, don't you
slow down????......
Fran Kempa
- Wednesday,
November 26, 2003 at 21:08:37 (MST)
Best wishes out ot Austria
!!! Nice website ! keep up the good work
kredit finanzierung
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 15:49:37
Chris, you have another young man to welcome to Heaven.
Brad Burgher from Clarence is now with you in that glorious place. He
is 23 and had a tragic construction accident yesterday. He is the son
of our friends in Clarence. Please guide him around until he is used to
it. I could not think of another young man who would make him feel more
welcome. JoAnne <> USA -
Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 05:35:59 (MST)
A Holiday PrayerThank you for life, for it's good times and
bad. Thank you for the love, even when I can't feel it. Thank you
for the love I used to share, For the arms that held me
tight. Thank you for my family In faraway places , In different
times. Thank you for the songs we sang , For the smiles we shared. Thank you for the strength that
eludes me just now. Thank you for the weakness that sends me to my
knees. Thank you for the searching, the reaching, the
hoping. Thank you for the bonds of memory that hold me in
place, Even when I don't believe in it anymore, Or...forget what
it is all about. Thank you most of all For having been blessed
with the love I have known, Even now when I fear I will forget
it. Thank you for memory and For filling it full measure for
me. It wasn't nearly long enough , but it will have to do. Thanks
for the moments we shared. Thanks for the little while.
Darcie Sims <Louisville,
KY.> - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 at 20:03:56 (MST)
The art is the same Lego mosaic Adam W. made. The photo is another
Chris took of himself...this one in late October, the evening of
Homecoming. He had the most beautiful eyes, and the longest eyelashes
I've ever seen...Rather ironic. In some ways the anniversary of the 25th
is harder than the anniversary of the 20th. Three years ago today we
were forced to say our final goodbyes to our baby and little brother. It
sounds weird I know but from the 20th to the 24th part of him was still
with us so it didn't seem final. I honestly thought in my grief and
shock at some point he'd step out of the coffin and assure us it was all
a tragic mistake....but deep down I knew that was impossible. So on the
25th we cried our final goodbyes and they closed the coffin and I
watched his friends carry his body to the hearse. It's hard to say what
day from 11/20/00 on was the worst...they were all horrible for
different reasons.I have no tim to give to Mr. Schniers deposition
tonight but I will finish it up over the next few days. The I'll move on
to the E mails and guestbook entries of Uncle John R. Schniers. Some of
the E mails he sent to Chris' friends in the midst of their grief are
shocking...coming from an adult to children! Fran Kempa -
Tuesday, November 25, 2003 at 19:51:24 (MST)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Monday, November 24,
2003 at 22:28:18 (MST)
11/24/03...The art is the Lego mosaic Adam made of Chris a few months
after he was killed with all of their childhood Legos and then some. To
this day it remains in front of our fireplace in the livingroom. The
photo is another from Autumn Bash 2000 taken that October. In this photo
you can see a hint of the intricate design Chris made on his right hand
in permanent marker....that's another night I remember vividly, sitting
across the kitchen counter from him talking about how the night went,
hearing how great it was, then noticing his hand, and him telling me it
had to "wear off!" Luckily, it was a BEAUTIFUL design!The following
are excerpts from William M.Schniers' second deposition of March 7,
2001. You'll see he knows even less than he did the year before
including what kind of truck he was driving. Q. Would it be fair to
say that you really didn't have any vision in your left eye at all after
the removal of the tumor? A. Correct..... Q. What my question
is, did your parents ever go to any meetings with any of your doctors
regarding the tumor you had and your problems with vision in your left
and right eyes? A. Yes..... Q. And I'm talking about meetings
before November 20th of 2000 with your doctors relative to your problems
with your vision in your left and right eyes. A. Correct. Q.
Would it be fair to say that your dad knew that you had a tumor removed
and you had problems with your vision in your left and right eyes before
November 20th of 2000? A. Yeah.... Q. Okay. Did you have any
mental disabilities at all prior to this automobile collision with Chris
kempa? A. Not that I remember. Q. Did you have a loss of depth
perception as a result of this tumor? A. AS A result of losing the
vision in one eye, yes. Q. And do you still have that loss of depth
perception? A. I would assume so..... Q. Did Amy Wilhelm, the
director of safety, ever meet with you after you had your tumor removed
to discuss your ability to drive safely? A. No. Q. Did she
ever meet with you at all to discuss safety, including your own safety,
after you had this tumor removed? A. No....... Q. Since you've
had the tumor removed and lost vision in your left eye, have you ever
gone back to the Secretary of State and informed them of that
condition? A. No..... Q. And how would you describe the size
of your truck? A. S10 pickup..... Q. Do you believe that this
surgery that you had for the removalof the tumor has affected your
reaction time? A. No...... Q. When you left your house on the
morning of November 20th 2000, what direction did you take? A. I
headed north on Merriman Road. Q. And that required you to make a
left from Alabama onto Merriman Road, correct? Q. Did you stop at a
7-Eleven or a McDonalds or anything? A. No. Q. How far is it
from Alabama to West Chicago? A. About a mile...... Q. Could
you see the traffic light from West Chicago and Merriman as you were
going northbound in the left through lane? A. I really don't
recall. Q. Do you know how far from the light you were that
controlls the intersection for West chicago and Merriman when you went
from the left lane to the right lane? A. No, I don't. Q. would
it be less than 20 yards? A. I have no idea. Q. Would it be
less than 30 yards? A. I don't know. Q. Would it be less than
50 yards? A. I don't know. Q. Would it be less than 100
yards? A. I really--I can't put a distance on it. I don't
know...... Q. Do you know why you moved from the left lane to the
right lane? A. Not with any certainty. Q. Do you have some
belief or guess? A. I don't really know why I'd change
lanes. I'll have to continue tomorrow, once again very's
been a tough few weeks and will continue for several more. Fran
Kempa - Monday, November 24, 2003 at 17:55:58 (MST)
Mrs. Kempa, thank you for supporting the Franklin theatre like you
do! I love seeing you and Mrs. Allen at the productions! We loved having
Chris as a part of our family. He was the absolute best behind a camera,
and I treasure the footage of "Anne of Green Gables" knowing that it was
from his point of view. I think of him often when I am directing, and
his spirit is surely alive within the walls of our tiny theatre. With
love and prayers... Ms. Hillman - Sunday, November 23, 2003
at 14:54:26 (MST)
Hi Mrs. Kempa! It was nice to see you last night! I'm so glad to see
you up and healthy. I hope you and Chris enjoyed the show.
Colleen Baidoon <> - Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 14:30:12 (MST)
It was really nice to see you saturday night Mrs. Kempa, although I'm
sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you. Chris did love the play and
I still have the Jones Soda bottle he gave me that Saturday night, that
being the last time I saw him. I'm so grateful for the time I had with
him. He was so happy that night. He had his headphones on as usual and
made me stop and listen to the song playing. "you got to admit it's
getting better, getting better all the time" was on and he said "that
describes my life perfectly right now" It made me glad to know that he
was feeling that way, little did I know that would be the last
conversation we had. If you'd like to talk more my email is listed
below. If you ever need anything I'm more than willing to help.
Dana <>
; - Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 13:22:35 (MST)
11/23/03...The art is the same Man/Hand as yesterday. The photo is
one chris took of himself in Oct. 2000 as a joke and sent it to one of
his internet friends. She E mailed it to me after he was
killed.Claudia and I attended the Franklin fall play last night. It
was an excellent production as usual. It was great to see Cori, Dana,
Colleen and Angie and Mrs. Hillman. I went to support Franklin, a school
both my boys loved. I also went in honor of Chris. He loved being
involved in the theatre and working on the fall play was one of the last
things he did on this earth....I'll never forget that Sat. night, the
Jones Soda bottles clanking together as he DASHED out the door! More
from Mr. Schniers June 5, 2001 dep: Q. Did the police show you your
first statement before you made your second statement? A. No. Q.
Why would you in your second statement, have said you were in the left
lane of traffic? A. I don't know. Q. You must have believed
that when you filled it out, right? A. At some point, yes. Q.
So when you went in there --you had a day to think about what happened
and you go in there and tell the police: Look, I'm in the left lane of
traffic when this collision occurs, correct? A. Correct. Q.
And you believe that to be a truthful statement then, right? A.
Correct. Q. When you left, did you discuss that with anybody? A.
No........ Q. Would your memory of the collision have been better
on the first day rather than the second day? A. I'm not sure
honestly. I don't know if I have a complete clear picture of what
happened to this day. Q. Would you agreethat in Exhibit #16--that
this is the first statement that you gave to the police? A.
Yes. Q. Would you agree that in this first statement you don't have
what lane you were in before you struck Chris Kempa? A. No, I do
not have the lane in there. Q. Would you agree that in your first
statement you don't have what your speeds were either? A.
Yes. Q. Then you gave statements two and three on November 22,
correct? A. I believe so, yes. Q. That's two days after your
impact with Chris Kempa? A. Two days after. I'd have to check the
dates to make sure that that was the accurate date but I'm pretty sure
that's when I did it...... Q. I'm going to show you Exhibit #17 and
ask you to take a look at that. Is this the statement---your second
statement? A. Yes. Q. This statement indicates you were in the
north left lane, correct? A. And it also indicates you were driving
at 35 to 40 miles an hour, correct? A. Correct. Q. I'm going
to show you Exhibit #18. that's your third statement, correct? A.
Yes. Q. In this statement you say that after you had a chance to
rethink the action of that morning, you have indicated that you were in
the right lane of traffic when you struck Chris Kempa. A.
Correct. Q. And you have indicated that you were going 35 to 40
miles an hour at the time you struck Chris Kempa, correct? A.
Correct...... Q. How many vehicles does your father's business own
at the time of this collision? A. I don't know how many vehicles
Air and Water Systems has. Q. Are we talking three, two or
twenty? A. More than two. I honestly ---I don't know how many
trucks are on the road. Q. Can you give me an estimate? A. I'd
say over 20. That's the best I can give you.. Q. 50? A. I
don't know. Q. Do you know if you're D-O-T regulated? A. I
don't know. Q. Do you know what D-O-T is? A. Department of
Transportation. Q. Did you ever receive any driver's training from
your father when you started with his business? A. No. Q. Did
you ever receive any updates or any information about safe driving from
your father before you started driving one of his vehicles at any
time? A. No...... Q. Do you have somebody at your place of
employment who's in charge of safety for your business? A. Yes.
Q. Who is that? A. Amy M. Wilhelm Q. And what is her job
title? A. Vice-president. Q. She's Vice-president of
what? A. Air and Water Systems. Q. Does she have anything more
in her title; I mean Director of safety, director of enviornment? A.
I'm not honestly one hundred percent sure. Q. What safety function
does she handle? A. OSHA reports. you know what, without saying
anything that might be incorrect, I'm not really sure what all her
safety regulations are. Q. Did you give her any statement or
somebody working for her relative to how this collision with Chris Kempa
occurred? I gave one to the insurance company. That I remember. I
don't know if I gave her a direct one or not. Q. Did you talk to
her about how this collision occurred? A. I don't recall
honestly...... Q. Is there any procedure at your place of
employment where driving mishaps with the company vehicle are reported
and analyzed? A. They're reported but I don't know what you mean by
analyzed. Q. Well ther's some program put on by your employer to
reduce unsafe driving. A. not that I have been made aware of.
Who should I direct those questions to, Amy Wilhelm or your father
or both? A. My answer would be possibly both, but I can't answer
that as well as others...... Fran Kempa - Sunday,
November 23, 2003 at 12:07:43 (MST)
11/22/03...We call the art Man/Hand. Adam made a beautiful frame for
it and it now graces the mantle in our new family room. A room Chris
never lived to see completed but he would have loved it! The photo is
another taken Nov. 9, 2000. One of Chris' favorite places to be, behind
the camera...any camera!I hope this entry will complete the rest of
Mr. William M. Schnier's "Story" of 11/20/00 form his first deposition
given June 5, 2001. I'll follow later with his account from his second
deposition given in March of 2002. Q. Now you told me it was just an
instant between the time you saw Chris Kempa and struck him,
correct? A. What it seemed like to me. Q. Your vehicle was in
the right lane of traffic? A. Yes. Q. And when you first saw
Chris kempa he was on the--where was he? A. Driver's side front of
truck. Q. And when you impacted with him where was he? A.
Passenger side of truck. Q. How many feet from ---was he from being
on the curb when you struck him? A. I don't know how close he was
from the curb when I hit him. Q. You have no idea? A.
No. Do you know how wide the lane of traffic is for you? A.
No Q. Your car was fully in the right lane when you struck him,
correct? A. Was fully in the right lane? Is that what you
said? Q. Yes sir. A. Yes it was. Q. And when you struck
Chris Kempa, what happened to him? A. He passed away. Q. When
you struck Chris Kempa, did any portion of his body hit your
vehicle? A. Yes. Q. Where on your vehicle did he hit? A.
Right front of truck. Q. When you say right front of the truck,
what do you mean by that? A. Passenger side--right front passemger
side of the vehicle, front corner. Q. Did a portion of his body
wind up on your hood? A. What are you asking for? What I knew then
or what I know now? Q. What you knew then. A. I don't know where
all he hit. Q. Before you impacted with Chris Kempa, did you ever
apply your breaks? A. Yes Q. For how long were your breaks
on? A. I don't know, until the truck stopped. Q. how long were
your breaks on before you impacted with Chris Kempa? A. I don't
know that. Q. Can you tell me in feet or seconds? A. No, I
can't Q. When you struck Chris Kempa, was your truck still going in
a---straight ahead? A. I had swerved but, yes, it was still going
forward. Q. And were you still in the right lanr of traffic? A.
AS far as I know, yes. Would it be fair to say you never sounded
your horn? A. That is true..... Q. Can you tell me where Chris
Kempa's body wound up in relationship to your vehicle? A. In front
of. Q. Do you know what the distance was between the front of your
vehicle and where his body wound up after your vehicle came to a
stop? A. No, I don't. Q. Can you give me an estimation? A.
I didn't count my steps. Q. Was Chris Kempa's body in the right
lane of traffic? A. Yes. Q. After you hit Chris Kempa and your
vehicle came to a stop, what did you do? A. Put the vehicle in
park. I got out, went over to him, tried to see if I could get a
response, checked for a pulse, checked to see if he was breathing. I had
both at that point. A couple people had also stopped. Nobody had a cell
phone. nobody else was stopping . I went and called 911. Q. What
did you tell 911? That I was the driver of a vehicle that had just
struck a young man at West Chicago and Merriman Road and to try to get
somebody out there. Q. What did you do after you made the cell phone
call? A. By the time I got off the cell phone call, the police had
arrived . I called my wife and spoke to the police. Q. Did you ever
go back to Chris Kempa? A. I tried but by then there was a lot of
people, a lot of cops asking me questions , trying to keep people
away. Q. Would it be fair to say after you made the telephone call,
you never went back where Chris Kempa was? A. I never got back
there, yes. Q. did Chris Kempa ever say anything to you when you went
over to him? A. No. Q. Did you say anything to Chris
Kempa? A. I just tried to get any type of response out of him. I
don't know what I said. I could have asked him if he could hear me. I
could have asked him what his name was. I just wanted to see if I could
get a response out of him........ Q. As you were approaching the
traffic light, as you were going Northbound on Merriman, when you moved
from the left lane to the right lane, did you cut in front of any
cars? A. Can you explain cut in front of? Q. I can't. A. I
didn't cut anybody off. Q. How far was that when you moved from
the left lane to the right lane from the traffic light? A. I don't
know that..... Q. Did you signal your lane change when you went
from left to right lane? A. I don't remember. Probably. I can't
answer that with any certainty though. Q. Let me ask you, how many
statements did you make to the Livonia Police? A. Three. Q.
Three? A. Three Q. And when is the first time you gave one to
them? A. At the scene. Q. And that was hand written? A.
Yes. Q. When was the second one? A. A couple days after, hand
written also. Q. And when was the third one? A. Later on that
afternoon.--of the second day, sorry. Q. What was the difference
between your second ststement and your third statement? A. The lane
of travel I was in. Q. What did your first statement say? A.
Right lane. First statement said right lane? A. Yes. Q.
What did your second statement say? A. Left lane. Q. What did
your third statement say? A. Right lane. Q. And these weren't
all given on the same day, were they? A. Pretty sure the last two
were. Q. Were the second and third statements given on the same day
as the first one? A. No, not as the first one Q. This was a
day or so after? A. Couple, yes. Q. And did you consult with
anybody before you gave the statements on the second--before you gave
the second and third statements? A. No. Q. After you gave the
second statement, did the police give you a copy of it? A.
No. Q. You just made a statement, you left it and you went
away? A. Yes...... Q. Why would you , in your second statement
have said you were in the left lane of traffic? A. I don't
know. Q. You must have believed that when you filled it out,
right? A. At some point, yes. Q. So when you went in there
--you had a day to think about what happened and you go in there and you
tell the police: Look, I'm in the left lane of traffic when this
collision occurs, correct? A. Correct. Q. And you believe that
to be a truthful statement then, right? A. Correct. Q. When
you left, did you discuss that with anybody? A. No. I'll have to
continue tomorrow. Fran Kempa - Saturday, November 22, 2003
at 14:59:04 (MST)
A special thanks to all who have visited the site in the past few
days...and a special "Thank you" for all of the postings. For those
who haven't been here for awhile take a look at the last week or so of
the guest book Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Saturday, November 22,
2003 at 00:03:03 (MST)
Very difficult indeed Fran. Your courage and strength is amazing.
Hope these facts and revelations do make the front page and media in the
future. This time, the right story can be told if allowed by the Court
System. MCS <> -
Friday, November 21, 2003 at 19:52:05 (MST)
11/21/03...The "art" is the front page of Thanksgiving day's paper,
Nov.23, 2000. Had I acted quickly enough, perhaps they would have
published the real story this Thanksgiving. The photo was taken Nov.9,
2000 at Geno's East pizza in Chicago.Three years ago today it was a
Tuesday not a Friday. We were very deep in shock, wake and funeral
arrangements. The following are the remainder of the deposition
excerpts of William Michael Schniers taken June 5, 2001 describing the
events of 11/20/00. Q. Do you know how long the light had been green
for the traffic in the northbound lane before you passed them? A.
No. Q. Would it be fair to say the the light had just gone from red
to green as you were entering the intersection because the traffic in
the northbound left lane hadn't moved yet? A. I don't know when the
light changed exactly. Q. Do you have any idea in either feet,
yards or seconds how far you were from the intersection when the light
turned from red to green? A. No I don't. ......Q. Would it be
faif to say that you were timing the light so that you wouldn't have to
slow down and you could just go through the intersection at 35 to 40
miles an hour? A. No. Q. Would it be fair to say from the time
that you got on northbound Merriman heading toward West Chicago your
speed remained a constant 35 to 40 miles an hour as you approached and
entered the intersection of Merriman and West Chicago? A.
Yes. Q. As you were approaching the intersection of Merriman and
West Chicago, can you tell me what observations you made of whether
there might be pedestrians crossing the road? A. I didn't see
anybody. Q. I didn't ask you--what OBSERVATIONS did you make? A.
The light had turned green. There was traffic stopped in the left
lane. Q. Okay. A. That's what I observed as I went up to the
light. Q. How far behind the traffic that was stopped in the left
lane were you when the light turned from red to green? A. I don't
know that. Would you have been behind that traffic or even with it
when the light went from red to green? A. I don't know. I can't
speculate. I can't tell you exactly. Q. Give me your best
estimate. A. I would have been behind the traffic when the light
turned. Q. How far? A. I don't know that. Q. Are we
talking about a foot or a half mile? A. I don't know. I don't know.
Q. Is it closer to a foot or a half mile when the light turned
from red to green when you were behind the traffic that was in the
northbound left lane? A. I don't know. Q. Let me ask you, how
can you make proper observations if there is snybody in the crosswalk
either northbound or southbound, when your speed remains a constant 35
to 40 miles an hour while you're approaching the traffic light? A.
As I was approaching the light, I didn't see anything in front of me
other than two stopped cars. Q. Did you see anybody crossing the
street in the northbound pedestrian lane? A. No. Q. How were
you able to make an observation of what might have been in front of the
cars sitting in the northbound through lane , which we have been calling
the left lane, as you're approaching the intersection going 35 to 40
miles an hour? A. I couldn't see through the vehicles in front of
me. Q. If you can't see through the vehicles in front of you that
are on your immediate left as you're approaching and entering the
intersection, how can you be sure there is nobody in the pedestrian
crosswalk, either northbound or southbound, at that point while you
maintain a speed of 35 to 40 miles an hour? A. I don't know. I
didn't see him from further back. Q. Wouldn't you agree as you're
approaching the light, you cannot see what's in front of the two cars
sitting in the leftbound--left northbound lane of traffic as you're
approaching? Isn't that true? A. Yes........ A....But I do know
there is a crosswalk sign posted on my way to that intersection and
there is one today in that picture. Q. what does that mean to you
as you're approaching the intersection? A. That there is a
crosswalk there. Q. And it means there could be pedestrians in that
crosswalk correct? A. Correct Q. How could you be sure there
were no pedestrians in the crosswalk when you can't see what was in
front of the two cars in the northbound left through lane as you were
approaching the intersection? A. In my field of vision, I didn't
see anybody and had to make an assumption. Q. Is an assumption the
same as making a proper observation? A. No. Q. Is an assumption
the same as making an observation? A. I made a n observation and
assumed the rest. Q. I move to strike that. My question is is an
assumption the same as an observation? A. No. Q. If you can't
make an observation and are relying on assumptions , shouldn't you
recuce your speed until such time as you can make an observation if
there is anybody in the-- any pedestrian in the crosswalk? A. Yes, I
guess so. Q. Would it be fair to say that even though you couldn't
make an observation of what was in front of the two cars in the
northbound through lane of Merriman , you didn't slow down as you were
approaching and entering the intersection? A. Yes. Q. Wouldn't
you agree that if you had slowed down and made a proper observation as
you were approaching and entering the intersection, this collision with
Chris Kempa wouldn't have happened? *** After much argument back and
forth, his attorney, Witold Sztykiel, refused to let him answer....not
enough coaching I guess on that one.***** Q. As you were
approaching the intersection of northbound Merriman in the right lane,
did you wonder why the cars in the left northbound lane hadn't started
to move yet when the light went from red to green? A. I don't know.
I might have. What did you think when you saw these cars weren't
moving? A. I don't know what I would have thought. Q. I'm
asking you what did you think at that point in time? A. I don't
know what I thought at that point in time. Q. When you saw Chris
Kempa in front of your car was he walking, running or jogging? What was
he doing? A. I don't know, it was all in an instant. Q. From
the point in time you saw Chris Kempa, how long did it take before your
vehicle collided with him? A. Seemed like an instant. Q. Does
an instant mean less than a second? A. I don't know what an instant
is, I reacted as fast as I could. Q. Well, if you don't know what
an instant is, do you know what a second is? A. Yes. Q. Tell
me in seconds how long it was before you --from the time that you saw
Chris Kempa until the time your vehicle impacted with him. A. I
don't know how long of time elapsed. It just-- Q. Was it less than
five seconds? A. I can't answer that honestly. Q. Was it less
than a second? A. I still can't answer that honestly...... Q.
Do you agree that because the light turns from red to green doesn't mean
there aren't pedestrians in the crosswalk who haven't finished
crossing? A. Yes. Once again, I'm finding this very difficult but
necessary. I'll continue tomorrow. Fran Kempa -
Friday, November 21, 2003 at 19:31:44 (MST)
NOTHING IS WRONG DECK...give it another try bob - Friday,
November 21, 2003 at 19:28:59 (MST)
what's wrong with the artwork link? i would just keep clicking
random, but i keep getting the same artwork over and over...
Deck <> -
Friday, November 21, 2003 at 15:18:16 (MST)
Yesterday, of all days, was the one day I couldn't get to my
computer, but you were on my mind all day. I kept telling people, "Its
been three years" and I think it was because I thought if i said it
enough, I might actully believe it. I dont think it worked. =w=
<"You're the magic that holds the sky up from the
ground"> - Friday, November 21, 2003 at 08:04:50 (MST)
A quiet day yesterday. Kat and I went to the memorial before six but
still dark. I saw someone later about ten. I think everyone needed
their own time to talk to Chris. Know that all of us STILL care.
Cathie Vyse <> - Friday,
November 21, 2003 at 05:55:28 (MST)
Hey Buddy.. Today has been hard for all of us I'm sure, you've been
in my thoughts all day. It's really weird to think that it's already
been 3 years.. lots has gone on in these three years but I can remember
this day perfectly, unfortuately. You were such a good friend, a
genuine person, you had such a beautiful soul, Chris. What I admired
most about you was your talent, nothing made sense to me after you died.
How could anyone so talented and amazing just dissapear suddenly and
completely, while we're still here. That sparked a lot of soul
searching, I'm sure many can relate .... I don't know why you had to
leave us, Chris, but you're still very close to my heart, mind and soul.
There's a part of me that will never be the same because of what
happened, and there's a part of me that's better because I had the honor
of being your friend. You tought us so much, Chris, it must be that
insightful Gemini thing, right? :) You'll never be forgotten, ~
Christine ... *~ Hep ~* Christine Hepperle <> - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 21:16:48 (MST)
There are birthdays, wedding anniversaries and holidays that I have
forgotten, but now in my life there is an anniversary that I can never
forget... Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<<>>>>>>> - Thursday, November
20, 2003 at 21:16:24 (MST)
I never had the pleasure of knowing Chris even though I was a '00 FHS
grad. My thought are with the family today as many other days. From
the most recent depo. posting its hard to believe he was a part of that
tragic accident, all the "i don't knows" are frustrating. Amen to what
Kathy said. Thoughts are with all that had the pleasure of knowing
him.... -- <--> - Thursday,
November 20, 2003 at 20:09:12 (MST)
Miss you now and always Chris. I heard Radiohead's "Anyone Can Play
Guitar" tonight and it made me think of you, the lyrics: "I wanna be in
a band when I get to heaven" I hope you're rocking with the best of them
up there! I will never forget you Chris, and the impact you had on my
life is still affecting me to this day. The great life you led in such a
short time will never be forgotten by myself or anyone else.
Dana <>
; - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 19:32:46 (MST)
I had a talk today with good friend of mine. He said that grief is
time, tears, love, hate and personal searching. Grief is a journey of
breakdown and confusion. Hopefully at the end (sooner preferred to
later, but eventually nonetheless), one discovers that there is
something new and different underneath what one once thought was
oneself. He said, that's all you need to know and everything else is up
to you to feel. yeah i think he's right. . . but what to do then?
eag - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 18:45:15 (MST)
AMEN to Kathy xx <xx> -
Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 17:47:13 (MST)
Hold the phone here because every single day since that death by an
irresponsible motorist occurred...I am out driving in a school zone
between 6:45 and 7AM and it is NOT dark that would be DARK only
if there was a lack of vision. Mr. SCNEERS was not seeing that is why it
was dark.... AND THAT IS THE TRUTH Kathy - Thursday,
November 20, 2003 at 17:43:36 (MST)
God's with you all. USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at
17:13:25 (MST)
11/20/03...Three years ago today the wonderful life I was living was
ended by the poor judgement of a complete stranger and his parents. In
many ways I fault Mr. and Mrs. William L. Schniers for Chris' death more
than William M. because I honestly believe in my opinion he was too
demented to make a responsible decision regarding driving after his
brain surgery. And I will believe until the day I die had William M. not
been handicapped or on the road, Chris would still be with us all today.
We continue to feel the effects of that horrible day every day of our
lives and will forever. I MISS him, his laugh, his humor, his talent,
his ENERGY, his presence everyday. For the rest of my life I'll wonder,
"what would Chris be doing today?" He's still the first thing I think of
when I wake up and the last thing I think of when I try to sleep...I'll
always wonder.We received the thank you note from Chris' other cornea
recipient in todays mail! I truly believe it is a sign! I believe this
is also a woman because of the floral stationery and the feminine hand
writing. It's dated 11/10/03 and reads as follows: Dear Eye Donor
Family, I know I'm long overdue with this letter. It was Nov. 27, 2000
since I received your cornea transplant. I had the operation at Kellog
Eye Institute in Ann Arbor. The surgery went real well and I no longer
wear glasses. Dr. Roger Meyers said I see just as well without glasses.
I don't know how to thank you, for the gift of sight is precious. I am
thankful every day. May God bless you for the gift. Love, a grateful
recipient. That was a small bright spot in a very bleak day. The
following is William M. Schnier's account of what happened the morning
of 11/20/00, taken from excerpts from his first deposition taken June 5,
2001. You'll see he doesn't know much. Q. Did you leave your house
approximately the same time you leave every day that morning? A.
Yes. Q. When you left your house on November 20, 2000 and got onto
Merriman, what lane of traffic were you in? A. Probably started in
what would be the left lane. Q. Why don't you tell me what
happened up until the time of the collision? A. Traveling down
Merriman Road, light turned green, I proceeded through it. Q. What
happened? A. Young man appeared in front of my vehicle. I tried to
brake: tried to swerve, struck him. Q. Where did your vehicle come
to a stop? A. As soon as it stopped. Q. I'm asking you where
did it come to a stop? A. The other side of the intersection as
soon as it would stop. That's the best I can give you. Q. When you
left your house, what lane of traffic did you get into on November 20 of
2000 when you got on to Merriman?A. I would have had to start in the
left lane. That's the only way I can get there. ...... Q. Is it
truethat when you turned from Alabama on to Merriman you got into the
left lane to go northbound on Merriman, is that correct? A. Yes.
Q. Did you stay in that lane of traffic? A. No. Q. What
lane of traffic were you in as you were approaching the traffic
light? A. Right lane. Q. How long had you been in the right
lane? A. Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Q. how long did you stay
in the left lane? A. Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Q. How
far from the traffic light at Merriman and West Chicago were you when
you went from the left lane to the right lane? A. I don't know.
Q. As you approach the intersection of Merriman and West Chicago,
when can you first see the traffic signal? How far are you from
it? A. I guess-- when can I first see the traffic signal? Q.
Yes, sir. A. As soon as I pull onto Merriman Road. Q. As soon
as you pulled onto Merriman Road, what was the color of the light? A.
I couldn't tell you. Q. As you approached the intersection of
Merriman and West Chicago, did the light ever change? A. Turned
from red to green. Q. Once or more than once? A. I don't
know. Q. When the light turned from red to green, what lane of
traffic were you in? A. I don't know. Q. What was your speed
when the light turned from red to green? A. 35 to 40 miles an
hour. Q. How do you know that? A. Just what I
remember..... Q. As you're approaching the traffic light while it
was red, was there any traffic stopped in the left through lane going
northbound? A. Yes. Q. How many cars? A. One or
two...... Q. What was the distance you were away from the
intersection when the light turned from red to green? A. I don't
know. Q. Are we talking about ten feet? Fifty feet? A hundred
feet? A mile? A. I don't know, I couldn't give you any
distance. Q. Would it be fair to say you were in the left lane of
northbound Merriman traffic and you saw two cars stopped in the left
lane going northbound for the red light and you moved from the left lane
to the right lane? A. Possible..... Q. Did you have any
problem seeing while you were going northbound on Merriman approaching
West Chicago? A. No. Q. Due to the fact you say it was dark and
you have a vision impairment, did you have any problem seeing as you
were going northbound approaching West Chicago? A. No. Q. When
you--at what point did you first notice that there was a young man in
the intersection of West Chicago and Merriman? A. When he crossed
in front of my headlights. Q. And what lane of traffic were you in at
that point? A. Right lane. Q. And where was the young
man? A. I can only tell you what i know now. At the time I couldn't
have told you where he came from. He was just there. Driver's sidefront
end right in front of me. Q. And where on the road was he? A.
I don't know. In front of my truck. Q. Was he in the northbound
pedestrian crosswalk? A. I don't know. Q. Where do you
believe Chris Kempa was? A. Where do I believe he was? In the
northbound crosswalk. Q. So it's fair to say when you first saw him
he was in the northbound crosswalk proceeding east, is that
correct?..... A. Just crossed in front of my lights and was in front
of me. Q. Where in the intersection was he? A. I don't know.
Q. Was he on the northbound or south bound side? A.
Northbound Q. Was he in the pedestrian walk? A. I don't know
that...... Q. How far away from him were you when you first saw
him? A. I don't know. Q. Are we talking ten feet? Five feet?
One foot? A. I don't know. Q. Do you know between one foot and
a hundred feet the distance when you first saw him? A. I couldn't
tell you how far away he was. Q. Where were you in the--in
relationship to the intersectionwhen you forst saw him? A. I was
going under the actual light...... Q. Would it be fair to say that
once you pulled out from Alabama and got onto northbound Merriman your
speed was 35 to 40, correct? A. Correct. Q. And you maintained
that speed of 35 to 40 as you went through the intersection,
correct? A. Correct. Q. When you entered the intersection in
the northbound right lane, isn't it fair to say that the northbound
traffic in the left lane hadn't moved yet, is that correct? A.
Yes. This is very hard to do....I have to finish this
tomorrow......... Fran Kempa - Thursday, November 20,
2003 at 15:25:49 (MST)
This day will never be the same for me or any other franklin student.
Sending my thoughts and prayers in the direction of anyone close to him.
Their lives were truly touched. Colleen Baidoon <> - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 15:12:49 (MST)
I don't sign the guestbook often, but i read it daily. You were such
a great friend to me and so many people, the impact you left on the
people in your life is immeasurable. At least I have great memories to
fall back on when i miss you the most, as im sure everyone here does.
The 20th of November will probably always be hard for me, but I will
never forget you. Matt Comben <>
- Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 15:04:16 (MST)
My love and thoughts are with you, Adam. Tragic events like these
remind me to cherish what I do have, and to count my blessings. And you
are definitely one of them! Mrs. & Mr. Kempa--my love and thoughts
are, of course, also with you on this tough day. Since I never got a
chance to know Chris, I have to write about what I do know: I am so
happy you are getting stronger and healthier every day, Mrs. Kempa. I
try to keep that in mind, despite all of the horrible things you and
your family have had to go through throughout the past three years! You
have shown so much strength and courage in so many ways and should be
very proud. sarah fabian - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at
15:03:49 (MST)
It's been three years, and I know that I will never forget. Chris,
watch over your family and the rest of us. joe.cwik -
Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 14:26:53 (MST)
time will go by but i will never forget. god bless Jenna
- Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 13:29:55 (MST)
<3 first love never fades. Corinne <>
; - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 12:50:55 (MST)
wow another year has gone by already :( You are still in my heart as
always Chris.. I will always miss you, and I will never forget you.
Love always, Dawn Dawn Balint <> - Thursday,
November 20, 2003 at 11:10:47 (MST)
I've thought about signing numerous times but never had the courage
nor could i find the words to say what I felt and was thinking. I think
of you often Chris, especially today. My baby sister was born all of 3
hours after you left us, and every year as she grows older I see another
year that has passed without you in my life. College has been a
struggle staying in close contact with friends from high school, but I
think we could have done it. I remember everything about that day,
where I was, who I was with, what I was doing. I also remember the good
times that we had. I remember Homecoming of 99, I had a blast and I am
so happy that I was able to share that time with you. I miss you
greatly and know that you are looking out for all of us. With much love
to the Kempas and the rest of us on this sad day, Becky Rebecca
Gates/Bridgeman <> - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 10:21:59 (MST)
I haven't signed here in awhile and today I felt the need to. I
can't believe that another year has come and gone and that Chris has not
been here to share it with us. As much as November 20th haunts me, last
year I was given a reason to smile on this nephew was born and
I know that Chris was watching out and making sure that he was ok. Now,
I just think that my nephew has Chris as his guardian angel, as so many
of us do. To the Kempas, my thoughts are with you today, as always. We
miss you Chris, and we will never forget you. Michele <> -
Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 08:47:06 (MST)
Wow, I cant believe another year has passed. Its kinda like the
song... "How do you measure a year? Measure in love?". Well if we did,
Chris' year would be full. It's a beautiful thing that his memory still
carries on after so long, it just goes to show how much he was loved. :)
My thoughts are w. everyone back home, I wish I could be there, but know
at least my heart always is. Love always... Christen O. <>
- Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 08:41:50 (MST)
As the horrific facts are revealed about the tragic death of
Christopher, we remember him today, as always!! This day marks the
third year that our family has been without a bright and talented young
man. A shining star in his parent's and brother's life. They have been
through many many challenging situations over the past three years...and
Christopher's love and presence continues to guide them. The loss has
profoundly affected them all and has changed their lives forever....Let
us never forget Christopher and let us never forget the family left
behind. Love and blessings and continued healing physically and
mentally to all of you. Love your brother, sister-in-law, and
nephew. Jo, Bill, and Billy <> -
Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 06:43:44 (MST)
In loving memory of my nephew Chris whose charasmatic personality
will always be missed and lovingly remembered in our family. May God
blessings and healing be abundantly poured upon my sister, Fran, my
brother-in-law Adam, and my nephew Adam William.
I will never forget the phone call three years ago today. It changed
many people's Thanksgiving plans one year, but it totally changed the
lives of many family members and close friends forever.
Kathy - Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 05:28:08 (MST)
and another year passes. and another year that you are missed. but
never are you forgotten... *hugs and love* xoxo tie-dye girl
amber b <> -
Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 00:02:01 (MST)
I never really got to know Chris or his family like I would have, but
I just want to say that I send much love to you on this up coming date.
I was also one who mourned this precious soul. God Bless You
All........He sure did bless Chris. Just Some One <> - Wednesday,
November 19, 2003 at 19:15:24 (MST)
God's Blessings for the Kempa family tommorow. You will be in my
thoughts and prayers. I am appauled at the investigation by the
Livonia Police Department. They were not doing their job to protect the
safety of the Livonia residences. Fran I pray for the return of your
good health. Your family needs and loves you.
Mary Lou Laurila Mary Lou Laurila <> -
Wednesday, November 19, 2003 at 18:45:42 (MST)
Thinking of Chris and the Kempa Family. Wishing a year of Healing
and Hope. It's taken almost 3 years for the "real" Truth to be known
and known it shall be from here on out. No ifs, ands, or doubts about
it anymore. MCS <> -
Wednesday, November 19, 2003 at 18:31:57 (MST)
Tomorrow is opening night for our annual fall play. I will send love
up to Chris, as I always do as the curtain opens. I am sending hopes of
peace and much love to the Kempa's on November 20th, as well as to the
friends and families who continue to remember Chris and the mark he made
here on earth in a very short period of time. Ms. Hillman -
Wednesday, November 19, 2003 at 18:09:17 (MST)
Remembering Chris and missing him forever. Ginny M. -
Wednesday, November 19, 2003 at 17:02:37 (MST)
still missing you thoughts and prayers still go out to the
Kempa family at this horrible time. Katie B. - Wednesday,
November 19, 2003 at 14:27:27 (MST)
11/19/03...The art is the same abstract as yesterday, age unknown.
The photo was taken 11/9/00 in Chicago.Three years ago it was a
Sunday not a Wednesday. I worked, Adam W. worked and Chris
was just a normal day. When we sat down that evening to eat our dinner
of hamburgers we had no idea Chris would be ripped from our lives in
less than 24 hours. The following are more excerpts from the
deposition of Walter Weiss the safety expert: Q. Can we talk about
Air and Water? You indicated that they didn't discuss the medical
condition with him. A. It goes into their whole lack of- they had
no safety management controls. And that's just part of it. They had no
safety policy, they had no safety program, and I'd like to refer if I
can find it, to a publication from the National Safety Council as it
relates to safety programs for small businesses.And their business would
certainly fall within that category....... Q. Do you know , did Air
and Water have a safety policy or safety program as it related to
driving? A. They did not according to Amy Wilhelm the safety
director's statements and Mr. Schniers the owner. Q. That being the
case, then the elements that you described that that publication speaks
to , they simply didn't have a policy in place? A. They didn't have
a policy in place nor did they have any program in place, no safety
management controls that would even come close to what is suggested here
as a good management approach to manage their company. Q.
Okay. A. As the owner of the corporation Mr. Schniers had a duty to
ensure- in my opinion, had a duty to ensure the safety of other road
users and the safety of his employees. And he had a duty to protect the
assets of the corporation. And he certainly had a duty to be a
reasonable and prudent manager in doing all this stuff. And not having
any safety programs or safety policies , he didn't meet those
responsibilities. He and the corporation had no safe driving or
defensive driving standards. They had no initial driver training
program. They had no periodical or refresher driver training program.
They had no counseling or retraining , in this case, after traffic
violations or accidents. They didn't have any counseling or training as
far as Mr. Schniers the driver is concerned to assure themselves and to
ascess whether or not his driving was appropriate, his capabilities were
appropriate or whether he was scanning appropriately to compensate for
whatever visual losses that he might have had. He and safety director
Wilhelm abdicated their responsibilities to ensure the safety of other
road users and pedestrians. And abdicated their responsibilities to
ensure that he was following his corporate responsibilities to the
insurance company, who they asked to - for a review, an annual review of
the driving records of their employees. He abdicated his- the owner, Mr.
Schniers, abdicated his responsibilities to his vice-president, Amy
Wilhelm as the safety director. He relied on the insurance company to
review the employees driving records. And he relied on the insurance
company to make recomendations on any follow-up action , which is no
problem; that's fine; except that he he didn't follow up with the
insurance carrier. He didn't- he wasn't told what these reviews were all
about. He didn't have any information as to what the insurance carrier
findings were. And he didn't bother to ask about them. So he just
abdicated his whole responsibility. In his testimony, I think he said
something like that wasn't his place to ask what the recommendations
should be or what should be done with the drivers after review of their
driving record. The insurance company, my understanding, my
understanding was that they made recommendations on any follow up action
that might have been appropriate, any retraining or counseling that
might have been been appropriate for whatever drivers they were
reviewing. And Mr. Schniers did not inquire into nor was he told of what
any of the recommendations were according to his testimony and according
to Amy Wilhelm's testimony or statements. Q. And you say Mr.
Schniers did not inquire, you mean of his daughter, Amy Wilhelm? A.
Or the insurance carrier, either one. Q. Okay. And he abdicated to
his daughter the- A. And the insurance carrier. Q. Okay A.
He didn't tell the insurance company of his son's loss of vision in his
left eye nor did he follow up with Amy Wilhelm on the insurance company
reviews. And if he's relying on the insurance company to provide thosr
driving record reviews and make recommendations on what kind of
counseling and training should be done and he didn't tell the insurance
company who does that review of his son's loss of vision, then that - I
can't imagine the owner of a corporation that knows these facts and
relies on an outside organization to make assesments of the safe driving
that he wouldn't make sure that the outside orginization would know all
the facts. Q. Do you know A. Whether or not it affects
anything, he just didn't tell them anything about that. Q. Do you
know whether or not the family or the corporate officers who happen to
be the family of the driver , relied on any medical reports or medical
opinions concerning the visual capacity of young Mr. Schniers? A.
From their statements, I didn't gather that they did. Q. Okay. I
want to ask you, do you have any -- A. I haven't exhausted my
opinion yet, but go ahead. Q. Okay. Go ahead. A. All right,
Mr. Schniers; that is the owner of the company- Q. Just excuse me
for a second. When you say the owner of the company, how much of the
stock does he own? A. I don't know. Q. Okay, so he's the
corporate president. A. Okay, President of the company, he's the
CEO of the corporation, whatever his title is. Just some background
information on the- again, supporting the lack of safety management
controls. He stated that Amy Wilhelm had been in charge of safety
function for 10 or 12 years. But he didn't recall how she was appointed
to that position of safety director. He stated it was just, I guess,
something they agreed to. He didn't know if she had received any
training to fill the safety director's job. again, the lack of concern
on his part, perhaps if that's a word I can use- he wasn't aware of his
son's license suspension, which is very surprising to me. It's prior to
the accident, but he wasn't aware of that. He wasn't aware- Q. Can
I ask why it's very surprising to you? A. He wasn't aware of his
son's license suspension? Q. Yes sir. A. Well, if father and
son talkand if the father has any safety management controls and the son
is driving company vehicles, I think it would be incumbent upon the
president of the orginization to know what his drivers, his employees
are doing. Q. So this would go back to your opinion that there were
no safety- A. No safety management controlls. Q. -management
controlls? And these are examples of that? A. That's correct. Q.
Okay. But if there are none, then there are none correct? I mean if
there's no safety management or controls , then there's no safety
management and controls? You would agree? Mr. Benner: Then they're
totally negligent. Q. No safety management controlls? A.
That's correct. Q. Let me ask you this. Is there a mandate- is
there a law that you're aware of in Michigan that mandates a safety
program, a fleet safety program for small businesses? A. I'm not
aware of a law that requires that. But it's good business practice if
you are the president of a corporation to make sure that you are
protecting the assets through these kinds of things, and protecting the
employees as well as other people in the community and on the
roads...... Fran Kempa - Wednesday, November 19,
2003 at 13:09:47 (MST)
11/18/03...The drawing is an interesting abstract that I love. I
don't recall exactly when Chris drew him. The photo is another taken in
late October 2000 after Homecoming, Chris and Tania.I called the
Michigan Eyebank yesterday. Hopefully we'll have the thank you note for
the gift of sight by Thursday. Three years ago today it was a Saturday,
the last day of the fall play. That was one of the last things Chris did
on this earth, video tape the fall play...he thoroughly enjoyed
it! That commercial for the Pillsbury crescent rolls that's airing now
so reminds me of Adam and Chris! No holiday dinner was complete without
Pillsbury crescents and I truly can see them fighting over one...they
may have in the past! Today and tomorrow I'll be putting on excerpts
from Walter Weiss the safety experts deposition. Thursday I'll be
putting on William M. Schnier's account of what happened the morning of
11/20/00, quoting from his depositions. Excerpts from the deposition
of Walter Weiss given 12/10/02. ......Q. Go ahead, I'm sorry. A.
The vehicles stopped in the lane ahead of him, when the light turned
green the vehicles didn't start moving forward. He had moved over into
the right lane it's my understanding at that point, and then just at a
steady speed progressed through the intersection. Well the vehicles -- a
reasonable and prudent driver based on the fact that he saw cars stopped
at the intersection that didn't proceed through when the light turned
green would think, "Hey, maybe something is wrong here. Why aren't those
cars moving?" It serves as a red flag. There could be any number of
reasons why they weren't moving. And at that point he should have taken
his - at least taken his foot off the accelerator and reduced his speed
so that would allow him more time and distance in which to make a proper
observation to see why they weren't going forward and to see if he could
proceed through the intersection without any problem..... Q. Okay.
And you feel that a reasonably prudent driver might say , "Hey,
something is wrong." and at that point remove their foot from the
accelerator while they see why the situation exists? A. Yes, to
give them more time and space in which to make proper observations,
right. Q. Not being an accident reconstructionist though, you can't
tell us whether or not that would have changed the outcome, is that
fair? A...I can give you an opinion but not based on being an
accident reconstructionest...... Q. Okay. A. So he- in his
statements he said that he couldn't see what was in front of the stopped
cars. And in his statement agreed that under this circumstance he should
have reduced his speed until he could make a proper observation. and by
reducing the speed, you don't have to reduce it a whole lot. Again, I'm
not going to suggest how much. But any reduction of speed just gives you
more time and space in which to make proper observations and to adjust
your speed and direction. Q. Okay. A. He didn't slow down as
he approached the intersection. He just maintained a steady speed. And
he agreed in his statements that he couldn't make a proper observation
at 35 to 40 miles an hour with his view blocked by the vehicles stopped
in front of him. He just continued on at a steady speed..... Q.
Were there any other opinions you had with respect to action or inaction
of Mr. Schniers the driver? A. Yes. Q. We're going to proceed
through the remainder of your opinions relative to the action or
inaction of the operator of the vehicle. A. I might have said it
already. I'll repeat it even if I have said it. Driver Schniers
indicated that he couldn't see through the stopped vehicles in the left
lane. He proceeded to move into the right lane around them to go through
the light. And he indicated that a reasonable and prudent driver- or at
least he said that if he couldn't make that observation , it couldn't be
made , he should reduce his speed until - to such a degree that a proper
observation could be made , that it was safe to traverse. We talked
about the red flag already of the vehicles, the cue. It just indicates
that driver Schniers did not use defensive driving. In other words, he
wasn't alert, didn't have an attitude of watchfulness. He didn't have
the foresight or didn't use the foresight; that is the ability to sum up
traffic situations for possible hazards. And then when he didn't change
his speed as he was approaching the intersection, as he indicated he
needed to in order to make a proper observation, he used poor judgement.
Once he recognized that- or should have recognized that there could have
been a possible hazard up there , he used poor judgement in just
continuing on at the same rate of speed. No one at Air and Water
Systems provided him driver training at any point while he was working
there, and especially after his surgery, or didn't discuss with him his
ability to drive safely after the surgery. So all of these things come
in to play as to his contribution to the accident. In my opinion, had he
adjusted his speed to allow himself- with all of these- the knowledge-
the fore knowledge that he had of the situation that he was driving into
, had he adjusted his speed, slowed down to some degree, it would have
allowed him more time to observe the potential hazards and allowed him
more distance in which to adjust his speed or direction at that point. I
might add to that that he said that he had driver education I believe it
was in 1992 when he was in high school. And the- I have a driver
education reference book called Michigan Traffic Education Student
Manual. I'm not sure when this was published , I couldn't find a date on
it. But the contents have remained virtually the same since I was in
college. Part of the curriculum that I had to study was driver
education. And part of that curriculum involved teaching driver
education both classroom and behind the wheel. The contents of this book
is, as I said, substantially the same as it was back then. And there are
references in the driver education that Schniers had that talks about
pedestrian crossings, identifiesthe yellow pentagon with black symbols
as it relates to a pedestrian crossing . And it states, "Prudent drivers
will slow down and be extra vigilant for the possible presence of
children ." or in this case, any kind of a pedestrian in the
crosswalk...... Fran Kempa - Tuesday, November 18, 2003
at 21:27:41 (MST)
Not a day goes by when he isn't thought of, especially while walking
down the Franklin halls or just being in Ms. Hillman's room. We're here
for you as the days narrow down and grow closer to that day. My prayers
are with you Colleen Baidoon <> - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 at 20:19:07 (MST)
I Know There Is A HeavenI know there is a Heaven For I've seen
it many times, Deep within my heart somewhere, And etched into my
mind. It's a field all filled with flowers, A warm, bright summer
day Just like the one behind the house Where we used to
play. The summer breeze caresses me, And dances softly in my
hair, As I stand and look across the field, And see you standing
there. We laugh and run through the tall grass, The day turns into
dusk, And Mom and Dad, they call us home, AS the moon smiles down
on us. You look just like you did When you left You're young
and strong again And my life is so complete Just as it was back
then. My eyes may get old and tired one day I may have children
of my own Or it may be tomorrow For one can never know. But I
know when my days come to an end, And I open my eyes to see, If
there's a God in Heaven, You'll be there waiting for me. Lisa
O'grady <TCF Arlington
TX.> - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 at 12:53:53 (MST)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, November 18,
2003 at 02:01:53 (MST)
SometimesSometimes, something clicks, And with a
tear Remembrance of the pain And the lonliness Floods the
heart. Sometimes, something clicks And with a smile Remembrance
of the love And the laughter floods the senses. And there are times
When nothing clicks at all And a voice echoes Through the
emptiness And the numbness Never finding the person Who used
to fill that space. And sometimes The most special times of
all, A feeling ripples through you Body, heart and soul That
tells you That person never left you And he's right there with
you Through it all. Kristen Hansen <TCF Seacoast NH> - Monday, November 17, 2003 at
21:41:27 (MST)
I agree, the media should know. =w= <-> - Monday, November 17, 2003 at 15:03:44
I feel the Kempas have a duty to go to the media with this
information and not keep it contained on this web site. I never dreamed
there were such drivers out there and I'll bet the majority of the
public has no idea either. I'm sure Mr. Schniers neighbors would like to
know this information especially if they have young childern.
Mary Bushami <Former Franklin
Parent> - Monday, November 17, 2003 at 11:23:33 (MST)
11/16/03....The art is the left eye drawing Chris did in I believe
1999. It still hangs in our living room as a reminder of him and why
he's no longer with us. The photo was taken in late October 2000 at
Homecoming. That's Chris and a girl he met that night named Tania. He
had changed out of his shirt, tie and jacket and put on his new black
turtle neck....the one I wear so often now.It seems so ironic. After
all of Chris' interest and hard work in computer animation, one would be
made of the last moments of his life. The computer animated video is
quite revealing, had Mr. Schniers been a normal driver the video makes
it obvious he had PLENTY of time to avoid striking Chris. He didn't have
to come to a full stop as the police stated....all he had to do was slow
down. As the woman who held Chris as he died told me, "He couldn't
possibly have been looking at the road. He made no attempt to stop, no
attempt to swerve, he just mowed him down."....That was before we
learned about the blindness and brain surgery. The following are some
excerpts from the deposition of the vision expert, Dr. Stephen Solomon
taken 12/16/02. .....Q. And how do you know he was within that
visual field? A. As the car approached Mr. Kempa, Mr. Schniers says
I saw him in front of my full visual field . His full visual field is a
handicapped visual field. Mr. Kempa would have been available for seeing
sooner had Mr. Schniers turned his eyes to compensate for his field
loss...... Q. Can you read those key points? A. Yes sir I should
point out to you that there will be five or six pages of them....You
don't have depth perception when your----you don't have binocular depth
perception. There is no depth perception, can not judge Mr. Kempa's
distance in front of his truck.....There was no therapy to teach
compensation for sudden monocular blindness, no effort was made to teach
monocular depth cues to compensate for field loss, to compensate for
monocular depth perception loss. Those are the things that he could have
and should have been taught and wasn't.....a driver has to read the
clues around him such as cars stopped in another lane when the light is
green , like a quarterback checking the defense. In Schniers depo, "in
my field of vision, I didn't see anybody." His visual field is a
restricted field. Schniers has a poor driving record. There are five
prior accidents and he still does not adjust his driving habits.......A
moving object in the periphery is more visable than a stationary one. If
Mr. Schniers had seen Mr. Kempa sooner, it would have given him more
time to react and break , giving Mr. Kempa the gift of time and life.
Mr. Kempa was just one step away from being hit. ......Sees just as well
as before surgery, that's his comment.....if he thinks he sees just as
well, then this is false confidence and an error in thinking. He needed
reeducation....."I did not see him in my field of view." Schniers
states. Schniers is blind in the left eye. It's a recent occurance as
opposed to long term and that's very important. Schniers did not receive
visual therapy, occupational therapy or physical therapy. The employer
did not retrain......There is no V.T. in effect, vision training.
Physical therapist states, "patient assesment shows visual disturbance
in the left eye. No plan to train for vision loss." And then 8/4/99,
"Parents said vision a low priority but if patient remained legally
blind they would contact rehab. 8/5/99, occupational therapy assesment,
needs training to compensate for visual loss............ Fran
Kempa - Sunday, November 16, 2003 at 21:38:48 (MST)
No wonder Mrs. Kempa often has referred "to the left eye" as a
featured point of reference in many of Chris's art such as the piece
today. That seems to have been as though we were given some prophetic
signs of what was to have become the talented artist's premature
death. Jon - Sunday, November 16, 2003 at 06:33:15 (MST)
....The last five entries. Fran Kempa - Saturday,
November 15, 2003 at 14:17:24 (MST)
....The last four entries. Fran Kempa - Saturday,
November 15, 2003 at 14:16:00 (MST)
11/15/03...The art is the same Einstein as yesterday. The photo was
taken in late October 2000 at the Autumn Bash at Churchill High. Chris
was so excited to be included and to play with his friends, also known
as The Derelect.We received a letter from the Michigan Eye Bank and
Transplantation Center yesterday. The other recipient of Chris' corneas
has written a thank you note after all this time! Coming so close to the
third anniversary of his death and donation, I'm considering it a sign!
I am calling them on Monday to receive a copy. Last night on Channel 7
news they had a story about Jones Soda. They've come out with a turkey
and gravy flavor just for this time of year. All the tasters said it was
AWFUL but I said to Adam, "Chris would have tried one!"....I know he
would! I share the exact same opinions as the last three people who
have left messages here. The following is the sworn Affadavit of the
Vision expert, Stephen Solomon from New York, taken on 4/10/03. Dr.
Solomon also told us he never takes a case he doesn't firmly believe
in. Affadavit of Stephen Solomon I, Stephen Solomon being duly sworn
stste as follows: 1. That I am a Doctor of Optometry having received
my degree in 1965. 2. That I have extensive experience in the field
of Optometry as evidenced by my attached curriculum vitae. This includes
an appointment to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
Advisory Board, which makes recommendations to the Comission of Motor
Vehicles on issues of driving and health. 3. That I have also been
retained and admitted as an expert in various cases through out the
country. 4. That I have reviewed, investigated and analyzed among
other items, the following: a. City of Livonia Police report
including photographs b. Accident site inspection including
photographs and news footage c. Medical records d. Depositions
of the following individuals: i. William M. Schniers ii. Amy
Wilhelm iii. Officer Brian Kahn iv. William L.
Schniers v. John Rehfeld vi. Brian Leigh vii. Martha
Lancaster viii. Joseph Jager ix. Timothy Maher x. Walter
Weiss xi. Weldon Geiger xii. Paul Olson 5. That it is my
opinion that defendant Schniers has lost at least the most lateral
thirty degrees of his left visual field. 6. That it is my opinion
that he has lost the entire vision and all visual function in his left
eye. 7. That for part of the time prior to impact Christopher Kempa
was within the visual field of defendant Schniers who did not see
him. 8. That Chris Kempa was visable to northbound drivers such as
defendant Schniers at a distance of 200 to 250 feet south of the
intersection. 9. That defendant Schniers first saw Christopher Kempa
when he was crossing in front of defendant Schniers' headlights. 10.
That no effort was made to warn defendant Schniers of driving
limitations caused by his visual loss. 11. That defendant Schniers
was not taught defensive driving techniques to operate a vehicle with
his loss of visual field and depth perception. 12. Defendant
Schniers did not adjust his driving to compensate for his zone of
obscured vision. 13 That defendant Schniers is an irresponsible
driver with several prior citations and five other accidents. 14.
That defendant Schniers did not receive visual therapy, occupational
therapy, or other therapy to learn driving skills for visually impaired
persons. 15. That his employer, defendant Air and Water Systems Inc.
did not retrain defendant Schniers how to drive a vehicle with a visual
impairment. 16. That it is my opinion that the collision was
unavoidable by Christopher Kempa. 17. Defendant Schniers caused the
collision that resulted in Christopher Kempa's DEATH. Further
Affadavit saith not. Fran Kempa - Saturday, November 15,
2003 at 14:12:44 (MST)
Amen to everyone of the guestbook contributors. It amazes me that
certain people are exempt from the law...or even common sense for God's
sake!! As more of the facts are revealed,it is proven to be a senseless
tragic event. Something that could have been avoided!! Shame on Mr and
Mrs Schneirs and shame on the Livonia police and politicians!!!! That
they have even decided to let William Schneirs continue to drive is
beyond my comprehension. How many more accidents will he cause and how
many more innocent people will he kill??!! I guess it all depends on
who you know and how many favors you are owed!! JoAnne <xxx> USA - Saturday, November 15, 2003 at
14:09:14 (MST)
Public records affirm this man had an unbelievably severe driving
problem complete with convictions and accidents even before the day
Chris died.(AND I REFUSE TO CALL THIS AN ACCIDENT no matter what the
Stupid cops said in their inept investigation or whatever it was
supposed to be)....yet this impaired driver is still driving one of his
daddy's company vehicles to this day. LOOK OUT WAYNE COUNTY RESIDENTS!
MADD MOM Mothers Against Impaired Driving PERIOD - Saturday,
November 15, 2003 at 13:24:38 (MST)
I agree with the last contributer. The blood of Christopher is on
everyone of this family's hands. Visual handicapped services were
offered and the parents REFUSED! The mother is a nurse for God's sake,
you'd think she at least would have known better! Someone Who
Knows the Schniers - Saturday, November 15, 2003 at 12:16:43
Wow talk about a bungled investigation...that officer should be
removed from his office...he obviously has some cognitive reasoning
afflictions. And what's wrong with the DMV for the state of's not some 3rd wolrd don't need to be a
rocket scientist to know this dude should not have been allowed to get
behind the wheel..Ironically as parents in this close-knit community, we
always tell our teens that when they drive they have a responsibility
because they are operating a lethal weapon and if at anytime they feel
impaired...NEVER step behind the wheel...but when a grown man and his
family assume that no matter what, driving is a right and there are no
responsibilities....SHAME ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM as well as the
DUMB policeman.
A Sad Franklin Parent Connie Weiss - Saturday, November 15,
2003 at 09:52:22 (MST)
Wow! The depos are absolutely riveting. For shame that these facts
were not investigated by the proper authorities from square one, minute
one. If just everyday average citizens knew something was not quite
right on that tragic day, then why did not the authorities who are
trained to figure such things out? Too much blame is put on pedestrians
and not enough on drivers!! Yes, sometimes pedestrians do make mistakes,
but not in all cases. There are alot of really bad drivers out there
that we must share the road with. MCS <> -
Saturday, November 15, 2003 at 06:05:50 (MST)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Friday, November 14,
2003 at 22:46:10 (MST)
11/14/03...The art is the last work Chris did just for me! I believe
it was November of 2000...we had a discussion about him devoting too
much time to his computer animation and neglecting his drawing. I asked
him to do a pencil on paper for me and he could choose the subject. He
chose Einstein and worked on him over a period of days on his bedroom
floor. I'm not sure if he ever finished him...and how I wish I'd ask him
to explain that eye! The photo was taken Sept.1st or 2nd 2000 after
Grandma Kempa's funeral. The boys were on their way back home alone for
a Weezer concert. Chris was so excited! It was their one and only long
road trip together as brothers.... I'm sure there would have been many
more.Joseph Jager was the accident reconstructionest hired by our
attorney in the case against the Schniers. Mr. Jager is very well known
through out the state and country. He teaches many police departments
how to conduct an accident fact, he taught Officer
Brian Kahn of the LPD accident reconstruction and unfortunatly was very
unimpressed with his former students' work in this case. Following Mr.
Jager's initial deposition he began conversing with Adam and me. He told
us he never takes a case unless he firmly believes in it. He also said
the circumstances in this case were so grossly negligent he'd have
gladly taken it on for free. The following if the sworn affadavit of
Joseph Jager given on 4/10/03. Affadavit of Joseph Jager I, Joseph
Jager being duly sworn state as follows: 1. That I have a Master's
Degree in Police Administration and Criminal Justice from Michigan State
University. 2. That I am a retired Sheriff's deputy having served
for approximately thirty-three years with the Eaton County Sheriff's
department. 3. That I have extensive professional accident
investigation and reconstruction education training and experience as
detailed in my attached curriculum vitae. 4. That I developed a
specialized accident investigation team for Eaton County and have
investigated 1,500 traffic collisions including at least 100 fatal
collisions. 5. That I have reviewed, investigated and analyzed among
other items, the following: a. City of Livonia Police report
including photographs. b. Accident site inspection including
photographs and news footage. C. Depositions of the following
individuals; i. William M. Schniers ii. Amy Wilhelm iii.
Officer Brian kahn iv. William L. Schniers v. John
Rehfeld vi. Brian Leigh vii. Martha Lancaster viii. Stephen
Solomon ix. Timothy Maher x. Walter Weiss xi. Weldon
Geiger xii. Paul Olson 6. That it is my opinion that the speed
of the defendant's vehicle at the time he struck Christopher Kempa was
between 35 and 40 miles per hour with a most likely speed between 37-39
miles per hour. 7. That at the time he was struck, Christopher kempa
was within the defined area of the crosswalk. 8. That as the
defendant approached the intersection he observed that other vehicles
traveling in his direction remained stopped even though the light for
their direction of travel had turned to green. 9. That the collision
took place inside a marked crosswalk. 10. That there was a
pedestrian crossing signal at the intersection of which the defendant
was aware. 11. That defendant is blind or suffers from a severe
visual disability in his left eye. 12. That at a speed of 37.64
miles per hour defendant would have 161 feet to stop short of striking
Christopher Kempa after perceiving him and reacting to his
presence. 13. That at a speed of 40.33 miles per hour defendant had
146 feet to avoid striking Christopher after perceiving him and reacting
to his presence. 14. That defendant Schniers approached, overtook
and passed on the right vehicles that were stopped at a marked crosswalk
just prior to striking Christopher kempa. 15. That such action
violates the Livonia City Ordinance 10.90.020 (d) which statesas
follows: "Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at
any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to
cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the
rear should not overtake and pass such stopped vehicle." 16. That at
the time of the collision defendant was traveling too fast for existing
conditions , including but not limited to the following: a. Left eye
vision disability b. Marked crosswalk c. stopped
vehicles d. Pedestrian control signals e. Defendants
familiarity with the area 17. That at the time of the incident
defendant did not have his vehicle under control because he could not
stop within the assured cleared distance ahead. 18. That it is my
opinion that the collision was unavoidable by Christopher Kempa. 19.
That it is my opinion that defendant Schniers caused the collision which
resulted in Christopher Kempa's DEATH. 20. That I have viewed the
video animation prepared by Wolf Tachnical Services in this
matter. 21. That the video animation portrays conditions almost
identical to those existing at the time of this incident. 22. That
the video will be useful and will assist the jury in portraying certain
general principles related to the incident. 23. That every portion
of the video is supported by the facts and testimony developed in this
case. Further Affadavit saith not. Fran Kempa - Friday,
November 14, 2003 at 20:50:11 (MST)
Unbelievable! I will be very anxious to read about what the accident
reconstruction expert stated. BAMMA - Friday, November 14,
2003 at 16:44:54 (MST)
11/13/03....The art is the same Bulb as yesterday. The photo is
another taken on August 26, 2000. Chris dancing with Aunt Molly...her
real name is Mary Elaine.Our attorney hired three experts in our case
against the Schniers. An accident reconstructionist, a safety expert and
a vision expert. On April 10, 2003, they all gave a sworn affidavit
summing up their conclusions in the case. The following is the affidavit
of Walter Weiss, the safety expert. Please keep the excerpts from Amy
Wilhelm's depositions in mind when reading his conclusions. Affidavit
of Walter Weiss I, Walter Weiss, being duly sworn state as
follows: 1. That I hold a Bachelors and Masters of Science degree in
highway traffic administration from Michigan State University. 2.
That I have forty years of experience in the area of highway
transportation safety. 3. That I have taught and received extensive
training in the area of highway safety as evidenced by my attached
curriculum vitae. 4. That in addition to conducting a site
investigation I have reviewed , investigated and analyzed among other
items, the following: a. City of Livonia Police report including
photographs. b. Accident site inspection including photographs and
news footage c. Depositions of the following individuals; i.
William M. Schniers ii. Amy Wilhelm iii. Officer Brian
Kahn iv William L. Schniers v. Officer John Rehfeld vi
Joseph Jager vii Weldon Greiger viii Paul Olson d. Livonia
City Ordinance 10.90.020 5. That at the time of this collision there
existed a number of clues that should have alerted the Defendant
Schniers to the possibility of pedestrians in the crosswalk as
follows: a. Previous experience with having seen pedestrians in this
crosswalk under the same or similar circumstances b. Pedestrian
crossing sign prior to the intersection c. Vehicles remained stopped
after the light turned green d. Vehicles blocking his view of the
intersection 6. That Defendant Schniers did not use defensive
driving 7. That Defendant Air and Water Systems Inc. should have
reviewed Defendant Schniers' driving record and based on that record
should have precluded him from driving Air and Water Systems Inc.
vehicles until he successfully completed a driver retraining
program. 8. That Defendant Schniers was not provided driver's
training by his employer, Air and Water Systems Inc. either before or
after he lost his vision. 9. That his employer Defendant Air and
Water Systems Inc. did not discuss with him his ability to drive safely
after his surgery. 10. That Defendant Schniers did not slow down or
adjust his speed when approaching the intersection. 11. That
Defendant Air and Water Systems Inc. had no safety management controlls
in place. 12. That Defendant Air and Water Systems Inc. had no
safety policy relating to driver safety in place. 13. That Defendant
Air and Water Systems Inc. did not have any performance standards
regarding driver safety in place. 14. That Defendant Air and Water
Systems Inc. had no training or counseling program regarding driver
safety in place. 15. That Defendant Air and Water Systems Inc. had
no system for tracking or scoring employee driving in place. 16.
That Defendant Air and Water Systems Inc. had no safety or defensive
driving standards in place. 17. That Defendant Air and Water Systems
Inc. had no initial driver training program. 18. That Defendant Air
and Water Systems Inc. had no refresher driver training program. 19.
That Defendant Air and Water Systems Inc. had no counseling or
retraining program following traffic violations or collisions in
place. 20. That Defendant Air and Water Systems Inc. abdicated their
responsibility to review its employees driving history and to make
recommendations to its automobile carrier. 21. That Defendant Air
and Water Systems Inc. never followed up with the insurance carrier to
determine whether its employees were competent to drive. 22. That it
is my opinion that the collision was unavoidable by Christopher
Kempa. 23. That it is my opinion that Defendant Schniers caused the
collision that resulted in Christopher Kempa's DEATH. Further
Affidavit saith not. Fran Kempa - Thursday, November 13,
2003 at 21:28:57 (MST)
I can not believe what I am reading about the depositions. I was a
friend of Chris's in high school and I have never posted before but god
bless the Kempa family and my love goes out to you. Paula -
Thursday, November 13, 2003 at 11:44:56 (MST)
PHEW !! Unreal! BAMMA - Thursday, November 13, 2003 at
04:00:00 (MST)
11/12/03...We call the art Bulb. It is one of the many works we never
knew existed until after Chris was killed. The photo was taken August
26, 2000. Adam, Chris and the boy cousins.Amy Wilhelm was deposed
again on 4/29/03. Keep in mind that one of her many hats for William
L.'s heating company is director of SAFETY and as she stated in her
previous dep, director of fleet SAFETY. When she refers to Bill in this
dep she is referring to her father, William Leo Schniers. Some excerpts
from that deposition....... ....Q. So as far as you know today,
nobody made a determination at Air and Water Systems Inc. that when your
brother returned to work on July 10, 2000 through November 20 of 2000,
that he was able to drive a vehicle safely, correct? A. Bill made
that determination. Q. How do you know that your father, Bill, made
that determination? A. He returned him to work. Q. Bill made the
determination that he was able to drive the vehicle safely, is that what
you are telling me, from July 10, 2000 through November 20 of
2000? A. To the best of my knowledge yes, that is what I am telling
you. Q. Who told you, "Look, I returned your brother, Michael, to
work because I made a determination he can drive safely."? A. I don't
think he specifically said those exact words to me. Q. What
background and training does your father have to run Fleet Safety? A.
I don't know.......... Q. Was there any discussion ever with you and
your father between July 10 of 2000 and November 20 of 2000 that your
brother would return to the Visual Handicap Service if he continued to
be legally blind in the left eye? A. No. Q. Did you ever have any
counseling with your brother between July 10 of 2000 and November 20 of
2000 about his eye problems? A. No. Q. Are you aware that in his
complaint , where he is sueing his doctors, he complained of additional
brain damage? A. No. Q. Did you ever have any discussions with
your father or your mother or your brother or any of the doctors between
July 10 of 2000 and November 20 of 2000 relative to his complaints about
additional brain damage and problems he was having? A.
No........ Q. Did you ever----I assume you never reviewed the medical
reports where it showed your brother had difficulty handwriting and
minipulating small objects; is that true? A. That's true....... Q.
Have you ever spoken to your brother since November 20 of 2000 regarding
the additional brain damage he claimed in his complaint? A. No.
Q. Did he ever discuss that issue with your father? A. No. Q.
Did he ever discuss the issue with your mother? A. No. Q. Are you
aware of what the precautions Dr. Silverman speaks about in his letter
of July 6, 2000 that your brother should proceed under or follow? A.
No. Q. Are you aware in your brother's deposition he said he lost his
license for approximately six months? A. Nope. Q. You wouldn't
know what he was talking about? A. I do not know...... Q. Isn't it
true that you never offered any counseling to your brother relative to
his driving or driving record up and through ----from the time he
started working with you , up and through November 20 of 2000? A.
Correct. Fran Kempa - Wednesday, November 12, 2003
at 20:22:34 (MST)
Please keep the truth coming! =w= <-> - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 19:07:00
All I can say is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!How can people be so
ignorant!!! Jo <xxxxxx> -
Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 12:05:09 (MST)
Cool page !!! keep up the nice work ! best wishes, Frank
telefonsex <telefonsex> -
Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 01:08:58 (MST)
11/11/03....The art we call Lady Bowler. It's a work I watched Chris
produce in stages over a number of days on our dining room table in
Sept. 2000. The photo was taken August 26, 2000 at my parent's 50th
anniversary party. I was so happy that night and SO proud of my
boys!Amy Marie Wilhelm, the daughter of William L. and the sister of
William M Schniers and the director of "safety" for her father's company
Air and Water Systems was deposed on two occasions. The first was
4/16/02. Some excerpts from that deposition.... ...Q. Number two
requested that you produce Air and Water Systems' fleet safety program
including, but not limited to, driver selection and training, internal
standards development / analysis, accident analysis, pre- employment
testing, driving record review, driver discipline, post-accident driver
proficiency testing and drivers retraining. Did you produce those
records? A. I don't have a written policy to produce. Q. Number
three asks you to produce Air and water System Inc.'s driver training
manual. Did you produce that? A. We do not have one. Q. And number
four requested that you produce any and all diplomas or certificates of
completion earned by Amy Wilhelm relative to fleet safety or fleet risk
control management. A. I have produced a bachelor's degree from
Michigan Stste University in materials and logistics management. Q.
Does that degree cover the area of fleet safety or fleet risk control
management? A. There is traffic and transportation invilved in that
degree, yes. Q. How many hours? A. Maybe 15 credit hours. Q.
And what would those 15 hours deal with? A. Most of it was in
relation to semis, interstate and interstate transportation, things of
that nature. Q. Did you incorporate any of the information that you
received in obtaining a degree , and specifically the 15 credit hours
you told me about that you had in traffic and transportation in any
program that you had in place at Air and Water Systems Inc.? A.
No. Q. And why not? A. We don't have a written policy. Q. Why
don't you have a written policy? A. Haven't found it necessary. Q.
How many employees did you have as of November 20, 2000? A. I don't
know. If I had to guess, I would say it was probably around fifty. Q.
Do you have any procedure for interviewing, testing and screening
applicants to be drivers or to authorize them to drive vehicles? A.
That's handled by the insurance company. Q. How does the insurance
company handle that? A. We submit a driver list annually and they run
the driver's license. I only see the driver's records if they have a
problem with it. They send it back to me and either say, A., they want
this person on probation or B., they don't want this person driving at
all........ Q. Would you be a director of safety for vehicles? A.
We don't have someone with that specific title, but those-- probably
what you're looking for would fall under what I do. Q. Besides the 15
hours that you've told me about in college that you received on vehicle
transportation, did you receive any additional training to be a director
of safety for the approximately 40 vehicles that you had in use on
November 20, 2000? A. No. Q. Is there a defined standard of skill
and knowledge to be met by candidates that you allow to drive your
vehicles as of November 20, 2000 and preceding that? A. A valid
drivers license and approval by our insurance company........ Q. Did
you ever advise either Secura or your insurance agency that your brother
had had an operation and had lost significant vision in his left
eye? A. They have all of the logs from the previous year which would
include his accident that led up to his operation. What they know or
don't know, I'm uncertain of. But did I specifically tell them?,
No........ Q. And how would Safeco or Baker Hopp know that your
brother had an operation which now made him basically blind in his left
eye? A. I told the agent when Michael was diagnosed the circumstances
of the accident. Q. Did you tell the agent he subsequently had a
surgery? A. For the brain tumor, yes. Q. Did you tell the agent he
was now blind in the left eye? A. No. Q. Did you ever provide the
agent with any medical information indicating your brother was now blind
in his left eye? A. No. Q. And why was that? A. There was no
relevance. Q. Well, if you're relying on the agency to tell you
whether a driver is competent to drive, how can they make that
determination if they don't know all of the physical conditions of all
the drivers??????........ Fran Kempa - Tuesday, November
11, 2003 at 20:59:37 (MST)
Thank you so much for your wishes Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Monday, November 10,
2003 at 15:02:16 (MST)
Hey Chris... it's been quite a while since I have written here, and I
appologize for that. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think
of you. Specifically this time of year is when I start thinking of you
most, which is why I'm writing here now. I haven't forgotten you, that
is just an impossible thing. My prayers are still with your family.
Love always - Shawna B Shawna B <> - Monday, November 10, 2003 at 10:18:47 (MST)
11/9/03...The art is the same beautiful Black as yesterday. Once
again, Adam and I must have miscommunicated about the photos. That is a
picture from Christmas morning 1990. Chris and Adam opening their gifts
in the livingroom on Auburndale.On 11/20/00 William Michael Schnires
was driving a company truck when he hit and killed Chris. The company,
Air and Water Systems is owned by his father William Leo. That is how
the elder Schnires became involved in the law suit. A few excerpts
from his deposition of 3/7/02... Q. Where are you employed?A. Air and
Water Systems. Q. And what is that? A. A heating and
air-conditioning company. Q. Where is that located? A.
Waterford. Q. And what street is that on? A.Highland Road. Q.
Do you own that business? A. Yes. Q. Is that a corporation? A.
It's a corporation. Q. Are there any other shareholders? ? A.
Yes. Q. Who are they? A. Amy Wilhelm and Michael Schniers. Q.
And who is Michael Schniers? A. My son. Q. Were they shareholders
at the time of November 20, 2000? A. Yes. Q. What was Amy
Wilhelm's job title as of November 20th 2000? A. Vice
President....... Q. Your son referred to her as director of safety.
Would that be correct? A. Yes. Q.And how long would you say she's
held that position? A. Ten or twelve years Q. Does she have any
background in safety? A. I don't know. Q. How did she become
appointed director of safety? A. I don't know. Q. Who appointed
her to be the director of safety? A. Probably at some point in time ,
it was something we agreed to. Q. Do you know if she ever received
any training or education to fill this position of director of
safety? A. I don't know......... Q. Would you agree that on
November 20, 2000, your son was driving one of your corporate
vehicles? A. Yes. Q. And would you agree that on November 20,
2000, he was driving that vehicle with your company's approval? A.
Yes Q. And permission? A. Yes. Amy Wilhelm is also the
daughter of William Leo Schniers and the sister of William Michael
Schniers in addition to her safety director duties. Fran
Kempa - Sunday, November 09, 2003 at 19:37:10 (MST)
Just thought of Chris today..and thought it'd be a good day just to
say hello. I still think about him, and I miss him. It's weird to think
of where he would be, and the amazing things he would be doing. I'm sure
he's still doing them somewhere. Megan <BBallGrl1285> - Sunday, November
09, 2003 at 13:05:35 (MST)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Sunday, November 09,
2003 at 00:55:17 (MST)
11/8/03...The art we call Black and is a beautiful drawing Mr.
Rheault found a while after Chris was killed. We had never seen it
before. The photo is one Chris took himself in Oct. 2000. It's a picture
of my former mum garden near the sunroom windows. Unfortunatly the lawn
service people raked them all of them out last fall along with the
leaves! Some day maybe I'll redo it. It was beautiful.I still have
much more to put here re 11/20/00...not enough time tonight.
Fran Kempa - Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 20:13:07 (MST)
The scary thing about all this is that this guy is STILL driving! If
at any point that he's injured or perhaps even killed in an auto
accident, his family is going to blame the other driver because Schniers
is HANDICAPPED!!!! I put him in the same category as the guy who threw
the kitten out the window on 275. You just have no life values. I hope
at some point you find religion because otherwise you'll have a whole
lot of explaining to do when you die. God is the best LIE detector and
you won't be able to lie your way out of things the way you do
now. Wysetalk <> -
Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 18:09:56 (MST)
It's been a long time..... but no I havn't forgotten and it just
sticks with me everyday knowing that a great person is gone. Seeing life
in a completely different view and knowing that you can't change
anything but to just go on in life and carry this person with you in
your heart... I guess that's how people go on forever is living through
others hearts and minds..... well, you know you're up there always.... I
miss you, always will....Love, Sarah Sarah - Saturday,
November 08, 2003 at 15:59:13 (MST)
Hey it's been a while...I havent are still with me...see
you soon Ron Quinkert <> - Saturday,
November 08, 2003 at 15:52:23 (MST)
11/7/03...The art is the same Ben Franklin from 2000. The photo was
taken Christmas morning 1999, Chris' last Christmas. I can't believe
it's almost that time again. Christmas has never been and never will be
the same again. The same can be said for every holiday and special
occasion.Mr. William M. Schniers was deposed a second time in March
of 2001. Adam W. chose not to attend this session...he'd seen and heard
enough. On both dates William M. was accompanied by William L. The elder
Schniers posture during these depositions was quite revealing I thought.
We were all seated at a table facing each other..but The elder Schniers
couldn't face us. He turned his chair sideways and looked at the wall.
At times he leaned his head back and closed his eyes as if to
nap.....Some excerpts from the second deposition of William M.
Schniers... Q. At the time of this incident, did you feel that you saw
well? A. Yes. Q. Did you feel that you saw as well as you did
before the removal of the tumor? A. I don't know, I never thought
about it. Q. When you say you believe you saw well, what are you
comparing it to? A. I guess I'm comparing it to how I saw before the
surgery. Q. So you think you saw just as well as you did before the
surgery? A. Yeah. Q. And you feel that you saw just as well as you
did before the surgery even though you're blind in the left eye and you
have depth perception problems? A. Yes. Q. And because you feel
that you saw just as well on November 20th of 2000 as you did before you
had this tumor removed, you didn't make any changes in your driving
habits; is that correct? A. Correct. Q. Do you see well with your
peripheral vision? A. In which eye? Q. Let's start with your left
eye. A. Not really. Q. Do you know how far you can see with your
left eye when we're talking about peripheral vision? A. No, I don't.
Fran Kempa - Friday, November 07, 2003 at 17:39:33
I am in complete awe of the facts that have been revealed so far, and
I can't believe that the driver was so careless with his driving habits.
As always, you are all in my prayers. joe.cwik - Friday,
November 07, 2003 at 14:21:39 (MST)
The more I read, the more my heart breaks, and the more I think about
what we'd be up to now.
Corinne <>
; - Thursday, November 06, 2003 at 21:00:03 (MST)
11/6/03...The art is a drawing of Ben Franklin Chris did shortly
before he was killed. He drew him for a class project at the Career
Center. He was in the Visual Communications program and was so happy to
be there. He had hoped to be accepted into that program since middle
school. Adam and I must have miscommunicated on the photos. It's
obviously not one taken shortly before Chris was killed. It was taken on
the first day of Fourth grade, September 1993 as we left for
school.June 5th 2001 proved to be a day we will never forget.It was
the day we all came face to face with William Michael and William Leo
Schniers for the first time. We were gathered for their depositions.
It's the one and only deposition Adam W. ever attended. I believe he had
a need to see the man we all felt was responsible for his brother's
death. The elder Schniers had the nerve to give me a big smile, extend
his hand and say, "Good morning!" in a very cheerful voice. I looked at
him like he was crazy and thought to myself, "I haven't had a good
morning since Nov. 19th 2000." It was during this deposition we learned
about the blindness and the brain tumor. As we walked to the parking lot
afterward Adam W. said, "I think that's what killed him Mom." I said,
"You mean the blindness?" He said, "Yes." I had to agree. During the
course of the deposition Mr. William M. Schniers was questioned about
his driving habits since he went blind in his left eye and had brain
surgery....Some excerpts... Q. Since losing your vision in August of
1999, has that changed the way you drive? A. No. Q. I mean do you
have to compensate for loss of vision in your left eye by turning your
head more to the left so that your right eye can pick up somebody in
another car or pedestrian or anything of that nature? A. Not that I
can say dramatically, no. Q. Would you agree tht it has some impact
on the way you drive in that you have to compensate with your right eye
for the lack of vision in the left eye? Would that be correct? A. I
have to compensate a little bit, yes. Q. When you say you have to
compensate a little bit, what do you mean by that? A. I have to turn
a little further to check my left blind spot. Q. Would that cause you
to have to drive somewhat slower to check for traffic or pedestrians
because of your left blind spot? A. Slower than what? Q. That
would be slower than what you normally have done before losing vision in
your left eye. A. No....... Q. Just so that I understand, even
though you have lost vision in your left eye since August of 1999, that
hasn't caused you to reduce your speed while driving. Is that
correct? A. Correct. Fran Kempa - Thursday, November 06,
2003 at 20:00:13 (MST)
Shame on the LPD. Had a delay in getting a report from them too. But
yet they are quick to point their finger in the WRONG direction!
MCS <> -
Thursday, November 06, 2003 at 05:37:36 (MST)
Keep the Truth coming! =w= <-> - Wednesday, November 05, 2003 at 23:45:09
11/5/03...The art is the same Beck drawing as yesterday. The photo
was taken in late August 2000 at my parent's 50th wedding anniversary
party. That's Chris and Grandma Joan checking out one of the
presents.The Livonia police were less than cooperative in producing
the police report. They refused Adam's requests numerous times and even
refused our attorney. Finally, a few days before Christmas 2000 Adam was
able to obtain one from the prosecutor's office. He faxed me some of the
pages at work. I'll never forget on my way home that day driving all
over the state streets...which are a maze, looking for a certain house
on Alabama. I was so shocked when I finally came upon it and saw how
close it was to Merriman....he couldn't have been on the road more than
two minutes before he killed Chris. In February 2001 our attorney
contacted us with a report of Mr. William M. Schnier's driving record.
He was 26 at the time and this incident was his 6th accident. His record
also included many other violations and two suspensions.....I'd have to
conclude he was a very bad driver before he went blind in his left eye
and had brain surgery. Later in February, we received a copy of the
911 tape. Listening to that was one of the hardest things I've ever done
but I knew it was necessary. As soon as I heard Mr. Schnier's voice on
that tape....totally FLAT, no emotion what so ever...."Hit
kid...Merriman and West Chicago" is how he started....I said, "There is
something wrong with that man." To have just killed a child and have no
emotion in my opinion is not normal. I had no idea at the time what was
wrong with him but my instincts proved to be correct. Fran
Kempa - Wednesday, November 05, 2003 at 20:48:17 (MST)
AMEN SHAUNNA - Wednesday, November 05, 2003 at 19:34:46
We ALWAYS knew the truth would come out!! We look forward to
reading the truth. May Chris's story be told and may he rest in peace
now!!! Jo <xxx> - Wednesday,
November 05, 2003 at 14:45:19 (MST)
11/4/03...The art is a drawing Chris did of Beck a few months before
he was killed. The photo was taken in mid August 2000 in Munising and
was recently here on the web page.There was so much misinformation in
the media 11/20/00. The LPD tried their best to portray Chris as the
careless pedestrian and they ate it up....He was wearing headphones, he
was wearing dark clothing, it was dark out, there were even reports he
stepped out in front of the truck. Form the minute I heard about the
incident I felt something smelled. If there's one thing I know it's my
kids and I knew Chris would never be so stupid. All of those
statements have since been proven untrue but long after the fact and
were never reported. Martha Lancaster the officer who went through
Chris' school bag reported she found a cassette player in it and it was
OFF. Anyone who knows Chris knows he always wore headphones around his
neck whether they were attached to any thing or not. The dark clothing
myth was dispelled after they were examined by the vision expert and the
accident reconstructionest. His coat was beige suede with a lambs wool
lining, his jeans were almost stone washed and his sneakers were biege
with reflectors in the soles. The police arrived on the scene AFTER
impact. Chris was hemorraging from his head and had bled all over his
clothing giving them a dark appearance. Officer Brian Leigh was the
first police person to arrive at the scene. He testified in his sworn
deposition that he arrived within three minutes of the 911 call and it
wasn't dark or light out, it was dawn. And as far as Chris stepping out
in front of the truck, I believe that came from William Michael
Schniers. Officer Brian Kahn who reconstructed the accident testified in
his swown deposition as follows;... Q. How far was he from the
sidewalk when he was hit? A. Again, I had to conclude that in using
estimations because I had no point of impact. I just used the fact that
it was the right side of the vehicle and he was probably very close,
within feet. Q. Would one or two from being on the sidewalk be within
your range? A. That would be reasonable....That means as we have
stated all along, Chris had safely crossed four and a half lanes before
Mr. Schniers whipped around the two stopped cars at 35 to 40 MPH and
killed him. There were people who had knowledge of how this accident
may have happened and never reported it the police. William Michael
Schniers, his father William Leo Schniers, his mother Mary Elaine
Schniers, his wife Denise Comis Schniers, his sister Amy Wilhelm and
possibly many others all knew William Michael was blind in his left eye
and was left with other deficits as a result of his brain tumor but they
all remained silent. In the days that followed, while we were going
through hell I imagine they sat back and breathed a sigh of relief and
hoped the truth would remain hidden. Again, to quote from Officer
Kahn's deposition,.... Q. Do you know if Mr. Schniers ever advised
any of the police officers whether he had a physical impairment that
effected his ability to drive? A. He did not advise me. I can't
speak for everybody else. Q. If he had would that be something
significant that the police officers would write down in some report or
advise you? A. Yes, I think it would be something to take into
consideration. Q. Are you aware that Mr. Schniers is blind in his
left eye? A. Yes, I am. Q. When did you find out he is blind in
the left eye? A. I would say I don't know the exact date. It was
sometime after the accident. Q. Who told you that? A. Mr. Yager,
Joe Yager. Q. Would that have been information that you would have
wanted to be advised of before you arrived at your opinions as to the
cause of this collision who is at fault? A. That would be something I
would want to be advised of and something I would again take into
consideration...... And to quote from William Michael Schniers own
second sworn deposition... Q. Did you ever tell the police officers
who investigated this incident on November 20 of 2000 with Christopher
Kempa that you were blind in your left eye? A. I don't believe
so. Q. Why was that? A. I don't know. Q. Did you feel that if
you told the police officers you were blind in your left eye that that
would be detremental to your position relative to this impact with
Christopher Kempa? A. I don't know. Q. Are you saying you didn't
tell the police officers about you being blind in the left eye because
it was unimportant to the investigation by the police officers? A.
No. Q. Do you believe that telling the police officers that you were
blind in your left eye would have been something important for them to
know in their investigation of this incident with Christopher
Kempa? A. I don't know. Q. Would you agree that you gave at
least...or talked to the police at least on four different occasions
about this incident with Christopher Kempa? A. Yeah. Q. Would you
agree that at no time during the four times that you spoke to the
Livonia Police, you never told them that you were blind in your left
eye; is that correct? A. Correct. Fran Kempa -
Tuesday, November 04, 2003 at 21:24:21 (MST)
Wounderful web site to honour a wounderful person, what great art
work. The world needs more beautiful people like chris in it,
unfortunatly it doesnt seem to work this way, we lost our amazing Son,
Mick 16 months ago, he was 17, we also have some great art work he did.
Thanks for sharing your special memories. Jo Tolsher <> -
Tuesday, November 04, 2003 at 21:03:23 (MST)
KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE ROAD Chris Kempa 1984-200 Shaunna -
Monday, November 03, 2003 at 21:30:34 (MST)
Those who knew the truth are happy to see it be made public. Yay!
It's about time! Continued strength, love and positive thoughts to the
Kempas! =w= <-> - Monday,
November 03, 2003 at 21:10:39 (MST)
11/3/03...The art is a drawing we found in March 2001 in a garbage
bag Chris had filled from his bedroom 11/19/00. I had told him at some
point to start cleaning his room in preparation for our Thanksgiving
company. He threw many drawings and a few poems out. Luckily we had
presence of mind enough to not throw the bag out knowing it most lkkely
contained some treasures. If you look closely you can see the creases in
the paper where he crumbled it up before he threw it out. The photo was
taken August 25, 2000..three months before he was killed. That's the way
our family was and still should be today.I honestly know William
Michael Schniers didn't kill Chris on purpose. But in the next breath I
still say this accident never should have happened and many experts
agree. With just a little care and THOUGHT PROCESSING on Mr. Schnier's
part, Chris would be alive and well and 19 today. Over the course of
the month I will be including excerpts from depositions to support my
theory. These too are public record as a result of the law suit we filed
against Mr. Schniers and his father William Leo Schniers in Wayne County
in December 2000. Fran Kempa - Monday, November 03, 2003 at
16:27:09 (MST)
Finally! The Truth can now be known by the Public! This November,
2003 is the beginning of many healings for the Kempa Family. God Bless
You All. We all knew that Chris did not improperly cross the street
that fateful day. It also had nothing to do with what he was wearing or
what he may or may not been listening to while crossing the street nor
the time of day. Alleluia! Let the Truth be known! MCS <> -
Monday, November 03, 2003 at 03:01:37 (MST)
11/2/03...The art is the same skateboard bed as yesterday. The photo
is another taken during the July 12th Barn show. Adam will have the new
art and photos up tomorrow.Summer of 1999 was a great one for Chris
as they all were. He was working at Larry's, taking guitar lessons,
taking his class at CCS, and spending time in Port Huron at Caleb's
Grandma's cottage. He was thriving! In his spare time he enjoyed his
numerous friends and worked diligently on his art and computer
graphics. We had no idea just one mile to the south lived a man named
William Michael Schniers. He was beginning to experience medical
problems in late July 1999. As a result, Chris' fate was sealed. To
quote from papers from a law suit filed against Mr. Schnier's Doctor
filed in Oakland County 6/27/01..."The plaintiff was diagnosed with a
brain tumor which was creating pressure and swelling to the structures
of the brain. During the course of his admission, the plaintiff's
neurologic status declined, and he eventually began experiencing visual
disturbances, the subject neurologic changes were not properly addressed
and the patient's condition continued to deteriorare....." "As a direct
and proximate result of the breaches of standard of care listed herein,
there was a delay in the timely performance of surgery to remove the
subject tumor which resulted in ADDITIONAL BRAIN DAMAGE and resulting
sequalae including but not limited to loss of vision in the left eye,
the loss of smell, the loss of taste....." So set the stage for
11/20/00. Fran Kempa - Sunday, November 02, 2003 at 19:48:12
- Sunday, November 02, 2003 at 18:48:21 (MST)
Just visited the site again. I'm very disapointed at the clown who
keeps putting in the weird entries. Grow up! I was wondering if anybody
had any nice Chris stories or comments they could share. Fran needs some
cheering up now and I believe every good entry will help her in her
recovery. Have a heart, be a part and let's get her farther on her road
to recovery! God bless you Fran. Cathie Vyse <> - Sunday,
November 02, 2003 at 09:26:57 (MST)
11/1/03...The art is the skateboard bed Chris designed at some point
and Adam W. found this summer while cleaning out the basement or
garage...I can't remember which now, I know he did both. The photo was
taken July 12th at the third annual barn show. That's the Allen
brothers, Scott and Ryan. Both boys have done so much for all three
shows, just like their parents. Ryan and Adam have been friends since
the first day of kindergarten, Scott was one of Chris' two best friends
having first met while in strollers. I think our families think of each
other as family rather than friends.Yesterday was a tough day.
Memories of Halloweens past came rushing in....all the costumes over the
years and the fun we had making them...the last year Chris dressed up he
had to have the SCREAM mask....and it had to have just the right
expression. We went to every store we could think of and didn't find
it...finally accidently found it at Rite Aid...the way the boys dashed
in after trick or treating and poured their candy on the living room rug
to get a good look... Chris spending almost every Halloween with he said in 2000, "It's tradition." And my most found
Halloween memory of all... Oct. 30th 2000 when Chris saved the day and
helped me design and carve four pumpkins instead of going to Ron's. Just
the two of us were home and we had such a good time! When Chris was
first killed, my coping mechanism was to "keep busy so you don't think."
I was back to work in three weeks and looking back now functioned as a
robot until I became ill in July. Since then I've had a lot of time on
my hands...most of it has been focused on getting well but I've thought
about Chris and that horrible day and cried more in the last four months
than I had in almost three years. I put the sheets that were on our
bed 11/19/00 back on the bed today for the first time. Those are the
sheets Chris and I were on while we worked on his drivers ed. I told
Adam maybe they'll help me dream about him...he was right there! That's
the kind of crazy thing parents of dead kids do. For the November web
page....stsrting on the 2nd..Adam's been very busy, I gathered 30 photos
of Chris taken within months of his death and tried to chose his last
works of art. I want it to be a tribute to Chris as he was when his
earthly life was ended. Early on, certain members of William Michael
Schnier's family demanded we reveal all the facts about what happened
and how it happened 11/20/00 here on the web page. It's taken a long
time but that is exactly what I intend to do this month. Everything I
reveal is public record and can easily be checked in case those same
family members wish to invent their own version as they did
before. Fran Kempa - Saturday, November 01, 2003 at 18:51:50
God still sits on the throne, the devil is a liar. God is getting
ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the faith. Father, I
ask You to bless Fran, Adam and Adam Show them a new revelation of Your
love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at
this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your
grace. In Jesus' precious name. Amen. Shaunna - Saturday,
November 01, 2003 at 18:29:53 (MST)
Happy Halloween Chris! I understand you loved it! I bet they have the
coolest costumes in Heaven. A Friend - Friday, October 31,
2003 at 14:55:10 (MST)
Keep the faith Franny. You didn't come this far for no reason! Keep
up the courageous fight my friend. You will beat it in no time at all.
Positive Karma your way. :)) xx <xx> - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at
15:47:59 (MST)
Don't be discouraged Fran. That was a just a Therapist's prediction
at intake. You very well could be back to 100% sooner than April. Once
you are stronger you will find that therapy will move along pretty fast.
Your fight, determination and spirit will see to that! MCS
- Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 10:27:00 (MST)
10/29/03...The drawing we call WIND. We found it after Chris was
killed. The photo was taken in 1984, the night the Tigers won the World
Series. That's Adam and Chris in Adam's bedroom on Auburndale. After
this celebration Chris and I stayed home while Adam and Adam joined
other drivers in honking their horns up and down Plymouth Rd.! I thought
it was pretty strange but they seemed to enjoy it.We took a small
pumpkin to the cemetary yesterday. I hadn't been there in weeks...very
emotional. I started physical therapy yesterday and was disappointed to
find the therapist's prediction of being back to 100% is APRIL!! not
January. Seems I have weakness in muscles I didn't even know I had.
Fran Kempa - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 10:05:56
10/27/03....I think this drawing shows Chris' appreciation for art.
The hands appear to hold the words so carefully as though they are
something so fragile. The photo is one I love. It became our screen
saver for a long time after Chris was killed. It was taken in 1985. We
were in the middle of redoing the kitchen on Auburndale. Adam and Adam
had gone in the back yard for something and Chris was straining to see
what he was missing out on!This is the third year the fall has really
made me sad when it used to make me so happy. Halloween is
coming...Chris LOVED Halloween! I wonder if at 19 he'd be spending it
with Caleb as he had every year including his last... One more thing
I'll never know. Fran Kempa - Monday, October 27, 2003 at
16:49:31 (MST)
10/26/03...The art is the same little fella as yesterday. The photo
is one that pictures Chris exactly as he was when he was killed. It was
taken in mid August 2000 in Munising while visiting Casey's cottage.
He's wearing his summer wardrobe of cut offs. Every late spring for
years we had a cutt off ritual. Whether he had three or four pair of
jeans for the winter, come spring we kept one pair intact and cut off
the rest. I was the one who did the cutting under Chris'
direction..."Not too short Mom!" It's everyday things like that I miss
SO much. To this day, one of his dresser drawers is full of his cut
offs.There is still so much I intend to do for Chris and in memory of
Chris. Unfortunatly, due to my weakened condition some things I have to
postpone. It's so hard to believe in less than one month it will be
three years since he was killed when it still seems like three minutes
ago. In the month of November I intend to reveal all the facts we
learned about 11/20/00 long after. They explain a lot. Fran
Kempa - Sunday, October 26, 2003 at 13:26:39 (MST)
So Happy that you are alive too! I just can't fathom it being your
time when you still have so much to do here yet. Adam and Adam need you
so much. Chris needs you to finish business here too. You needed to
see Chris and know that he is Ok. Now that you have that, you can move
on until you finally get to meet again for good. Chris is in good hands
and how brave of him to send you back where you are needed the most.
God's blessings on all of you. MCS <> -
Sunday, October 26, 2003 at 06:08:52 (MST)
We are all so happy you are alive too Franny!! Your friend is
correct...your earthly family needs you now and some day, when the time
is right, you will all be together again..just not quite yet!!! Chris
will wait for you!! all of our love always...Jo, Bill, and
Billy xxx <xxx> USA -
Saturday, October 25, 2003 at 23:36:03 (MDT)
10/25/03...The art is just a cute little fella Chris drew on one of
his school papers. The photo is another taken July 12th at the barn
show. I believe that's Pop Project.One of my friends thinks I had an
out of body experience during my ordeal. She doesn't think I saw God,
she thinks I saw Chris. She believes he told me he was fine and Dad and
Adam need me more than he does so I should go back. She thinks I'll
remember eventually in flash backs. I hope she's right. Another friend
said she worried that I wouldn't fight. She said she thought I'd go
right to be with Chris because I miss him so and want to see him again
which is so true. All I know is I beat the odds given a 5% chance and I
firmly believe Chris played a role. I am happy to be alive. Fran
Kempa - Saturday, October 25, 2003 at 10:36:07 (MDT)
Mrs. Kempa, I am so glad to hear that you're home, and doing much
better. I am always thinking about you.
Yesterday afternoon I was involved in a pretty bad car wreck that ended
up totaling my car...I'm thanking Chris for looking out for me, and for
the fact that I made it out uninjured, and alive.
Love, Corinne Corinne <>
; - Friday, October 24, 2003 at 18:27:03 (MDT)
10/24/03...The art we call Eye Hand. Looking back on everything now
it's rather eerie knowing the role a blind left eye had in Chris' death.
I believe that, cognative loss and depth perception problems on the part
of the driver killed him. The photo was taken July 12th at the Barn
show. That's Chris Ostafinski and Recital.It was so nice to see Caleb
today. Chris loved Caleb. We tried to imagine where they both would have
been today had Chris not crossed paths with the impaired driver. I miss
him Sooo much. Fran Kempa - Friday, October 24, 2003 at
17:06:45 (MDT)
An article about what's behind all the ads that keep showing up here:
Click here. Adam
<> - Friday,
October 24, 2003 at 12:23:14 (MDT)
Oh my gosh Fran! I knew something was terribly wrong with your
absence but never knew the horrific nature of it. You are so right!
Your Family has had more than anyone should have to bear. I am in shock
after reading your long awaited post. God Bless your fighting spirit and
your ever vigil loving Family. Please continue to take gentle care and
heal. All of You!! Thank you Chris for watching over your Family. I
am sure it is equally hard for him to watch all of this going on from
above. Wishing much Peace and Health in the coming days. We are so
glad to hear from you. MCS <> -
Friday, October 24, 2003 at 08:27:31 (MDT)
Mrs. Kempa, I visit the site every day and for a while I saw that you
weren't writing and wondered if you were alright. I attempted to peice
together what may have happened. Little did I know you were going
through SO much. I'm SO glad to hear that you are ALIVE!! My family
and I will continue to pray for your total strength and recovery !! I
know that Chris is watching and had everything to do with keeping you
here with us. Constant prayers for you and your family. S.
Harding * <> -
Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 22:09:15 (MDT)
Love, peace, faith and Chris are with you each and every day Sis!!!
Continued prayers and love are sent your way. God speed!!...all of our
love forever!!! Jo and Bill and Billy <> -
Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 20:24:11 (MDT)
I'm so happy that you are ok. I'm keeping you in my prayers. I miss
seeing you at Foodland all the time. Hope to see you soon:) Keep
smiling and keep happy:) Jenny <>
- Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 19:51:37 (MDT)
Mrs. Kempa...welcome home! Prayers and hugs to you and your family!
Ms. Hillman - Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 19:26:20
So it seems life threw me yet another curve when I least expected it.
There are large portions of time I don't remember from 9/13 thru 9/15
even though I was still walking and talking at the time. I was heavily
feeling the effects of the chemo therapy. We went to the ER, they gave
me a liter of IV fluid and sent me home. I saw the Oncologist...another
liter of IV fluid and I was home thinking all was well even though I
wasn't. On 9/16 I recall coming to on the bathroom floor after passing
out and Adam calling 911. I remember being carried out of the house to
see Livonia Fire and Rescue #4 Advanced Life Support...the same truck
that carried Chris' dead body to St. Mary's. I remember parts of the
trip to the hospital with lights and sirens blazing. I remember finding
myself in St. Mary's ER...where Chris was ER I vowed
I'd NEVER set foot in again....but then they did help to save my life.
Beyond that, I have no memory. I have no memory of the life flight to U
of M, I was in a coma and given a 5% chance to live. I have no memory of
being intubated, no memory of 15 IV's being pumped in to me and no
memory of all the dear family and friends who kept a vigil at my
bedside. At one point, Adam and Adam discussed my funeral arrangements.
A little over two weeks later I came to. I found myself intubated,
unable to speak and unable to move. I had lost that much muscle strength
in two weeks. One of the first things I did was have a long talk with
God. I told Him I felt I'd reached my tragedy quota for one life time.
Chris, cancer and now coma was all I could deal with...I hope He
listened. I am slowly fighting my way back to strength. After one
month and one day I was so thrilled to be home. I am hobbling about and
start PT next week. Predictions from the rehab physicians are I'll be
back to 100% by January....I pray they're right. Chemo therapy is a
scary thing. They tried to cure me and almost killed me! I thank
everyone for the well wishes and their prayers. It still makes me
angry to think had had it not been for a pick up driver on
11/20/00.....none of this would have happened. Fran Kempa -
Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 17:54:20 (MDT)
Today's photo is of the "Robmeister" at this years barn show. Thanks
for being there Rob. Today's art is of a droid type creature. Chris
probably did this 1 -2 years before he wss killed. Note the Japanese
inscription on the forehead. There is always some extra detail is
Chris's work. The pace is slow... recovery an inch at a time but
things continue in the right direction. Chris keep a close watch
over mom. Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, October 21,
2003 at 00:35:13 (MDT)
Welcome home Mrs Kempa! joe.cwik - Monday, October 20,
2003 at 10:25:45 (MDT)
Another shot of John Hicks at the barn show, as I mentioned before
John was one of Chris's friends who did the "Chris art" that we use so
much. Thanks John. The artwork is a very early painting of
"Charile". Charile passed away August 9, 2003. I like to belive he is
with Chris. It is good to have Fran home, she is getting a stronger
each day. Chris keep a close watch on mom. Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Sunday, October 19,
2003 at 12:38:01 (MDT)
cool website ! best wishes and have fun surfing ! joe eu
neuwagen reimporte <eu
neuwagen reimporte> - Sunday, October 19, 2003 at 11:25:31
SO GLAD YOU'RE HOME. GET WELL SOON! Colleen Baidoon <> - Sunday, October 19, 2003 at 09:30:31 (MDT)
YAY!!! =w= <-> - Saturday,
October 18, 2003 at 08:21:31 (MDT)
Glad to here everything is going well with you Mrs. Kempa :) Prayer
definitely helps in these kind of cases. Hope all is well with you and
the family! Take Care! Dawn Balint <> - Friday,
October 17, 2003 at 21:24:49 (MDT)
Fran....soooo happy you are home. Thank God and Chris is right!!!!
You are still meant to be on this earth with your hubby and son...and we
are so blessed and thankful for that!! Talk to you soon. all our love,
Bill and Jo xxx <xxx> -
Friday, October 17, 2003 at 20:12:43 (MDT)
I'm home!!!!! Thank God and Chris! Still a LONG way to go.
Fran Kempa - Friday, October 17, 2003 at 19:47:32 (MDT)
Serh schoene Website ! Viel Spass beim surfen and cu later !,
Donna premiere abo <premiere
abo> - Friday, October 17, 2003 at 16:23:28 (MDT)
Let's ignore small minds and concentrate on the important things in
life....the spammer is getting exactly what he wants. All of our
energies should be sent Fran's way...and not to negative forces!! Much
love Fran! Jo and Bill xxx <xxx> - Thursday, October 16, 2003 at
18:33:26 (MDT)
It's great to here that Mrs. Kempa is in good spirits and will arrive
home soon. We're all keeping her in our prayers. Colleen
Baidoon <> - Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 14:19:37 (MDT)
Fran continues to be in good spirts! She will be home soon.
Chris keep a close watch over mom.
Dad <<<<<<<>>>>>> -
Wednesday, October 15, 2003 at 14:58:07 (MDT)
Thinking about you a lot Mrs. Kempa! You have so many people pulling
for you to get well! Glad to hear that things are looking up! Love and
prayers to you! Ms. Hillman - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 at
16:14:34 (MDT)
Positive thoughts and prayers are with Franny every day...much love
and continued good health. Jo and Bill xxx <xxx> - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 at
04:53:16 (MDT)
I agree this is a cool page! I've got to admit, she's getting
better, a little better all the time... Thanks to all, for your kind
thoughts... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> -
Monday, October 13, 2003 at 23:48:48 (MDT)
It's hard for me to write on this site, but I AM reading, and you are
ALWAYS in my prayers Mrs Kempa. Much Love, Corinne. Corinne
; - Monday, October 13, 2003 at 16:50:34 (MDT)
Fran, so glad to hear that you are feeling better. Janice
<> -
Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 18:33:47 (MDT)
Glad to hear you are doing better, Mrs Kempa! joe.cwik
<||||||||> - Friday, October 10,
2003 at 09:38:27 (MDT)
Yay! It's so great to hear from Mrs.Kempa!!! Keep up the wonderful
recovery, we're all pulling for you!!!! Lareau <!> - Thursday, October 09, 2003 at 23:57:19
They allowed me to use a computer in Occupational Therapy today! I
thank everyone for the well wishes..I'm so happy just to be alive. Lots
of strength to get back.....tentative discharge date 10/18....I WILL
make it! Fran Kempa - Thursday, October 09, 2003 at 11:36:26
So good to hear Franny's voice today. Let us continue to thank God
for her constant recovery and pray for her strength. She needs positive
thoughts from everyone....every day!!! May she also continue to feel the
spirit of Christopher and his presence in her life. God Bless you
Sis....get better soon!!! Jo and Bill <> -
Tuesday, October 07, 2003 at 19:39:36 (MDT)
Today's art is another sketch on a scrap of paper done who knows
when. Chris was constantly drawing.... Today's photo is of Ryan
Allen at this year's barn show. He has played at all three. Fran is
doing better each day. Baby steps but in the right direction. Chris
keep a close watch over mom. Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Monday, October 06,
2003 at 00:56:45 (MDT)
Fran continues to improve
Chris continue to watch over your mom.
Dad <<<<<<<>>>>>>> -
Friday, October 03, 2003 at 12:13:52 (MDT)
All the best wishes to Mrs Kempa. I'm another stranger who found the
site by accident and keep returning to hear how you are coping. There
are people who care very much! I hope you recover very, very
soon! Stranger who cares <> - Friday, October 03, 2003 at 04:48:41 (MDT)
God Bless Franny!!! JoAnne <> -
Thursday, October 02, 2003 at 17:20:53 (MDT) Hey Chris, I knew you
rather well, but I've never signed this. Mostly because I felt like
maybe everyone else on it was better friends with you, and wouldn't like
that I was signing it. But I decided to go ahead and just let you know I
was thinking of you today, as I do everyday when I pass your memorial on
the way to/from work. I hope your mom is back to 100% soon. not
important - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 13:47:26 (MDT)
The minute I looked at the drawing on the site today, I knew it was
Mrs. Kempa! It is beautiful! Thanks to Sarah for the wonderful news! My
prayers remain with all of you during this time and always! Catch up on
those TV shows and get well soon! Ms. Hillman - Monday,
September 29, 2003 at 18:17:40 (MDT) To the best of my knowledge,
Chris never named the picture displayed in today's artwork as a portrait
of anyone in particular, yet from the second I saw it, I knew it was of
my sister, Fran. With the exception of the nose, which is not at all
like hers, Chris has captured a perfect image of his mom! What a
wonderful day to see this portrait. We are so very encouraged by this
wonderful news of improving health.
Love, Kathy Kathy - Monday, September 29, 2003 at 05:36:07
Thanks Sarah! That is excellent news and exactly the news we wanted
to hear! MCS - Monday, September 29, 2003 at 02:37:50
YAY! That's such wonderful news! Thanks for the update Sarah.
=w= <=w=> - Sunday, September 28,
2003 at 23:09:14 (MDT)
That is wonderful news. All of her co-workers have been wondering
how she is doing and praying for her recovery. Please tell her I've
been thinking of her. Janice Martin Janice <> -
Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 21:46:01 (MDT)
I know Mr. Kempa and Adam are very busy, so for those looking for
updates on how Mrs. Kempa is doing, I'll give a little report. I'm happy
to say that she's getting much stronger, and is in very good spirits.
Just the improvement from yesterday to today is so remarkable--I can't
even believe how much better she's getting. She's talking a lot, and
catching up on her TV-watching! She has decided that her goal is to be
home in a week and her doctor told her tonight that that sounded about
right. We are all so happy.... sarah - Sunday, September
28, 2003 at 21:02:55 (MDT)
Fran is getting better each day... she spoke to us yesterday! She is
Chris keep a close watch on your mom.... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Saturday, September
27, 2003 at 12:36:37 (MDT)
Dear Aunt Fran: I am so glad to hear that you are doing a little
better each day and fighting very hard to beat your illness. When I
dropped Alex off at preschool the other day, at First Trinity Lutheran
in Tonawanda, I went into the church and said a prayer for your
recovery. Please know that you, Uncle Frank and Adam are in my thoughts
and prayers always. Cathy Cathy Cook <> - Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 07:09:37 (MDT)
Continued thoughts and prayers for Franny. It can only improve with
all of the love and support from around this country. Prayer groups
continue for her as she gets stronger every day. Praise our dear Lord
for listening to us and giving the ability to the wonderful doctors that
are nursing Franny back to good health. Miracles do exist!!
JoAnne <> -
Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 05:20:58 (MDT)
Keep fighting Fran!! Keeping all of the Kempa Family in my thoughts
and prayers. MCS <> -
Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 02:58:28 (MDT)
Today's art is another Chris sketch. We used to find them everywhere
I like the face on the "T" shirt, always an extra detail, even in a
simple little drawing...
Today's photo is another from the Barn show this past summer of 03. It
was a more "laid back" than other Barn shows, but just as fun.
The band in the photo is the "Pop Project". The drummer for this group
is Chris's brother.
Today Fran opened her eyes when Adam William and I spoke to her. She is
fighting, and growing stronger and getting a little better each day.
Cris keep a close watch over your mother...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> -
Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 23:29:57 (MDT)
Today's art is another one Chris did as a random sketch. Odd that
he should have picked such subject matter... or is it? Today's photo
is fron the Barn show this past summer of 03. At that time Fran was ill
but had wished that the barn show go on again. Many kind friends helped
us again this year.
The band in the photo was "Recital"
As I have said before, Fran is fighting, and growing stronger each day.
Chris keep a close watch over your mother...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> -
Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 06:53:55 (MDT)
Fran, I'm praying for you and your family as are all of your
coworkers at WTNC. Please feel better soon. Janice <> -
Tuesday, September 23, 2003 at 06:25:49 (MDT)
Mrs Kempa, you are in my prayers, as is your entire family. We are
all praying for you. As always, if there is anything I can do, please
let me know. joe.cwik <^i^> -
Sunday, September 21, 2003 at 10:22:03 (MDT)
Chris keep a close watch over mom... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Sunday, September 21,
2003 at 01:44:17 (MDT)
Mrs. Kempa you are in my thoughts always, and I hope everything goes
well. I said a little prayer for you the other night before I went to
bed.. I know you can pull through this. You are a very strong woman..
and a great inspiration to anyone that knows you. God bless you and
your wonderful family.. love you :) Dawn Balint <> - Saturday,
September 20, 2003 at 07:55:55 (MDT)
Todays art is a very early Chris painting of Charlie our family dog.
I hope they are together. The photo is of John Hicks at this year's
barn show... It is so good to see Chris's friend get back together each
year. John was one of Chris's art friends who did the Chris art that we
use on our stickers and such. Fran is fighting, and growing stronger
each day. Hope... Chris keep a close watch over your mother...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> -
Friday, September 19, 2003 at 14:59:32 (MDT)
i hope that everything works out good for you fran. you are in my
thoughts and prayers always. i heard about it last night. dawn balint
called me last night and told me some what about what happened. then i
saw scott allen at ET and he told me more about it. doesnt it ever
stop? the kempas do not need anymore things going wrong in there lives
right now. everybody at foodland also are keeping you in their thoughts
and prayers and is my family and friends. we love you fran and family. over your mom. help her through this. Jenny
- Friday, September 19, 2003 at 11:37:16 (MDT)
The powerful prayers of God's people have been heard by Our heavenly
Father. We must continue to trust and believe that God will make a way
where there seems to be no way. Kathy - Friday, September
19, 2003 at 07:32:09 (MDT)
Praise God!! Prayers are powerful...keep them going. We must
continue praying for Fran. JoAnne <xxx> - Friday, September 19, 2003 at
04:37:59 (MDT)
Mrs.Kempa, my thoughts are constantly with you. I know you can fight
this! Lareau! <=w=> -
Friday, September 19, 2003 at 01:09:03 (MDT)
Please continue the prayers and positive thoughts. Fran is trying
real hard to get through each day. Your prayers are essential and are
sustaining her right now. Faith in our Lord that He will continue to
work miracles for Fran is so important at this time. We must continue to
have hope and faith. Thank you for all of the support and continued
prayer!!! Please do NOT stop. JoAnne <> -
Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 18:37:39 (MDT)
Thinking of you Fran and sending love and prayers your way.
Ms. Hillman - Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 15:25:23 (MDT)
I am saying prayers for you Aunt Fran. My dad told me this morning
how very sick you are. I have been thinking of you all day and praying
for a miracle. You have been through more than a person should ever
have to go through. I pray that God doesn't take you away from Uncle
Frank and Adam. God Bless You. Love, Cathy Cathy Cook <> - Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 14:17:34 (MDT)
Yes, we are all praying hard. Donna <> -
Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 07:55:40 (MDT)
Praying!!!!!!!! MCS <> -
Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 03:41:44 (MDT)
PLEASE keep Fran in prayer. Please guide her doctors. Please give
them wisdom and discernment. kathy - Wednesday, September
17, 2003 at 20:05:55 (MDT)
Please pray for Fran.....She needs your prayers JGV <XXX> - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at
18:05:57 (MDT)
Chris look out for mom... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Wednesday, September
17, 2003 at 11:11:54 (MDT)
Hello Kempas and friends, I was a friend of Chris' at FHS (seems like
a million years ago some days) and I've really been missing him lately.
And actually I feel really weird about coming here. I just wanted to let
you know that you and he are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank
you for keeping this up so all of us can remember him. God
bless... Some girl... <XXX> -
Monday, September 15, 2003 at 15:08:29 (MDT)
Hope you had a lovely Birthday Fran!! MCS <> -
Saturday, September 13, 2003 at 19:17:49 (MDT)
Happy Birthday to Franny...we love you and support you 100%. You are
a strong woman and have your strength from your family and friends here
on earth and in Heaven. Love always, Jo and Bill JGV <xxx> - Saturday, September 13, 2003 at
11:31:15 (MDT)
Happy Birthday to my dear sister, Fran. I hope and pray that your day
is truly blessed with much joy. I wish I could be there to spend the day
with you. Kathy - Saturday, September 13, 2003 at 07:40:50
I will pass on your thoughts and well wishes to the Vann's! MCS~ I
know Melissa would appreciate the gesture! As for now, anything anyone
would want to donate to the family can be sent to Franklin in care of
Vanessa Vann. They are living in a hotel right now and remarkably
keeping up their spirits! It is so beautiful to see such support! I knew
that the good people of Chris's website would send prayers and best
wishes! Fran~ Keep plugging with your treatments! I send hugs your way!
Ms. Hillman - Friday, September 12, 2003 at 19:29:26
Dear Ms. Hillman: We are so sorry to hear about the sad event that
has affected another Franklin family. I wish I was closer to all of you
to help out with the Vann family. If there is any kind of a project or
fund set up,please email me. We can at least contribute something to
help out. Our prayers and many blessings are being sent to them. It is
a tragic event..but they still have each other. Much love, peace and
faith is being sent to them. I am sure Chris is looking down upon them
and helping them along spiritually. Sincerely, JoAnne Vaughan...Franny's
sister-in-law in Buffalo New York. JoAnne <> -
Friday, September 12, 2003 at 18:58:16 (MDT)
The Vann Family has most certainly been in my prayers since I heard
the horrible News. They are definitely a Family of great incredible
Spirit surrounded by a circle of most caring Family and Friends. I am so
glad that they are all well. I dread to think of the cherished memories
lost. I know we have alot of Melissa Vann memories here in the house
that could be copied. I feel a project coming on! MCS <> -
Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 21:51:04 (MDT)
For those of you who are the praying type, we need them for one of
our Franklin families. The Vann's had a house fire last weekend. The
fire department said that it was the worst smoke fire they had ever seen
in recent history. Luckily, they were not in the house when the fire
occured. They escaped by a small margin of 20 minutes before the house
went up in flames. They were extremely blessed. Though they have their
lives, and an incredible spirit, they lost their possessions, home and
tangible memories. I know how valuable photos, drawings and other
memorable objects have been to the Kempa's now that Chris is no longer
here. It just got me thinking... So I thought I would write for positive
thoughts and prayers for the Vann's from the caring people on Chris's
site. I'm sure Chris is sending some down as I type this!
Ms. Hillman - Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 17:41:01 (MDT)
Today is at best, a sad day, an example of how families still mourn
for their loved ones who were taken from them two years ago. They
are not alone. 9/11/01 Never forget Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Thursday, September
11, 2003 at 16:13:07 (MDT)
9/8/03...The art is the same newly found skateboard bed as yesterday.
The photo is another from the barn show July 12th. That's Chris' oldest
best friend Scott Allen entertaining the crowd with Thundrebirds Are
Now.I'm more than halfway through the Radiation Therapy treatments!
When they end at the end of this month, so does the oral chemo. I stsrt
IV chemo Oct. 6th. I'm scared and anxious but "the sooner it starts, the
sooner it ends" rule still applies. I've tried to give myself the same
advice I used to give the boys regarding some things...the NIKE
motto...Just do it! Fran Kempa - Monday, September 08,
2003 at 11:13:16 (MDT)
9/7/03...The art is the skateboard bed Adam found recently while
cleaning out the garage. Notice the C to the left and the K to the
right. The photo was taken July 12th at the barn show. That's Marty
Smith and Ryan Allen of Thunderbirds Are Now.I am so thrilled but can
hardly believe it...Adam found ANOTHER Chris work last night! This time
in his bedroom. He has a book case that runs the length of the room and
is screwed into the ceiling. There's a space in between the creling and
the bookcase. Shoved in that space, Adam found a piece of heavy pink
paper with a sampling of characters in various stages of completion...on
both sides! None of them are masterpieces, most are very rough...but
they were all made by Chris! I said I wonder if with all these recent
discoveries and the three year anniversary of his death coming
up...maybe once again, he's trying to let us know he really is STILL
around! Fran Kempa - Sunday, September 07, 2003 at
12:16:26 (MDT)
AMEN Jim....this is a cherished website for those that really
care...not for spam!! JoAnne <xxx> - Sunday, September 07, 2003 at
07:33:41 (MDT)
Hello I notice that you frequently publish the entries below on my
friend's webpage. Each time the family removes your entries, you
resubmit. All but one of these names is a false e-mail address. Why
can't you be man enough to reveal your true identy, and that way we can
have a fair dialogue with you. I am sorry that you apparently are
having so many bodily function issues, but this is not the appropriate
forum in which to address the personal problems you seem to be
experiencing. Perhaps you should consult a good gasteroenterologist,
endocrinologist, and a urologist in the area where you live.
Jim - Saturday, September 06, 2003 at 17:20:08 (MDT)
TELL ME GODTell me God, why did my son Have to die? He was
only sixteen So young and full of dreams, Tell me. Tell me God,
how is it possible For a child beaming with Laughter and
beauty To vanish so easily? Tell me. Tell me God, what did I do
so wrong To deserve this misery, And to forever live
this Painful reality? Tell me. Tell me God, did You know
that My son really wanted to live? He was full of love And
always willing to give! Tell me. Tell me God, did You know that a
bond Between us had formed From the womb until now, And it
will never be transformed? Tell me. Tell me God, in Your eternal
wisedom, Compassion and love that is beyond My understanding, did
You really know What he was thinking? Tell me. Tell me God, did
You love him More than I, and did You know It was better for him
to leave? It's my love that makes me grieve now! Tell me. It's
been two years now and I Can't seem to get a straight answer, Yet
so much has changed. Is this the answer? Tell me God, tell
me. Alma Malanyaon <Toledo,
Ohio> - Saturday, September 06, 2003 at 16:56:05 (MDT)
Amen Fran! All drivers involved is a serious or fatal accident
should be tested for whatever what might be in their body no matter what
time of the day it is. I seen that report on the road worker being hit.
The sight of the windshield of the car that hit that poor woman gave me
the shivers. Took my mind and heart back to a place I don't like to
visit. MCS <> -
Saturday, September 06, 2003 at 16:45:58 (MDT)
Dont worry Kempas, there are REAL people who really care about Chris,
still coming to the site! Please ignore all others Lareau!
<=w=> - Saturday, September 06, 2003
at 16:29:24 (MDT)
i miss you tonight. scott allen - Saturday, September 06,
2003 at 02:53:06 (MDT)
9/5/03....The art is the drawing Adam found recently while cleaning
the garage. No telling when Chris did this one. I called it a joker at
first but now it looks more like an alien. The photo is another taken
during the July barn show. That's Erik Koppin who has manned the
shirt/CD table for three years now!I was talking to some parents at
our Compassionate Friends meeting the other night. Another mother over
heard me talking and said, "oh my God, you have cancer?" When I
confirmed it, she told me she had recently been diagnosed with Lupus.
She said her doctors attributed it to the same thing....stress over
losing her son and all that followed. Her son was killed just one month
before Chris while visiting MSU...Chris and I saw the story on the news
together the night it happened and we both expressed , "how awful that
must be."....We had no clue. A friend visited me the other day. Her
life has recently been altered by divorce, not death. She was saying how
much she missed the concept of family and big family gatherings. I told
her I don't feel like a family anymore either and haven't since
11/20/00. I said we never had BIG family gatherings for holidays....but
with the four of us, it felt complete and we had fun! I told her when
the three of us sat down for Christmas dinner 2000, it was
horrible....and I knew holidays would never be the same again, let alone
our family. Her family members may be apart, but they're all
ALIVE! Yesterday and today, there were reports of a road worker
unfortunatly hit by a car on M53 around 10 AM....she should survive. The
driver had been drinking. I hope the LPD will pay attention...the driver
who hit and killed Chris was never drug and alcahol tested...the police
told us it was, "Too early for that to have been a factor."...Nonsense!
If they could test Chris' dead body for every substance known to man,
they should test anyone involved in a serious injury or fatal
accident...regardless of the time of night or day! Some people have
medical conditions and take perscription drugs that can alter their doesn't have to be an illegal substance. It should be a
law! Fran Kempa - Friday, September 05, 2003 at 21:53:38
9/3/03...The "art" is Chris' grave marker. To call it art may sound
strange to some people, but in person, it truly is a work of art, made
of bronze. I know Chris would appreciate it. We wanted to have it made
especially for Chris, something to truly honor him and I believe we
achieved that difficult as it was. The photo is another taken
July 12th during the barn show. That's Adam, Chris' beloved brother
playing bass with The Recital.Our Compassionate Friends meeting was
VERY helpful tonight. We now have two leads on aging photos. One by
computer, one by an artist. I'm am looking forward to contacting them
but I understand the process takes a long time because they are so busy!
Fran Kempa - Wednesday, September 03, 2003 at 21:17:51
I just signed on for a second. While I like how the grave marker
came out it is hard for me to look at...
So sad.... Dad <<<<<<<>>>>>>> - Wednesday,
September 03, 2003 at 13:55:49 (MDT)
9/2/03...Yesterday's and today's art is the board Adam W. found when
he was cleaning the basement in July. We all believe Chris was trying to
make his own skateboard. Notice to the right of the character he drew
are the four dots he made to show where to place the wheels, there are
four more to the left of the of many projects started
but never finished...another project we knew nothing about...Chris was
ALWAYS creating something! The photo was taken July 12th during Chris
Fest 2003 at Wilson Barn. I wish I could have been there but I can tell
from the photos it was a great success just as I was told.Tomorrow is
our Compassionate Friends meeting. These days I'm usually exhausted by
evening but I HAVE to go to this one...I'll learn how to have Chris'
photo computer aged! Fran Kempa - Tuesday, September 02,
2003 at 18:30:26 (MDT)
8/31/03...The art is one of the many eyes Chris drew, most within two
years before he was killed...and in the end I believe, it was an eye in
addition to cognitive loss that ended his short but wonderful life. The
photo is again of Chris and Scott as Waldos in the Rosedale Halloween
parade, 1992.I have decided the random web page change isn't random
enough. I have asked Adam to program the September page to include
pictures from the Barn show in July, a picture of Chris' beautiful grave
marker and some of his recent Chris art finds including the two
skateboard beds. I can't believe this summer is OVER!...for me it
never even happened. I certainly wasn't a participant..hardly even a
spectator. Three years ago today we received the phone call from
Buffalo that Grandma Kempa had died. The next day we were all on our way
back, the boys drove together in Adam's car. The instant I woke up this
morning, I remembered being asked to convince Chris to be a pall
bearer...he wasn't very comfortable with the idea. So I took him outside
and talked to him and he blurted out, "I won't have to ride in the
hearse will I mom!?" And I said, "Oh NO honey, you won't have to ride in
the hearse, you follow in cars behind it." That seemed to calm his fears
and he is one of MANY memories that still haunt me and I
fear will for the rest of my life....they still come when ever, very
unexpected. I have no control over them. Fran Kempa -
Sunday, August 31, 2003 at 15:46:05 (MDT)
Cousin Bill has moved back home for a year until he goes on to
graduate school. Today, we settled him in his bedroom and hung the
angel drawing Chris did several years ago. That is the drawing Franny
had copied for me and sent for a Christmas present that we gave him last
year. I also had some pics of the cousins from Mom and Dad's 50th
wedding anniversary party. That was hung on his wall also. Good
memories..always to cherish!! JoAnne <> -
Sunday, August 31, 2003 at 12:51:26 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Saturday, August 30,
2003 at 23:12:45 (MDT)
8/28/03...The art for what ever reason didn't come out. The photo was
taken in December, 1996.. Chris, Charlie and Adam. It's so hard to
believe that two of the three are gone! truly seems like a minute
ago that I took that picture...I STILL remember! Tuesday morning Adam
W. drove me to my treatment as Adam had a conflict. Afterward, he took
me to Sarah's apartment in Ann Arbor to see her new kitten! On the way
home I said, "You know, if Chris was still alive, I bet he'd be visiting
Sarah all the time!" He loved Ann Arbor. That was his dream, to live
there. I also asked Adam if he was likely to move there some day and he
said most likely he will...he can assume his brother's dream in a
way! Adam is still on his cleaning binge! He has started to reclaim
his bedroom. As a result, there were MANY T shirts in the laundry today.
While I folded them as they came out of the dryer, they sparked many
memories..several of the shirts were Chris'. Two stood out in
particular. A red one he wore in a photo that became part of his funeral
program and one from The Kids In The Hall 2000 tour. Adam and Chris went
together with a group of kids in February of that awful year. They
looked so forward to it. But like so many vivid memories, I remember
when they came home that night...they were rather disappointed with the
show. I remember Chris bought a shirt for a girl at school but I can't
remember which might have been Cori or Dana Tonight Adam has
a group in to watch the MTV video music awards...Chris should be with
them..I know he watched them in 2000. I'm beginning to feel the
effects of my treatments although some people tell me, "It's too soon."
As my friend pointed out yesterday, "They also told you it was too soon
to have colon cancer but they were wrong about that!" For some reason,
just as when Chris was killed, sleep eludes me and has for weeks now. I
have decided that insomnia occurrs as a result of shock. In each case, I
have experienced a physical, mental and emotional shock....all related
to the same event. Fran Kempa - Thursday, August 28,
2003 at 21:41:55 (MDT)
May God continue to bless you and give you the will, faith, and
strength to get through these next few months Franny. You are always in
our daily thoughts and prayers. Christopher, please continue to watch
over Mom and help her along. Much love always.... JoAnne <> -
Thursday, August 28, 2003 at 20:02:01 (MDT)
It is not really a question of whether I could have
wanted never to have you with me, if had I known how deeply
your dying would break my life today. There is only one certain
truth: Even if I had known that there would come to me the
cruel grief I suffer today, I would endure it all again for the
wonder of having had you in my life. Author Unknown -
Thursday, August 28, 2003 at 08:14:11 (MDT)
Mrs. Kempa, it absolutely breaks my heart to know that on top of
everything else, you have do deal with chemo and radiation. I have
extreme faith that good health will come your way, I know that Chris is
watching over you! You remain a constant in my prayers!
C.M.K. I miss you buddy ~* *S. Harding <> -
Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at 21:34:20 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, August 26,
2003 at 21:49:16 (MDT)
8/26/03....The art is a portion of a bigger picture. I don't recall
now exactly when Chris did this one. The photo was taken in October,
1998 Freshman year Homecoming.School has started for another year
without Chris. He'd be a Sophomore in College this year!...No doubt he'd
be tearing up the art and animation departments at CCS! I saw so many
school busses yesterday and this morning on my way to my Radiation
treatment. And in the afternoon, I heard and felt them rumble down the
street. It made me hope and pray that all drivers are so careful around
schools this year...especially those who know they are blind and or
brain damaged....they SHOULD be MOST careful but unfortunatly, some are
not. Today as I was doing some laundry, I looked out into the pool
yard and noticed for the first time since Charlie died a sign we've had
on the fence for years. It's a yellow triangle and made to resemble a
pedestrian crossing sign. It shows a cross walk and a spaniel and reads,
"Cocker Spaniel Crossing." We bought it years ago at the General store
up in Lexington when we were at the cottage. When we saw it, the boys
and I knew we had to have it! I don't know whether to take it down or
leave it up since it no longer applies. Yesterday they increased my
chemo. So far, I am by far the youngest one in both the therapy waiting
room and the Oncologist's waiting room. There must be more like me, I
just haven't run in to them yet. I was telling an 82 year old woman with
breast cancer yesterday EXACTLY what the last person wrote...compared to
losing Chris, cancer is nothing! I would have much preferred to endure
several forms and have him be alive. As it turned out, this woman stated
her sister lost a son 18 years ago. He too was hit by a car when he was
30, he was one of seven children. She said, "But to this day my sister
is just like you, she still can't talk about him without crying....and
she had seven, you only had the two!".....We discuss many things in that
waiting room. Fran Kempa - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at
20:04:36 (MDT)
Mrs.Kempa, Please stay strong and continue to fight. We're all
rooting for you! After what you've gone through with Chris, Cancer is
nothing. You're an extremly strong person and a great role model for not
only your kids, but for their friends too. =w= <=w=> - Monday, August 25, 2003 at 21:17:03
Fran, Your strength continues to amaze me. Just getting out for a
couple of hours is a very good thing for your health and
recovery. MCS <> -
Sunday, August 24, 2003 at 11:56:04 (MDT)
8/24/03....The art is another painting from second semester Sophomore
year painting class. The photo was taken in 1987...Adam taking such care
of his little brother.A very HAPPY Birthday to Adam's lovely lady
Sarah. He is very lucky to have her in his life....they are very lucky
to have each other! I know Chris would approve! Last night we attended
our first social function since I was diagnosed. My own personal coping
mechanisms helped and continue to help me through the grief process, so
I decided to develop some to help me through the cancer process. I
decided not to let the idea of CANCER consume me...I'm still me....So we
attended last night and saw many people I haven't seen for months. They
all told me how good I looked and they'd never suspect unless they knew.
I told them that's just what I want....them to see me, not cancer. All
went well for about two hours...then I got very sick and had to
leave...and cried almost all the way home. As hard as I try to act
normal, last night was a painful reminder that at this point in time,
I'm NOT normal and I am sick. It was very depressing...Perhaps I just
attempted it too soon. Fran Kempa - Sunday, August 24, 2003
at 11:30:26 (MDT)
From where I stand I cannot see How far it is From you to
me. At different times It seems to be A step or an
infinity. Richard Drew <TCF,
Md.> - Saturday, August 23, 2003 at 14:27:07 (MDT)
Another unexpected, shocking death has just occurred....the lady that
just took my former position was murdered ! She was visiting her sister
in the hospital and on the way out, she became the victim of a
robbery-murder. We are reeling in the shock and I am still thinking
"Did I just imagine that phone call? " Did I call someone and tell them
something that I imagined?" I just told my friend that this is the same
thought process that was going through my head when I got that awful
news on 11-20-00. There is no nice way to break such devastating news.
Nancy Britt is now in heaven. Please pray for her devastated
family....her husband was her high school sweetheart....her son, Brandon
is a college senior and her daughter, Lauren, is a HS senior.
Kathy - Saturday, August 23, 2003 at 12:58:19 (MDT)
8/22/03...The art is the photo of John Hicks Chris took in first
semester photo class, 1999. The photo was taken in 1986. If my memory is
correct, it shows a two year old Chris discovering a
"buggie."Charlie's ashes arrived Wednesday via UPS. They enclosed an
official creamation certificate and a very nice poem about pets in the
after life. They're in a very nice container which I haven't had the
nerve to open yet and are in a high place for fear Speck could get them.
I'm very happy we did that. Monday during my eye exam, I learned my
distance vision hadn't changed for the third time...just the close
up....and for the third time the eye Dr. asked if I wore my glasses to
drive and for the third time I told him I did and for the third time he
said, "You know, you're right on the boarder time you renew
your license, try the test without your might be able to
squeak by..!" In 1999 and 2001 I told him, "I'd prefer to wear my
glasses" and left it at that. This time he tried to sell the idea..."You
know, most people would jump at the chance.." Then I became rather
angry. I told him that in my mind, one of the biggest parts of
driving...if not the BIGGEST part of driving is SEEING. I told him I
would rather drive with my glasses and see to the best of my ability
rather than drive without them with "squeak by, boarder line vision." To
me it's a safety issue. This isn't something I've come to believe since
Chris was killed and how he was killed, I've always worn my glasses when
I drive. Now, having first hand knowledge of drivers with impaired's frightening to think how many are out there...before
Chris was killed, I never gave it a thought. In 1998, Claudia and I
researched photography studios together for Adam and Ryan's Senior
pictures. One of the studios we went to was right across the street from
the cemetary. They told us at the time that some of the informal
pictures were taken at "the cemetary gates across the street." I totally
forgot about that until yesterday as I drove out of those gates and saw
a girl posing for what I assumed to be her Senior pictures. I never
dreamed that five years later, I'd be driving through those gates
several times a week to visit my son who never had his Senior pictures
taken. Fran Kempa - Friday, August 22, 2003 at 21:19:44
What a nice site. I will keep you in my prayers! Please visit my
son's site at DeAnna
- Thursday, August 21, 2003 at 21:40:47 (MDT)
Thirty three months and a day since he went away, seems like
forever, seems like a day. Missing Chris - Thursday, August
21, 2003 at 19:27:24 (MDT)
Positive karma, thoughts, prayers and love being sent your way.
Continued success with your treatments. I know Christopher is helping
you along Fran. There are guardian angels all around us. Peace
always. JoAnne <> -
Thursday, August 21, 2003 at 18:52:45 (MDT)
FOREVER YOUNGAt the fateful moment you left us, time stood
still and you became forever young. Now, as we dream of you, we
have precious moments with you, forever young. Now, as we think of
you, we feel your shining presence, forever young. Now, as we
speak of you, we value your existance, forever young. Now as we
remember you, we celebrate your life, forever young. We love and
miss you and wish you would have aged along with us, instead of leaving,
forever young. When ultimately we are united in eternity, we shall find
you among the angels, untouched by time, forever handsome, forever
young. Thomas Olbricht <TCF Orange Coast, Ca.> - Thursday, August 21, 2003 at
18:37:34 (MDT)
A photo of Chris in his basketball uniform. Chris liked the sport
more for the chance to get together with his friends. Still this is a
good photo. The art is a photo study of one of Chris's friends for
photography class.
Miss you always.... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Thursday, August 21,
2003 at 14:03:29 (MDT)
8/19/03...The art is a doodle from one of Chris' school papers from
high school. The photo was taken during Sophomore year Homecoming,
October, 1999. This picture of Chris depicts exactly how he was. Tall
and solid, but gentle at the same time.Adam W. and I went for our
biannual eye exams yesterday. It's the second time we've been with out
Chris. In June of 1999 he was alive and well and chose his last pair of
glasses. In February, 2001 when we received his belongings back from the
Livonia Police, those glasses were in the paper bag they gave me. The
bag contained the insignia of the LPD and was labeled, "Fatal
#000..."....Not "Chris Kempa's belongings"...One of many things I'll
never forget, how I felt when they handed that bag to me. Before I left
the parking lot, I looked inside and the first thing I saw was his
glasses....totally bent out of shape and missing a lens. For some
reason Adam W. decided to clean the basement and garage recently....More
Chris things. In the basement he found a board that Chris was obviously
trying to make into a skateboard. He drew a whimsical character in
pencil in the middle of the board with a yo yo with his initials on it.
At both sides of the board, he drew rounded edges in pencil and a few
inches up on either side, made four dots where I guess he intended to
put the wheels. In the garage he found a very small drawing Chris did of
a Joker, two Where's Waldo books and a Where's waldo calander from 1992.
He also found two other books...Where's Waldo style, one called Find the
Nutcracker, the other, Find the Scrooge....I told him he COULD NOT throw
them out or sell them on E bay!! He found one more skateboard bed in the
garage. It had been painted by Chris and his initials are on either
side....Almost three years later, we'se STILL finding Chris
things! Yesterday in the radiation therapy waiting room, we all
decided we were like little kids hoping for a snow day Friday. As we
called to see if they were treating, we were hoping they weren't...and
very happy when they didn't! I considered Friday a gift and just rested.
I haven't been to a Compassionate Friends meeting since the balloon
launch in May. Adam attended this month without me and learned that at
next month's meeting they will have a speaker. A man who will tell us
how to go about computer aging our children's photos!!......That's
something I've wanted to do for a LONG time. I will definatly attend
September's meeting! Fran Kempa - Tuesday, August 19,
2003 at 19:30:04 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>> - Sunday, August 17,
2003 at 21:34:57 (MDT)
8/16/03...The art we call TAXI. Chris did this one I believe the end
of Sophomore year, 2000. The photo is one of SO many I love! It was
taken in June, 1987 right before his first kid birthday party at three
years old! He LOVED his Superman suit!It's nice to have power and
water again although it really wasn't a terrible hardship. It could have
gone much longer and been much worse. Chris' grave marker was
installed this week. Shortly after, one of the large limbs from the
willow tree over his grave fell on it! harm done but the strange
thing was, it wasn't windy or just fell. I told some
people it was one more way of Chris saying he didn't want to be
dead! I received an E mail from a dear friend after she heard about
Charlie. She was one of two friends who helped bring the surprise of
Charlie about that Christmas. She worked for me that year so I'd be
there for the presentation then home all day. Another friend kept
Charlie overnight Christmas Eve and dropped him off EARLY Christmas
mornning. My friend said she remembered how EXCITED I was about this
gift and as a result, many of my coworkers were too. They were anxious
to hear how the boys reacted...and she remembered how they almost didn't
react! She said she knows how much Charlie was loved and what a big part
of our family he true. I received a call from Mr. Stan
Anderson from Friends of the Barn Thursday before the power went out.
Once again this year they are donating the barn rental fee and security
deposit to Franklin High School and Chris' memorial scholarship. I
thanked him very much! He said they look forward to next year, it's an
event they are proud to provide the barn for! Six days of chemo and
four radiation therapy treatments so far...Friday's was cancelled as a
result of the power. Other than feeling tired, so far so good. The
therapy treatments are interesting. You change in to a gown then go sit
in the therapy waiting room with many other cancer patients. I said we
all look like inmates as we compare our cancer stories. One thing that
surprised me and scared me was learning that tumors can return...both
benign and malignant. As far as I can tell so far, based on my
conversations with other patients and the therapists, the most common
recurrances are brain tumors! Fran Kempa - Saturday, August
16, 2003 at 11:19:44 (MDT)
Dear Kempas, FOX 2 NEWS did run the story about NASCARGARDEN.COM.
Thursday night @ 10pm & than again Friday morning. Although the
CHRISKEMPA.COM sticker didn't show in the story, there have been 1,781
hits on the website & I have to believe alot of those have at least seen
the link on our link page. I hope some will visit to read about
Christopher and enjoy viewing his artwork. maybe some will add your
family to their prayer list...who can ever have too many people praying
for them? I hope one of you will have the opportunity soon to visit
NASCARGARDEN.COM >>>>>>>GODSPEED, Victoria reverend victoria
; - Saturday, August 16, 2003 at 03:42:48 (MDT)
Dear Kempas, My garden will be on FOX2 News tonight at 10pm. I feel
pretty sure the sticker will be shown. Hope one of you
will get a chance to see it! Continuing in prayer for you all.
>>>>>>>GODSPEED, Victoria Rev. Victoria <Victoria@NASCARGARDEN.COM>
; - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 19:45:46 (MDT)
Dear Franny....You are in my thoughts and prayers each day knowing
what you have ahead of you. Keep your chin up and be positive..that is
half the battle. You are a strong person who is moving ahead with an
awesome diagnosis. Keep the faith..and know that your special guardian
angel is helping you along. Love Jo Jo <>
Clarence, NY - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 12:54:52 (MDT)
I am always amazed at the incredible instincts that dogs have. Speck
definitely knew what was coming and feels great loss. Wish there were
an easy way to comfort though. As with humans, only time can heal.
Wishing you well in your treatments. In my thoughts and
prayers. MCS <> -
Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 10:10:30 (MDT)
8/11/03....The art is an anti smoking video clip Chris did in
Sophomore year. I believe he used a flip book to make it. The photo was
taken June 10th 1985, Chris' first birthday. Speck continues to misss
Charlie. Last night Adam and I were talking about Charlie in front of
Speck and used his name three times...all of a sudden Speck started
crying! He had started to cry a lot for about a week before Charlie
died. This was new behavior for him and it was driving me nuts...I kept
asking him why he'd suddenly become such a cry baby. Adam and Sarah
noticed it too. Saturday afternoon after Charlie died, Sarah said she
wondered if Speck sensed that Charlie was dying and that's why he was
crying so much...I think that's very possible! I started chemo
today...radiation far, so good! Fran Kempa -
Monday, August 11, 2003 at 19:23:35 (MDT)
I'm sorry to hear of Charlie's passing. He was a great pup and a
very loved member of the Kempa family. I have no doubt that Chris and
Charlie are having fun together right now. joe.cwik <^i^> - Monday, August 11, 2003 at 08:43:32
Sorry for yet another loss. It must be hard for you to look at this
photo, knowing they're both gone! Mary Saia <Westland> - Sunday, August 10, 2003 at
21:48:32 (MDT)
8/10/03...The art is another one of Chris' anti smoking art pieces
done I believe in Sophomore year. The photo I'll comment on
later.....8/9/03 was our 28th wedding anniversary. While it has never
really been that big a deal for either one of us, I think Chris summed
it up the best three years ago when I told him it was our 25th
anniversary, all he could say was, "WOW!, have you guys REALLY been
married that long?"...and I think that's how we feel. Friday night, Adam
and I were making tentative plans on how to mark the occasion. The last
comment I made to him before I went to bed was, "For whatever reason, I
guess we've been through more than most."...he agreed. Saturday
morning we awoke to planned chores and later, dinner plans. I was the
first one up and let the dogs out and noticed nothing unusual. Charlie
had had an accident and needed a bath as a result. I decided to put him
in his cage so he didn't track the accident while I cooked breakfast.
After breakfast, I bathed him in the laundry tub where I always did.
About half way through, I noticed his breathing became labored and
abdominal. He was also having trouble standing up. Adam and Sarah came
to say they were going out to breakfast and I told them Charlie wasn't
doing well.....but I said, "He's rallied so many times before, who
knows...I don't think it's imminent." So they left for breakfast and I
dried him off. The blankets for the cage were just coming out of the
dryer so they were warm. We put two down in the bottom and wrapped one
warm one around him....the cage had become Charlie's comfort zone. We
left it between the dining room and kitchen in front of a door wall.
When we were home we just left the door open....even when we were home
in the last weeks, that's where Charlie preferred to spend his
the cage. After we put him in there, we went on about our business. When
I had come down stairs, Adam had just finished his shower and was going
upstairs to dress...Charlie was still alive in the comfort of his cage.
I sat at the kitchen counter and watched HGTV while I waited for Adam. I
had a full view of the cage a few feet away from me. I heard no
sound,...not a peep, but after about 20 minutes I decided to check
Charlie...and all was still. His eyes were open, his mouth was open a
little...but I knew he was dead. Even then, I SHOOK the cage trying to
stimulate some response....but I knew. I went to the foot of the stairs
and called up, "Adam, I think he's dead." And sure enough, he was. It
was very furry baby and the boys furry brother, two months shy
of 14, gone...but at the same time it was a blessing and we KNEW he was
with Chris now. Adam lifted him out of the cage and we put him in a box
and covered all but his head with a towel and put him on the dining room
floor. We all said our good byes....As we predicted, poor Speck is
having the hardest time...he went over and offered several goodbyes in
the form of smelling him up and down. Adam and Sarah came home and said
their goodbyes....As Adam said, in a way, we had a mini wake!.... and
then we had to try to decided what to do with our beloved spaniel. By
then it was almost 4 and the vets were closed. We discovered the
Michigan Humane Society will do a private cremation, put the ashes in an
urn and UPS them to you!....that is the route we chose. Adam and I
delivered him to the Humane Society and filled out the paper work...the
ride home was almost reminisent of the ride home from the hospital
11/20/ talking, just sobbing! Poor Speck continues to look for
his companion and is obviously depressed. I hope he'll get used to being
alone in time but then having Charlie is all he knew from the moment we
brought him home as a pup. I said many times yesterday, I'm sad..but at
the same time SO happy...He died just exactly the way I hoped ....and I
knew he was with Chris again!! And now to comment on today's
picture....for all the non believers in signs out there.....When I went
to the web page around 12:30 last night and saw the photo, I was COVERED
in goosebumps! I called Adam and Sarah and Adam to see the photo that
happened to come up.... Since Adam started the web page, every month I
would pick the art and photos and then he would program them for a
month. In late June, I knew I was sick....but didn't know why. I was
going to work and coming home and going to bed. Three days before the
new month of July, I asked Adam if there was any way he could just put
the choices of art and photo for the page on random since I was in no
shape to take the time to do it...He replied it would be very easy and
did so......The art and photos have been random since that night...we
don't choose them, the computer does. There must be three to four
hundred photos to choose from, but for this one particular photo of just
Charlie and Chris to appear, one day after Charlie died to me is a
SIGN!! Look how happy Chris looks and how he's holding Charlie!....It
tells me Chris is showing and telling us...."It's OK guys, he got here,
we're back together.....and we're both SO HAPPY!" Fran
Kempa - Sunday, August 10, 2003 at 20:14:08 (MDT)
Dear Kempas, My condolences on the loss of Charlie. I thank you for
the bumper stickers. I have one right on the sign out front. Please
visit NASCARGARDEN.COM to see the project and to see that I have
included CHRISKEMPA.COM as one of the links. I continue in prayer for
your family. Godspeed, Rev. Victoria Rev. Victoria <> livonia, mi USA - Sunday, August 10, 2003 at 15:29:29 (MDT)
Now Charlie is with Jiggs and Zena too!!!! My Mom loved dogs, and I
am sure she is enjoying them once again!!! You can run around and play
like a puppy now Charlie!!! Jo <> -
Sunday, August 10, 2003 at 14:53:32 (MDT)
All dogs do go to heaven. No doubt Charlie was most welcomed by
Chris. Thankfully a peaceful passing. MCS <> -
Sunday, August 10, 2003 at 07:37:43 (MDT)
Charlie died this morning, three and a half years after the vet told
us to put him to sleep. He had a very peaceful death at home in his
sleep, just as I hoped it would be. I believe he's with Chris now....all
dogs go to Heaven. Fran Kempa - Saturday, August 09, 2003 at
19:07:57 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Friday, August 08,
2003 at 23:58:32 (MDT)
Fran, you continue to show what a special relationship you and Chris
had after all this time. Obviously, all of my children are alive and
well and living but at rare, dark times ,I wonder if I'd have enough
stories to tell about any one of the five to keep the story going, you
are so blessed to have your memories but I'm SO sorry for the never
ending loss. Many regards... Parent of a 2003 <Franklin Graduate> -
Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 18:29:42 (MDT)
8/7/03...The art is the left eye Chris drew I believe at the end of
Sophomore year. His intention was to draw three more pictures, a right
eye, a nose and a mouth all individually then hang them in a grouping to
form a face! Unfortunatly, he didn't live long enough to do that. I find
it very interesting that he started with, and only completed, the left
eye! It continues to hang in our living room as a constant reminder not
only of Chris, but the cause of this "accident." The photo was taken in
August, 1992 at the cottage on Lake Huron...Adam and Chris with their
boats!Tuesday I had to find some very important documents. My search
took me to places I hadn't been since Chris was killed...I found a
treasure trove of Chris and Adan stuff!...Mostly school related. I found
just about every one of their report cards, including Chris' last one
which came out just before he was killed. I believe it was dated
11/8/00. It was the BEST report card he'd ever gotten and we were all so
thrilled! His lowest mark was a B-. I found two detentions he received
during lunch recess in third for blowing up and exploding
his lunch bag in the cafeteria and one for going down the slide
backwards. I remember commenting to his teacher as she presented them to
me at the time, "If these are his most serious offenses, I'm very
lucky!" There were more detentions over the years, but all along the
same line. I found a note from a middle school teacher who wrote that
Chris chose to draw South Park characters all during class instead of
doing the lesson. Before he brought it home, Chris had written
underneath what she had written, "NOT TRUE!"...he always stuck up for
himself!...I filled two large manilla envelopes with exactly this kind
of thing from both boys...Adam's contain no detentions, I don't recall
him ever getting one! I cried a lot and laughed a lot! The two best
finds were a roll of undeveloped film and a drawing Chris did for me
when he was 12. I remembered it vividly after he was killed but couldn't
find it and until Tuesday, feared it was gone forever. For years,
Chris and I had this ritual when I came up to say good night...I don't
even remember how it got started but he loved it and it always made him
smile! I would go into his room, kiss his cheek then softly nibble his
nose and right shoulder! We did this most nights for years. For some
reason when both boys turned 12, I decided to back off on the kissy,
huggy Mom stuff. I figured at their age, they felt more comfortable...I
never discussed it with either one...I just backed off, so rather than
performing our ritual, I'd just say goodnight. One night when I came to
bed there was a note and drawing on school paper on my pillow. It's a
drawing of a man lying on a bed, dressed in a suit and tie. There's a
big bubble coming out of his mouth and in that bubble Chris wrote, "Hey
you, Chris is in bed so he told me to tell you that he wants you to say
good night to him and give him a kiss and bite him on his nose and
shoulder. Thanks for listening to me!" ...I remember how I felt when I
first picked it off the told me he not only liked it...which
I knew... but he missed it! Even though he was asleep that night, I
complied with his wishes! I still don't remember when it finally ended,
I just know it was long before Chris was killed.....I am SO happy to
have found this drawing! I will cherish it like so many others
forever. The film unfortunatly didn't turn so well. Adam took it to
CVS for overnight development Tues. night. Since it had been there
before Chris was killed, we were confident it contained some Chris
pictures! Wednesday afternoon CVS called to give me the bad
was an unused roll of pictures were ever taken. Since Adam is
quite friendly with the people at CVS, he mentioned the film might
contain Chris pictures and asked them to handle with care! The poor
woman felt terrible! I reassured her there was no problem but I told
her, "You have to understand....when we find a roll of film like that,
we HOPE!!"
Fran Kempa - Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 16:42:33
Thinking of you Chris,and sending positive thoughts to your mom
too! =w= <-> - Thursday, August
07, 2003 at 14:16:12 (MDT)
Mrs. Kempa, I found this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt and it made me
think of all you've been through and continue to go through as a result
of someone else's carelessness. "You gain strength, courage and
confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in
the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this
horror, I can take the next thing that comes along." You must do the
thing you think you cannot do." Mary Saia <Westland> - Thursday, August 07, 2003
at 12:03:48 (MDT)
LAST MOMENTSLast moments... Snatches of conversation That
echo across all decades... Priceless words Indelibly etched on the
heart. Sometimes Thoughts were never spoken But unexpected
sentiment- A quick embrace, a silly smirk, Or joyous
laughter- Reaches through the pain And warms the heart. We came
too soon to understand The folly of harsh words Or neglected
touch, For who can know which Taken-for-granted event Will
become A last moment. Diane Fields <Westmoreland, Pa.> -
Wednesday, August 06, 2003 at 18:09:08 (MDT)
I drove the old way yesterday. It's been a while, you see. And
there, without a warning, the pain washed over me.I drove the old
way yesterday and sadness came on strong, taken back by so much
feeling, since you've been gone so long. Places seem to lie in
wait to summon up the tears, to say remember yesterday, those
days when you were here. Places where you laughed and played are
places where I cry. These places hold the memories that will live
as long as I. Empty Places <Geneese Gentry> - Wednesday, August 06, 2003 at
10:49:03 (MDT)
....Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven
where the love of our lost ones shines down to let us know they are with
us. XOXOXOXO - Tuesday, August 05, 2003 at 21:48:09
Thinking of you Fran, and hoping your days are a bit brighter. You
are in my heart each and every day! May our guardian angels continue to
guide us and protect us! God has two of the best with him!!
JoAnne <> -
Tuesday, August 05, 2003 at 20:47:30 (MDT)
chris will also always live in the hearts of every life he touched!
Godspeed>>>>>> angel in waiting <from a distance ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^
^i^ ^i^ ^i^> - Tuesday, August 05, 2003 at 03:45:53 (MDT)
8/4/03...The art is the same Career Center Ben Franklin as yesterday.
The photo was taken in April, 1992. It was taken the night of the day we
moved into our new and current house. That's Chris and Charlie both
exhausted from the days events!Chris LOVED our house..both boys did,
but like everything else, Chris was much more vocal about it. The boys
and I used to drive by it when it was still owned by the previous
family. They did a lot of work and additions to the house. The boys used
to say, "Mom, I'd love to live in that house!" And I used to say, "Those
people will never sell it after doing all that work...and even if they
did, we couldn't afford it." Chris called it "the mansion!" One Sunday
in August 1991, the first day we were home from the beach, we noticed an
open house sign....I told Adam after driving by it all those months, I
just had to see the inside...I never dreamed we'd buy it the next month!
It sat empty waiting for our other house to sell until April 1992. At
times I've wondered if we still lived on Auburndale....would Chris still
be alive...would I be healthy? It may be silly but it's true. I find
myself thinking sometimes this house brought us nothing but bad
luck!.....But Chris LOVED it and told me many times, "Mom, I'll always
live here"....and he always will! Fran Kempa - Monday,
August 04, 2003 at 18:22:40 (MDT)
8/3/03...The art is the Ben Franklin Chris did as a Career Center
project about one month before he was killed. He was in the Visual
Communications program and was SO happy to be there. What he was most
interested in and looking most forward to was computer graphics and was to start on Monday, 11/20/00. The photo was taken at
the end of third grade May, 1993. It was taken by his teacher and really
shows what a beautiful, beautiful boy he was!The back to school
campaign is gearing up again. Chris should be a Sophomore in college
this year! And in my mind, that would be at CCS. I have NO doubt he
would have excelled there. I LOVE the Meijer back to school commercial
where the boy sticks the pencils up his nose and then the boys have a
paper ball fight....those are the kinds of things Chris would do at
times in elementry school. I see that commercial and it makes me
smile! Fran Kempa - Sunday, August 03, 2003 at 21:32:52
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Saturday, August 02,
2003 at 23:32:09 (MDT)
Still miss you, Chris. Wish I'd had the chance to ask you to prom.
Instead of just thinking and thinking about it. I moved today, and found
the items I saved. The pictures given out at the funeral, and the
photocopies of your artwork I kept. The video they taped for the
viewing- just looking at the cassette had me in tears. Hope you're
doing well, wherever you are. Watch over us.
Still missing you. Just some person. - Friday, August 01,
2003 at 20:39:18 (MDT)
8/1/03....The art is one of Chris' paintings and anti smoking
statements. I believe he took the independant study painting class
second semester Sophomore year 2000. The photo was taken in late August
2000 at my parent's 50th anniversary party...LESS than three months to
live..I know I've commented before that Chris was buried in the shirt
and tie in the picture but I can't remember if I mentioned the dress I'm
wearing in this picture is the dress I wore to his funeral....We had no
clue that happy, festive day, the clothes we were wearing would soon
become burial and funeral clothes. Chris should be 19 now. Adam was 20
in this photo. They looked SO much alike, I imagine Chris would look
something like Adam did then now....I know he hadn't finished growing
when he was killed, I believe by now he would have over taken Adam's 6'
3"!... And this is exactly how we were when the driver ended Chris' life
and ended a huge portion of ours...we continue to feel various effects
today and forever.CONGRATULATIONS to Adam W.!! His college courses
have been completed! He took his last two finals Tuesday and I KNOW he
passed. Graduation will follow in December...A degree in Electrical
Engeneering with a minor in Computer Engeneering!!...I am VERY
proud! We went to see Chris' completed grave marker this turned out BEAUTIFUL just as we were told. It should be
installed by Wednesday. I am so happy we were finally able to bring
ourselves to do I told Adam today, Chris deserves it. My
Radiation Oncology appointment went well this morning....I begin
Radiation AND Chemo next week....In a weird way, I'm looking forward to
it...I just want to get it OVER with, the sooner it starts, the sooner
it will end! Fran Kempa - Friday, August 01, 2003 at
16:50:11 (MDT)
7/31/03...The art is one of the many eyes Chris drew. After what we
learned about the driver, it's always made me wonder...The photo was
taken during one of the many Olde Rosedale Halloween parades, Chris and
Scott as Waldos! Once again, the year escapes me now.I had a drean
last night that relatives from Buffalo came to visit because I have
cancer...Chris was still dead. My dreams always seem to mirror reality.
I would LOVE to dream a wonderful dream about Chris!....Not about him
being back here with me...I know that can never be. But to dream a dream
about what he's doing now...I guess you could say I'd love to dream a
dream about a day in the life of the spirit of Chris! That would make me
feel so good! Fran Kempa - Thursday, July 31, 2003 at
14:10:01 (MDT)
"The only cure for grief is action." George Henry Lewes -
Thursday, July 31, 2003 at 08:59:02 (MDT)
7/30/03...The art is the same solar system as yesterday. The photo
was taken during a Franklin Players cast party. I believe it was taken
in the fall of 1998, Chris' Freshman year following Lady Cries Murder.
Clockwise the kids are....Heather Boyce, Chris, Karen Ostafinski, Adam,
Ryan Allen and Chris Ostafinski. The person in the tan shirt with gray
hair I don't may be a student still in costume.It was
so nice to hear from Joanne's Dad. I appreciate him taking time out from
his own grief to think of me...thank you Tony! Continue to make GREAT
strides toward my goal!! Fran Kempa - Wednesday, July 30,
2003 at 10:16:55 (MDT)
YEA!!! Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Wednesday, July 30,
2003 at 00:51:26 (MDT)
the angels are all ministering spirits from God; they are watching
over you. angel in waiting <from a distance ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^
^i^> - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 23:24:07 (MDT)
Yay for positive PET scans...the best news in the world!!
Congratulations and love from Tony Giammarise..JoAnne's Dad..and you
can bet your boots Sally is pulling for you too... from that heavenly
place. Tony G. <Buffalo,
New York> - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 20:47:04 (MDT)
Great news on that PetScan! HE won't let you down! Good Luck with
your treatments. Prayers and thoughts flowing your way. MCS
- Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 20:12:00 (MDT)
7/29/03...The art is a picture Chris drew for a science project on
the solar system. I don't remember exactly what grade now...I believe it
was sixth grade but I'm not positive. His art really helped him learn!
The photo was taken on Charlie's second birthday. Chris was seven, Adam
was eleven. PLEASE ignore the most recent flood of foolish entries by
foolish people...they're easily identified, just read around them like I
do and let them be a reminder of certain types of people that exist in
this world. We hope to finalize Chris' grave marker this weekend
which I hope will mean installation soon! I met with the Oncologist
yesterday and thank God and thank Chris received the news of a negative
PET scan! Now my six months of therapy can begin soon...I feel like I
have it beaten already! I meet with the Radiation Oncologist Friday to
determine the order....radiation first or chemo...or a combination at
the same time...I really don't care, I just want to get it
started. Everytime we drive to that hospital complex...and there have
been MANY trips this past month, it brings back vivid Chris memories.
For two years, before he took summer classes at CCS, he took summer
classes at U of M....sixth and seventh grades. They ran for two weeks.
The route I drove him all those days is the EXACT route to the
hospital...except we now turn left on Geddes instead of right....SO many
memories of SO many Chris conversations! Fran Kempa -
Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 19:52:33 (MDT)
I hope all is well Mrs. Kempa, You know we're all pulling for you!
=w= <still miss
Chris!> - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 11:32:49 (MDT)
God does work miracles everyday..and we are so blessed to be able to
know the truth soon! Adam, Fran and Adam, we love you all and do know
the truth will come out soon!! We anxiously await your story!!
Jo and Bill <> -
Monday, July 28, 2003 at 19:36:13 (MDT)
YES, the Story must be told and the Truth be known. I Know You Will
achieve this Goal for Chris and for All. Full speed ahead Fran! Your
Strength and Determination are Awesome. God will Not let you down. He
will raise You up to accomplish this Goal. It Will aid in your recovery
and bring You great Peace. In my continued thoughts and prayers.
Amen. MCS <> -
Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 14:37:38 (MDT)
7/26/03...The art was done sometime in high school. The photo was
taken of Michele and Chris in October 1998, Freshman year
Homecoming.I decided rather than sit around and worry about my scan
results, I'd get started in an effort to achieve my goal....the response
has been UNBELIEVEABLE!! Ther are MANY people who feel Chris' story MUST
be told!...not only to get the truth out but to alert the public as to
the type of driver you may be unfortunate enough to cross paths's still a possibility. Fran Kempa - Saturday,
July 26, 2003 at 13:56:58 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<>>>>> - Friday, July 25, 2003 at
22:10:12 (MDT)
7/23/03.....Chris painted this face sometime in high school. Notice
the left eye is smaller than the right. The photo was taken in August
1993 at the cottage on Lake Huron. I was talking to a friend last
night. She gave me her theory on why this happened to me....and I hope
she's right! Now that I'm not working, I'll be able to devote my time to
getting all the facts of 11/20/00 out....all the preceding facts and
all that followed. I'll also be able to devote my time to attempting to
have two laws passed that definatly apply to Chris' death and the
investigation that followed. That has been my goal but since my
diagnosis, it has become a more urgent goal. I now know what a PET
scan is. The technition was trying to make me feel comfortable about the
test....I told him I wasn't afraid of the test...just the results!
Fran Kempa - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at 18:34:59 (MDT)
Remaining a constant in my thoughts and prayers.
MCS <> -
Tuesday, July 22, 2003 at 17:54:18 (MDT)
7/22/03...The art is a picture Chris took of John Hicks for first
semester Sophomore photo class. The photo was taken in June, 1986 two
years old.I've been to the cemetary twice since June 29th. It seems
very strange since I was going at least every other day before. The
woman called the other day about Chris' grave's's
BEEN done. I explained to her why we haven't been in to approve it. She
said it turned out beautiful! We put an artist's palate in the middle,
surrounded by drama masks, a guitar, and a skateboard. It simply reads,
In loving memory Christopher Michael Kempa 6/10/84 -
11/20/00 Beloved son, brother, friend. When we were ordering the
marker a few months ago, the woman asked us if we didn't feel the need
to put something religious on the marker and without having to think, we
both said no. The marker acknowledges Chris' God given talents. He
utilized them to the max when he was alive and that is one way he
honored God....the marker reflects that. I face more testing tomorrow
then after that I hope they can determine the rest of my
treatment....most likely chemo. I was talking to Claudia yesterday. I
told her I'm really missing God's point here. Losing Chris was MORE than
anyone should have to go through in a life this. I don't get
it. But then I said maybe God took Chris first because I AM dying and I
was always SO afraid of death....Maybe he took him first to make it
easier in some way for me...I don't know. Fran Kempa -
Tuesday, July 22, 2003 at 15:51:04 (MDT)
7/21/03...Today's basketball picture reminded me of a conversation
Chris and I had one night on the way home from a game in fourth grade.
The gym was set up so the kids sat on one side waiting to play and the
friends and family sat directly across on the bleachers. This particular
night it was just me and Chris and as I drove home he said, "You know, I
noticed something tonight Mom while I was looking at the bleachers." And
I said something like..."oh, what was that." And he replied, "All the
moms have blonde hair." And I said, "I don't have blonde hair Chris."
And he said, "I know, I'm glad my mom is different from the
others."....I took it as a compliment!.... but as usual, he made me
LAUGH! Fran Kempa - Monday, July 21, 2003 at 21:36:30
Everytime someone I know dies, it rains. I was away at school when
Chris died and the weather was rained again today.
- <-> - Monday, July 21, 2003
at 19:26:48 (MDT)
Keep an eye on Mom Chris, Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Sunday, July 20, 2003
at 23:39:11 (MDT)
7/19/03....The art is just a doodle from a school paper sometime in
high school. The photo was taken in Oct. 1999, Sophomore year
homecoming. That's Chris and Becky Gates....I LOVE this picture of
Chris!Today is Cori's graduation party! I wish I could have gone but
she understands....she just IM'd me a few minutes ago and we talked!
There IS a gift in her future! Tomorrow, I should be going to The
American Idol concert! Claudia bought the tickets for us the first day
they went on sale....we have GOOD seats! I hope they have a wonderful
time!....and tell me all about it! I'm still not sure about my health
status. After meeting with the Oncologist Wed., I find there is more
testing in my very near future before the rest of the treatment can be
established....I feel like I'm back to square one and it's very
upsetting let alone frightening! I've thought a few times during this
ordeal, how would Chris be with all of this? I suspect he'd be like
Adam, serious, concerned but optimistic.....and asking more probing
questions!....I try to imagine how Chris would be but then I
remember......If Chris was alive, I wouldn't be sitting here wondering
how long I'm going to be alive. In the very near future, I'm going to
start from the beginning and put all the facts we learned about 11/20/00
here on the web page....things that happened about a year before that
set the stage for tragedy, and all we learned after the fact. Most
people are shocked as we were and continue to be! Fran Kempa
- Saturday, July 19, 2003 at 19:18:41 (MDT)
For some reason I remembered a conversation between Chris and his
older brother. His older brother was asking Chris about two very
different friends... Chris said "I'm everyones friend". Chris saw no
problem with this idea. Even though he knew some people did not like
him, he tried to see good in everyone. Miss you always... Keep
watching Your mom. Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Saturday, July 19,
2003 at 00:20:04 (MDT)
Good to hear from you Mrs. Kempa! We're all sending more thoughts of
happiness and good health your way! - <=w=> - Friday, July 18, 2003 at 13:36:24
Chris please look over Mom, miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Wednesday, July 16,
2003 at 09:50:23 (MDT)
7/15/03...The art we call TAXI. The photo was taken June 10th 1986
during Chris' second birthday party....he was SO cute!! I'm so happpy to
see Adam has put part of one of Chris' little videos here on the web
page....Fond memories of Mr. Rheault and the art room! Chris just
thrived there!I was going to write a thank you for the barn
show...another great success. I've even heard rumors of more people than
last year!..I was going to write a thank you but I must say, Adam wrote
a beautiful one and said it all, everything I intended to say. The party
here at the house after, lasted into the wee hours of the morning and
people wondered if the noise bothered me. I can honestly say it made me
HAPPY! Kids gathered to celebrate Chris' memory with his brother..what
could be better? Two weeks ago today my most recent whirlwind began
and that's exactly what it was....the transfusions, the constant
testing, the surgery and then the frightening diagnosis. And at the
height of the whirlwind, at the back of my mind, all I could think was,
"God can't be this cruel to Adam take his brother and now take
me would be too much." So we came through's the cancer part I'm
just beginning to deal with. I now wake and fall asleep with two
realities, Chris is dead and I have cancer. I believe the cancer is
going to be exactly like the grief....there's no easy way around it, you
have to go through it and both will leave their scars for the rest of my
life. I am HAPPY to say due to early detection and intervention, the
cancer did not spread and the surgeon considers me cured.....I do thank
Chris for that! But due to my age, I am facing a course of chemo therapy
in my near future as a type of insurance policy. Thanks to everyone
for all the good wishes. This afternoon as we were driving home from
the surgeon's office a commercial came on the radio...I don't even
remember what it was might have been for plastic surgery!...
Part of the rant went something like, "are you the woman you always
dreamed you'd be?" And I thought, no, I always dreamed I'd have two
healthy sons and a healthy body. It went on to ask, "Is there anything
you wish you could change about your life thus far?" And all I could
think was how I wish to GOD I never learned of the existance of a
certain man and his family....I can honestly say I haven't had a REAL
GOOD day since I learned they were on this earth. Fran
Kempa - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 at 16:24:29 (MDT)
It was so good to hear of another successful Barn Show for the Chris
Kempa Scholarship fund. I wish we could have been there this year...we
enjoyed it so much last year. May Franny continue to heal physically and
mentally. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you. Chris...please
give my Mom a hug for me again!!! I hope you have gotten to know
her...she was a fellow artist!! JoAnne <> -
Monday, July 14, 2003 at 19:30:22 (MDT)
The show was so much fun! I can't wait until next year. -
<-> - Monday, July 14, 2003 at 14:46:06
Chris Fest 2003 was great! All of the bands were amazing, and I'm
glad the event was a success. joe.cwik <^i^> - Monday, July 14, 2003 at 11:09:42
Thanks to all who came to the 2003 Chris Fest. It was good to see
Chris's friends get together again, even it it was without him.
A special thanks to the many individuals who made the event possible.
The Allen's, The Friends of the Barn, Livonia Parks Dept., Guitar
Center, and many more. I'm always afraid that if I start thanking
individuals that I will miss one. But really, thanks to all of you.
Each year the bands return and sound better than the last. This
year was no exception.. THANK YOU Thunderbirds are Now!
The Recital The Pop Project Army/Navy El Boxeo Mas
Bruise I have said before the measure of a person is their
friends...Chris had many good ones. Chris keep watch on Mom. Miss
you always...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> -
Monday, July 14, 2003 at 10:01:24 (MDT)
Chris Fest 2003 ROCKED! Ginny M - Sunday, July 13, 2003
at 11:15:58 (MDT)
Chris will take good care of his mom, he loved her SO much!
XOXOXO - Saturday, July 12, 2003 at 10:17:34 (MDT)
much success @ the barn show! ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^
^i^ ^i^ ^i^ - Saturday, July 12, 2003 at 00:55:55 (MDT)
Same "flip book" art work as yesterday. The photo is of Chris
celebrating a birthday by eating/wearing chocolate cake. The Barn
Show is coming together, with the help fo many I'm sure it will again be
a success. Chris keep a close watch over Mom. Miss you
always...... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Friday, July 11, 2003
at 22:29:58 (MDT)
Fran, Your post just took me totally off guard and has left me
practically speechless. Praying for peaceful and healthier days ahead
for You and all of Your Family. MCS <> -
Friday, July 11, 2003 at 20:14:14 (MDT)
Good luck with the Barn Show this year. We will be thinking of you
all....especially Franny. Get better soon! :)) JoAnne and Bill
- Friday, July 11, 2003 at 18:38:33 (MDT)
Mrs. Kempa, you are in my thoughts and prayers, as is the entire
Kempa family. joe.cwik <^i^>
- Friday, July 11, 2003 at 14:41:25 (MDT)
Mrs Kempa, you're in our thoughts and you will be greatly missed
tomorrow. - <=w=> - Friday,
July 11, 2003 at 14:17:20 (MDT)
7/11/03...You never know when your life will change....Seems my
Urgent Care diagnosis of food poisioning a few weeks ago was way off
track. The symptoms returned with avengence and after an afternoon in
the Dr.'s office on Mon. 6/30, I found myself in the ER until 3:30 AM.
R/O appendicitis....Then they sent me home and I was relieved. At 10 AM
Tues. morning, Adam came in the bedroom and woke me up.....The hospital
called,..something's very wrong, have to go right back,....the
CT scan showed something afterall. I was paraded before Dr., upon
Dr., upon Dr. They all rubbed their chins and scratched their
heads...,"You're too young they said." Then they asked for family
history and when I confirmed it they still discounted it....."she was
much older.." And then came the question about stress....Have you been
exposed to any prolonged stress..... And the events of 11/20/00 and the
after math were revealed. This made sense to them and the Dr.'s
concluded, had Chris not been killed 11/20/00, I would not be sitting
here with a diagnosis of colon cancer today. This is the second time in
less than three years my life has changed in the blink of an
eye...related to the same incident and each time, I've wanted my old
life back so much! Despite a long road, the prognosis sounds VERY good!
But it's a scary notion. As Adam and Adam looked at me on Tues. 7/1
shortly before I was taken in to surgery, Adam asked, "What do you want
to do about the barn show?" And all I said was, "I want it to go!" While
I won't be there this year, Chris and I will be there in spirit. Once
again thanks to the work of so many behind the scenes, silent angels, I
know it will be another wonderful success this year...and I thank them
SO much! Fran Kempa - Friday, July 11, 2003 at 10:57:25
It is very hard for me to believe that the third "Barn Show" is coming
up this Saturday. Saturday July 12th At Wilson Barn. (to be exact)
Doors open at 5:30 pm) Music begins at 6:00 pm. The bands appearing are
as follows:
Thunderbirds are Now!
The Recital
The Pop Project
El Boxeo
Mas Bruise
All proceeds benefit the Chris Kempa Memorial Art Scholarship Fund. Dad
Dad <<<<<<<>>>>>>>
- Thursday, July 10, 2003 at 22:50:20 (MDT)
Today's artwork is a "flip book" animation that Chris did on
smoking. The photo is of a birthday party with Chris. I was amazed
today to note that this web site has had over 65,000 "hits". Such a
nice tribute for Chris. He is gone but far from forgotten. Thank you
all for all of your visits to this site. Miss you always...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Thursday,
July 10, 2003 at 22:47:30 (MDT)
Same anti smoking artwork as yesterday. Today's photo is of Chris
and our dog Charlie. At one point Charlie had a very serious skin/fur
problem and the vet told us to "Put him down". Charlie at this point
was still frisky, so instead we took him to another vet and finally to a
doggie dermatologist. He has been cured for 4 or 5 years now. Charlie
has been slowing down these last few years, it is odd that he outlived
Chris. Chris keep looking out for Mom, be surr to say HI to Aunt
Joann's mom too. Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Thursday, July 10,
2003 at 00:04:02 (MDT)
Hi Chris: Lately, we have all been calling on you for many is my Mom's birthday...would you give her a birthday
hug for me? Thanks Chris!! JoAnne <> -
Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 03:19:14 (MDT)
Todays artwork reflects Chris's dim view of smoking. The photo was
taken during a high school play Chris appeared in. After this play Chris
was more content to be part of the play process by being part of the
video crew that taped the play. Chris had worked his way up to become
head of the video crew. Chris thanks for your help plese continue to
help Mom.
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Wednesday, July 09,
2003 at 01:34:14 (MDT)
Same artwork as yesterday. Chris had planned to do a right eye, a
nose and a mouth and then create a face on the wall by hanging the
pieces. He never had a chance to finish the rest be for he was
killed... Still it was strange that all that he finished was a left
eye... The photo was of Chris in August 2000 about three months
before his death. He had lost weight and was looking thin. Chris had
gone to a friend's cottage for 10 days. He was quite homesick and we
all missed his as well. Each night we would call him to check in. When
he returned he said "I never want to leave home again".... Good
News, thanks for your help Chirs. MIss you always... Dad
<<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, July
08, 2003 at 01:32:57 (MDT)
You are doing a great job filling in Dad! Wishing Fran better days
ahead. As always, you are all in my thoughts and prayers. MCS
- Monday, July 07, 2003 at 02:14:24 (MDT)
It is very hard for me to believe that the third "Barn Show" is
coming up this Saturday. Saturday July 12th At Wilson Barn. (to be
exact) Doors open at 5:30 pm) Music begins at 6:00 pm.
The bands appearing are as follows: Thunderbirds are Now! The
Recital The Pop Project Army/Navy El Boxeo Mas Bruise
All proceeds benefit the Chris Kempa Memorial Art Scholarship Fund.
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> -
Sunday, July 06, 2003 at 23:09:56 (MDT)
Chris I meant "please help your mom all you can." Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Sunday, July 06, 2003
at 22:47:21 (MDT)
Today's art work is a eye that Chris had drawn. Note it was the left
eye, there will more about this later. For some reason the original
subject photo for the previous day's artwork appeared below today's eye
work. Stange how that occured. The photo is of the boys, Chris and
Adam at the cottage in Port Huron. Chris loved the orange boat which
had an orange drink logo on it. Thus that boat became dubbed the
"Sunkist". Chris could really make that boat move across the lake. The
time at the cottage was "family time" well spent. Chris please help
your Monm all you can. Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Sunday, July 06, 2003
at 22:46:05 (MDT)
Same art work as yesterday. A artistic representation of the
photograph below.
The photo was taken in the backyard of our old home in Rosdale Gardens.
Chris is in the swing of the "tree house" play structure I built for the
little guys. Chris and Adam looked so much alike at this age I had to
look close to make sure it was Chris. Today was another difficult
day. We move foward an inch at a time to swept miles backwards by the
winds of fate. I can't belive that the third barn show is one week
away. So much to do and so little time... Yet, we wish to remember
Chris, and this but one way. I know he would be proud of the event.
Chris keep an eye on Mom. Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Saturday, July 05,
2003 at 22:39:08 (MDT)
Today's art work was a school assignment. The idea was to take a
photo of something and change it slightly. It is interesting to note
the detail in the drawing that is not in the photo (subject) but added
to the drawing. The second photo is of a birthday celebration Chris
and Adam look on as their mother places the birthday candles on the
cake. With just the four of us we were a family... Chris keep a
special watch out on your Mom. Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Friday, July 04, 2003
at 23:59:24 (MDT)
I truly hope there are beautiful fireworks in heaven for Chris and
all of our beloved that have gone before us. Please help make it a
beautiful day Chris....give my Mother a big hug for me. JoAnne
- Friday, July 04, 2003 at 09:26:29 (MDT)
Todays's art is a picture that was sent to us after Chris was killed.
The theme was based up Benjamine Franklin, I was always impressed by
the subtle detail. Note the Kite, storm clouds, lightning, key and
glasses. All of this things that relate to Franklin's legend.
Today's picture features two bunkmates. Chris and Charlie! I'm
still filling in for Fran who I hope will return soon. Dad
<<<<<>>>>> - Thursday, July 03,
2003 at 23:05:36 (MDT)
yesterday is history...
tomorrow is a mystery...
today is a gift.
(taproot lyric, but so true) just a friend - Thursday, July
03, 2003 at 16:29:14 (MDT)
Dear God in heaven above, I come to you in the name of your son and I
ask your majestic permission... to hold you to your Word. You Father,
sent your son... "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be
called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace." God, I know you are the Alpha and the Omega, you
are the Beginning and the End, you are the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit; you are "I AM"! I know that you are a reader of our hearts and
i am in awe of your power. I bow in reverence at the foot of
your heavenly throne, I beseech you Father to read and consider the
hearts of the Kempa family. Of course, Christopher's heart is giddy
with joy; filled with pride to be a greeter at the gate...that beautiful
round face, that sweet smile and those bright eyes with perfect vision
welcoming all newcomers to his Father's house. Christopher, an ascended
angel who sits and breaks bread with other great artists and other
creative geniuses who have also ascended. Needless to say,
Christopher's heart is in perfect order! Now onto the family left to
deal with this earthly loss. I hold you to your Word on the following:
You are a Counsellor, Please counsel these hearts. You are the Prince of
Peace, Please bring these hearts peace. You are the Mighty God, Please
heal these hearts. You are the everlasting Father, Please give these
hearts a lasting comfort. You are Wonderful, Please cradle these hearts
in your Wonderful, Spirit-filled hands...please God, surround these
hearts with your Spirit. Wise One, please read these hearts and give
what is needed to each heart... this is what I ask of you. I thank you
for all answered prayer and close, knowing that the only reason I can
even come before you is because your Son is my best friend; it is in His
name... Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.
To all who have read the above, if you agree with what I am asking of
God for the Kempa family, please read it again, but make it your prayer.
Let us all continue to pray for Adam, Fran & Adam everytime we think of
Chris! Godspeed
angel in waiting - Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 01:21:12
Cherish Today Yesterday is but a dream Tomorrow, A vision
of hope Look to this day for it is life Author Unknown
<*******> - Thursday, July 03,
2003 at 00:39:36 (MDT)
The same painting as yesterday an oil that Chris had done in
sophomore year. Chris had only worked with oil paints for just a short
time when he did this painting. Too bad he couldn't grow and improve his
technique as he had done for his pencil sketches. This is another
photo taken August 26 2000 at Fran's parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary.
In this picture are Adam, Chris, Billy and Bradley. Chris enjoyed
watching Bradley run and dance through the evening.
Chris keep up the good work! Your Mom really needs your help right now.
She has asked me to sit in for her for a few days.
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>>
Dad <<<<<>>>>> -
Wednesday, July 02, 2003 at 22:14:47 (MDT)
Today's painting is an oil that Chris had done for an anti smoking
theme. We believe this was in sophomore year.
The photo was taken August 26 2000 at Fran's parents 50th Wedding
Anniversary. Less than three months before Chris was killed. Adam
and Chris were very involved in this event. They had spent a month
researching music so that their grandparents and friends could listen to
music from their youth. They helped decorate the hall. Adam was a "DJ"
and Chris made a video of the event. Chris your Mom really needs
your help right now. She has asked me to sit in for her for a few
days. Miss you always...
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> -
Tuesday, July 01, 2003 at 21:24:21 (MDT)
Looking forward to the barn show! See you there - <-> - Monday, June 30, 2003 at 20:04:15
Franny...thanks for those oh so true words...I love you! Jo
JoAnne <> -
Sunday, June 29, 2003 at 21:11:17 (MDT)
6/29/03...The drawing was done sometime in 2000, Chris loved Jones
Soda! The photo is another from Christmas time 1996, Chris, Adam and
Charlie.While they say the loss of a child is the worst loss, the
loss of a mother must be the next worse loss. I vividly remember the
profound sadness, a feeling like I'd never had before. I vividly
remember the raw pain and shock that must come with every sudden,
unexpected, untimely death. I vividly remember the horrible physical
pain, heart and abdominal that so surprised me and lasted so long. I
vividly remember the intense need to know he was OK. I was so worried
about Chris and thought he must be so scared and homesick....I needed a
sign. The loss of a mother just as the loss of a child, changes a family
forever. While some of these feelings go away and others dull, some will
last forever. Fran Kempa - Sunday, June 29, 2003 at 20:16:21
Dear Fran...I know Chris was there to greet Mom when she was elevated
to Heaven....I am hopeful she has been reunited with her family and
friends....I am experiencing a terrible sadness that is not like your
loss of a child...but the loss of a Mother is so very sad, especially
when she was healthy and it was unexpected. My heart is tremendously
heavy and I am in need of being assured her soul is where it should be.
I love you Mom and now you can get to know Chris..who I have so often
spoken about. Rest in Peace!!! JoAnne <> -
Friday, June 27, 2003 at 21:39:39 (MDT)
6/27/03...The art we call HOCKEY, I believe Chris drew him in 1999.
The picture of Charlie, Chris and Adam was taken during Christmas time,
1996.Our thoughts and prayers are with Joanne, Bill and Billy. I have
no doubt Chris was there for Sally yesterday morning. As Adam said
shortly after Chris was killed, "God must have needed a greeter up in
Heaven and Chris would have been the perfect choice...he had the perfect
personality for it!" Fran Kempa - Thursday, June 26, 2003
at 22:44:20 (MDT)
hey buddy
my grandma (mom's mom) passed away this morning. i hope you gave her
the grand tour when she got up there to see you. altho she never met
you, she was very fond of you. the stories we told her of you always
impressed her. now she finally has the chance to be with you. much
love always. cousin billy. billy vaughan <> -
Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 19:26:27 (MDT)
6/25/03...Same LADY BOWLER art and Charlie, Speck pic as
yesterday.My sister Emailed me a very nice picture taken of her, her
daughters and grandson. She has two daughters....I had two sons. I
Emailed her back and told her how LUCKY she is...I know she knows I
meant that sincerely. A few nights ago I was watchung a FOX magazine
show titled The Pulse. The feature story was about a family who had
their house trashed over spring break by several teenagers. The mother
commented that she just couldn't believe it....she hadn't heard from one
kid or one parent...none of the offenders have contacted them to say
they're sorry. And all I could think was, while the event was a tragedy,
every family member is ALIVE. Imagine if God forbid, one of your
children was killed...and you never heard from the person who killed
him....or his even say they were sorry for the
loss.... Fran Kempa - Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 16:25:04
6/25/03...The art we call LADY BOWLER. It's the wonderful work Chris
completed just a very few weeks before he was killed. Hw was working on
LADY BOWLER down stairs on the dining room table and at the same time,
had started Einstein upstairs on his bedroom floor.....with computer
animation and computer audios in between...he was CONSTANTLY
creating!...Try to begin to imagine the void that's left in our house
hold! Adam was and still is, constantly creating too...he's just much
more quiet about it! The photo was taken last summer, 2002...long after
Chris was killed, Charlie and Speck. Chris would have loved Speck as
much or more than he loved Charlie....they have very similar
personalities!I was very surprised but very happy to find Kurt Wilson
at our door this afternoon! We visited for about an hour. He told me
among other things how much he and EVERYONE STILL miss Chris! He told me
how Chris LOVED to get to school early and sit in the same spot...the
cubby outside the art room. He said all the kids would stop and talk to was as though he was holding court every day! He said on that
horrible Monday Chris was killed, he walked by his spot but he wasn't
there. He knew then Chris would not be at school that day because he was
ALWAYS there and he never missed school...he thought he was sick but
soon learned the horrible reality one hour later. We spoke briefly about
the drug testing that was done on Chris after he was killed and he told
me, "Believe me Mrs. Kemps, I know for a FACT, Chris NEVER did anything
like that!" I told him while I knew that, the testing confirmed it. I
was talking to my big boss Tuesday. Not the DON but the Administrator.
She has been very good to me since Chris was killed and was even before.
We have a very good working relationship. She still asks from time to
time where I am in all of this and how I'm doing. After we talked for a
while Tues. She asked me if I felt any clousure....I told her ABSOLUTLY
NOT!! I will never feel even a hint of clousure until the world knows
ALL the facts...and that is my goal. Fran Kempa -
Wednesday, June 25, 2003 at 20:47:52 (MDT)
6/24/03...The art is the same TIGER 2 and the photo the same Charlie
BD pic as yesterday.Adam W. changes the icons on the computer screen
from time to time. Yesterday, I was so happy to notice one that said,
CMK audio. I clicked on it and 15 different things came up. As I clicked
through them, I found 13 of the 15 contained his VOICE!...and almost all
contained some guitar playing! In at least two, he altered his
voice....the first to sound like chipmunks, FAST!... the second was SLOW
and very DEEPLY drawn out....but all the rest contained Chris' REAL
voice...and his wonderful sense of humor! While these aren't new
discoveries, Adam found them shortly after Chris was killed...I had
listened to them once before, I had NO idea how to access them with my
limited computer skills. I listened to them yesterday and CRIED!.... For
partly happy hear his voice again!!! That is the first
thing I'd forgotten!....But for mostly sad reasons, I once again
realized the needless waste of TALENTED human life by an impaired driver
and it will forever make me sick....this SHOULD NEVER have
happened!! I asked Adam to please leave that icon up there always so I
can listen to Chris whenever I feel the need....he told me he would!
Fran Kempa <> - Tuesday,
June 24, 2003 at 16:52:19 (MDT)
6/23/03...The art we call, TIGER 2..Chris drew him as a cover for a
project on endangered animals....I believe it was Jr. High, 1996 - 1998.
The photo was taken on one of Charlie's birthdays...first or
second...October 2nd, 1990 or 1991.I heard something on TV last night
that made me SIT UP and take notice!..."The eye takes in 80% of our
information......the BRAIN interprets the rest! Chris obviously had NO
chance against that driver on 11/20/00....while I've known that since
6/5/01, when you hear it explained so clearly it STILL makes me sick!!
MORE proof of the fact had that ONE MAN NOT been driving that
morning....Chris WOULd still be alive and well and living with us all
today!...As I said EARLY on....before I knew all the facts, everyone
else saw Chris and stayed stopped to allow him those few feet.....except
one, five cars didn't hit him.....only one.....WHY??....
. Fran Kempa <> - Sunday,
June 22, 2003 at 22:48:43 (MDT)
6/22/03....Same artist inspired Captain America art and Christmas
Felix and Charlie pic as yesterday.Today as I was cooking a belated
Father's Day dinner, I clicked around for something to watch on the
kitchen TV. MSNBC had a live broadcast of Marines returning home...sons
coming home to their moms! While I was very happy for them, it made me
very sad for myself...I couldn't watch it. I found an Extreme Sports
show on Ch 4 I think, featuring skateboarding! I found myself watching
it wondering where Chris would be with it now...would he even still be
interested? One very neat thing Chris left for us was a video tape he
made of himself skateboarding!...he even dated it, May, 2000...six
months before he was killed. You don't realize at first what it is, you
just see the houses of Olde Rosedale going by...then you notice the
unmistakeable sound of the skateboard and see the video camera strap
waving in the breeze. Suddenly he pans down to his feet and we now have
them captured forever skilfully operating his board, then he pans up to
his face, you can see his hair being blown around...I don't know if it's
from the wind or the wind he created! He never says a word but he pans
back and forth a few times until he reaches his destination...Ron's
house, then it just stops. Knowing Chris, he was filming himself
skateboarding for a reason....research of some kind for future
reference. I know he had NO idea he was creating such a gift for
us! Even though this is my third summer of every other day cemetary
visits, it still feels foreign to me. This afternoon as I was walking to
the nearest spiget to refill my laundry detergent bottle, I found myself
thinking, "What are you doing here? You SHOULDN'T be here....HE
shouldn't be here!!" I will NEVER get used to it!! And I'll NEVER FORGET
WHY he's there forever and I'm there every other day in the summer......
Fran Kempa <> - Sunday,
June 22, 2003 at 16:02:27 (MDT)
wow! this is so weird tonight on tlc's trading spaces hildie did a
livingroom with one wall inspired by roy lichtenstein! just like captain
america, there were many different sized dots, but there were also
stripes! how could anyone who knew chris watch that show and not think
of him! chris knows who - Saturday, June 21, 2003 at
22:20:33 (MDT)
6/21/03...The art is the Captain America done totally with varying
sizes of dots. I believe Chris did him in 2000 as a result of his
interest in Roy Lichtenstein which was strong right before he was
killed. The photo was taken Christmas morning, 1996. Felix and
Charlie.... waiting for Adam and chris to come down and start the
presents!! Seems the only vehicles on the road yesterday besides
mine, were Drivers Ed. cars! They were in front of me, behind, and to
either side ...and As I turned onto Berwick from Plymouth, one was
coming right at me! Drivers Ed cars ALWAYS draw a heavy sigh and there
being so many yesterday, a good cry. Chris had JUST started Drivers Ed
ONE WEEK before he was killed! He was taking it quite seriously, was
very organized.....he had me buy him a binder for all his notes. I
honestly believe he would have been a GOOD driver...not like one who's
existance we've come to know...he cared too much to be so careless.
Yesterday sparked another Chris memory....About two summers before Chris
was killed, I would take him to empty parking lots several nights a week
and let him drive! He had no permit and no experience but I thought that
was a good place to let him practice and get the feel of driving. We
alternated between Grant School, St. Mikes and Franklin. Grant's lot was
his favorite because it had actual road markings, A cross walk, stop
signs, and one way signs. It also had parking spaces did
Franklin's but it was, "Too big." and St. Mikes had no markings what so
ever. On Nov. 9th 2000, I went to the Drivers Ed. orientation for Chris.
There I learned that if any of the students were caught driving any
other vehicle besides a Driver Ed car with a Driver Ed. instructer, they
would be kicked out of the program. Chris' first day of class was Mon.
11/13/00...he actually drove that day! He came home SO excited with his
usual enthusiasm and said, "Mom, I DROVE today!!! you can take me
back to Grant and let me practice like we used to!" And I said, "No
Chris, I can't"....and told him what I learned during orientation. He
did NOT believe me! He said I was just making excuses not to take him
out and I tried to tell him that was true....which sparked a memory of
one of the last conversations we ever had.... When I picked him up from
Drivers Ed. on Fri. 11/17/00, on our way to Larry's and McDonalds and
Franklin, he said, "you know mom, you were right, I asked the teacher
today if you could take me practicing and he said, NO!" I told him I
would never lie to him about such things and he seemed to
understand.....we then went on to talk about other important topics like
Career Center and the play...If only I'd known I'd only have him a few
more days!.... I wish Mr. Griffin of NYC had left his E mail address.
I would have a lot to tell him about the driver and associates!
Fran Kempa - Saturday, June 21, 2003 at 18:14:26 (MDT)
A child is a parent's most precious commodity. It has always amazed
me how a perfect stranger can rob you of them in a split second and walk
away without any concern, without so much as an apology. It happened to
us too. We lost our daughter to an impaired driver two years ago. We too
have yet to hear from the driver. Pat Griffin <TCF NYC> - Saturday, June 21, 2003 at
12:57:18 (MDT)
6/20/03...same Bulb art and Charlie pic from yesterday.I was
watching another show the other day while I was recovering...I think it
was Montel but I'm not positive. They had a guy on who had invented a
combination skateboard / snowboard. Chris would have wanted one! He was
interested in snowboarding briefly a few years before he was killed. I
believe Robin Muir got him interested but he never became obsessed with
the idea. This thing they showed the other day...he would have wanted!
I have good reason to believe Chris would have been at the opening of
HULK today. HULK is totally animated...I KNOW Chris would definatly go
see it! Fran Kempa - Friday, June 20, 2003 at 14:09:53
6/19/03...The art we call BULB. A very large creation. I can't
remember the medium, paint or chalk...I think it's a combination. The
photo was taken some time during Christmas time, 1991. If you look
closely, you can see Charlie's left paw is shaved. 1991 was the
Thanksgiving the boys dressed Charlie as a pilgrim and forgot to remove
the rubberband that affixed the T shirt to his leg for his
costume....with all the spaniel fur, the rubberband got lost in it. We
ALL felt SO badly about that! When I was choosing the art and photos for
the June web page, I can honestly say I chose the pictures with Chris
and Charlie in them for the second half of the month
purposely....because I HONESTLY BELIEVED Charlie would have joined Chris
by now. He has failed in MANY ways....but rallied in others! Charlie is
just another example of the fact that you just CAN'T predict these
things....We have NO control...I guess when it comes to an animal I have
some control....I could take him in tomorrow and have him put
down....but I continue to allow nature to take it's looks
like Charlie may be with us for a while!I recently spent two days
recovering from an illness and not doing ANY of my normal activities...
working or performing household tasks. I haven't been that idle since
Chris was killed. By the second day, I was feeling better and feeling
bored. I remembered some shows I used to watch semi religiously before
Chris was killed, A Baby Story and A Wedding Story on TLC in the
afternoon. I had another flash back as a result!....About a month before
Chris was killed, I was sitting at the kitchen counter, watching the TV
in the kitchen....Watching A Wedding Story and wondering why they were
all so much more romantic than mine....The front door BURST open and
there was Ron and Chris. The first thing Chris did was comment on my
television selection, "Mom, I can't believe you're watching that
AGAIN....that is SO lame....isn't it Ron?" And I'll never forget now,
Ron came up behind me and kind of whispered, "It's OK Mrs. Kempa....I'd
never tell Chris, but I watch these shows sometimes too with my
sister!"....I haven't been able to watch one since Chris was killed. But
I was bored enough to give it a shot yesterday. I got through about 10
minutes of A Wedding Story....and couldn't watch any more.....not for
thinking of Chris' wedding....I KNOW that will NEVER take place thanks
to the driver and associates....but I was thinking of Adam's possible
future wedding.....Chris WILL NOT be there! While I have never been a
very demanding mother, and REFUSE to be an overbearing, demanding mother
in law.... I decided yesterday, there is ONE thing I WILL INSIST be
included in Adam's possible future ceremony....some memory of Chris....I
don't care how or when...or where it happens... but Chris WILL be
included in the ceremony somehow....that is my only request and I don't
think Adam would have a problem with that! Fran Kempa -
Thursday, June 19, 2003 at 17:03:05 (MDT)
Fran, My dream book denotes joy and good health to the dreamer....and
a favorable turn in affairs. ( This relates to the laughter of Chris in
your dream). I also found something about running in the company of
others that discusses you will find that your affairs are growing toward
fortune. Hopefully this will bring you some comfort. JoAnne
- Wednesday, June 18, 2003 at 19:31:41 (MDT)
6/18/03...The art is a close up of the Beck drawing from yesterday.
The photo is the same as yesterday.For the first time since Chris was
killed, I dreamed about him as being alive!!!...But he was only two,
wearing the little sailor suit he wore for his second birthday, his baby
shoes, and that beautiful curly hair! He was several feet away from me
and I crouched down and held my arms out and encouraged him to run to
me, ...."Come on Chris, come on!" And he did! He was running and we were
both smiling and laughing and when he got to me we were hugging...but he
was only two....And when I woke up it was torture...I wonder what it
means. Fran Kempa - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 at 15:21:34
You shouldn't have to go to a cemetery to visit your son on father's
day... Miss you always...... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Wednesday, June 18,
2003 at 10:29:21 (MDT)
6/17/03....the art is the drawing Chris did of Beck... I believe in
2000. The photo was taken on Christmas day, I think 1997 of Charlie
wearing Chris' Santa hat.I had to go to Urgent Care last night. And
while it wasn't the ER, I had flahbacks....the set up was the same. When
they take you behind those doors, the rooms are to the right and the big
desk for the staff is to the left. I vividly remembered standing in the
hall, between the rooms and the desk and seeing them work on Chris' dead
body while feeling the gathered staff at the desk stare at me and Adam.
As time wore on, reality crept in and we went back and forth between the
room holding Chris' body and the sitting room nextdoor....and the
gathered staff at the desk continued to stare.... After reading Cori's
entry, I realized my entry of yesterday was incorrect. The pain the
driver inflicted won't last just three life times, but MANY
more!! Fran Kempa - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at 12:16:36
I haven't forgotten. I think about it more now than I have in 2
years. There are so many plans that I had planned to carry out. I can't
even imagine how different my life would be today if Chris were still
here.... Corinne <>
; - Monday, June 16, 2003 at 21:19:56 (MDT)
Chris...I hope you were able to welcome my friend Greg to Heaven this
morning. He died very suddenly and I am sure you made his entry to
Heaven a peaceful one. JoAnne <> -
Monday, June 16, 2003 at 15:04:38 (MDT)
6/16/03...The art from yesterday and today's is Chris' masterpiece,
Edward Scissor hands. I'm still awed everytime I look at it! The photo
was taken of Charlie by Chris after Homecoming, 1999. Chris brought home
some balloons and Charlie had a lot of fun with them! A belated Happy
Father's Day to all the Dads. I found myself VERY ill yesterday and was
unable to do it. I gave Adam his gift this morning....and haven't even
called my Dad yet! Although we didn't discuss it at length....I was in
NO condition to discuss ANYTHING!...I'm sure Father's Day for Adam was
just as Mother's Day was for me....a day you can't ignore, you have to
recognize it, afterall, we all know, "life goes on." But it's a day that
will NEVER be celebrated the same or be as happy and joyful...and that
holds for EVERY holiday and special occasion! They are all, and will
continue to be, tinged with sadness. The driver inflicted pain upon
Chris for I pray, just a second..or maybe not at all. But the pain he
inflicted on our family will last three life times, mine, Adam's and
Adam William's. I think when Adam passes...and I pray that won't be for
at least 70 years!.....the pain, misery and destruction he caused our
family will finally end. His children will know about their uncle Chris
but they, having not lived it, won't feel that life time pain and
loss....Thank God!! Fran Kempa - Monday, June 16, 2003 at
12:32:59 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Monday, June 16, 2003
at 01:16:18 (MDT)
Mr Kempa, happy father's day. joe.cwik <..^i^..> - Sunday, June 15, 2003 at
21:39:23 (MDT)
We are thinking of you on this Father's Day Adam.... Jo and
Bill <> -
Sunday, June 15, 2003 at 18:41:56 (MDT)
If We Could Do It OverIf we could do it over, I mean my son and
me, Would things be any different? You can believe that they would
be. The fishing trips we never took, The games we never saw, A
thousand things still come to mind And we would do them all. If we
could do it over, My missing son and I, I'd take him to that place
out West Where mountains touch the sky. We'd hike the trails
together And learn of this great land, He always did want to
know Where he fit in nature's plan. If we could do it over, Like
every Dad and son, I'd teach him how to drive the car And safely
shoot my gun. We'd talk of know, the girls And he
would smile and say, "Aw, Dad, I know that stuff." But we'd
discuss it anyway. If we could do it over, But we can't, can
we? In God's great plan he called my boy Just took him away from
me. Now all I do is sit and dream How beautiful it would be, If
we could do it over, I mean my boy and me. HAPPY FATHER'S
DAY!! Eugene F. Lewis <TCF Cincinnati ohio> - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at
22:17:55 (MDT)
6/14/03...Same angel art and Chris pic as yesterday.We attended
one Franklin graduation party tonight and in our travels, noticed about
five more being held. It still hurts that Chris never graduated...never
even made it to his senior of his goals, "Can't wait to be a
Senior!" Fran Kempa - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at 17:40:55
6/13/03...The Angel drawing was done second semester Freshman year,
1999. Chris drew her at the top of a paper he wrote a poem on....I'm
glad Billy took his angel to Boston!! The photo was taken Christmas
morning, 1989. Chris and his favorite gift that year,
Charlie!Congratulations to all the Franklin 2003 graduates!! May they
all have LONG, successful lives!! We will attend our first party
tomorrow. Fran Kempa - Friday, June 13, 2003 at 16:28:09
GODSPEED>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from a distance - Friday, June 13,
2003 at 14:15:51 (MDT)
We love the drawing of the angel. That picture hung in cousin Bill's
apartment all senior year at Canisius College. Since graduation, he is
in Massachusetts, and the picture has traveled with him to his new
place. When we look at the angel, we think of always! Much
love!! JoAnne <> -
Friday, June 13, 2003 at 12:46:16 (MDT)
6/12/03...Same first haircut curl and middle school picture from
yesterday.I was back to work today! Just about every one of my co
workers commented on my absence and obviously, not one realized why I
was gone. I was met with comments such as, "Oh, you're back Fran...did
you have a GOOD TIME?" or "You've been off for a few days...did you do
anything EXCITING?" And each time I explained to the person enquiring,
"Tuesday SHOULD have been Chris' 19th wasn't a good time
and it wasn't exciting,.. pulling weeds from my son's grave... it was
horrible! I just knew I couldn't be here....I would have been...and I
was, a mess." All of the people I work with know ALL the facts..once
they realized the reason for my absence, they were very
sympathetic....and are all VERY anxious for the truth to come out!....
Fran Kempa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 16:32:38 (MDT)
Well I finally got my internet working and I was two days late but
Happy Birthday Chris:) I miss you buddy and you were diffently in my
thoughts on the 10th. I was walking by your site yesterday with a
friend and we tried to light the candles but it was just too windy. I
was a little mad but we tried. I love you and see you in hopefully 70
years or so:) Hope you had a great birthday and we all thought of you
that day:) Jenny <>
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 15:30:31 (MDT)
I watched the movie "my life as a house" today. It was a sad movie,
but I wasn't effected until I heard a song playing in the background. I
felt sick before I even knew what it was. "How To Disappear Completely
And Never Be Found" by Radiohead. I remembered standing in Ms.Hillman's
crowded control room, helping to put together the video and hearing that
song. I remember people quietly singing along as they cried. I haven't
bee able to listen to that cd or "Magic" since that day and i'm not sure
i'll ever be able to. =w= <=w=> - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 15:10:57
I watched the movie =w= <=w=> USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at
15:08:13 (MDT)
still thinking and missing you a lot chris. my thoughts and
prayers still go out to the kempa family. Katie B. -
Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 07:09:37 (MDT)
Yesterday, would have been Chris's 19th birthday... for some reason
it was one of my worst days since Chris was killed. Yesterday hit Fran
and Adam very hard. I guess it is like we are awakening ... Bit by
bit... we are seeing how real and terrible it is. Yes after 2 and 1/2
years it still is bad, but remember, we had lived 16 and 1/2 years with
Chirs. Thanks for all the messages visits, and stuff at the
memorial. It meant alot.
Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> -
Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 22:59:12 (MDT)
6/11/03...The "art" is the recently discovered curl from Chris' first
haircut! As evidenced by the date, he was well over two. So was Adam for
his first cut. Their baby hair was so beautiful and both had
soon as they had their first hair cut, the curls disappeared! I LOVED
those curls! The photo is one we recently discovered in a dresser drawer
of Adam's. It's the only picture of it's kind we have...and didn't even
know we had, even though it's a school picture. Judging by the hair, I
would say for sure, it's from Junior High....7th or 8th grade. I asked
Adam W. if he recognized the shirt. He said he of many from
the thrift store. I would say, at least half of Chris' wardrobe came
from the thrift stores. That was one of the last things we did
together...he BEGGED me to take him to the thrift stores and I did...we
made the rounds.. He needed more shirts!Yesterday was another HARD
Chris day in a life long series. I went to the cemetary alone which was
a good thing...last year was such a disaster for the strong emotions. I
could be wrong, butI don't think Adam W. has been there since....VERY
hard thing to do. Once again, I thank EVERYONE who remembered Chris
yesterday in what ever way they felt comfortable. He and we APPRECIATE
all the thoughts and memories! Later on Tues. evening, Adam and I went
to the Memorial. We arrived rather late and when we got there there was
MUCH evidence of others having been there THANK YOU!! I was watching
World News Tonight last night and was MORE than shocked when I heard
three states, Wyoming, Montana, and Mississippi ALLOW drinking and
driving! I think just as many people will be SHOCKED when they find out
the type of driver Michigan allows on the road!! Fran Kempa
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 16:31:44 (MDT)
I should have wrote here yesturday but a day late isnt as bad as
never at all. I just wanted to say that Im still thinking of everyone,
ecspecially yesturday when emotions were stirred. And I sang Happy
Birthday to Chris yesturday afternoon! : ) I hope everyone is doing
okay, you're all in my prayers. One more thing, I believe now more than
ever Chris is watching over us because I heard the song again last nite,
Im feel much better these days knowing hes up there caring as much as I
care about him. Christen <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 16:21:12 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, June 10, 2003
at 22:55:33 (MDT)
Hi there, Chris –
Hope your day was full of fun and laughter; which I’m sure it was!
I can only imagine what Birthday celebrations in heaven must be
like………..I bet you were plenty busy at your party ………. I wondered
whether or not your music friends hang out with your artist friends
……did John Lennon sit with Paul Cezanne ? If I know Gramma though, I
bet she sat next to Elvis at your party with Topsey, Jiggs, and Zena
right near to get all the table scraps I’m sure you guys give them !!
Well, I know I tell you every single day when I have my talk with you,
but I’ll tell you again……..thank you for always helping me with my job
and always riding with me in the car. Boy that trip to Syracuse a few
weeks ago would have been terribly boring if I hadn’t had you to talk to
!!! Thanks also for helping to not get lost !!
I have to also say I am most grateful for meeting Dan !!! I know with
EVERY fiber of my soul that you & Gramma & Dan’s Dad get the credit for
our meeting, and for that I will be forever in your debt. As you know,
he is the kindest, most wonderful man I’ve ever met, and I thank you
from the bottom of my heart. I know we would NEVER have met on our own
had you guys not crossed our paths !!!
So, happy birthday, Chris ……… I love you with all my heart. Thanks for
listening to your kooky Aunt every day ….. you are one terrific nephew
Good night …… talk with you in the morning.
Molly Vaughan <> - Tuesday,
June 10, 2003 at 20:48:34 (MDT)
Sending love and strength to the family and friends of
are all in my thoughts and prayers as we, once again, celebrate the life
of a person who meant so much to so many. Ms. Hillman -
Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 20:29:22 (MDT)
Today Chris one of your favorite bands released their albums...I
think that is kind of intresting, and wonderful too. Perhaps a present
from you to us... I miss and think of you everyday still. I wish I could
tell you happy 19th birthday in person, but it really hits home on days
like this, I never will say anything to you again, With love. a
friend <happy birthday>
USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 19:18:43 (MDT)
Happy Birthday Chris! You are such a part of the person with whom
I spend most of my time. How I wish I knew you through means other than
stories and photographs! Although dates can be arbitrary, it is on
these "special" days that I often think longer about it, and it really
hits home for me. As much as we share, I have no idea how Adam feels.
How could I? I know there is no way to explain those feelings to
someone--Since I have a brother of my own, I sometimes try to imagine.
But it always turns out the same--I literally can't fathom how I'd feel
on my brother's birthday, unable to celebrate with him because he's no
longer here. Your family misses and loves you more than I will ever
know. Although it's *your* birthday, I wish my thoughts and strength to
your brother, my love, Adam. sarah fabian <> - Tuesday,
June 10, 2003 at 18:17:18 (MDT)
I didn't know Chris, but I used to work with Adam. I have been to
this site only a few times, but for some reason today, I happened to
find myself here again. And what fate, it happens to be Chris'
birthday. So, happy birthday, Chris, and God bless to the Kempa
family.... Melissa <> - Tuesday,
June 10, 2003 at 18:12:13 (MDT)
I don't think people who haven't lost a child can understand. I
believe people who haven't experienced the worst loss, foolishly but
honestly think if it happened to them they'd "get over it!" May they
never have to learn how mistaken that belief is! Carrie McNeal
<TCF Atlanta> - Tuesday, June
10, 2003 at 17:04:01 (MDT)
happy birthday chris. i still think about you every chance i get. i
miss and love you very much. lauren r. <> -
Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 16:45:12 (MDT)
I was on my way out the door to go to the cemetary and at that very
moment, it started POURING, so I guess I'll spend some time here. We
received two wonderful Thank You notes in today's mail. One from Jen
Gossett and one from her parents. I thought it was fitting they arrived
today. I don't think they planned it, but I think Chris had a hand in
it! One of the things Jen's Mom said made me feel so good, but made me
cry at the same time. She wrote, "We know Jen is in part, who she is
because Chris took time to care."Nineteen years ago today, a most
wonderful boy was born. We recognized early on that he was different. He
had SO much energy and SO much zest for life! When he was young, some
people looked upon that energy and zest as a negative...mostly teachers
and grandparents! But we knew it could be channeled, we knew it could be
a positive and trying to change it would be trying to change one of the
main things that made Chris, Chris. His artistic talent became evident
around the age of two. He LOVED to draw so we worked with it and
ENCOURAGED him. As he grew, he also developed a love of music and in
younger years, dance! He dabbled in sports, mainly Basketball but his
main interest was skatboarding....all ways to channel that energy! As
Chris grew older, and at the time he was killed, he had begun to take an
interest in playing insturments, guitar, drums and keyboard. Not
accomplished in any, but interested in learning. He had also developed a
love of writing songs and poems, photography, video taping...and
computer animation! He had reached the point at 16, where all that
energy and zest was nothing but POSITIVE!....acknowledged by teachers
and grandparents!!...Which leaves me sitting here on his Birthday
wondering what amazing thing he'd be doing today. A well meaning
person told me the other day that I couldn't say for sure he'd still be
doing great things today, "he may have turned bad..maybe that's why God
took spare you that!" Once again, I didn't say anything, I
didn't even hit her!, I just walked away thinking how wrong that was. By
the time you're 16, your values and morals are VERY well established.
Chris had goals for the present and goals for the future. He knew where
he was going and how he was going to get there...he was driven! He was
kind and caring and had such a sense of humor! He didn't smoke or drink
or use drugs...he knew that would interfere with his goals! His body was
tested during autopsy for every substance known to man...two
pages!!..and showed nothing. He SHOULD still be creating here on
earth. People tell me I should think of the good things and celebrate
his life....I do! But that doesn't erase from my mind the fact that he
was killed or remove that picture from the ER that STILL plays
sometimes. Some people say, "be happy you had him 16 years."...I AM!! I
still thank God everyday that he was mine. But that doesn't take away
the fact that I wish I STILL had him. He had a remaining life expectancy
of 56 years when he was killed. I wish people could understand that.
I wish people could understand that yes, I think of the good things,
I celebrate and I'm thankful for his short life...but that doesn't take
away the fact that I haven't seen him in over two and a half years and
I'll NEVER see him again! It doesn't take away the fact that he hasn't
created anything on earth in over two and a half years and he NEVER will
again. It doesn't take away the fact that he was robbed of achiving mile
stones... graduating from High School, going to college, realizing his
goals, marrying, having children...and he NEVER WILL achieve them! He is
GONE. And YES, I am still VERY angry because I still believe this NEVER
should have happened...or been allowed to happen and in the very near
future, I hope to make it VERY clear, WHY I feel this way. The rain
has stopped, I'm off to the cemetary to put balloons on the shepard
hook, trim around it, and pull some weeds from his Birthday
present to Chris! Fran Kempa - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at
13:55:32 (MDT)
Birthdays SHOULD be a special time As everyone should know. It
means living another year, Another year to grow. Birthdays SHOULD
be a special time for each to then reflect, on the past and on the
present and what the future might expect. Birthdays SHOULD be a
special time for Chris to start anew, setting goals and
working to make each and every dream come true! I Wish This
still <Held true for
Chris> - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 12:03:13 (MDT)
Happy Birthday Chris! Even though I never knew you in life, I feel
I've come to know you very well through this site, thanks to your Mom.
It's obvious, you are loved and missed. Mary Saia <Westland> - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at
11:49:42 (MDT)
Happy 19th Birthday Chris! May you celebrate this Birthday with your
host of Heavenly Friends and Family as we remember and share in this day
with you from afar. MCS <> -
Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 11:46:32 (MDT)
Happy birthday Chris. joe.cwik <^i^> - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 09:41:43
Thinking of you on your birth day Chris. Hoping and praying you are
peaceful in your heavenly world celebrating this day. To Fran, Adam and
Adam...With hope, remembering all of the beautiful memories of Chris's
birth and wonderful years with him will sustain you today. Many
blessings and peace be with you all. Much love and prayers daily.
Aunt Jo, Uncle Bill and cousin Bill <> -
Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 09:26:10 (MDT)
Happy 19th Birthday to Chris. I'm sure it's a happy day for you, but
it's always going to be another sad day for those left behind. God bless
your parents and brother. Love, Aunt Kathy Kathy - Tuesday,
June 10, 2003 at 06:54:47 (MDT)
Happy Birthday Chris!! We all love you and miss you :) Dawn
Balint <>
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 05:24:48 (MDT)
Happy birthday Chris... I will make sure the truth will come
out... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, June 10, 2003
at 01:08:34 (MDT)
Monday, June 09, 2003 at 23:38:01 (MDT)
6/10/03...The art is the same recently discovered Chris work form the
Franklin art Department...Chris' birthday present to US! The photo is of
a work Chris did and hung on his bedroom wall....there are SO MANY
things hanging on his wall that they aren't all noticed right away,..
the smaller ones blend in. We discovered this long after Chris was
killed. It was hanging on his bedroom wall, just to the right of his
bed. As near as I can tell, he took our (according to the post mark)
June, 1999 reminder from our accountant that our second estimated tax
installment was due and made a Birthday statement!! It doesn't show up
on the computer pic because he printed it in silver ink. Just above June
he wrote, "Happy B-Day."... To the right, just above the penguin he
wrote, "June 10th, this will happen to you!!!".. And just below the
penguin he wrote, "If you don't say Happy Birthday to me..." Below that
post card, on the other, he wrote, "GUY IN JAIL!" I guess his
message'd better wish him a Happy Birthday...or you might wind
up in jail!!Happy 19th Birthday to my sweet, sweet angel son Chris
whom I love and still MISS SO MUCH!! I can't help but wonder and imagine
what a responsible and productive, fine young man he SHOULD have been
today! Once again, many people have asked if we're doing anything
formal for his birthday. We aren't. My wish and hope for all who loved
him is that they REMEMBER him some way, some how today! They say the
biggest fear of parents who have lost a child is that their child will
be forgotten....which is TRUE!! I think it's also the fear of the dead
child.....Chris would NEVER want to be forgotten!! For those who can, I
invite you to PLEASE attend the third annual CHRIS FEST on July 12th at
Wilson Barn....that is the PERFECT way to remember and honor Chris and
all he was....and all he SHOULD have been!! Fran Kempa -
Monday, June 09, 2003 at 23:05:37 (MDT)
6/9/03....The art is the most recent discovered Chris work from the
Franklin art room. Mr. Rheault presented it to us on Wed. May, 28th,
when we met at Franklin to choose the Chris memorial scholarship
recipient. He said as best as he can tell, it's from 1999...note it's
signed but not dated! On the back it's graded, 20/20 points! The photo
was taken on May 29th, 2003, of Jen and her parents after the
ceremony...they were all so thrilled!! It made me feel SO good!!....and
I KNOW Chris was happy!Tomorrow I'm going to Franklin to drop off
flyers for the Barn show, July 12th. I will be going to Angie Hillman's
room to meet with Cori between 7:30 and will be very strange
to be at Franklin, in that room, at that hour, one day before Chris'
birthday! Fran Kempa - Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 22:26:48
Another passing of an "event", without you... Miss you
always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Sunday, June 08, 2003
at 17:04:26 (MDT)
6/8/03....Same 1999 and 2003 pics of Jen Gossett from
yesterday.Adam went garage saleing yesterday. The woman who bought
our house on Auburndale 11 years ago still lives there. He said he asked
her if he could go in the back yard and she let him...the tree house we
built in 1985, complete with trap door and rope ladder, is still
standing!...The boys loved that! I said if I had been with him I would
have asked her if I could go in the house. A story in today's Observer
drew a heavy sigh. The skateboard park at the new Rec Center is about to
open. Chris dreamed of something like that. He said more than once,
"Mom, wouldn't it be neat if they built a skateboard place like you see
on TV?...I'd be there all the time!" I told him each time, "they'll
never do much risk of kids getting hurt." Well, now they've done
it...I just wish he was here to use it. He would have loved it!
Fran Kempa - Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 11:48:32 (MDT)
6/7/03...The art is a photo I love, we call it HAND FACE. Chris took
it of Jen Gossett for his photo class, first semester Sophomore year,
fall 1999. The photo is one Adam took of Jen Gossett on May 29,2003
after she was presented with the art scholarship in Chris'
memory...In the letter Jen wrote for application for the scholarship
she said, "I believe art can bring out one's full potential and show
that person there is much more to them self than they've ever dared to
believe......I did have great and supportive friends and family who
encouraged me to follow my artsy knack, Chris Kempa was one of those
friends. I saw how he dealt with problems in his own life, by releasing
them positively into his art and music and he helped me to see that I
could do the same....I am currently enrolled at Eastern Michigan
University to take classes in the fall semester 2003 and have an
intended major of Recreational Therapy. I want to help kids who don't
have what I have, to help them bring out their full potential and feel
proud of their talents in ways that they never have felt before...."
Chris loved Jen Gossett. We wish her MUCH success!! Nineteen years ago
today, I received a box of maternity clothes in the mail from my sister
Kathy in North Carolina. The reason I remember this is because they
arrived on her birthday. She figured I still had a few weeks to go
before my scheduled C section and could get some use of them. We had no
clue at the time, Chris had different ideas! Happy Birthday to my sister
Kathy!! Fran Kempa - Saturday, June 07, 2003 at 09:43:59
6/6/03...Same St. Mary's Hospital visitor pass from 1984 and Honor's
Night pic from 5/29/03. This weekend is our annual Olde Rosedale Gardens
neighborhood garage event Chris LOVED! He combed the
neighborhood for treasures every year for years...including 2000. He and
Caleb went together every year, Scott joined them for some. During the
2000 sale, he bought an old Bazooka Bubble Gum lunch box. He kept his
acrylic paints in it. It is STILL in his room, under his desk, with the
paints inside.Tonight we will attend the preview sales with a few
other couples. The preview sale is traditionally held on the Friday
night before and is only open to the neighborhood. Saturday, the sales
are open to the public and usually attract a CROWD!! When I've gone,
it's always been on Friday night..I'm not a crowd lover. Chris ALWAYS
went on Saturday..he LOVED to be in the midst of a crowd!! Fran
Kempa - Friday, June 06, 2003 at 14:17:50 (MDT)
6/5/03...The "art" is the recently discovered St. Mary's Hospital
visitor pass from June of 1984...ninteen years ago! The photo was taken
last Thursday night during the Honor's Night ceremony. That's Meghan to
the left, Jen in the middle and Mrs. Welsh to the right presenting the
scholarship awards. I know Chris would be so excited right now about
Disney's Pixar studio's FINDING NEMO. Every review I've read or heard
says the star of the movie is the "awesome" animation. I have NO doubt
he would have seen it by now,...."for the animation Mom." I often wonder
where he'd be with his animation work by now.... Just a small aspect of
the loss. Tonight is Franklin's Senior prom. There's a chance Chris
would have gone this year as well as last year and the year before, but
I can only guess. Fran Kempa - Thursday, June 05, 2003 at
14:04:33 (MDT)
6/4/03...The art is the same pond plan from 1995 and the photo is the
same of Meghan and Jen from Franklin's Honor's night as
yesterday.There were four people celebrating a birthday today at
work. Two staff and two residents. At one point the discussion among the
staff was how MANY people have June birthdays. Some mentioned mothers,
fathers, daughters etc. I just sat and listened. At one point one of my
co-workers turned to me and said, "How about you Fran, do you have
anybody with a June birthday?" By the time I finished, I hope she wasn't
sorry she asked. These days I tell anyone who will listen, my belief as
to why Chris was killed....and I intend to continue to do so.
Fran Kempa - Wednesday, June 04, 2003 at 21:10:07 (MDT)
Everyday LifeIm "normal again I eat I sleep I drive to
work I laugh I dream I strive for success I worry I
pray I hope for things to come I argue I plan I carry on
with everyday life Like a clown hiding the tears Like an actor
playing a part Like an ant dutifully climbing another hill Like a
criple learning to walk again... Like a mother who has lost a
child. Teresa Holderer TCF , Livonia <In loving memory of Justin Aaron
Holderer> - Tuesday, June 03, 2003 at 19:45:48 (MDT)
6/3/03...The art is the rough sketch of the pond plan Chris did for
us in 1995. He wanted a pond SO badly! attract frogs! The garden,
deck and table and chairs were already existing in the pool yard. Chris
offered his idea to us almost in the form of a presentation...He was
trying to show us it wouldn't be that hard, we could take an existing
space and easily transform it into a pond! We went so far as to check in
to pond kits at home centers...but we never did, and still haven't. In
the future, that may be just another way to honor him....make his plan a
reality, but not this year,....I am SO NOT in to gardening this year!
TOO many other things on my mind! The photo is another taken this past
Thursday night at Franklin. That's Meghan Strauss to the left, and Jen
Gossett to the right. It was taken during the Chris scholarship
award...they both look happy...ESPECIALLY Jen!! I still feel SO good
about awarding two this year!!This morning the Hospice nurse was in
to see her residents. We have developed a good relationship over the
past several months. We were talking about a husband and wife currently
in her care...the husband expired Monday afternoon. All of a sudden, out
of the blue she looked at me and said, "you know, you look VERY sad
today...anyhting going on?" She has known for awhile about Chris but
none of the details. I told her she was VERY good!...I was trying to
hide it! I told her about closing Chris' account yesterday and the fact
that his Birthday will be here soon. She asked when his birthday is and
how old he "should" be, I told her. I continued on about Chris and gave
her ALL the details we have discovered since that HORRIBLE day. She, as
everyone I know ... who know ALL the facts.....except for a few people,
all of whom are related,... was aghast!! Fran Kempa -
Tuesday, June 03, 2003 at 16:54:09 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, June 03, 2003
at 01:00:51 (MDT)
6/2/03...The art is the same Daffy Duck from 11/9/00 and the same
photo of Meghan Strauss from 5/29/03 as yesterday.For whatever
reason, I was able to gather the strength to go to the bank and close
Chris' savings account today. For over two and a half years, the
statements have come, addressed to both of us, and I didn't even open
them...just shoved them somewhere. Chris opened the account in January
1998 at fourteen, shortly after he got his job at Larry's. Since he was
a minor, my name was on the account too. I have no idea how much was
swallowed up in bank fees over the years...but I just COULDN'T do it.
Last month Adam offered to try to do it for me...and did, but he was
told since mine was the name on the account, I was the only one who
could. The woman who helped me was so kind. I had been seated in front
of her for a matter of a minute when I started crying. I tried to
explain to her what I was doing and why. As soon as she saw the
statement I handed her she said, "You may not remember me, but I
remember you. In December of 2000, I helped you with the check for your
donation to the Franklin Art Department in your son's were
crying then too." I apologized for not remembering her but tried to
explain that at that time, I was a literal zombie. She went on to tell
me I didn't have to explain anything to her...years ago at 17, she lost
a brother. We agreed how devastating a loss it is to a family, and how
NO ONE can begin to imagine unless it happens to them. After the deed
was done, we sat and talked for awhile. I told her all that had been
discovered about the driver since that horrible day. She was shocked! We
both agreed that the laws in Michigan NEED to be CHANGED!!
FranKempa - Monday, June 02, 2003 at 17:05:44 (MDT)
6/1/03...The art is the recently discovered Daffy Duck Chris drew "so
FAST!" for Jenny Gervasi on 11/9/00. They were coming home on the bus
from Chicago and he was drawing for the kids to awe and
entertain....something he often did! The photo was taken this past
Thursday night, May 29,03 during the Franklin Honors Night ceremony.
Pictured is Meghan Strauss, one of the two recipients of the Chris Kempa
Memorial art scholarship. Meghan also received another art award Thurs.
night.... A Franklin Art Department award for excellence. It was during
that presentation this photo was taken. Meghan stated in her cover
letter of application for the scholarship that art had been her favorite
subject from elementry to high school...just like Chris. She took art
lessons at Art Store And More...just like Chris. She will be going to
CCS....just like Chris DREAMED of. She is MULTI talented...drawing,
painting and photography...just like Chris. Her career goal is to become
a well-respected female tattoo artist....UNLIKE Chris, but in a way,
BEAUTIFUL art, none the less. I am so sorry we didn't get to meet her,
but I wish her the greatest success with her works....just as I WOULD
have Chris!! Fran Kempa - Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 17:21:53
5/31/03...The art is another portrait of Chris done in his memory by
his sweet friend and fellow artist, Moriah Nixon. Moriah presented this
to me on 11/20/01 during the ceremony at the Menorial. She said she
wasn't able to sleep one night for thinking of Chris and got up at about
3AM... and just started painting....from memory and love! She, like John
Hicks and Cyndi's teacher, really captured Chris! The photo was taken
8/26/00 during my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary party....less than
three months to live! That's Chris, once again wearing the shirt and tie
he was laid out and buried in, and Grandma Joan....both looking very
intently at one of her gifts! Grandma Joan is still very much alive and
celebrated her 81st birthday in March....Chris has been gone over two
and a half years now...I will never stop questioning!Last night I
found myself going through an old photo album in the bedroom. I didn't
get very far...just inside the cover, and I found two very old...but
recently new Chris things. The first was what appeared to be a small
blue ticket. As I looked more closely, I saw it said, "St. Mary's
Hospital Livonia, Mich." on the top. Right below that it read, VISITOR
PASS....On each side, FATHER was stamped, and I realized it was
something I saved from June of 1984....when Chris was born at St.
Mary's! It was a pass he neglected to return to the visitor desk as the
bottom of the pass instructs you to do. Directly underneath the pass was
an envelope that was labeled, "Chris Kempa's first haircut, Oct 11,
1986" Inside was a lock of of his curls! It had a lot more
red in it than I remembered and was SO soft!....All kinds of things
continue to turn up!!..Thank God!! More evidence that he WAS here and
LIVED!!... when sadly, his life continues to be an ever fading
memory...but his death a never ending one! Fran Kempa -
Saturday, May 31, 2003 at 18:25:24 (MDT)
5/30/03....Same portrait and Homecoming 1998 pic from yesterday.I
still feel very good about last night! And to the franklin parent
below...I DO understand why you and your friends are HAPPY you're not
us. I would MUCH rather be reveling in BOTH my son's accomplishments
right now...not just one...I know there would have been SO many,
individual and together as brothers. Fran Kempa - Friday,
May 30, 2003 at 21:37:21 (MDT)
I don't know the Kempas. I just happened to sit a few rows behind
them last night during the Honor's night ceremony. I noticed them when
they walked in because they just made it! It was about to start. I
figured they were there for one of my daughter's classmates. During the
ceremony, as I scanned the crowd, I saw them clapping, smiling, and
laughing at the jokes. I was SO shocked when they stood to be
acknowledged for their son's memorial scholarship! It was then that I
saw the true pain from their loss. Mrs. Kempa was emotinnal during the
presentation. Not long after, she was smiling and clapping for our kids
again! I guess that's proof that life goes on. After the ceremony, we
gathered with other grads parents in the cafeteria and noticed them
again. I think they would understand, we ALL agreed we're so happy we're
not them. They are doing a great thing to honor their son and to help
Franklin kids and I thank them!! Parent of a Franklin 2003
Graduate - Friday, May 30, 2003 at 19:00:17 (MDT)
5/29/03...The art is an example of the outpouring of kindness from
strangers that came about as the result of our tragedy. Not too long
after Chris was killed, his friend Cyndi Lareau spoke to one of her art
classes at Kendall College in Grand Rapids about Chris...his life,
untimely death, and his talents. She said she showed the class some of
his works. The teacher for the class was so moved he decided to do a
portrait of Chris. He asked us to provide two photos, which would be
returned and that was all. While I didn't plan it, the photo from
Homecoming 1998 just below the portrait shows how perfectly he captured
Chris...down to the hair line! It has been displayed on the mantle in
the livingroom since we received it about two years ago. As I wrote in
my thank you note...what a WONDERFUL gift from a stranger!! A large
portion of our evening was spent in the Franklin theatre for Honors
Night 2003. Every time I'm thre, I can't help recall how much time Chris
spent there and how much he LOVED it!...mostly behind the scenes, but
that was his nitch. I couldn't help being happy for, and proud of all
these kids for their accomplishments!...At the same time, I couldn't
help but wonder ALL that Chris SHOULD have accomplished by now!
Chris' was one of four memorial Scholarships presented and the second of
the four. I wasn't prepared for his picture....displayed on a big screen
on the stage as they were presented. The first two years, photos weren't
included. this year I'm HAPPY they were...but I wasn't warned and my
heart just POUNDED! I really don't know what Mrs. Welsh said about Chris
but I know it was loving. After the ceremony, I was able to see and
congratulate many of Chris' friends...I missed Cori! Unfortunatly, we
weren't able to meet Megan Strauss. She had to leave early, but we saw
Jen! She and her parents were SO thrilled! It made me feel so good! I
KNOW Chris is happy again tonight! Her Mom said Jen came home one day
and asked if she thought she should apply...Her Mom said she told her
"ABSOLUTLY!...Even if you don't get it to honor Chris, think how
he inspired you!" Jen said not only did he inspire her in life...he's
why she started playing guitar...he continues to inspire her! I reminded
her Mom that she dropped Jen off at our house less than a month before
Chris was killed and they played music and sang together in the
basement...she remembered! What I also remembered but didn't express to
her was hours later...when she came to pick Jen up...we were getting
ready to go out and I had on Chris' coat...she complimented me on my
coat and I thanked her saying..."but this is Chris' coat!"...Less than
one month later, on 11/20/00 HE was wearing it on his walk to school...
Fran Kempa - Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 21:44:18 (MDT)
i found this webset while looking for things on the friend i lost
about 5 years ago. i never really delt with my loss. i never even went
to her grave but for some reason i am now. i think it might be because i
just had my daughter and life and death are very real to me now.
anyways, as i was reading all the notes i began feeling my own greif and
this time not trying to hide from it. even though this is very late i am
very sorry for your loss and hope and pray that God will give you peace.
i don't know how to explain it but this site is helping me in ways i
can't explain. God bless! anna - Thursday, May 29, 2003 at
20:42:24 (MDT)
Jack: I will pray for you. Evidentally you seem to have a need to
vent your anger and or frustration upon the victim's family and friends.
We can't help but notice your child-like need to use sexual inuendos and
insinuations. For instance, your fake e-mail address is Jack me off ;
That is pretty sad for a grown up. Yet, as the bishop stated, you are
under the control of demonic forces, which seem to impair your ability
to accomplish any form of mature cognitive reasoning. Be assured that
God is watching over the family of Chris. Jeremy Johnson <>
Holly, MI USA - Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 13:23:17 (MDT)
I've been reading Adam's site for about four years now, and I enjoy
it very much. I don't know Adam or Chris personally, but I thought
maybe you would like to know that a complete stranger has sympathy for
your family and your situation. It's really nice to see that you're all
doing wonderful things in Chris' name. In a Kurt Vonnegut book, the
author writes about a group of aliens that come to earth (bear with me
here) and explain some of their ways to the humans. They explain that
moments line up like a mountain range that you can look at, and one is
only gone if you choose to look at the moments in which he or she is
absent. In this way, I think your family is keeping Chris alive.
George Viebranz <>
- Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 09:49:10 (MDT)
ok i'm sorry bye bye jack mehoff <> -
Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 22:30:05 (MDT)
5/28/03....Same PLANETS drawing and 1998 Homecoming pic as
yesterday.This afternoon we met with Mr. Rheault and Mrs. Welsh in
Chris' beloved art room to select this year's Chris Scholarship
recipient. There were only two applicants this year. It was impossible
to choose between two very talented young artists. Adam W. joined us
this year and made the wonderful suggestion that since last year's was
awarded but never used, why not give each girl their own! I am SO
happy to congratulate Jen Gossett who will be attending Eastern next
year, and Meghan Strauss who will be attending Chris' dream school, CCS!
I KNOW Chris is happy tonight! We look forward to seeing the girls
tomorrow night at Honor's night. Mr. Rheault presented us with YET
ANOTHER recently discovered Chris work he found in the art room! He said
he believed it to be from 1998. It's a still life that is signed...but
not dated! It's graded on the back, 20 out of 20 points! He was AMAZED
that they keep popping up! I still think it's one of Chris' ways of
saying HELLO! He told us the art room will be gutted this summer and
totally redone with new EVERYTHING! Even though Chris would have been
long gone, I know he would have been SO excited for his remaining art
friends and the art department! We asked Mr. Rheault and Mrs. Welsh, as
they clear the room for renovation, to PLEASE keep an eye out for more
Chris works...they promised they would! Today was Connie's son's 21st
Birthday and she was at work! She said she thought it would be good to
keep busy. By the end of the day I think she realized she had made a
mistake. She was very emotional and asked me, "Well, what do you do on
your son's?" I told her I take the day of, the day before and the day
after off!" That works for me but we all have to find our own methods of
coping. I think she'll modify her's next year. Fran Kempa -
Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 20:09:04 (MDT)
still thinkin about you Chris! - <-> - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 19:39:35
In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind the evil, satanic forces behind you
and loose the power of the Holy Spirit. The battle belongs to the
Lord! Bishop S <> Holly, MI USA -
Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 05:00:31 (MDT)
cmon dad cmon kurt jack mehoff <> -
Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 01:12:38 (MDT)
5/27/03...The art is one we call PLANETS. It was done in late grammer
school as I recall while studying the solar system. I love the way Chris
got the idea out...through his art that the sun was the master...and all
the planets revolve!...The photo is another obviously unposed pic from
Homecoming 1998.I want to thank everyone for their Memorial day
thoughts in the form of E mails, US mails, phone calls and guestbook
entries.... They mean so much! Tomorrow we meet with members of
Franklin's art department to choose the THIRD recipient of the Chris
memorial scholarship! I'm not sure how many applied this year. Honors
Night is Thrusday the 29th when it will be awarded. Happy Birthday to
my brother Bill!! Fran Kempa - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 at
18:51:43 (MDT)
ok jack, you need to take your lame ass some where else and leave my
friends family alone.Do you have nothing better to do. This is bull that
I come on hear and see you give his family and his friends greff. Keep
your thoughts to yourself. This man was a grate person inside and out
and it sickens me to see a little punk like you bad mouthing him. Maybe
you dont know how it is to loss someone close to you,it hurts more than
you can imagen. Some day you will know. To the Kempas I appaligize for
what I just wrote on hear but it just makes me angery to see it done on
such a grate website for such a wonderful friend.You are always in my
thoughts. Mr.Kempa I belive the truth will come out soon. Chris,I miss
you man, always! Kurt Wilson <> - Tuesday,
May 27, 2003 at 12:06:26 (MDT)
i'm not a tomato can you can just kick around jack mehoff
<> -
Tuesday, May 27, 2003 at 02:12:55 (MDT)
hey there XXXX i mean dad stop... the truth is NOT cumin out
poop jack mehoff <> - Tuesday,
May 27, 2003 at 02:11:29 (MDT)
Like all other "holidays" since your death... we miss you
Chris.... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, May 27, 2003
at 00:39:03 (MDT)
Hey there Mrs. Kempa. I was just thinking of Chris and I wanted to
say hello and that I am thinking of you guys. Chris was an amazing
person and I am glad that I got the chance to meet him. I hope you have
a good Memorial Day. Jamie Harb <> -
Monday, May 26, 2003 at 22:06:20 (MDT)
5/26/03...Same signature and Homecoming 1998 picture from
yesterday.I was talking to someone the other day who had had her
heart broken in a relationship years ago, she made the comment during
our conversation.. as a result, hers was a comprable loss. I usually
don't really say anything in this type of situation, but this time, I
couldn't help myself! I told her that chances are, she will meet someone
else...possibly better than the man who broke her heart. She can pick
up, and make a life for herself that can be so happy! The hole in her
heart CAN be filled again! I told her, it's not like I can go out and
get another son...let alone one as special as Chris! That hole in my
heart will NEVER be filled as long as I live. I can be happy again...but
my life will NEVER be AS happy if Chris was still in my life!...I think
she understood... Fran Kempa - Monday, May 26, 2003 at
16:29:05 (MDT)
Remembering Chris and the Kempa family on this Memorial Day and every
day. May God help you through your life long journey through grief.
A Former Franklin Parent - Monday, May 26, 2003 at 12:05:49
5/25/03...The art is another one of Chris' signatures on one of his
works, "The boy who runs" It's a rare one with initials and a
title...but still no date! The picture is another from Homecoming
1998.Two years ago this weekend we brought Speck home! I can't
believe it's been two years! It was the Saturday of the holiday weekend
and we had taken him over to Allen's to show them the pup! On the way
home we intended to stop at the Memorial but it was POURING rain. I
asked Adam to at least drive by, knowing we couldn't light any
candles...and that's when we discovered the first trashing of the
Memorial by those people...making one of their statements. We did
nothing about it that night but quickly rebuilt it the next day. Speck
has been such a joy! He continues to make us smile through our tears! I
have NO memory of last Memorial day what so ever. Last night was one
of those many nights when I go to bed feeling exhausted...and then I
wake up as soon as my head hits the pillow. I lay there and
think...usually reliving the events of 11/20/00. The last time I looked
at the clock it was 4:30...and then I slept some and dreamed...I dreamed
we had finally gathered the strength to do something with Chris' room.
We were stripping the wallpaper and with each layer we removed...we
found another one of his drawings pasted to the wall! They were all
signed AND dated! So we gathered around them saying things like, "Look
at this one, he was in sixth grade when he did this!" Or, "Wow, he was
only five when he did this one!"...This went on and on and then I woke was I did sleep some.... Fran Kempa -
Sunday, May 25, 2003 at 19:49:20 (MDT)
"It's not what you take with you when you go, it's what you leave
behind that counts" Kempa Family I wish you nothing but the best if
possible on Memorial Day and each and everyday. Please always remember
to try and smile over the pain. Happy Memorial Day Kempa's!
*Christina* - Sunday, May 25, 2003 at 17:26:42 (MDT)
5/24/03...Same comic book and 1998 Homecoming picas yesterday. I'm
beginning to find yard work is exactly that... work!The last entry
from the book I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING GOOD-BYE by Sandy Fox is a
poem written by Bridie in memory of her son Paul, FOUR years after he
was killed. Words? How can mere words adequately express what is
in my heart? How can mere words convey, so some other being will
understand, to the depths of my soul, the pain I feel? I picture
myself being held.... by God Close, with His arms securely around
me, holding me close and me just sobbing. Sobbing all the pain
and hurt. No words Words can't begin to tell it. Only the
tension in my body trying not to let it all out at once. Fearful it
will be too overwhelming but not able to hold it in any
longer. Needing to just be held.... by God. Fran Kempa
- Saturday, May 24, 2003 at 19:47:32 (MDT)
LOOK at the GREAT web site, If you have ever worked for a family
business then you want to view. Bob Smith
<> -
Saturday, May 24, 2003 at 07:45:32 (MDT)
5/23/03...The art is one of the comic books Chris to write and draw.
This is issue 1... I don't think there were any more issues of this
one....he was always moving on to the next idea. The photo is another
newly found from Homecoming 1998...obviously not posed!Memorial day
weekend...the time we always opened the pool when Chris was permitting or not! He insisted! Last year we never
opened it...I wish we could do the same this year but I guess we'll have
to. The deck and porch furniture is still unwashed...that was a Mother's
day tradition. I homestly don't think any of our holiday family
traditions are still intact since Chris was killed... but then neither
is our family. Fran Kempa - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 15:32:00
Jack...the truth is definitely coming out!!! JV <XXXX> - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 07:29:24
5/22/03...Same personalized sketch book from 2000 and 1998 Homecoming
picture as yesterday. Jenny gave me the picture Chris drew for her on
the bus on the way home from Chicago 11/9/00 yesterday. It's a very good
Daffy Duck! The third recipient of the Chris Scholarship will be
selected next week, Honor's night is the 29th. People have been asking
about the barn show. Yes, we are having it again this year! It's set for
July 12th at Wilson Barn. Once again, this time of year brings on many
Chris things..more ways to keep his memory and spirit alive! Mary Saia
of Westland and I think alike! ....For me the death of my son, John
has been the most shattering experience of my life. I move on each day,
I get up, do what I have to do and at the end of each day, I still have
the feeling something's missing, because it is. It's tough, but I do one
day at a time. I know I must go on, John would want me to....Page 207 I
Kempa - Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 15:55:11 (MDT)
thanks to jack more people are able to see exactly what kind of
people he and they are. Franklin 2002 grad - Thursday, May
22, 2003 at 12:53:44 (MDT)
Too bad that Jack M. below hasn't come to terms with his issues! Not
a very Christian type person is he.
I agree! Chris and Clay are probably much alike. Chris would have taken
his Art and possibly Music to the highest level. MCS <> -
Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 11:20:40 (MDT)
The description of # 2 IDOL, Clay, as a student that I have received
from many of his former teachers reminds me an awful lot of what people
often said of Chris. Both overcame their youthful social and academic
issues by utilizing their talents in fine and/or performing arts.
.....leaving their peers amazed! Kathy Putnam - Thursday,
May 22, 2003 at 03:51:45 (MDT)
I agree! Clay is amazing! MCS <> -
Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 03:24:54 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Thursday, May 22, 2003
at 00:09:57 (MDT)
I find it very interesting that every time the driver is mentioned,
not long after, some low life or another makes a disgusting entry.
Coincidence? I think not. Mary Saia <Westland> - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at
10:09:50 (MDT)
5/21/03...The art is one of Chris' last sketch books. We found it
after going through his things from the art room after he was killed. I
love the way he turned sketch into his initials! It contained many good
drawings. The photo is another from Homecoming 1998.Last night I
watched American Idol. Clay was amazing! I couldn't help wonder if Chris
was still here if he'd be interested. Maybe, but I doubt it.
Fran Kempa - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 09:08:56 (MDT)
The blood of Christ prevails against you...I apologize for responding in
this guest book BUT I tried to personally respond;however, JACK had
given a FAKE e-mail address. Kathy <> - Wednesday,
May 21, 2003 at 04:29:53 (MDT)
first off glad the faggots dead. I'd like to kill that frickin moron
for breaking the mirror. I sleep better at night knowing he's part of
the pavement.Every kid like him should be dead too. jack mehoff
<> -
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 00:55:01 (MDT)
5/20/03...Same SEGMENTS self portrait and 1998 Homecoming pic as
yesterday.I heard a brief comment on the evening news from a woman
speaking about health insurance. "Let's face it, the VAST majority of us
are going to live to a ripe, old age."....How I wish that were true in
Chris' case. I still will hold to my grave...if not for that instant
with that one driver, I have NO DOUBT, Chris would still be here
today. ....After 30 years it was still difficult for Floyd to talk
about Peggy. Sometimes he told me, "I'll just be sitting on the couch
and she'll just come to mind as I remember with pride the good person
she was." When he spoke about knowing in his heart she was not going to
survive the accident, he had to pause to catch his breath. At other
times during the conversation he was silent as tears came to his eyes
and for a moment he could not speak. I think it surprised him how
overwhelmed he became and how strongly it still affects him. After such
a long period of time, we assume parents can talk freely and without too
much emotion about their dead children. But that is not always the case,
nor should they ever be embarassed about any display of emotion. "As you
can see," he said, "I've never gotten over it." And why should he? Our
children are never forgotten.....Page 199 I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING
GOOD-BYE by Sandy Fox Fran Kempa - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at
17:43:43 (MDT)
5/19/03...The art is another self portrait Chris did in 1999...I
think. We call it SEGMENTS. The photo is another from the newly
discovered 1998 Homecoming pics. Adam W. and I went shopping at
Kohl's this afternoon. One of the things he got was a pair of shorts for
basketball. That purchase brought my mind back in time to this time of
year for the last three years Chris lived. This is the time of year he
would have me help him cut off most of his jeans for the summer. He
needed my help to make sure the legs were "even." He kept at least one
pair long..."just in case"...and that was his summer wardrobe, cut off
jeans and T shirts or hoodies! One of his dresser drawers is still full
of only cut off jeans. ...I had a difficult time rebuilding my life
without Aaron. Learning to live without him and with how he died is
still the greatest challenge of my life. I am his mother, and I sent him
off to his death. Unknowingly of course.....I know that I am not
responsible for his death...but meshing my intelect with my heart is
very difficult. I probably will struggle with this for the rest of my
life....Page 190 I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING GOODBYE. While all of
the entries I have put here from this book have REALLY hit home...I only
used the ones that I could have easily written myself...this last one
says it all! Fran Kempa - Monday, May 19, 2003 at 17:10:23
Every time I hear a skate boarder I think of you. Miss you
always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Monday, May 19, 2003
at 11:53:15 (MDT)
we all know! franklin - Sunday, May 18, 2003 at 17:50:55
5/18/03...The art is the same self portrait from Sophomore year, and
Freshman year Homecoming picture from yesterday.Yesterday, one of the
contingent nurses relieved me for the afternoon shift. She and her
family, including three kids under the age of five, recently moved to
Michigan from Virginia. I was talking to another co-worker as she stood
and waited for me to count with her, and the subject of Chris came up.
In passing, I commented how sometimes I have a hard time in my work
enviornment...dealing with very debilitated 80 - 90... sometimes PLUS
year old residents....and my beautiful 16 YEAR OLD son is DEAD!! When
the contingent nurse and I went to the med cart to count she said, "So,
was your son sick?" And I replied, "NO!", "he was vibrant and healthy as
a horse!" So she asked, "Oh my God!, then what happened???" So I told
her....ALL the details. She, like just about everybody I tell, was
incredulous. "HOW could this have been condoned??" she asked. All I
could say....after all this time was, "we are STILL trying to figure
that out." She then told me that three years ago, she lost a sister to
breast cancer at 38. She became teary as she said, "I ache for her EVERY
day...and she was just my sister....I CAN'T IMAGINE losing one of my
kids." I told her to trust me....she didn't want to find out
either. ...We had to learn to live without him. Our older son Jarid,
was lost without his brother. In a way he lost his parents too, because
we were not the same people we were before Aaron died. Grief is a
terribly lonely emotion. It is impossible to help anyone else when you
are so consumed with grief yourself. It can tear families apart....Page
Sunday, May 18, 2003 at 16:13:27 (MDT)
5/17/03...The art is one of Chris' many self portraits. I believe
this one was done second semester Sophomore year, spring 2000. The photo
is yet another recently discovered from Homecoming 1998, Freshman year.
So far, we have been invited to three graduation parties this year.
Two of which are for COLLEGE graduates! It's hard to believe some of
Chris' friends are graduating from college but if he was still with us,
he'd have completed his first year at CCS by now. That's so hard to
imagine me, he's still 16. We attended the first party
tonight, Cyndi Lareau's. She graduated from Kendall College in Grand
Rapids with an ART degree! She wore her Chris pin very prominently
displayed on her gown for the ceremony! She showed us her portfolio and
her many works displayed through out her house. They were GOOD! I told
her Chris would have been very impressed! ...When I think of Aaron
now, I concentrate on the knowledge that I was blessed to have him in my
life. No matter what anyone else says or thinks, I know that my life has
been touched by an angel. He taught me more in his 16 years than I ever
taught him...Page 186 I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING GOOD-BYE by Sandy
Fox. Fran Kempa - Saturday, May 17, 2003 at 18:56:30
Thanks for the three roses at the memorial Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Saturday, May 17, 2003
at 00:27:55 (MDT)
5/16/03...Same drawing signature and Homecoming 1998 picture as
yesterday.I heard on the radio today, it's official, George Bush will
seek a second term. It made me think back to 11/00. Chris was alive and
well for election day but he never lived to see who became President. He
took no particular interest in it but would comment in passing from time
to time as he saw me watching coverage..."Is that stuff STILL going on?"
And then he'd be gone in a flash. I can still see him in my mind,
glancing at the TV in the kitchen and saying that. I was used to his
quick exits from a room, that was how he moved, he darted...I will NEVER
get used to his quick exit from my life. I was totally unprepared for
the death of my child, a shocking, devastating event. When the police
came to the door, it was every parents nightmare.....I watched the
response of these kids. They were devastated; it was, for many, the
first death they had experienced. The lesson I learned from them was how
open kids can be. They didn't hold their grief in; they supported each
other and me and tried to with Paul. They were loving and giving. I
found that to be wonderful...From pages 178, 179 I HAVE NO INTENTION OF
SAYING GOODBYE Fran Kempa - Friday, May 16, 2003 at 15:41:42
Randy Travis has a new song called "Three Wooden Crosses". It's not
what you take with you when you go, it's what you leave behind that
counts. How true! Cathie Vyse <> - Thursday,
May 15, 2003 at 21:16:41 (MDT)
5/15/03...The art is the most complete signing of any piece Chris
ever did. Not only did he name it and sign it in CURSIVE!...but added
his initials and a smiley face! The only thing lacking is the date...but
Chris wasn't good with dates. The photo is another recent discovery from
Homecoming, 1998. It's very evident in this photo that Chris was the
only lefty!The first line of that last entry from my most recent
grief book, "being very, very empty and very sad.." Brought back a not
so nice memory from December, 2000 We had all returned to work and
school, but we were all still in such raw shock. Christmas was coming
with out Chris...not possible or so it seemed. We decided we needed
professional help and arranged for the three of us to meet with a grief
counselor. Adam W. and I went together and arrived first, Adam was
coming from work and was to meet us there. When we were called into the
office, Adam still hadn't arrived and the secretary was told to send him
in when he got there. The counselor was a woman I suspected to be about
40. She knew the reason why we were there from an earlier telephone
conversation and had commented that she remembered hearing about Chris
in the media. Adam W. and I sat in chairs facing each other. She stood
between us, off to the side. She was to my right and Adam's left. We
both looked at her ...we had come here for HELP.. and she broke into a
BIG SMILE, cupped her hands and said, So, how DO you feel?"...the smile
never left her face. Adam and I just looked at each other... numb, in
shock and now totally confused. I finally said to her, "How do you think
we feel...PROFOUNDLY SAD, a feeling like we've never had before." She
replied something like, "Well, that's to be expected"..besides smiling,
she had added laughter to her voice. I don't recall the exact exchange
after that...just that she never stopped smiling and laughing. I finally
said to her, "You know, I think your smiles and laughter are totally
inappropriate under the circumstances. " Why we sat there as long as we
did I'm not sure...I guess we were waiting for Adam. When he finally
came, we just about RAN from the office. Having not participated in the
"session" he wasn't clear as to what has gone on. As I drove home, Adam
W. and I agreed that if that was grief counseling, we didn't need it or
want it... it was more like torture. Needless to say, we never returned
to her. We began seeing a very good woman after Christmas. The three
of us were attending and I was happy Adam was coming with us. One Monday
evening in early May 2001, her secretary called to let us know that our
appointment for the following evening was cancelled, the Dr. had died!
Suddenly, but thought to be from natural causes...she was in her mid
fifties! I had felt all along that I got the most benefit from our
Compassionate Friends meetings and I still do. ...Time goes by,
tomorrow comes whether you're sad or happy. My thoughts remain; this is
life. I don't expect others to feel the emptiness, the sadness as I
do....Functioning again was a gradual, continual process. I found the
second year rougher than the first. It wasn't until the end of the
second year that I didn't feel guilty if I laughed at a joke or if I was
enjoying myself. During these first years I couldn't do anything Brian
liked and enjoy it.....When I don't hear people say, "I miss Brian", I
am very sad. Those who knew him growing up of from school will talk
about him, but most will not. I received support when I needed it , but
I don't believe there is enough of it out there for most...Page 159 I
Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 16:40:06 (MDT)
5/14/03...Same Mother's Day card inside and new Homecoming 1998 pic
from yesterday.Jenny Gervasi Im'd me last night. She is Chris' friend
and Larry's co worker who accompanied Chris on the 11/9/00 art
department field trip to Chicago. She said she was cleaning out... I
think her out something and found the picture Chris
drew for her on the bus on the way home that night! She's going to give
it to me Friday to copy! She described it as a group of in
particular, Daffy Duck. I realy don't care if it's a stick
me, it's one of the last things Chris drew!....they KEEP coming! I
watched Dateline last night...Jane Pauley's farewell. I found it so
interesting toward the end of her interview with Michael J. Fox he said,
" Your kids grow....and that is how I measure time." And I are SO lucky Michael!! My KID grows but that isn't the
only way I measure time...I also measure time by..."Did that happen
before Chris was killed or after Chris was killed?" We develop all sorts
of interesting how long will it be before I, we, see
him again. Connie was at work today. Once again, we talked for a long
time. In a very few days, it will be three months for her. She told me
how she hopes they handled her son gently at the morgue, how she hopes
it was instant, and PRAYS he didn't suffer! I told her this day, I
continue to hold those same hopes. She told me I am about the only
person who can not only share...but understand her some
strange way, that made me feel good and I told her I think we help each
other. ....When Brian died I can only describe my feelings as being
very, very empty and very sad. I have one other son, two years younger,
who got along great with Brian. Not a day goes by I don't spend time
with Brian, visualizing him. I do a lot of different things during each
day that remind me of him. He is in my first thoughts as I wake in the
morning. If I see other kids nowdays, I wonder what Brian would be like
now. Where would he be? Thousands of things happen during the day that
bring him to mind. Sometimes they are sad thoughts, sometimes not....But
Sandy Fox. Fran Kempa - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at
18:33:00 (MDT)
" This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you."
XOXOXO - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 19:45:10 (MDT)
5/13/03...The art is the inside of the homemade Mother's Day card
Chris gave me on year. The photo is another recently developed
homecoming 1998 pic...Chris, in the shirt and tie he was laid out and
buried in and Michele. That look he has on his face in this photo is one
that we often saw,...happy, gratified, but at the same time, somewhat
restrained.SO happy to hear from Moriah! I had a feeling I'd hear
from her around this time! She has remembered me every Mother's Day
since Chris was killed And that means so much! Today at work, one of
the residents was telling me about Connie's son, that he had been
killed. He then told me that ten years ago, one of his five daughters
died from cancer at the age of 30, leaving behind three young children.
As he told me her story, the tears just STREAMED down his face. I
couldn't help joining him as I told him about Chris. For such a small
facility, we have two residents that I know of... there could be more,
who have lost children and two employees. I fear our tragedies are more
common than one would think. ...Many parents have a hard time verbally
expressing to others their true feelings and may find it easier to write
them down and look back at these writings hours, days, months and years
later to see how far they have come...real growth can come out of these
expressions of loss, out of feeling your feelings, whether these
feelings are ones of sadness, rage, vengeance or guilt. By expressing
what is deep within, it allows you to move forward with your life and
may, in turn, allow you to deal successfully with yourself, surviving
family memembers and friends....Page 155, I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING
GOOD-BYE. Fran Kempa - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 15:58:36
Hello Mrs. Kempa--> It's been a while since I wrote you, I've been
really busy with school and tons of homework, but I just wanted to let
you know that no matter how busy I may get with all this stuff you have
and will keep remaining in my thoughts and on my heart and in my
prayers! I love you and you never are alone. You will always have all of
us to help you with whatever you need! This might sound strange, but it
doesn't matter how little we know each other, you are as a mother to me.
May God bless you tremendously and keep you and call you His
own---->Moriah punk <rocker> - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at
13:58:37 (MDT)
5/12/03...Same Mother's Day card front and August 2000 photo as
yesterday.Mother's Day was very nice...I will never go so far as to
say happy because without Chris here with me in the flesh, they can
never be happy again. Part of the day was spent at the cemetary as it
has for three years now. We took the shepherd hook from the pool
yard,....the one chris always helped me with and bought two beautiful
hanging baskets. I still had my laundry detergent bottle in the van so
we were able to water them right away. I'm sure the random observer
assumed I was a daughter visiting the grave of my mother...not a mother
visiting the grave of her son. This afternoon, we met with the same
woman who made the bronze marker at the Memorial to discuss the final
details for Chris' grave marker. Since we met with her last, she too has
lost a child, a son.. her baby, 34 from a heart attack. More glaring
proof that you never know. We hope to have it in by his birthday. While
it was very hard to do, I,m so glad we finally did it. ..."I work
through my grief in the books I write and find that keeping a journal
helps too...I can tell my innermost thoughts as a release mechanism and
go back to examine those feelings...."Page 150, I HAVE NO INTENTION OF
SAYING GOOG-BYE by Sandy Fox Fran Kempa - Monday, May 12,
2003 at 18:26:07 (MDT)
Miss you always, not only on these special days but each and every
day.......... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Sunday, May 11, 2003
at 23:39:09 (MDT)
5/11/03...The art is the front of a homemade card Chris gave me one
year. The photo was taken on August 25, 2000, less than three months
before he was killed. We had spent our last Mother's Day together that
May. Adam and the boys gave me a beautiful gazing globe. I put it in the
pool yard between the Japaneese maples. One of the last extra chores
Chris did for me before he was killed was carry the base of the gazing
globe into the garage in late October 2000. I haven't had it out since.
Chris had been 16 for two months in this picture, Adam was 20. And
that's pretty much how we were, the three of us, until the driver ended
Chris' life and changed Adam's and mine forever......I do believe in
God and the hereafter and that has helped me survive the loss of my 16
year old son, Jay. At first, nothing helped. I was in deep shock and
completely inconsolable. Here was a beautiful young boy with so much
promise. The pain was unbearable. When I came out of it many months
later, it was like my body was frozen and I was thawing out. My husband
and I even had chest pains, like we were having a heart attack. It was
the grief, total grief we were experiencing, nothing more. What helps me
now are friends, the bereavement groups joined, the work I do to help
other parents survive and what I accomplish in honor of my son.....Page
Kempa - Sunday, May 11, 2003 at 15:47:08 (MDT)
Dear Franny, Thinking of you and praying for you on this Mother's
Day. I hope the signs from Chris continue for the rest of your
life...and that your special guardian angel in Heaven continues to
gather all of your worries on this earth and lift them up to higher
powers. Offer them up each day, and your heart will not be so heavy.
Chris continues to be a part of your life as your son, as Adam does, but
in a heavenly presence. I wish you butterflies and peace on this special
day. Much love always... JoAnne <> -
Saturday, May 10, 2003 at 21:24:42 (MDT)
5/10/03...Same Mom drawing from 1990 and 1998 Homecoming pic as
yesterday.Last night we went to a family type restaurante for
dinner..just the two of us. After we had been seated for about 10 mins.,
I noticed some people walking toward us, waving and smiling. It was
Chris' long time friend and our neighbors, "Little Matt", his Mom and
grandparents! "Little Matt" and his parents moved right across the
street from us on Auburndale when Chris was five and Matt was two...thus
Chris' name for him..he called him that until the day he died. The first
ting I said was, "wow! Little Matt isn't so little anymoe" he stood
before me about six feet tall with a beard!...I hadn't seen him since
Chris' wake. He will be a Senior next year! His Mom said she got goose
bumps when she saw us walk in because she had just had a dream about
Chris Thurs. night! was a good one, she considered this a sign! She
also told me that since the last time we ran into each other at the
grocery store, she had gone through all their pictures and has a "Stack"
of pictures with Chris in them! Thank God the Chris things keep coming!
Maybe these pictures are my Mother's Day present from Chris! ...It is
important for people to understand this is an ongoing process and that
little pieces of grief will be with you for the rest of your life. One
of the things happening now is that Jimmy's friends are at an age where
they are marrying and having children. I wonder what his children would
have been like......It took me a long time to learn the lesson that I
had no control over what happened that day and as a parent we think we
have control over what happens to our children. But because that day
happened, here's where I am now. Yes, I miss him and I love him and
there is not a day that goes by that I don't ask myself, "What
if"...There's nothing I can do about that. Instead, I can continue doing
what I'm doing in his honor, in his memory......Pages 123 and 124 of I
May 10, 2003 at 16:07:09 (MDT)
A Bereaved Mother is someone who stands at a grave wondering how she
is going to live the rest of her life without this child. A Bereaved
Mother is someone who thinks she will spend the rest of her life with
this horrendous feeling inside. A Bereaved Mother is someone who has
to learn how to live all over again. A Bereaved Mother is someone who
wishes they would take Mother's Day out of the calendar. A Bereaved
Mother is someone who has to learn to accept the loss of her beloved
child and uses what she has learned to help others. A Bereaved
Mother Is... <Zel, TCF
Atlanta> - Friday, May 09, 2003 at 23:10:03 (MDT)
5/9/03...The art is the drawing Chris did of me during our first year
at the cottage August, 1990. I can STILL see that moment in my minds
eye. Shortly after Chris drew it, Caleb's Grandma came over to visit
from her cottage two doors down. I was still preparing dinner and the
drawing was on the kitchen table. She picked it up and asked about
it...she was very impressed! The photo is yet another recently
discovered and developed from Homecoming 1998...Chris and Michele.I
went grocery shopping today as I have so many times since Chris was
killed. Our dear friends saw to it that we were very well taken care of
in the food department during the initial horror. I didn't have to go to
the grocery store for a good month. I remember the first time I did
go...though rather fragmented. I went to Kroger...I COULDN'T go to
Larry's.. It felt like I wasn't really there...everything I picked up I
dropped. That wasn't a problem until I reached for the large jar of Ragu
spaghitti sauce and watched in slow motion as it fell to the floor and
shatered ALL over..I remember standing at the service desk, feeling
electrified and telling them they needed a clean up in a certain
asile..That's how I felt today...not nearly as intense but all of the
"Chris things" just jumped out at me and were in my face. Chris LOVED
Maruchan Instant Lunch...only the shrimp flavor. He had me buy it for
him all the time and I did until one day I looked at the sodium and fat
content. For some reason these lunches in the soup asile just got me
today. ...After 23 years, you would think I have dealt with everything
possible in regards to the death of my 10 year old son Jimmy. It is
always startling to me when I'm caught off guard. When I hear a song he
liked or see a piece of clothing similar to what he used to wear, I
think of him. I feel tears well up, but instead of being upset, I like
it! One of the biggest fears we have is that we'll forget them, but we
Fran Kempa - Friday, May 09, 2003 at 17:47:25 (MDT)
5/8/03...The art is the same altered left eye TRI drawing as
yesterday. The photo is the same recently discovered Homecoming 1998
picture...Chris and Michele.It was very interesting to me today...
One of the questions on CourtTV's web page.... One of today's 13th Juror
questions..."Should a car be considered a deadly weapon?" I'm very happy
to report 90.4% answered yes. Proving to me that the majority of the
public ARE responsible drivers. 9.5% answered no. Most unfortunatly, I
have come to know that type of person up close and personal...and how I
wish to God every minute of every day... how I wish I never knew of
THEIR existance. ...For three years I could not function. The sudden
death of my 18-year old son was the cause...Justin was always a good
child. We were proud of him. He was always thoughtful to others, very
caring....Everywhere I looked in the house Justin was there. I wanted to
move, just to get away from it all.....We both cried a lot. We still do
at times. There was a numbness about the whole thing, an unreality that
hung in the air. I found I couldn't function...Bonnie agrees that she
has a long way to go. The interview was very difficult for her. The
memories were overpowering and at times she had to wipe her eyes and
pause as she caught her breath. It is certainly nothing to be ashamed
of. Most of us will do this for the rest of our lives. We loved our
children more than anything. Our heart tells us they are gone even
though our minds consider it impossible and incomprehensible that a
child could die before a parent. It is not the order of how life was
meant to be. Sadly though, it is reality.....From pages 115-118 of I
Kempa - Thursday, May 08, 2003 at 17:50:07 (MDT)
5/7/03...The art we call TRI. Notice once again, the altered left
eye. Some day I think I'll sit down and count exactly how many of his
works depict such an eye....there are sveral. The photo is another
recently discovered and developed from Homecoming 1998.Tonight was
our Compassionate Friends meeting. Before the balloon launch, we had one
of our group discussions. There was only one woman who was new to us at
our table. Her 14 year old son was killed a year and a half ago but this
was only her fourth meeting. She explained how she thought she was
losing her mind for all the emotions she has gone, and continues to go
through...and there is no one to talk to. She finds the meetings very
helpful. She said she now sees what she is living is normal. I tried to
reassure her and tell her after two and a half years, I still take Chris
with me everywhere I go, whatever I do....I think about him all the
time..I still cry every day...and STILL have the rare day where I can't
get out of bed....and I don't see that EVER changing. Everyone at the
table agreed. The launch was sad as we expected. This is the first year
it was so cold and damp...but perhaps fitting. The lone piper played
Amazing Grace in the distance as we stood and watched our balloons
until we could see them no more... ...In those first years I would go
to bed at night and say to God, "If you want me, I'm yours." Every
morning I'd wake up and say, "Well, I guess You still want me here." It
was the fifth anniversary of Craig's death, as I stood at his grave that
I accepted the fact that I wasn't going to die from my grief....Page 110
Wednesday, May 07, 2003 at 21:32:22 (MDT)
Lord, today is Mother's Day, but our hearts are split in two Half
is with the child still here, The other with the child that is there
with You. All the lovely presents are a nice surprise But the one
thing we want most is missing, And tears fill our eyes.We know
when You sent them Lord, You didn't promise how long they would
stay. All You said was to love them And treasure each and every
day. But Lord it crushed our hearts, When You called for their
return. We feel like half a Mom, as we ache, weep and yearn. But
Lord tell them we love them Just as much as we did before. And
could you please make a window, So they can see through Heaven's
floor. Let them see that they are missed And thought of with each
breath And that a Mother's love begins with life, And does not
end with death. So on this Mother's Day the greatest gift we give to
You For Lord we know You missed them, And You love them too.
A Mother's Day Gift To God <Shelia Simmons TCF, Atlanta> - Wednesday, May 07,
2003 at 12:58:07 (MDT)
Spring time comes along. Skateboarders are out and families are doing
more and more yard work. It's hard to believe how our lives have changed
since Chris' death. Although some say time heals all, I like to go to
memories for healing. This website is such a wonderful reminder that the
memories are abundant. I hate to think that so many kids who were close
to him are graduating this year. I don't like to think that a small part
of him leaves with each of those kids. I always remind myself that just
because some of Chris' friends are gradutaing doesn't mean he's slowly
leaving Franklin high School. It means he'll be traveling with these
students to other places in life and in the world. As it always goes, he
is never forgotten. Colleen Marie <> - Wednesday, May 07, 2003 at 06:27:07 (MDT)
Miss you always... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Tuesday, May 06, 2003
at 23:13:11 (MDT)
Our family moved from Andrews Texas to Houston in 1983. In February
1984, I was working in my backyard when I found a deflated balloon.
There was a note on the balloon. The note was from a mother , expressing
her love for her daughter . The way the note was written, I knew that
the daughter had died. The note expressed so much love that it
penetrated through my heart. Little did I know that my own son would die
in 1995, and I would be sending him notes in balloons. I wonder who
finds the notes that we send to our children. I wonder if they can feel
the love and pain in each note like I did that day in February.
Niecy Moss <TCF
Houston-West Tx.> - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 22:23:30
I neglected to mention the last paragraph I entered below, was taken
from page 105 of the book, I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING
GOOD-BYE. Fran Kempa - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 16:27:14
5/6/03...Same TAXI art and Chris and Michele pic from 1998's
Homecoming, developed in 2003.I drove through the cemetary today.
Shepherd hooks are starting to dot the grass! I think that's what I'll
do on Mother's Day...take the shepherd hook from the pool yard and two
plants to the cemetary. I'm happy I don't have to work this year!
They've planted several new trees again this year very near his
grave! Tomorrow night will be our THIRD balloon launch during our
Compassionate Friends meeting in memory of our children. There will be
many more people there than at the regular monthly meetings. Some people
attend only the candle lighting in December and the balloon launch in
May...what ever works. According to the newsletter, the bag piper will
be there again this year. While it was very nice last year, at the same
time, the lone piper sounded so sad and lonely....very fitting I
guess. I TRULY HOPE it WASN'T a happy one!!... Helen's statement
about "being in the bottom of a slimy pit trying to get out but always
slipping back," is a perfect description of what many parents go
through. We have a bad day, and then we have some good days when we
think our lives are getting better. One small comment can trigger our
grief again. It could be a poem, a special date, or someone just saying
the child's name. Suddenly we are back to point A again and hoping the
next day will be better. It is a pattern that can repeat itself for
YEARS.... Fran Kempa - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 16:20:09
5/5/03...We call the drawing TAXI. It is another one of many we never
saw until after Chris was killed. One of his friends brought it to the
balloon launch 6/10/01 in honor of his 17th birthday. She was kind
enough to let us take a picture...and lucky enough to still have it! The
photo is another recently developed one of Chris and Michele,
Homecoming, 1998.I heard the difference between goals and dreams
explained on TV today. Dreams are something you just want but have no
real plan toward achiving them. Goals are things you plan for and work
for. It made me realize, at the time Chris was killed, many of his
dreams had turned into goals. He knew exactly what he wanted and how he
was going to get there...he was working SO hard, he was driven. I have
no doubt he would have achieved all of his goals. That Hallmark
commercial for Mother's Day cards is really getting to me...the one
about remembering. It's very hard to watch so most often I
don't. ...As you will readily find out, the most meaningful thing
anyone can say to you at this time is just "I'm terribly sorry." No
other words or thoughts can begin to console you. Your life has changed;
and you will now start to feel the shock, the feelings of guilt, the
asking "why", the frustration and the protest. There are only a small
group of us that know what you are feeling at this time.....Lean on them
but later on you'll find that they will shy away from talking about the
death of your son. They will be afraid to mention it for fear of
upsetting you. And you will shy away from too much dwelling on the
subject because you'll realize that everyone except you has gone back to
being occupied with his own problems even though they seem insignificant
to you...From page 100 of I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING GOOD-BYE by
Sandy Fox. Fran Kempa - Monday, May 05, 2003 at 16:40:08
5/4/03...Same TUBA drawing and 1998 Homecoming pic as
yesterday.The band Adam W. plays drums in, Pop Project, played in
Chicago Saturday! So Friday night, Adam, Sarah and The Pop Project began
their trip there...I KNOW if Chris was still alive, he'd have been with
them too. Adam and Chris were rediscovering each other and appreciating
each other for their shared and individual talents at the exact time he
was killed...I can only imagine how close they would be today. I KNOW
they'd be involved in many joint creative ventures! Adam's creativity
seems to be running wild these days. If Chris was still here, it would
have only been enhanced! Sometimes it's simple things like Friday
night...saying good-bye to Adam and Sarah as they leave for Chris'
favorite city that hurt the most. When I talked to Cyndi yesterday,
Chicago came up in the conversation...she wants to move there! She feels
there are more possibilities for an art degree there...I think Chris
would agree....but his dream was to move to Ann Arbor. She told me she
went there for spring break and went to Gino's East to see Chris' name
carved into one of the tables...he did that only 11 days before he was
killed. Unfortunatly, the line was very long and as a result, so was the
wait. She said she went up to the man at the door and asked him to
please let her in just for a few minutes to see Chris' name...but he
didn't, so she didn't see it. "When my daughter died I felt like I was
in the bottom of a slimy pit, trying to claw my way to the top...and
always slipping back...." From page 99 of, I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING
GOOD-BYE. Fran Kempa - Sunday, May 04, 2003 at 14:36:02
5/3/03...The drawing we call TUBA. Mr. Rheault found it in the
Franklin art department a few months after Chris was killed. He was kind
enough to pass it on to us. This one is even signed in the lower right
corner! The photo is another recently develpoed one from October, 1998.
Chris and Michele exchanging flowers.....The Compassionate Friends
was a life saver.....I felt there wasn't a person on this earth who
could hurt as badly as I did or could possibly understand how I felt.
Then one day one of the Moms started talking about the videotape that
never switched off in her head. My ears perked up, and I thought, "My
goodness! That's happening to someone else too?" As I listened, I
realized the people sitting around the table really did understand. We
had some of the same demons...Page 95 I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING
GOOD-BYE Connie was at work yesterday. We talked again for a long
time. She said she's beginning to see that not only are our sons dead,
we are handicapped as a result and will be for the rest of our
lives...that goes for the dads and siblings too. I had a nice surprise
when I came home from work today... a call from Cyndi Lareau...she
graduates from College Saturday! Congratulations Cyndi! I know Chris is
SO PROUD!! Fran Kempa - Saturday, May 03, 2003 at 14:27:58
missing you kiddo...always thinking of you! katie b -
Friday, May 02, 2003 at 14:23:37 (MDT)
I am so sorry for your continued hurt....much love always
JoAnne <> -
Friday, May 02, 2003 at 09:27:26 (MDT)
People have no idea how bad today was...... Miss you
always........... Dad <<<<<<>>>>>> - Thursday, May 01, 2003
at 22:56:04 (MDT)
5/2/03...Same TIKI drawing and 1998 Homecoming photo as
yesterday.Yesterday, the three of us had to raise our right hands
before a Judge and officially declare Chris dead....I honestly believe,
after two and a half years, that was the worst....even worse than his
funeral....I was still in denial and shock then... but yesterday was
real, and acknowledging and HARD...I totally lost it..two and a half
years of emotions all released at once. Another excerpt from my
current grief book, page 91.... ...Celeste is often brought to tears
as she speaks of Jennafer. It does not embaress her to cry. She finds it
difficult when she thinks of what a senseless waste of human life this
was....And SO AVOIDABLE!! That is one reason she talks to groups, hoping
they will see the importance of being responsible drivers.....
Fran Kempa - Thursday, May 01, 2003 at 22:36:25 (MDT)
5/1/03...Today is May Day HURRAY!!...but it started as a very
emotional Chris day. The art we call TIKI. Another whimsical sketch
drawn on a school paper. The photo was taken in October, 1998 but only
recently developed. That's Chris and Scott Allen in front of the Allen's
on their way to pick up their Homecoming dates. That's the shirt and tie
Chris was buried in. He wore them to all special occasions... But he
HATED that suit. I promised I'd buy him a new one after Homecoming
2000...I had no idea it would be about one month later for his wake and
funeral....I never got to say good-bye, and it still hurts...I was
still in an unbelievable daze during those first few weeks and ended up
actually shutting down for about a year. Cooking and cleanig were out of
the question.....At home I would walk by Jennafer's room, memories would
trigger my mind, and I would find myself standing there screaming. I
didn't touch her room for the entire time I lived in that house.
Everything was left just as it was that November day...When my eyes see
the 1993 calendar on her wall, time stops, I wish the years
away.....From Pages 87 and 88 of I HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAYING GOOD-BYE
by Sandy Fox. Fran Kempa - Thursday, May 01, 2003 at
10:42:47 (MDT)
Archived the last few months. Adam Kempa - Thursday, May
01, 2003 at 99:99:99 (MDT)